The Fay Enchantress and her exact relationship with power and authority is rather difficult to describe. Technically, she has none. In reality, she has a lot, because of the assumption her words are backed up by the Lady. Notably, this power almost certainly doesn't cross borders. Everyone else will view her as the High Priestess of a foreign goddess and nothing more. She likely lacks the ability to negotiate treaties or declare war unilaterally for example.Highest authority in Bretonnia is always a woman, the Fey Enchantress.
Do we actually need that much personal intervention? We pretty much only got involved with the EIC because we didn't trust how large they had become and needed guidance to deal with the dwarves. Setting up a bank with seed money is something they already should have an idea how to do.It's an amazing idea and even theoretically workable in my opinion if we had the AP to spare and fifty years of personal involvement, and if we can avoid further entanglements with the Bursar, perhaps by committing profits to the trust fund run by Dwarves.
We don't. I'm sorry for being a killjoy, but we really only have so much time available to us.
As far as I know even Grey apprentices are bound by that vow. Meaning that we made that vow when we were less than ten years old. Where our other option was, after almost being burned at the stake by our own family, to become an Altdorf orphan that constantly has someone ready to execute them if they do more accidental magic I guess? Which, by the way, would also happen if we publicly disavow now.Vows are forever and they are made in both the spirit and the letter of said vows. This is generally how I consider them. If you are not willing to stick to it forever, don't make them.
What? I knew they couldn't be noble rulers, but I still thought that, say, an orphan noblewoman was considered a prime marriage prospect or whatever if she didn't have any brothers. And that noble women can still legally shit on peasants.
Point 1: A vow taken on pain of death is no true vow. Mathilde did not choose her magic or her College. She did not choose to live a live of poverty, only to not be killed for circumstances beyond her control.
How much of that was actually the choice of little Mathilde though? If she had told Regimand that she prefers gold over grey or whatever, what would have happened? Was she even made aware of the other colleges and their pros and cons at a time where switching was still an option?Wizards do chose their College to some extent - the Wind they can practice isn't fixed at the start. If Mathilde wasn't suitable for Uglu it is likely she would have gone to another College.
I'm making a distinction that might not be clear from reading to be fair. They can be nobility, but not nobles. They don't, from what I remember, hold titles in their own right. So they can have 'status' but not power. And even then their status is lesser than a man of the same rank.What? I knew they couldn't be noble rulers, but I still thought that, say, an orphan noblewoman was considered a prime marriage prospect or whatever if she didn't have any brothers. And that noble women can still legally shot on peasants.
Repanse de Lyonesse: Am I a joke to you?And beyond that, outside of the Lady's priesthood, women have very little equality in Bretonnia. They can't inherit, can't be nobles, can't fight. Bretonnia is not great on social equality at any level because it's a feudal society.
Oh, Joan of Arc doesn't count and you know it.
Aren't the various elven polities pretty good on the gender equality form?To be fair. The Empire and Kislev are tied for the most progressive places for women to live in the old world.
In both places women can serve in the military and even earn commands and rule in their own right. Compare that to Bretonian and Tilly.
Out of signal oIn both places women can serve in the military and even earn commands and rule in their own right. Compare that to Bretonian and Tilly.
the cults of Sigmar, taal, ursun and ulric do have problems with sexism but even in universe these are noted as outliers.
posted from my iPhone. Please forgive any spelling errors.
"Valaya's flock currently resides in Grimnir's Karag. When Karag Mhonar is restored, so too will be Her Temple."
"Valaya is patient," Gunnars says, in what would be approval if he hadn't very carefully avoided saying anything that could be considered a judgement of the King's decision.
How much of that was actually the choice of little Mathilde though? If she had told Regimand that she prefers gold over grey or whatever, what would have happened? Was she even made aware of the other colleges and their pros and cons at a time where switching was still an option?
How does switching even work for apprentices without any arcane marks?
Which one was yours? Because equally as likely as you doing something I didn't like are "I missed it" or "I accidentally deleted it while deleting the quote tags."Remember that there is also an OOC thing standing in the way of more AP. Namely that no one is paying BoneyM for this, meaning that if he wants to keep content and text quality per action constant without either increasing time investment on his part or decreasing overall chapter frequency, then he can't give us more AP. Now none of this is set in stone of course. He could fiddle with any of those levers. He could even split up turns one additional time. But he ultimately has to judge not just wether we'd like it more, but wether he would too.
Now to romance. Personally I am not opposed to it at all. It's just that I am not interested in any of the current options. Like, not a single living named character comes to mind that I would specifically vote in favor of romancing. Sure, there are a few that may be worth a fling, but I'm not sure Mathilde is the kind of gall that wants a fling and I don't think that SV quests are good at handling finite flings anyway.
The last time I was interested was when we had the option of marrying Anton. That definitely had potential to become a relationship worth living for Mathilde reading for us. But that ship has completely sailed IMO.
To be honest, in my ideal mind I imagine Mathilde with child before her forties. Which means that she has had at least one romantic relationship with a human male until then. Yes I know that's not the only option, but it's my preferred one. It might also be why I don't much care for many of the current options. Like, I wouldn't say no to Panoramia, but I don't see the thread ever looking for someone else after her.
Hmm... Maybe the Jade College has additional solutions there though?
@ichypa You voted for the majority of Spoken Queekish plans, but for none of mine. May I ask why not? I am not asking you to vote for me (don't much expect to win this time around anyway and the winning vote is basically fine with me). I just want to know what I'm currently doing wrong in your opinion.
She is the dubiusly canonical exception that proves the rule. Even in the (only) tabletop edition that she appeared in she was noted as being the only one of her kind.
Yes. Thats fair I said old world and I ment human. The Asrai of Athel Loren are completely gender equal and we don't know enough about the Eonir but I suspect the same.Aren't the various elven polities pretty good on the gender equality form?
Do we actually need that much personal intervention? We pretty much only got involved with the EIC because we didn't trust how large they had become and needed guidance to deal with the dwarves. Setting up a bank with seed money is something they already should have an idea how to do.
The spirit of the vow is "don't get too cocky and use your abilities for personal wealth while hurting the Empire", so we are haven't broken that, and the letter of the vow is riddled with loopholes on purpose. As such, I do not mind our wealth, as long as it continues to jump on our boat.
[] Spoken Queekish + Wolf /w no Overwork (Rafin-QWNo)Which one was yours? Because equally as likely as you doing something I didn't like are "I missed it" or "I accidentally deleted it while deleting the quote tags."
Speaking of romance and Johann, I'm thinking of a write-in along these lines come thwe next social turn. Thoughts? I think it could go hileriously poorly given our terrible diplo.![]()
...but we don't do plan voting in the social turns? At least I didn't think we did.Well i'm not going to vote for any plans with romance in them.
Sorry, but no, i have zero interest in any characters so far as a romantic partner.
Well, we might end up in a romantic relationship with Johann, which sounds pretty bad to me.
Plans, write ins, options, whatever....but we don't do plan voting in the social turns? At least I didn't think we did.have I been doing wrong the whole time!
Do it![] Fed up of waiting for Johann to make the first move (and having run out of Skaven to rob as "dates") Mathilde starts courting him instead. What could go wrong?
@BoneyM Would hiring a Perpetual apprentice from the College to act as lab technician/research assistant (doing the grunt acquisition works of normal materials like insects, helping to set up the experiments, cleaning up after the experiments, storing samples, taking written results to the printers to be backed up. so on and so forth) help Mathilde conduct more experiments with her limited time? And if so, by how much? I'm asking partly because it seems to me that things like as complex as the Waystone Collab really needs Mathilde to be able to cover more ground in the same amount of time, so I was wondering how much a Perpetual Apprentice RA alone would help in the efficiency of research actions.
In the context of the recent discussions, what are the benefits of hiring a Perpetual Apprentice as a Research Assistance, for the efficiency of our research actions?
1. Does he or she increase the amount of Research Actions we can take in a single AP, by contributing her manhours to the lower level grunt work of research, such as procuring materials, cleaning after experiments, sorting through correspondence, identifying relevant literature in our library collection, making backups of our results, running messengers, making arrangements with printers and publishers on our behalf, and so on? If so, how much more would he or she help the amount of research we can conduct per turn? Does he or she grant a bonus to rolls, or just a bonus to how many research actions we can take due to his/her manhours? It seems more likely to me it's an action economy bonus rather than a roll bonus, since it's administrative/menial manhours being brought to the table and less so expertise.
2. Is there any other cost to hiring and using a Perpetual apprentice, besides the two college favors per turn? For example, does it cost AP to use him or her on top of the AP we use for research assistants, or do we simply straight out apply him or her to the AP we spend on Research actions, because any sufficiently experienced lab tech/Research assistant among the Grey College generally doesn't need close supervision for low level, time-consuming grunt work?
3. Assuming no Articles of Magic are breached, are there any risks that a Perpetual Apprentice Research Assistant from the Grey College would breach confidentiality and leak experimental results to other scholars without our knowledge? I'd like to think because it's the Grey College, and Integrity is very important for Shadowmancers, Mathilde can be confident of the integrity of any research assistant she manages to recruit from the Grey College, but it won't hurt to confirm.
4. What else can we direct a Perpetual Apprentice research assistant do besides helping us with contributing his/her manhours to time consuming menial and grunt work in our Research, assuming we take no research actions per turn? For example, can he/she help us sort out the coins if we choose to save them?
Would Lord Magister status make hiring staff from the Colleges to do grunt research foot work cheaper?
5. Does Lord Magistership make it cheaper favor-wise to hire perpetual apprentice research assistants and maybe even Journeymen due to the cost?
6. Must we hire a Prepetual Apprentice for a whole year, or can we hire him/her on a six months period?
We could put our share of the EIC into an Honour-bound Board of Dwarf Trustees and have them operate banks in the Empire. Have the Dwarfs inherit Mathilde's shares of the biggest trading company in the Empire (which will presumably have expanded to all the provinces by the time Mathilde dies) and use it to create the Imperial Central Bank.
@BoneyM how crazy is this idea? Do we have enough Dwarf Favors to pay for such a thing?
My main issue with Johann is his gold body. Hard metal is simply uncomfortable to snuggle with.