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"Our forest is dying. We are in a time of crisis. The Eonir must not be complicit in our forest’s decay. Appealing to the Human nobles will not change the situation, but if we can raise awareness amongst their hunters and woodsmen, then I think it is worthwhile." —Galstra Treeborn, Elf...

Only if it actually gets off the ground.
If it gets off the ground yes, but if I was them I'd do my level best to try and strap rockets to it so that it leaves the ground as fast as possible.
So first off we need to inform our superiors this goes above our pay grade and they need to be informed of these developments. Second off we need all the information about this as possible because right now we're stumbling around the dark with this.
This summarizes my feelings as well. Elves of any kind willing to deal/work with the dwarves? Matilda may want to explain, as well as she can, the divide from the dwarves' point of view.
Most elves are usually quite happy to work with dwarfs. If only those dwarfs would be reasonable and accept that the elves did nothing wrong. How mysterious that they don't cooperate more./s
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Someone explain what the issue of the Ulricadrin is to the Eonir?

The dwarves NEED the knowledge they could get from this. It's a super-project that could let their civilization not merely cling to life, but once more flourish. But could Thorgrim ever admit that?
Mmm, he knows more than literally any other Dwarf in the world that they need it, at least (save for maybe Grombrindal)
I get that this is supposed to be big and dramatic or something, but it's mostly glancing off of my head. Are the elves just saying 'waystones are neat, help us make more', or is there something else going on?
Oh god. It's...

This should be a good thing. This should ABSOLUTELY be a good thing.

And carefully toeing around this and finding a way to make it work (at ALL, I mean) would hugely strengthen the forces of order and goodness and all that stuff in the world.

But before we get too excited, a reminder that for the next three-and-a-half years, Belegar is going to be hosting Karaz-a-Karak forces in great numbers. If getting this by the cosmopolitan-ish people of K8P would be difficult, it might be literally impossible until Karaz-a-Karak goes home.

The dwarves NEED the knowledge they could get from this. It's a super-project that could let their civilization not merely cling to life, but once more flourish. But could Thorgrim ever admit that?

And all that aside, the dwarves would require something in return. Like, we have the favor, we can say, Belegar, please actually really consider this and see if you could do it. But what would the elves have to shell out?

And aside from that, SHOULD Mathilde go for this? She doesn't know what we know. Would it make sense for her to back this to the hilt when she already has some doubts right from the moment she's hearing about it?
Like say for instance hooking some of these repaired Waystones into the Dwarven part of the network? Would that be good enough to be considered compensation?
So Eonir and Asur are two separate people with their differences in location and there are two tribes or types of Wood Elves? Are there any other differences?
Also is Mathilde aware of the war of the beard/vengeance and why she needs to tread very carefully or risk sparking another elf v dwarf war?
Should we start going to the Supreme Patriarch and start panicking now?
Do we have the authority to do anything other than message right now?
The Asur aint Wood Elves at all (Asur are the High Elves btw) think you mean the Asrai? Both comes from the same root, Asur colonist that said fuck you to the Phoenix King when he called for the withdrawal from the Old world. The Asrai went to Athel Loren and went full crazy woodland people. The Eonir lives in the wood but they did not go full isolationist woodland murderhobos. (they actually have diplomatic contact, trade etc).

Regarding the grudge thing. The Eonir should fall under the same category as that dragon prince. They broke with Ulthuan so they should not fall under that nor are they part of the Asrai so they dont fall under that either. Will probably have the hateons going on tho and some dwarfs still refuses to belive that druchii (dark elves) even exist so... we will see.
Time to import a bunch of elf "weavers" just like the highly traditional weaver guild explicitly said we could (and indeed should) to help make spider silk.
Remember how, way back when, we asked for the traditionalist opinion on the silk and were (rudely) told that only Elves (or Goblins) should touch it? As long as we kept that letter...
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I get that this is supposed to be big and dramatic or something, but it's mostly glancing off of my head. Are the elves just saying 'waystones are neat, help us make more', or is there something else going on?
Instances of Elves and Dwarfs working together are vanishingly rare (outside of one-notes like Asarnil being for-hire)
Karak Eight Peaks was a Major node on the Waystone Network.

And we just restored it to functionality in spite of what seemed to be overwhelming odds.

That's the kind of thing that gets you noticed by the Elder Powers.
We should watch out.

One of those days, a Slann will visit our dreams, seeking assistance with the Great Plan.

I mean, seeing the creeping escalation this quest goes through...
Wait did the Elves and dwarves make the Waystones?
I thought those were built by the Old Ones?
The Old Ones did not, but the Geomantic Web is intricately tied to it by dint of both exploiting places of power.

These were the words that Grungni spoke when he carved the Rune of Eternity into the Throne of Power. They brought comfort to the Dawi that gazed upon the Throne of the High King. But as the centuries passed, they became more and more a source of dread to the High Kings themselves, because of the most guarded secret of a very guarded race, never known to more than two living Dawi.

During the Golden Age, the Elves of Ulthuan built the Waystone network to control and redirect the leylines of the Old Ones, pouring magic from across the world into Ulthuan to drain it into the Great Vortex. The Karaz Ankor joined them in this endeavour, and the High Magic of Ulthuan joined with the arts of Grungni and Thungni to increase the power of the Waystone network. These are the events known to many scholars of history, among Elves and Dwarves and even men. But to those who know the Dwarves, a question might present itself: what payment did the Karaz Ankor receive for their service? For the pride of the Dawi would not allow them to work for free.

The answer: not all the redirected leylines flowed towards Ulthuan. Each Karak was transformed into an enormous Waystone, and all magic, whether ambient and benign or the shaped power of the spellcasters of other races, would be absorbed into the leylines and redirected to the mighty and ancient Runic arrays at the heart of Karaz-a-Karak, which would shackle and transform the magic into the energy of Runecraft. Which in turn would power the Great Works left behind by the Ancestor-Gods.
So Mathilde is basically one of the few people that could manage this. Dwarfs and elves just can't work together. But with Mathilde acting as the in-between it might work.

The dwarfs would never need to work with elves. Mathilde can do that part. Both sides can share knowledge too each other through Mathilde and both sides of the project don't have to even see each other.

It will be very very tricky but even a silver of knowledge can be helpful in restarting other nodes.
Not a thought for the peasants caught in the middle, both those that got disappeared by the Eonir and those that would have perished under Middenland blades to seal the alliance if the Winter Wolves hadn't spirited them away to the other end of the continent. You wonder if this is characteristic of her kind, or if it's just her.

I don't care how genuine their conversion is, the Cult of Ulric are bastards for backing that.

"Eight Peaks reconnected, and we thought, okay, that's good for the Dwarves, but Dwarves being Dwarves, no real relevance to us. But then Boris passes on the transcript of the lecture on greenskin magic, which some of our mages found intriguing because, of course, we're not capable of lowering ourselves enough to understand their magics. So we had a look into you, and when we realized that someone with an affinity for understanding magics is in Eight Peaks and working with the Dwarves, we had to speak with you. We've got our own piece of the network just as the Dwarves do, and if we could bring a few more Waystones online, it could do a lot of good for us - and our friends and allies. So we want to open a relationship with your King Belegar, in the hopes of beginning joint research into the Waystone Network."

For the second time today, you put into practice your ability to smile and nod while being full of confused screaming on the inside.


Yep, this could be explosive. Anything that could heal this burned bridge would be the best imaginable use of our Favor.

I wonder if they have any good Elementalists...
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