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Okay, I missed what ever political mess our Matilda noticed.

That said Praise Ranald for the update.
"Thank Ulric, someone that doesn't say 'Wood Elf'. I've spent more time than I like educating my congregation on the difference between our new allies and those infernal tree cultists in Bretonnia. As the politics are messy right now, they've asked me to set up a meeting rather than go through official channels."

"With who?" You ask, frowning. Surely not the Dwarves?

"With yourself."
… Eh?

I... wonder what we've done to get this interest on Mathilde specifically. Maybe it's the fact that we're the Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks? There were Elves who lived in the forests that once surrounded the Eight Peaks before the War of Vengeance/Beard. Could some of the Eonir be descended from them?
Externally, you nod in assent, and murmur "I will pass on your words." Internally, your mind whirs. This is far too mild a response to someone flirting with schism. No matter his theological beliefs, the politician in him must recognize the precedent he's failing to punish here, that he's acknowledging that one can serve Ulric while splitting off from the Cult of Ulric. There must be...

Oh. Oh. But why wouldn't Algard already know?
You take the opportunity to give the flame careful scrutiny under Magesight, and though at first you think it's entirely mundane, the fact that you feel colder the closer you get to it and that Wolf has perked up and is staring confusedly through your eyes definitely indicates that something is up.
Is it that they do have the Sacred Flame of Ulric?
Also this, it's right hilarious that we've got such a loyal populace that we're a black hole in the Empires (and grey orders) intelligence network.
I think Mathilde had another "Fuck, I'm actually really powerful" moment, and it didn't even take an Elector explicitly telling her! Just implicitly.

Maybe when she becomes regent for Mandred, she'll realise it all on her own.
… Eh?

I... wonder what we've done to get this interest on Mathilde specifically. Maybe it's the fact that we're the Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks? There were Elves who lived in the forests that once surrounded the Eight Peaks before the War of Vengeance/Beard. Could some of the Eonir be descended from them?

Karak Eight Peaks was a Major node on the Waystone Network.

And we just restored it to functionality in spite of what seemed to be overwhelming odds.

That's the kind of thing that gets you noticed by the Elder Powers.
… Eh?

I... wonder what we've done to get this interest on Mathilde specifically. Maybe it's the fact that we're the Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks? There were Elves who lived in the forests that once surrounded the Eight Peaks before the War of Vengeance/Beard. Could some of the Eonir be descended from them?
Maybe that plant seed we got stuck in our arm isn't entirely human in origin.
I," she says, her gaze turning to you, "am Vicereine Cadaeth of what you may know as Oldenlitz, Ambassador to Middenheim on behalf of the Eonir and of Laurelorn."
So now Mathilde is dealing with Wood Elf bullshit at the same time Frederick does. Have you been talking with torroar, BoneyM?
Karak Eight Peaks was a Major node on the Waystone Network.

And we just restored it to functionality in spite of what seemed to be overwhelming odds.

That's the kind of thing that gets you noticed by the Elder Powers.
It's not connected to the larger Waystone network though, only to the Karaz Ankor network.
I'm scaroused on whether this is a hook to further adventure in Wood Elf lands that BoneyM is dangling in front of us.

For initial impression of the quest prompt... Oh noez, this is getting kinda interesting.
So it's the Elves that asked for us.

We don't really have much political power, at least not as the Elves would understand it. Our fief, as best we have one, is partially in Stirland and mostly in K8P, both of which are too far to be relevant to the Elves.

What we do have is knowledge. Academic knowledge, to be more precise. More specifically, based solely on what I've seen here, is knowledge of magically-based hiveminds.

The Eonir of Laurelorn are, quite bluntly, indistinguishable from the forest they inhabit. Their souls are tied quite literally and quite directly to the forest around them. Any attempt on the forest itself would be an attempt on the lives and wellbeing of the elves.

Which, of course, ties into the conflict with Nordland. The Nords are being assholes because whenever they try and set up a logging expedition, or some drunk schmuck wanders into the forest, the humans involved die. This is not so much an attack on the wellbeing of humans or some sort of racism as it is the Forest-Organism itself fighting off an infection. The elves, in this instance, are entirely incidental, merely the method by which the Forest Oversoul reacts to the intrusion of foreign entities such as humans.

It also makes the Ar-Ulric's conversion as simpler affair. Quite aside from matters of practicality, the Forest Oversoul would be an entity that quite heavily values both the Luddite aspects of Ulrican worship and the survival focus. In essence, converting to the worship of Ulric brings immense benefits with little to no impact on the daily lives of the Elves.

At least, that's my take on it, should the magical phenomena we see in the Ambassador extend to the rest of Oldenlitz and the Eonir.
That's a fun coincidence. I wasn't aware, I read other quests in periodic binges instead of keeping up update-to-update.
Actually, in both cases the protagonist is dealing with the Laurelorn elves, though in the case of DoDA, Tor made them a vassal state of Athel Loren rather than their own thing.
… Eh?

I... wonder what we've done to get this interest on Mathilde specifically. Maybe it's the fact that we're the Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks? There were Elves who lived in the forests that once surrounded the Eight Peaks before the War of Vengeance/Beard. Could some of the Eonir be descended from them?
... it made me realize that we're a human working in the council of a Dawi King. If the Elves are looking to reach a hand out towards the Dawi then this is the best chance they've had in millennia, if only for that we would actually listen to them and not burn any letters immediately.
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