Shadowmancer of the Shadow Cabal
I don't buy this argument. Those weapons (dagger, stiletto) should in theory be just as useful against monsters as people. As for allowing easy concealment, that fits the nature of the Night Prowler. After all, the classic D&D rouge uses daggers, yet the rouge (at least the way I've seen it played) only uses them on monsters and is more of a thief outside of dungeons than an assassin or bandit. And that mixed with shades of Robin Hood and every revolutionary ever seems to be a better way of describing Ranald thus far.
An awful lot of monsters are basically outright immune to attacks from daggers if you're using RP rules.
Daggers are d10 +(SB-3) where as any sword is d10 +SB so any actual monster is going to shrug dagger blows off like you're tickling them. Given the commandment to use daggers as a ranaldite comes from the RP the implication is that you're not going to be using it for monsters. Also DnD isn't WFRP they have very different views on how combat works. So using DnD logic about daggers isn't the correct way to contextualise what the commandments mean.
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