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- Greece
There's a fair amount of evidence that what Mathilde is doing is fundamentally illegitimate, at least in terms of canon, and the Grey College are playing at best fast and loose with the rules and at worst acting in defiance of their charter by letting her. Realms of Sorcery says this 'The title "Magister" was created to prevent Wizards from becoming too wealthy at the behest of the Burgomeisters. In essence, they are vassals of their order and so they cannot manage business or own extensive property. Instead, a Magister's College functions like a Barony, and its Wizards are in service to it.' It also says 'The Lords of the Grey Order assure all Magisters of their Order are bound very tightly by the Articles of Magic and by the Order's own very strict rules. Shadowmancers may only practice their spellcraft for the benefit of Imperial society and are expressly forbidden from using their magic for their own profit or solely for the political or financial profit of their patrons.'
Several of Mathilde's activities as Spymaster of Stirland would be in breach of the latter rule, although she could make the excuse that she thought that the Stirland League was controlled by vampires, it's not a very convincing one.
Well, the grey order may be playing fast and loose (Dragomas and his campaign to make wizards more acceptable may have had something to do with it), but they certainly didn't act in defiance.
Managing property as a magister: not only is that subtext and not the actual law, the Chamon order, even in canon, proves that wizards can get too wealthy depending on what the colleges allow. The Burgomeisters failed.
Forbidden for using magic for their own profit or solely for the political or financial gain of their patrons: that "solely" is a loophole big enough to drive an elephant through. One can argue that gain for the Empire economy as a whole does not fall under it. One can also argue that strengthening Stirland so that it could go take out the vampires also does not fall under it. Every single action of political or economic gain Mathilde has taken has passed through that solely loophole.
Edit: also, the Stirlanders were illegal. The law was about legally aknowledged political players. The baron she dissapeared was legal... but he was conspiring with vampires and they had proof, so he was also fair game.
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