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That explained the woman with the very odd combination of magics intertwined inside her and an outfit barely within the constraints of decency.
I imagine Bretonnia being so backwards and conservative that I found it difficult to grapple with the idea that the Bretonnian Damsel was the one bordline slutting it up, at least by Empire standards; but now that I think about it, the Damsels and Prophetesses in TWWH do wear dresses that are kind of formfitting, and in some cases arguably low-cut. So I can sort of see it.

Oh, yeah, this is probably that. Leader of Ulrikadrin was, possibly is, pretty politically savvy, IIRC.
There might also be the fact that both Middenland and Nordland were trying and failing to do intimidating military build-ups at each other last we knew, and the Winter Wolves of Middenheim dropping the "of Middenheim" was probably a noticeably sore absence in their combat power.

That said, I cannot imagine anything we've done recently that would be even remotely related to Ulric enough to call for the Ar-Ulric asking for us personally, to speak with us personally. I can imagine only three possiblities as to why he would specifically want to or need to talk to Mathilde, in order of least to most deep into left field they are:

First, as others have mentioned, Ulrikadrin. Whether due to politics, or a desire to restore an important part of Middenland and the Cult of Ulric's combat power. Thus, the Ar-Ulric wishes to speak to us as the highest ranking nominally Imperial representative in the area to act as a mediator.

Second, and just barely this side of plausible if you squint hard enough, this has to do with Hubert. We know that he is a Middenland noble, one that was allowed to continue to consider himself a member of his family and bear their name despite being a wizard, so possibly there's something funky going on in the background with that, and the Ar-Ulric wants to speak with us as the Court Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks and Hubert's nominal superior. That's iffy though, because unless background funkiness prevents it, I imagine it would be easier and more appropriate to contact Hubert via the Celestial College.

Third and most wild guess, that sixth divine player noted during the firing of the Eye, whom is suspected to be the Horned Rat/Sigmar/Grimnir, is actually for some unfathomable reason Ulric, and so he wants to talk to us as someone who was the most deeply entangled with that hold mess, especially at the level of divine attention, or as the Karak's Loremaster, who would be best equipped and with the proper mandate to go poke at whatever the actual fuck could possibly hold Ulric's interest.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

Of the horribly incompetent pope duo (if not actively malicious, jury is stil out on that one), he seems the slightly less dumb one.

And I do love me some politics.
A: You miss one tool the weak can use to beat someone stronger, a knife to the throat. Ranald does not approve of killing, so that is a notable absence in his repertoire. Now, not saving someone who's dying, that seems to be just fine to him

B: I would have more faith in this if the first recorded theft we have from Ranald was from the Goddess in charge of healing everybody. Even if you assume all deities to be inherently oppressing mortals (which is not unheard of), it stands to reason there would be better targets for him to steal from. And for once I am not just thinking of Sigmar.


A: Ranald did say he prefers the dagger to the greatsword. His no killing rule is about the night prowler not the protector, and it makes sense, as the victims/witnesses of a theft or spying won't usually be the oppressors. But yeah, Ranald is basically a pacifist all said and done

B: Actually, Ranald was Robin Hood before he tricked Shallya. And while one cannot say he stole from her because she was an oppressor, he stole from her to fight oppressors, forever, as a god. Again, the theft was a mean, only in this case two steps removed.

He also stole from someone far, far stronger, which satisfies his other criteria.

On Thorgrim: he may have been stupid but his decision was very much not that of a tyrant. Good people, even good kings, can make bad decisions

Difference is, even the dwarf high king would be forced to give account for them in the way the Emperor of Sigmar wouldn't.
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If its a trap its a very weird trap for the Ar Ulric to directly approach the Grey Patriarch over. Not a lot worth BOTH their time at once.

Even less when its subterfuge.
Of the horribly incompetent pope duo, he seems the slightly less dumb one.
Because we have heard less of him.
I mean, we have equally bad opinions on both cults for the northern debacle, but we have also seen the other failings of the Theogenist, with the priests he send to Stirland for example.

We know less of the bosswolf, so he seems less incompetent, but we don't actually know that at all.
I imagine Bretonnia being so backwards and conservative that I found it difficult to grapple with the idea that the Bretonnian Damsel was the one bordline slutting it up, at least by Empire standards; but now that I think about it, the Damsels and Prophetesses in TWWH do wear dresses that are kind of formfitting, and in some cases arguably low-cut. So I can sort of see it.
I think the Bretonnian take is basically that Damsels can do literally anything they want, so none of the otherwise restrictive cultural norms actually apply to them.
Who was the one who almost incurred a dwarf grudge from Karak Kadrin? If the person involved was close to the Ulricans, we may be being contacted as the expert on dwarven diplomacy.
I imagine Bretonnia being so backwards and conservative that I found it difficult to grapple with the idea that the Bretonnian Damsel was the one bordline slutting it up, at least by Empire standards; but now that I think about it, the Damsels and Prophetesses in TWWH do wear dresses that are kind of formfitting, and in some cases arguably low-cut. So I can sort of see it.
They take it from elf fashion of course.
If it is a trap, just show up with group of Hammers on a gryocopter. The Al-Ulric doing anything to her would not just bring down the Colleges but also the dwarfs and at least one pissed off elector count.
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I think the Bretonnian take is basically that Damsels can do literally anything they want, so none of the otherwise restrictive cultural norms actually apply to them.

Pretty much, it's even noted in the Second Edition RPG Bretonia book that the Damsels can associate freely with peasants. Literally anything a damsel does she can brush off as 'the lady's will'. As long as her magic works no one will gainsay her.
I mean... the question is what value there is in trapping Mathilde. Mathilde doesn't have much official influence in the Empire and so the only reason I can see for the Al-Ulric to want to talk to us involves either the Dwarves or Karak-Eight-Peaks' relationship with other Ulricans who have disavowed themselves of the main cult's leadership.
I mean, okay. What's the worst that could happen if we fail a Diplo roll? We offend him? Something both we and the colleges could live with.
I mean... you did ask for "what's the worst that could happen?"
-He could insult us back, which could get back to Belegar and insult him, as we are his Loremaster, which could do permanent harm to the Empire Dwarf relations.
-He could decide that the insult was deliberate and whatever delicate issue is ongoing with Nordland could turn from Cold war to Hot war.
-He could decide we're some kind of heretic or proclaim Mat as working for the forces of Chaos, and try to have her arrested/killed.
-Remember that part with the Conspiracy that will not be named that possibly killed the past Empress and installed a Ranaldian Saint as the Current one using power we stole? That might irritate one of the High Priests of the Empire, and the Al-Ulrik is top two in those positions. He could have some question about that.
I imagine Bretonnia being so backwards and conservative that I found it difficult to grapple with the idea that the Bretonnian Damsel was the one bordline slutting it up, at least by Empire standards; but now that I think about it, the Damsels and Prophetesses in TWWH do wear dresses that are kind of formfitting, and in some cases arguably low-cut. So I can sort of see it.

There might also be the fact that both Middenland and Nordland were trying and failing to do intimidating military build-ups at each other last we knew, and the Winter Wolves of Middenheim dropping the "of Middenheim" was probably a noticeably sore absence in their combat power.

That said, I cannot imagine anything we've done recently that would be even remotely related to Ulric enough to call for the Ar-Ulric asking for us personally, to speak with us personally. I can imagine only three possiblities as to why he would specifically want to or need to talk to Mathilde, in order of least to most deep into left field they are:

First, as others have mentioned, Ulrikadrin. Whether due to politics, or a desire to restore an important part of Middenland and the Cult of Ulric's combat power. Thus, the Ar-Ulric wishes to speak to us as the highest ranking nominally Imperial representative in the area to act as a mediator.

Second, and just barely this side of plausible if you squint hard enough, this has to do with Hubert. We know that he is a Middenland noble, one that was allowed to continue to consider himself a member of his family and bear their name despite being a wizard, so possibly there's something funky going on in the background with that, and the Ar-Ulric wants to speak with us as the Court Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks and Hubert's nominal superior. That's iffy though, because unless background funkiness prevents it, I imagine it would be easier and more appropriate to contact Hubert via the Celestial College.

Third and most wild guess, that sixth divine player noted during the firing of the Eye, whom is suspected to be the Horned Rat/Sigmar/Grimnir, is actually for some unfathomable reason Ulric, and so he wants to talk to us as someone who was the most deeply entangled with that hold mess, especially at the level of divine attention, or as the Karak's Loremaster, who would be best equipped and with the proper mandate to go poke at whatever the actual fuck could possibly hold Ulric's interest.
To my understanding, Damsels can get away with a lot in Bretonnia, owing to the fact that they are Wizard-Priests under the direct authority of the Enchantress and The Lady.
I mean... you did ask for "what's the worst that could happen?"
-He could insult us back, which could get back to Belegar and insult him, as we are his Loremaster, which could do permanent harm to the Empire Dwarf relations.
-He could decide that the insult was deliberate and whatever delicate issue is ongoing with Nordland could turn from Cold war to Hot war.
-He could decide we're some kind of heretic or proclaim Mat as working for the forces of Chaos, and try to have her arrested/killed.
-Remember that part with the Conspiracy that will not be named that possibly killed the past Empress and installed a Ranaldian Saint as the Current one using power we stole? That might irritate one of the High Priests of the Empire, and the Al-Ulrik is top two in those positions. He could have some question about that.

Well Ulric is literally the worst god of the empire in my estimation so permanently crippling his worship by said acts of stupidity has a good part to it.
It's kind of a longshot, but I'm guessing that the Al-Ulric isn't going to ask us about the Orcs, nor about the Ulrikadrin, but about the Middle Mountains, on the basis that we are the Loremaster of a Dawi hold who is also beholden to the Empire, and thus more likely to actually share information about the subject.
-Remember that part with the Conspiracy that will not be named that possibly killed the past Empress and installed a Ranaldian Saint as the Current one using power we stole? That might irritate one of the High Priests of the Empire, and the Al-Ulrik is top two in those positions. He could have some question about that.
Not that he'd like it but since they'd normally be baptized Sigmarite I think its probably a sidewise snigger at the hammerpope if he learned.

But really Ulricans aren't supposed to be very good at subtle, though anyone who made it to wolfpope can't be utterly terrible at politics, its not their preferred field.
Well Ulric is literally the worst god of the empire in my estimation so permanently crippling his worship by said acts of stupidity has a good part to it.
Maybe. But in the same sense that a forest fire leaves behind ash that can be used to regrow. The forest/Empire did have to burn down first. That's not what I consider a positive resolution of this whole thing.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

*Matilda enters the inner a small office near the inner sanctum of the temple of Ulric. A hulking, white-bearded man, sits in a far-too-small chair, in the back of the poorly lit room*

He stares down at the magister, in spite of being seated while she still stands. His chest heaves with passionate emotion.

"Magister Matilda. I've heard many things about you."
"Screw the Cult of Sigmar! AMIRIGHT!?"

He slams a colossal fist on the table before him. Then pushes over a huge tankard of frothing ale.

*What proceeds is a 3 day dialogue, expositing the faults of the cult of Sigmar, during which the Ar-Ulrich carefully works through the theology that explains why Sigmar is-pretty-cool-guy, but also totally-not-a-god.
Magister Matilda's insights on the nature of godly magics, and the Ar-Ulrich's attempts to rehabilitate Sigmar the greatest servant of Ulrich to her, will be recorded in the "Matilda Dialogues"
Future historians will point to this as the key to reintegration the Cult of Sigmar heretics into the true faith.*
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