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since it seems strange to be comparing mundane skills to magic in which is sought after.
From another point of view, it makes perfect sense, though; everybody wants the magic of Saphery, especially human mages, whereas fewer people desire the cool murdering skills of the Dark-Elves-But-Good-Guys, because they don't let you shoot laser beams out of your eyes, or whatever.
From another point of view, it makes perfect sense, though; everybody wants the magic of Saphery, especially human mages, whereas fewer people desire the cool murdering skills of the Dark-Elves-But-Good-Guys, because they don't let you shoot laser beams out of your eyes, or whatever.
The cannon magic Alith Anar knows from the Sundering is wicked and primal and existed before the gates broke. Like the first language of beast and spirits his grandpa learned from Kuronos before gods were bared from speaking to elves. And how to hide his soul in a dozen wolves until he could put his body back together. Crazy shit. Sure he leans on six gods to get it done but it all works.
Quite true! The only thing they're really missing to tie off the memetic Sidereal connection is that they can't punch a person and actually make them a duck. They can just make them look like a duck and none of our spells make the target think they're a duck, yet. I'm sure some enterprising Grey is working on it.

But for now, it's the Ambers you want to be scared of because they might be able to pull off Baleful Polymorph on touch. :V
If we can make them think they are a duck, look like a and quack like a duck...something something zuhf logic.
The cannon magic Alith Anar knows from the Sundering is wicked and primal and existed before the gates broke. Like the first language of beast and spirits his grandpa learned from Kuronos before gods were bared from speaking to elves. And how to hide his soul in a dozen wolves until he could put his body back together. Crazy shit. Sure he leans on six gods to get it done but it all works.
What? Do you know what source this is in? Because that does sound really cool. 'Neat Demigod powers' cool instead of 'you'd get this in a wizard book' cool, but still cool.
From another point of view, it makes perfect sense, though; everybody wants the magic of Saphery, especially human mages, whereas fewer people desire the cool murdering skills of the Dark-Elves-But-Good-Guys, because they don't let you shoot laser beams out of your eyes, or whatever.
I mean, yeah, but it's the direct comparison that bugs me. He could have said "our skills," or "our methods", or something like that, but instead he used two specific elven words, and then specified how we were of the "grey of eight". Now while that could simply be saying grey wizards are also liable to use more mundane stealth skills, it felt like he was again pointing out a comparison, this time between the Grey College and the other Colleges. Basically saying that we might be more interested in their thing than the other mages, and if it is a comparison between mages, it seems more likely he would be talking about magic. Or I could just be reading too much into a few specific words, and the fact that we know the College system of magic was just the simplest and most usable form of magic Teclis could teach us, which probably means there are also several different styles for the elves themselves. We'll probably find out when we get there either way.
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Well, if you compare it to the other term mentioned, Sariour, which is Eltharin for magic--at least, that's the most likely translation in this case. Considering it was the "Sariour of Saphery", which is where the Loremasters teach High Magic, I presume he was saying Naggarythe's favoured style of magic is less famous than the High magic most elves are known for, since it seems strange to be comparing mundane skills to magic in which is sought after.
He could also be speaking in terms of what skillset each realm is known for, though. Besides, if he were talking about Ulgu, wouldn't he just say that, rather than Arhain?
He could also be speaking in terms of what skillset each realm is known for, though. Besides, if he were talking about Ulgu, wouldn't he just say that, rather than Arhain?
It might not just be Ulgu though. Like I said, the Winds system are just one part of Elven magic, right? I remember there being a whole lot of conversation about that. So it's entirely possible that they don't just use some form of advanced Ulgu, but a seperate Lore entirely, like the Elementalists and their wacky deal. Ulgu is just probably the closest to it, and we might be able to use it. Or something. I don't know nearly enough about the actual canon lore myself to make an educated guess, it just seems more likely that he was talking about magic from the way he worded it. I could be entirely wrong. It's all up to BoneyM, really.

Cause it also means "Evil Deeds" and he was being cheeky in eltharin
Interesting that Arhain looks like a cross, here. as do most of the others that carry some meaning of dark, stealthy, or subterfuge-like things, such as Cynath and Thanan. Elthrai, too, if you consider doom and inexorable fate to fall conceptually close there. I wonder if that has any signifigance or relation to Ranald and his holy symbol of a cross?
My first instinct was that Arhain and Sariour as the ambassador used them are titles for certain kinds of people rather than types of magic. The 'them' in the sentence made me think of people, while I would have expected 'it' if he was referring to magical styles.

Edit: If true, Sariour are probably the Loremasters, Arhain the Shadow Warriors.
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My first instinct was that Arhain and Sariour as the ambassador used them are titles for certain kinds of people rather than types of magic. The 'them' in the sentence made me think of people, while I would have expected 'it' if he was referring to magical styles.

Edit: If true, Sariour are probably the Loremasters, Arhain the Shadow Warriors.
Unless he was using it in the semi-common multiple sense, such as "magics". So it would be "our shadow magics" vs. "Sapherie's High/moon magics", since Sariour can also mean moon. But you do have a point.
Unless he was using it in the semi-common multiple sense, such as "magics". So it would be "our shadow magics" vs. "Sapherie's High/moon magics", since Sariour can also mean moon. But you do have a point.

Well, Sariour wasn't flagged as plural so far as I can tell, and I just read Arhain as "shadows." That would explain the plural form - "our [shadows] are" is grammatically correct.
Quite true! The only thing they're really missing to tie off the memetic Sidereal connection is that they can't punch a person and actually make them a duck. They can just make them look like a duck and none of our spells make the target think they're a duck, yet. I'm sure some enterprising Grey is working on it.

But for now, it's the Ambers you want to be scared of because they might be able to pull off Baleful Polymorph on touch. :V

There is a non-zero chance that some people think that they are ducks when we cast Bewilder/Universal Confusion on them.
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