That pocket of Mors must have a very good commander.
Might actually be interesting to see Mors hold long enough that the Orks break at the same time as the Orks in the Caldera, and this pocket of Mors gets out and vanishes into the Underway.
And no one knows if they survived or not.
Like I said previous. Clan Mors is now ironically, reenacting
every single step of the fall of a Dwarfhold.
-Surrounded on all sides by orcs and skaven trying to kill them.
-Discipline, equipment, siegecraft and centuries of stockpiling insufficient to keep up with the attrition of being assaulted on all sides at once.
-King/Warlord going on a death or salvation charge against their greatest foe, surrounded by the most loyal, most skilled and best equipped warriors, only to be entrapped, and ground down at a terrible cost, but one which left them dead to the last.
-While the warriors are away, an unexpected strike force arrives from an unexpected angle and annihilates the civilians that the warriors were fighting for.
-And off in a corner, the rearguard holds to their very last breath, waiting for rescue that would never come.
This is a really silly argument. This is twisting what Ranald the protector is pretty badly. Ranald the Protector doesn't care about war which this is. He cares about protecting the common man. None of whom will be here on the front lines. Very often it's the soldiers that Ranald the Protector gets killed.
Actually, no, dwarf throngs are mostly militia, all working dwarves with most of their lives spent pursuing a trade.
They are mostly common men, except maybe the former ironbreakers, the longbeards and the runewarriors.
We lost Karagril miners. I think it is incredibly unlikely that they were caught outside of the walls, considering they live inside of them. And the Dragons Roar as well as Dwarven Semaphores should have provided more than enough warnings for them. The Broken Tooth somehow punched through our defenses or circumvented them.
My guess is that they had a recent excavation outside the gates(possibly for the aqueduct) they had to seal back up and got caught outside, because keep in mind, when the orcs attacked they had only an hour's warning to brick up everything.