Man, that dwarf rep looks Interesting.
I hope we can later hear from the Amethyst Wizards just what they got up to on campaign.
Also, Tzeentch. I have no idea if you had anything to do with this, but just in case: Fuck you.
So, now that there's approval voting going on.
[X] Dwarves are the greatest ally of humanity.
[X] The Halflings have proven themselves as a worthy neighbour.
[X] If such rank amateurs could rival the strength of an entire Province, imagine what a skilled hand could do with Dhar.
[X] Magic used recklessly has catastrophic effects; great care must be taken in it's handling.
(Snakehunteeeeed! Not just this recent campaign. For our next research project, let's work on ways to reduce miscast chance?)
[X] The best battle is one where the enemy never gets a strike in.
[X] The best counterspell is, in fact, a blackpowder projectile to the face.
[X] The fog of war is a bitch, to all involved.
[X] Expertise matters. And Stirland has precious little of it.
[X] Mathematics is universal.
[X] The Colleges of Magic act in their own interest, rather than that of the Empire.
[X] The Empire is a morass of self-interest, to the point of becoming a millstone around the neck of humanity.
(Send more help for campaign pls, both of the above.)
[X] The Morrite compunction against mutilating corpses is the greatest gift necromancers could ask for.
[X] I, personally, failed to protect Abelhelm.
[X] What use are infantry, if all they can do is die in droves?
[X] Sigmar abandoned his most worthy follower in his hour of need.
[X] I will never meet a man as worthy as Abelhelm was.
[X] Dwarven ale is a valid coping mechanism.