Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Still, as this polytheism is built into our faith, I'd imagine it could give us a trait with a hit to overall Piety.
Eh, our stupidly high piety score is founded more on our knowledge that Ranald exists and is looking out for us personally. Which, uh, well, he couldn't have affirmed that more if he'd tried, unless he suddenly picked up healing magic from somewhere. So if anything our piety'd go up after this is over, even if that option means our Sigmarite relations subtly suffer.
Ah. That's quite understandable and I hadn't really considered how much work it would take on your part; my apologies. Can we manage something more limited, like getting news from nearby dwarf holds (or even just Zhufbar and Karak Kadrin, since presumably they like us the most)? Just assurances that we'll know what wars they're fighting, if they've made any big new changes or proclamations, etc. would make me at least feel pretty good because it is a rare Imperial who has any ears at all on what is happening in dwarfland.

Getting Zhufbar on your radar is very viable; it'll start coming up as an option for your spy network.

...speaking of regular contact with dwarfland, I wonder if Mathilde's status as part-owner of the EIC means that the company would now have access to rare and valuable dwarven products which they would be willing to sell to someone they respect at her level, and which the company could turn around and sell in the Empire at large to make fantastic profits. That would put Mathilde's good name with the dwarves on the line as she'd be responsible for their actions, but there's probably a staggering amount of money in that and it could probably be done carefully enough to avoid offense.

The dwarves are very well aware what their 'rare and valuable dwarven products' are worth, and while trade with Zhufbar is likely to be lucrative, you can't snap up their goods for a song and resell them in the Empire for ludicrous profits.
Adhoc vote count started by BoneyM on Mar 12, 2018 at 6:04 PM, finished with 294 posts and 100 votes.
[X] The fog of war is a bitch, to all involved.
[X] Expertise matters. And Stirland has precious little of it.
[X] Mathematics is universal.
[X] Complex problems, simple solutions.
[X] The best battle is one where the enemy never gets a strike in.

[X] Sigmar abandoned his most worthy follower in his hour of need.
[X] Sylvanians will meekly accept any tyrant, to the point of complicity in their actions.
Ok this rep is absolutely amazing and we should save it until we really really need it.
Banking something valuable 'until we really need it' often ends up never happening.

I'm inclined to bring in a dwarf tunnel fighter for the Watch and to buy our pistols from them instead of Nuln, at the very least.
Why? Even if Mathilde disdains Sigmar she can still lie about it. That is rather fundamental to her job in fact.

...why would we ever share our disdain Sigmar with ANY of our spys? Surely if we did it would only be with someone like Jack who is trustworthy.

Are you sure a competent spy wouldn't be able to tell if a dipo 8 is agreeable to the dominant faith? They most definitely would vet their own boss in case said boss turns out to be a cultist or similar.
It's more accurate to blame the cause of death wound than holding grudge toward a trauma kit that might have worked.
Are you sure a competent spy wouldn't be able to tell if a dipo 8 is agreeable to the dominant faith? They most definitely would vet their own boss in case said boss turns out to be a cultist or similar.
It's more accurate to blame the cause of death wound than holding grudge toward a trauma kit that might have worked.

Being able to lie about you character is not diplo it's intrigue, of which we have quite a lot. Diplo is persuasion.
So, I asked this earlier, but no one ever chimed in with any opinions or anything so I figured I'd ask again.

Would the Morrite faith be okay with digging up bodies to rebury them outside of Sylvania/Stirland? It is disturbing their rest, but only temporarily and it's the only actual way I can think of to secure them from Necromancers and prevent them from being defiled without mutilating their bodies which we know for a fact the Morrite are against.

Because this is honestly the only thing I can think of to do to end Necromancy here without massively annoying the Morrite by burning bodies. If there are no dead bodies in Sylvania Necromancers can't exactly do much there after all.

It would be expensive, sure, but not so expensive as to bankrupt anyone if the right measures are taken and the economy is build up I think, and between Anton's amazing diplomatic skills and the Morrites being essentially everywhere we can probably find places for them even if it might be difficult and we might have to send them to multiple locations.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
The Witch-Knight and her Vampire Hunter 1: Sylvania Fare
Back cover blurb on a yellowing copy of The Witch-Knight and her Vampire Hunter 1: Sylvania Fare by Stabreim Knockenbeinern, unbought and unloved in the window of Wurtbad Books, Periodicals and Printing.

When we last left our heroes, MAGDA WESSEN, acclaimed KNIGHT-WIZARD OF THE GREY ORDER, had joined forces with the noble ALBRECHT VON HAAST, former Witch-Hunter, to reclaim his ancestral lands in DREAD SYLVANIA and PURGE THE UNDEAD. TRAGEDY struck when erstwhile ally COUNTESS VAN KARSTEIG revealed herself as a VAMPIRE and betrayed Albrecht, turning him as her VAMPIRE COUNT, intending to claim all of STIRLAND from her Dread Castle with legions of undead!

Will the Countess' schemes succeed? Will Albrechts love for Magda overcome the DARK CURSE OF THE VAMPIRE and return him to her side, or will the dark path seduce Magda too? Will her pure heart, magic, and blade again be enough to triumph, or must she seek unlikely allies to reclaim her destiny and TRUE LOVE?
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Rereading a few old turns, for reasons. And found something... well. This line popped up, just after we got knighted:
Anton sits with a look of concentration on his face, trying to think of a new pretence to ask you something just so he can call you Dame Mathilde; you'll tell him to stop it as soon as you get tired of hearing it, which will probably be never.
I just realized, I think we might have hit never :cry:
(Because who gave us that knighthood? And did we prove worthy of it?... I think I'm going to add an option to my vote)
It will be more expensive but I think that having dwarfs excavate our palace for 5 influence is probably a good investment.
7 points. 2 to dig, 5 to renovate. I have a hard time imagining what value we could pull out of the palace to be worth that; heck, we've had a room sitting empty for like 2 years.

For that kind of point cost, we could have access to an Ironbreaker for the Watch and a Runesmith for ourself to learn enchanting.
Getting Zhufbar on your radar is very viable; it'll start coming up as an option for your spy network.
It would be good - especially if we can make it reciprocated agreement. Mathilda informs Dwarwes about threats they are interested in - skavens, bandits, orcs, etc., and dwarwes does the same. It's always better to cooperate and share informations.

Plus, given they are Dwarfs, we can count reasonably expect them keeping their word, and doing it in good faith without spy-vs-spy tricks or attempt to get some type of advantage. Rarity in this word. I would say, that no other known race would be that trustworthy.
The dwarves are very well aware what their 'rare and valuable dwarven products' are worth, and while trade with Zhufbar is likely to be lucrative, you can't snap up their goods for a song and resell them in the Empire for ludicrous profits.
Yeah. Honor is honor, but business is business. Dwarf will sell a friend for discount since it's a friend - but he will not be giving up his hard earned money by cheaply selling bulk of his work to friend-owner company. Because business is then with a company.

Still, Mathilde owns third of raising trade company, and if she can ensure, that traders do not try to cheat dwarwes, trade could really be profitable soon. Dwarf rep would not decrease prices, but it may decide to whom dwarwes prefers to sell, and whether they want to sell at all. Being prefered trader is a nice possition to be.
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Also note: Zhufbar gets a significant portion of its food from trade with Stirland. Currently, that's almost entirely satisfied by Southern Stirland and the Moot.
It will be more expensive but I think that having dwarfs excavate our palace for 5 influence is probably a good investment.
That is really not the best use of that option. We can dig out our palace with human mooks that we mindwipe afterward. Maybe hire a dwarven advisor/overseer to avoid collapses at the cost of less points plus a few months of ale.

A dwarf-quality secret underground base with the full allocation of rep is more for
1) we have abandoned the idea of spymistressing to go hide out and do in-depth research for the next decade, comfortable and with excellent facilities but entirely hidden from the world in a place that no one even knows that there is anything to find, or
2) the Grey College has given us authorization to open a full-blown chapterhouse, so we need a base that can support a half-dozen Magisters and thirty apprentices, plus associated libraries, laboratories, and living facilities. Because it's the Grey College, they want no one else to know it exists, or at least not know where it is.
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[X] Mathematics is universal.

[X] In the confusion of battle, even the greatest warrior can lose their life pointlessly.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by chocolote12 on Mar 12, 2018 at 6:39 PM, finished with 308 posts and 101 votes.
That is really not the best use of that option. We can dig out our palace with human mooks that we mindwipe afterward. Maybe hire a dwarven advisor/overseer to avoid collapses at the cost of less points plus a few months of ale.

A dwarf-quality secret underground base with the full allocation of rep is more for
1) we have abandoned the idea of spymistressing to go hide out and do in-depth research for the next decade, comfortable and with excellent facilities but entirely hidden from the world in a place that no one even knows that there is anything to find, or
2) the Grey College has given us authorization to open a full-blown chapterhouse, so we need a base that can support a half-dozen Magisters and thirty apprentices, plus associated libraries, laboratories, and living facilities. Because it's the Grey College, they want no one else to know it exists, or at least not know where it is.
That's a fair point. So earmarking 7 points for a 'get the fuck out of Stirland' fallback, that leaves us 8 points to play with.

That could be, for example:
2 points for a Ranger to train the Watch
2 points for an apprentice Runesmith or similar low level Enchanting resource
4 points to learn Dwarf language

The dwarf language thing is mostly for prestige, unless we plan to crack open the Liber Mortis and take all the notes or even rewrite the damn thing: a cipher created by the unlikely mixing of Elf and Dwarf languages is the sort of thing you use to encrypt the local version of the Necronomicon.

4 points for an Ironbreaker, the Dwarf tunnel specialist and heavy armor enthusiast
4 points for an actual Runesmith, the Dwarf enchantment specialist
Skip learning Dwarftongue
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Wow. Pretty divisive votes all around. Any chance I could convince you guys to switch the detriments to this one,

[] In the confusion of battle, even the greatest warrior can lose their life pointlessly.

Because the hate Sigmar vote is winning, and I really don't think hating on one of the most worshipped entity in the Empire is a good idea. Hate the clergy? Sure, why not. Sigmar though...

Van Hal started to openly show his distaste towards sigmar towards the end. He was fine. We aren't an elector count, but as long as we don't do anything stupid, and keep quiet about our hate, it shouldn't be too bad. Your vote, on the other hand, has a high risk of turning us into a coward in battle, which would be really bad. I'd expect a malus to any combat roll, or a roll to flee from combat before every fight if we take that one.
Man, that dwarf rep looks Interesting.
I hope we can later hear from the Amethyst Wizards just what they got up to on campaign.

Also, Tzeentch. I have no idea if you had anything to do with this, but just in case: Fuck you.

So, now that there's approval voting going on.

[X] Dwarves are the greatest ally of humanity.
[X] The Halflings have proven themselves as a worthy neighbour.
[X] If such rank amateurs could rival the strength of an entire Province, imagine what a skilled hand could do with Dhar.
[X] Magic used recklessly has catastrophic effects; great care must be taken in it's handling.
(Snakehunteeeeed! Not just this recent campaign. For our next research project, let's work on ways to reduce miscast chance?)
[X] The best battle is one where the enemy never gets a strike in.
[X] The best counterspell is, in fact, a blackpowder projectile to the face.
[X] The fog of war is a bitch, to all involved.
[X] Expertise matters. And Stirland has precious little of it.
[X] Mathematics is universal.


[X] The Colleges of Magic act in their own interest, rather than that of the Empire.
[X] The Empire is a morass of self-interest, to the point of becoming a millstone around the neck of humanity.
(Send more help for campaign pls, both of the above.)
[X] The Morrite compunction against mutilating corpses is the greatest gift necromancers could ask for.
[X] I, personally, failed to protect Abelhelm.
[X] What use are infantry, if all they can do is die in droves?
[X] Sigmar abandoned his most worthy follower in his hour of need.
[X] I will never meet a man as worthy as Abelhelm was.
[X] Dwarven ale is a valid coping mechanism.
Honestly, I think the best use of points is trainers, setting up industry like the gunpowder thing, or construction.

I want our points to have a permanent impact on things, learning the language or getting a runemaster is something we should only bother with, in my opinion, if we are using those as stepping stones to learn or create something that can be done without Dwarven assistance in the future, to actually permanently strengthen our college.
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[X] Artillery is the King of Battle.
[X] The Empire is a morass of self-interest, to the point of becoming a millstone around the neck of humanity.
[X] Sigmar abandoned his most worthy follower in his hour of need.
Voting is open