Qhaysh - High Magic - Celestial Dragon?
Ghyran - Life Magic - Forest / Venom Dragon
Shyish - Death Magic - Carmine / Emperor Carmine Dragon
Ghur - Beast Magic - Dread Saurian?
Chamon - Metal Magic - Shard Dragon?
Aqshy - Fire Magic - (Red/Fire) / Doomfire Dragon, Magma Dragon?
Azyr - Celestial Magic - Storm / Great Storm Dragon
Hysh - Light Magic - Frost / Ice Dragon
Ulgu - Shadow Magic - ???
Dhar - Dark Magic - Chaos Dragon, Black / Nightmare Dragon, Zombie Dragon
??? - Toad Dragon, Merwyrm / Sea Dragon
That is
cool as heck, and I was just wondering about something like that myself. But I hadn't... quite mused on it that way. Hadn't thought of associating Shard Dragons with metal, but that makes sense come to think of it; the thing with "Gromril-hard scales." And them being deep underground and all. Though on the other hand... Their "Breath of Nightmares" ability; it strikes with Strength 10
against Leadership. Which sounds more like an Ulgu trait, Occam's Mind Razor. Hmm... So... Metal or Shadow? ... Hrm. They're Deep-earth Dragons. Whatever that means.
Black Dragons though, I actually can totally see as being either Dhar or Shyish aspected... or potentially even Ulgu, actually, now that I think about it. So that makes potentially 2 you could associate with it, Shard and Black. Or maybe neither of them fit, and Ulgu would be something else entirely.
Yes yes, I know people (myself included) mentioned that a Nightmare Dragon is just the Emperor version of a Black, and that the Storm of Magic book gave them Shyish. And that I speculated that whereas a Carmine Dragon is one that was raised on Shyish like a Morrite or omen of death being, a Nightmare dragon is one that was a
slaughterer. Like a Khainite to a Morrite. But if I had to pick somebody who'd fit with Shadows, it'd be Nagarythe Shadow Warriors or maybe Druchii. ... Hmm...
And now I'm thinking about Ulthuan Dragons lairing in Nagarythe. And becoming attuned to the shadows of that land, and the temperament of its people. Stubborn and spiteful and vengeful.
Or maybe, Nagarythean infiltrators stealing dragon eggs from Druchii, and taking them away to be raised in
their homeland.
One thing I'd potentially add to that list though? The
Coatl. Only major mention I recall off the top of my head (and the wiki) is in the Lizardmen 7th armybook, but. (... Though a quick search through Lizardmen 8th has them show up mentioned in a magic item in there, huh. Gives Flight and Magic Resistance 1.) Sounds like... probably Azyr to me, maybe. Storms and air? Yeah. Wind serpents and all that. (Theoretically, could be Ghyran, for all that jungle-altering stuff. Or perhaps Light, for holiness. Or maybe you'd go for Qhaysh, as being like a Lizardmen counterpart to the Cathayan Celestials.)
One of the rarest creatures to be found in Lustria is the Coatl. Sporting a long, sinuous, snake-like body, a dragon's head and massive feathered wings, the Coati is more than an unlikely accident of evolution. The Coati are highly intelligent, and are powerful mages. They are said to have the power to alter the jungle around them to draw invaders away from the places in which they dwell, and into the leech-infested swamps surrounding them.
The Coati are said to be a manifestation of the Old One Tepok, and are venerated by the Skink Priests as sacred creatures of the air, magic and of places of power. The Coati are sometimes seen as messengers of the gods, beseeched when a sacred site is under threat that the power of the Old Ones will be granted to the Lizardmen.
When the Coati attack, they rarely leave any witnesses. Those few who have lived to tell the tale speak of a terrible force of nature that is able to call upon the ancient mystical power that permeates the jungle. The Coatl appears from the skies upon a thunderous wind, churning the jungle canopy and stirring the undergrowth to a frenzy. The skies darken and the jungle shifts, and the invaders are soon hopelessly disoriented, lost within a swirling maelstrom of magical aspect.