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Gemkeeping looks good, it might be a good exotic material for our upcoming staff.

One that's excellent at grounding miscasts seems like something that's useful for this.

And yeah, a fair split when she did good work seems valuable, she especially wants money and we've got two "Turn to money" things here.
My read on Qrech is that he will attempt to go back to clan Moulder with something that gives him some credit.

Probably, there are some ideas about either hiring or attacking the ogre kingdoms floating around in Clan Moulder, but I personally don't give a rat's ass about that.
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[ ] GARNET: Cede

Random money amount let her have it.

[ ] GEM: Joint research

Interesting and potentially useful I know we have a huge research backlog but with the tower out of the way we have more time to cut through it soon.

[ ] COINS: Cede

Not really interested right now and we are pushing the oath of poverty enough as is.

[ ] VAT: Send to College and split

Biological research is not our thing best to give it to the college and recoup some favor.

[ ] BOOK: Dwarven books on the Great Maw.

Not a huge risk I think.

[ ] PET: A puppy, of a smaller but non-ratting breed.

Also not a huge risk and can be spelled with the Matrix.
With us already claiming the Queekish texts, this has us with three points and Gretel at two, so it's not a fair split.

Technically within our rights, but no need to make Gretel resentful.
Honestly considering her main goal is wealth I would say she would be happy with the money enought to compensate, we are way to afraid of hurting peoples feelings sometimes.
@BoneyM what are the odds that Moulder can make use of the Ogre information? The Ogres live on the other side of the Chaos Dwarfs from the Moulder. Is it really a possibility?

Also will Mathilde still spy on Qrech past the curtains?
Honestly considering her main goal is wealth I would say she would be happy with the money enought to compensate, we are way to afraid of hurting peoples feelings sometimes.

It's more about fairness, she did a lot of the work here and we want to encourage this kind of thing. "Working with Mathilde gets you shinies" and all that.

Money isn't something we're especially hurting for at the moment for instance.
Gretel looks like a rising star, and future Gretel favors will be worth a lot at this pace. I'd keep Mors writings and the talisman and cede everything else.
[X]Plan Gretel favor
-[X] GARNET: Cede
-[X] GEM: Claim and research
-[X] COINS: Cede
-[X] VAT: Cede
-[X] QUEEK:Claim
Gretel looks like a rising star, and future Gretel favors will be worth a lot at this pace. I'd keep Mors writings and the talisman and cede everything else.

Funny thing is, she looks like she's been stuck in puberty for ten years, I made a joke with her character suggestion that she often gets mistaken for a lost child if she's not wearing the scary regalia of the Amethyst College.

Even when she's a Magister Lord, she's going to be this tween looking spooky girl and absolutely nobody is going to treat her with due seriousness.
[X] Plan Perks of the Job
-[X] GARNET: Split
-[X] GEM: Claim and research
-[X] COINS: Cede
-[X] VAT: Send to College and split

[X] Plan Perks of the Job v2
-[X] GARNET: Cede
-[X] GEM: Claim and research
-[X] COINS: Cede
-[X] VAT: Claim and send to College

[X] Plan Even Split
-[X] GARNET: Cede
-[X] GEM: Claim and research
-[X] COINS: Cede
-[X] VAT: Send to College and split

[X] BOOK: Rarer Dwarven books on the Ogre Kingdoms.
[X] PET: A puppy, of a smaller but non-ratting breed.
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[X]Plan gemkeeping

[X] BOOK: Dwarven books on Gut Magic.
[X] BOOK: Dwarven books on the Great Maw.
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Could someone explain the issue with Chaos Dwarf gold? Is it cursed?

I have no strong feelings about the items but I do want to be fair to Gretel. The fact that the documents aren't a lot of good to her is immaterial; they're valuable to us, her efforts helped recover them, and so they should count for a full share. Let's not abuse that.

(Bummer we didn't get to see Gretel and Johann together, though I guess with loot distribution it makes sense.)
[X]Plan gemkeeping
-[X] GARNET: Cede
-[X] GEM: Claim and research
-[X] COINS: Cede
-[X] VAT: Send to College and split
-[X] QUEEK:Claim

this gets us started

[X] BOOK: Rarer Dwarven books on the Ogre Kingdoms.
[X] PET: A puppy, of a smaller but non-ratting breed.

this works.
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You have exhausted the commonly-available Khazalid books on the Ogres; any additional books may contain information valuable to the Under-Empire, should Qrech ever return to it.

[ ] BOOK: Rarer Dwarven books on the Ogre Kingdoms.
[ ] BOOK: Dwarven books on Gut Magic.
[ ] BOOK: Dwarven books on the Great Maw.
[ ] BOOK: Reikspiel books on the Ogre Kingdoms, supply a Khazalid-Reikspiel dictionary and...
- [ ] Take the time to teach him.
Will take an action next turn.
- [ ] Have Max teach him.
Will take Max's action next turn.
- [ ] Try to find a very open-minded Dwarf to teach him.
- [ ] Find the most fluent of the Undumgi and have them teach him.
[ ] BOOK: Deny request.

If we take the DENY action, can Mathilde mitigate it by telling him, "Sorry, you've run through my available supply of books on Ogres. Be happy to let you read a different subject,"?

Which he would of course completely believe.
The reason I don't like joint research on the gem is that it seems like it might be rather awkward if the thing gets lost in our backlog for the next 5 years.
We are the Magister here.

Not earning brownie points doesn't equal "she now hates you forever".
She was the one who led the expedition, we just followed/supervised her: "So you let her take the lead, and grow more and more impressed as she pushes further and further into Mors' territory." Moreover, note that the modifier on the loot roll is her intrigue (20), not ours.

Chaperoning someone rather than taking the lead and then taking most of the valuables is more than just "not earning brownie points" -- it's kind of a dick move.
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