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Honestly I'd rather have or split the garnets.

We have a mile long backlog of research materials, to the point we haven't properly studied our pile of amazing one of a kind things. I'd much rather pick up a bit more gold and expand the library more rather than acquire another distraction.

It's more that Gretel is literally in this for the bling, and making sure she's happy is a good way to keep the loyalty of our ridiculously RNG-blessed reaper minion.

Man tho, Collegiate is going to do work for us next time we get a shot at a super trait, that'll let us pull Adela and Gretel in without eating more of our actions.
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Sure enough, your findings reinforce your hunch, and the fronts pointed towards the Citadel are stripped to the bone, a mere handful of clanrats on barricades that once had entire platoons dedicated to them.
When last you were here, this was a nervous but still thriving center of trade and industry, but it seems Mors has not profited from their recent expansion as now only a handful of Skaven mill about the much-reduced marketplace, and that they're short enough of resources that light sources are few and far between only further increases the ability of the two of you to make yourselves at home in what should be the heart of Clan Mors' power.
It's nice to see Clan Mors suffer from what's normally a Dwarf problem.
Organ Vat
Kept chilled through some sort of warptech, and it's either very efficient or well-contained because it's hardly leaking Dhar at all. Inside the murky liquid float organs you can't identify.
it's hardly leaking Dhar at all.

Yeah, I think researching this is more appropriate to the K8P lab than the College. We've got better tools for dealing with Dhar.

I've no objections to Gretel getting in on that research, but if we don't claim it entirely we'll probably need to spend actions on it sooner than later, and we've something of a crunch.
[X] GARNET: Split
[X] GEM: Joint research
[X] COINS: Split
[X] VAT: Send to College and split

[X] BOOK: Dwarven books on the Great Maw.
[X] PET: A puppy, of a smaller but non-ratting breed.

Puppies are good for everything. As for the other thing, I rate giving him potentially-useful information higher than spending actions or underling-actions to teach him. Of course, this is because I want to have him killed in a few turns, to tie up loose ends.

And to those purposes, the Great Maw seems harmless enough. It's supposed to be the remains of a meteor, not an actual God as such, right?
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Hmm... I wonder if Qrech's interest in the Ogres has anything to do with their hunger as compared to the Skaven's own?
From my understanding, gut magic is partially alchemy with your stomach as the cauldron. They have books with Chaos dwarf anatomy. What is something Dawi Zharr are known for? Using magic they're not supposed to.

Bear with me, I'm gonna don my tinfoil hat.

Skaven have the hunger and with Moulder artifice, they could have the constitution. I think Moulder may be trying to find a way to use magic without the Grey Seers.
"Rarer Dwarven books on the Ogre Kingdoms" seems best to me, it might contain tactically relevant information to Qrech's branch of the Under-Empire, but to apply it he'd have to escape and get to a position near the Ogre Kingdoms where he can make use of it and still have this Dwarven knowledge be better than what the Skaven, with their magic ninjas, could discover by spying on the Ogre Kingdoms for themselves once they went there.

Whereas Gut Magic seems to me like it might be more immediately applicable further away from the Ogre Kingdoms.
Blood-Red Jewels
Living in a Karak means never being far from someone with a loupe. Garnets, but of a shade far deeper than ones typically found in these mountains. Their value is uncertain; perhaps novelty will make them worth more, perhaps unfamiliarity less.
[ ] GARNET: Cede
Wealth is passing, let's cede these to her.

Solid-Black Gem
It's not magical; it's the opposite of magical. Possibly some sort of protective charm?
[ ] GEM: Joint research
Joint research here could prove interesting, especially if this is what Eshin Assassins uses to be invisible to magesight

Golden Coins
They bear Khazalid letters, but instead of a King or an Ancestor-God, the face is that of a bull, and the runes give praise to a 'Hashut'. They're significantly larger than Karaz Ankor coins, and if their gold content can be trusted, you estimate about 1,000 gold coins worth.
[ ] COINS: Split
[ ] COINS: Cede
[ ] COINS: Claim
I'm split here. That's Chaos Dwarf Gold

Organ Vat
Kept chilled through some sort of warptech, and it's either very efficient or well-contained because it's hardly leaking Dhar at all. Inside the murky liquid float organs you can't identify.
[ ] VAT: Joint research
Joint research, but letting her take point. She is of Shyish, this could be her magisters thesis.
Edit: On the second hand, Warptech...

Now for the rest
[ ] BOOK: Rarer Dwarven books on the Ogre Kingdoms.
[ ] BOOK: Dwarven books on Gut Magic.
[ ] BOOK: Dwarven books on the Great Maw.
[ ] BOOK: Reikspiel books on the Ogre Kingdoms, supply a Khazalid-Reikspiel dictionary and...
- [ ] Take the time to teach him.
Will take an action next turn.
- [ ] Have Max teach him.
Will take Max's action next turn.
- [ ] Try to find a very open-minded Dwarf to teach him.
- [ ] Find the most fluent of the Undumgi and have them teach him.
[ ] BOOK: Deny request.

I personally believe that the book on Gut Magic is of least danger if it comes out. At most it'd be descriptions of how they use their magic and what they do to stock their larders.

On the pet
[ ] PET: A pet rat, of course.
[ ] PET: A puppy, of a smaller but non-ratting breed.
[ ] PET: Johann's wolf-rats are regular visitors to your penthouse, let them visit Qrech.
[ ] PET: A bird.
A bird might interest him, but it also might not. At most I'm concerned that he might use the bones of any such animals to pick the lock.
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Gretel can definitely have the garnets though, she's established that she wants more bling, the black gem should be study material, not sure what to do about the vats.

[ ] VAT: Send to College and split

Makes sense to me. They seem like a time-sensitive item, so letting them sit for years on our study-list isn't a good idea. Cash them in for a little College Favor instead.
Can't we get something bigger but slower/stupider?

Because a rat, wolfrat ,puppy or bird all make decent enough messengers.

On the other hand, big things make decent sacrifice.

Edit: I assume it would be cruel to give him a cat?
I'd presume it comes up against being cruel to the animals involved. The bigger the animal the more exercise it probably needs. Which it can't get unless we take it out of the cell.

I am categorically against an actual rat though. Bird or puppy are probably the least bad options as they would have a harder time escaping or avoiding our notice. OTOH he might or might not be less inclined to kill rat shaped things.

It's more that Gretel is literally in this for the bling, and making sure she's happy is a good way to keep the loyalty of our ridiculously RNG-blessed reaper minion.

Man tho, Collegiate is going to do work for us next time we get a shot at a super trait, that'll let us pull Adela and Gretel in without eating more of our actions.
Then either sell and split it or cede it to her to deal with. She will have a huge amount of money either way from the other splits and we do not have the time to be researching this as well as every other thing we have going on. I'd rather have the money from it to contribute to actually reseaching our stupidly overgrown backlog than another thing to either distract us from our current work or be ignored on the shiny pile forevermore.
Because a rat, wolfrat ,puppy or bird all make decent enough messengers.
So long as it's a messenger the average skaven might try to eat, I'm not terribly worried about it. Pretty poor odds it'll find one who's expecting a message first, after all. But we can't prevent Qrech from having access to writing tools and materials, so it's a reasonable concern - especially since it's a mundane way for the Skaven to discover we've got a prisoner.
Wonderful, we have an item of speak with animals with the We.

Supply any animal, it doens't matter. We have an infiltrator!

Also, said animal is likely to end up eaten or something I think.
I'd go for Rarer Ogre books instead of Maw/Gutmagic ones, yeah. Don't want to take a chance on it.

For a pet, a puppy is least sneaky, so that should do.
It's supposed to be the remains of a meteor, not an actual God as such, right?
Warhammer being Warhammer, I'm not sure how much difference there is between a God and something that a great many beings think is a God.

And, uh, apparently the Maw does "chew through stone" as a thing, which could be unpleasantly relevant to our prisoner.
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I idly wonder how would Qrech use a curtain, knowledge of Ogres and a pet, to somehow break out.
I mean, training a pet to bring a key using a string from the curtain could work!
Though it's likely he just wants nice stuff, because.

Also, if we get Queekish from him? Some information about Ogres is really little, compared to that.
Though we might need some alert spell matrixed in the pet. Just so it won't escape too far.
We can stuff mathildes matrix in the pet though, ensuring we can keep it container.

How certain are we that Qresh had no magical capability.
Joint research here could prove interesting, especially if this is what Eshin Assassins uses to be invisible to magesight
Can't be, we were raiding mors after all, to me this sounds like an obsidian amulet of some sort, wich makes me realy want to keep it for research since this should help us develop our enchating and may be usefull whenever we get around to make an amulet of protection for ourselves.
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I think he is up to something.

Magic books he might or might not be able to use, something to block view from within the cell and an animal he can train and get loyal to him, or maybe eat or sacrifice in the maybe magic ogre ritual, which is all about eating things.
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