[X] Female
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.
Stirlandian peasant turned Grey Wizard has a very commanding lead, but gender is tied at three votes to each. I invite anyone with an opinion one way or the other to weigh in.
[X] Female
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.
Also, looking at everything, "Sleeper Agent" Grey Wizard is actually the default setting--because the Grey Wizards are expected to keep their eyes open for internal and magical shenanigans going on in their territory and report them to the college as needed.
Seems like a consensus to me. A peasant girl of Stirland turned Grey Wizard. Let's move on to the most intricate and finicky part of character creation.
[*] Female
[*] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[*] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[*] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.
Faith, choose one:
[ ] Sigmar: God of Mankind, father of the Empire.
[ ] Ulric: God of Winter and Wolves, younger brother of Taal. Ulrican and Sigmarite worship vies for primacy in the Empire.
[ ] Taal: God of the Wilds, husband of Rhya.
[ ] Rhya: Goddess of Agriculture and Birth, wife of Taal.
[ ] Manann: God of the Sea, son of Taal and Rhya. Not very useful inland.
[ ] Morr: God of Death, husband of Verena.
[ ] Verena: Goddess of Justice and Learning, wife of Morr.
[ ] Myrmidia: Goddess of Warfare and Strategy, rarely worshipped in the Empire due to primacy of Ulric and Sigmar. Daughter of Morr and Verena.
[ ] Shallya: Goddess of Mercy and Healing, daughter of Morr and Verena.
[ ] Many: All gods of the Empire have their place, and you call on them as needed.
[ ] None: Well, not actually none. You go to church often enough to keep people off your back and know a prayer or two, and in a tight spot you'll probably call on one or two. Maybe at some point you'll find a god that will resonate with you.
[ ] No, really, none: Well, if you insist. Atheism is usually not looked upon kindly in the Empire, but Grey Wizards have a long track record of keeping out of religion.
[ ] Ranald: Trickster God of luck, fortune, and thieves. Barely tolerated by polite society.
[ ] Khaine: God of Blood, Battle and Murder, believed by some to be the brother of Morr. Khaine cults sometimes crop up among soldiers and mercenaries, and though made infamous by the worship of the Dark Elves, the High and Wood Elves also pay homage to him. It's the sort of thing best kept to oneself.
You are not a battle wizard. You cannot summon portals to hell dimensions that eat dozens of men at a time.
For Petty and Lesser magics, these are not the only spells you know; they are just the ones you have been actively using since you learned them and can cast well and on the fly. You can brush up on other small magics, if necessary.
Your Shadow Magic spells were the spells you mastered to prove yourself worthy of the title of Journeyman and ready to head out into the world.
Petty Magics, choose one:
[ ] Light: You can either cause items to glow, or create independent lights that move based on your desire, though you lose control of them once they're out of line of sight.
[ ] Sound: You can create any noise but speech from anywhere within line of sight - though the greater the distance, the trickier it is to pull off.
Lesser Magics, choose one:
[ ] Combat: You can wrap magic around yourself to act as armour, and around a weapon to enchant it to deal damage to magical creatures.
[ ] Quash: You can magically silence someone at a distance for a handful of seconds, and attempt to dispel magic within touching distance.
[ ] Security: You can enchant locks so they cannot be picked for a week, and set magical tripwires that alert you if they are crossed.
Shadow Magic, choose two:
[ ] Bewilder: A target, if lacking the mental fortitude to shrug off the effects, will have their mind clouded and will act unpredictably.
[ ] Doppelganger: You take on the appearance of a specific humanoid creature for around half an hour, though not their voice.
[ ] Eye of the Beholder: You can change something's appearance to make it look either worthless or valuable for several hours.
[ ] Mindhole: You attempt to mentally overpower your target, who must be reasonably close. If successful, they will forget everything they know of you.
[ ] Mutable Visage: You can make a target you are touching (or yourself) noticeably more or less attractive for several hours.
[ ] Shadowcloak: Makes you harder to detect for several minutes.
[ ] Shadowsteed: A mystical and supernaturally fast horse is summoned that will carry you or one you designate until dismounted or dawn the next day.
You spent all your shinies in the previous stage of character creation; as it would break my heart if I went to all the trouble to write all the below and you didn't choose to take anything, I am awarding one (1) bonus shiny.
You can also earn extra shinies by taking on additional burdens. Keep in mind that these are all major problems to have - try not to go too crazy. Because of the importance of balancing these, the rest of the options in this post will be voted on in Plan format, and there will be a six hour moratorium on voting. If there's anything special that's not on here that you really want, ask and I'll either stat it or say why not.
[ ] Very Divided Loyalties: Go back to the first post and pick another motivation for +3 shinies.
[ ] Snakehunted: Attracted by miscast Shadowmancy, a Wisdom's Asp has been pursuing you for as long as you can remember, and until defeated (can it be defeated?) it will continue to grin back at you through mirrors and try to sneak into your bed at night to squeeze the life from you. +2 shinies
[ ] Perpetual Apprentice: You have already reached the peak of your magical potential, and will never learn more spells or attain greater magical power than you currently have. +2 shinies
[ ] Hunted Witch: For reasons unknown to you, the local witch hunters are itching for any excuse to purge you. Better win them over or get some powerful allies quickly. +2 shinies
[ ] Ranald's Debt: You can go up to three shinies in debt, but each will turn a failure into a critical glitch at a time most amusing to the Trickster God.
[ ] A More Mundane Debt: You are deep in debt to the Colleges of Magic for your education. They will expect you to start repaying it soon. You don't want to find out what they do to collect on outstanding student loans. Can be taken up to three times for +1 shiny each.
[ ] Arcane Mark: A past fumble with shadow magic has left you permanently changed. Will be rolled randomly; results vary in severity but almost all will leave normal people uneasy around you. +1 shiny, can only be taken once
With your shinies restocked, each of them can be traded in for one item from the following categories:
[ ] Home: As soon as you returned to Stirland, you felt the omnipresent mists rush into your soul and revitalize you. This is the land of shadows, and you are a mage of shadows. Bonus to magic within Stirland itself, penalties to magic outside of it.
[ ] Apothecary: You have the equipment and the training to brew potions and identify useful ingredients, though you will have to experiment or research to find what you can do with local sources.
[ ] Power Mist: Showing a shocking amount of hubris, during your apprenticeship you managed to get your hands on a restricted book and tried to construct a Power Stone. Though you didn't even get close and knocked yourself out for weeks, you did somehow manage to grab and wrestle a strand of Ulgu back on itself until a mist formed, though you passed out soon after. Perhaps this 'power mist' could be contained and investigated for useful properties? And you do remember the rest of the steps, if you're ever arrogant enough to try the whole process again.
[ ] Ritualist: You know the basics of ritual magic, and if given a few months to a year to research, may be able to figure out how to enact large-scale changes to a significant area. Whether those changes are the ones you originally envisioned is entirely up to the whims of the circuitous and contradictory logic of ritual magic.
[ ] Enchanter: You have a talent for taming the winds of Ulgu and trapping them within objects. You can create very minor magical trinkets, and have a bonus to learning the more advanced forms of enchantment.
[ ] Tall: You stand a head above most, giving you an edge in combat and a little bit of extra respect from everyone that has to lean backwards to look you in the eye. +2 martial, bonus to relations with anyone that respects size, bonus to intimidation attempts
[ ] Extremely Short: Not just a little shorter than most, but significantly so, comparable to a child, a halfling or a dwarf. Being overlooked is infuriating, but often useful. -2 martial, +4 intrigue, bonus to halfling and dwarf relations but malus to leading humans and other tall creatures.
[ ] Strong: A very straightforward advantage. +4 martial
[ ] Animal Kinship: You have a gift for getting along with and training animals. Regular animals, that is; it'd take a lot of work and luck to apply the knack to, say, hippogryphs. +1 Diplomacy
[ ] Brave: You can withstand terrors that make others flee. +1 martial
[ ] Eidetic Memory: Unless severely distracted, you are able to memorize anything at a glance and recall it in perfect detail later. +1 Scholarship
[ ] Gossipmonger: You have a knack for keeping one ear on the buzz of gossip all around you, giving you early warnings when something isn't quite right in your immediate vicinity and a source of low-level local information. +1 Intrigue
[ ] Loyal: You're no less beholden to what drives you, but you've convinced yourself it's not actually a division of loyalties, and if forced, you can explain why with the ring of belief. Perhaps a more accurate name would be 'self-deception'. +1 Faith
[ ] Organized: Through habit or obsession, you keep everything neat, tidy, and in its place. +1 Stewardship
[ ] Polyglot: You easily pick up new languages. +1 Diplomacy
[ ] Quick: You're naturally brighter than the average person. +1 to all stats, though no more nebulous advantages like the other mental traits
[ ] Supernumerate: You can crunch numbers with ease, making bookkeeping and trigonometry a snap. +1 Stewardship
[ ] Superstitious: You know a hundred different superstitions for averting bad luck and keeping the evil eye off you. Maybe some of them work. +1 Faith
[ ] Touched by Death: In your youth in Stirland, you lost loved ones to the attacks of the undead. As an adult, the resulting fear has been reforged into hatred. +1 Martial
[ ] Priesthood: Before the gift of magic was found within you, you were considering induction into the ranks of the Priesthood of Morr. The local priests remember you, and you remember the rites and prayers.
[ ] Knights: Though it is hard to read affection in someone covered in black metal who has taken an oath of silence, they have it for you. If life had gone differently, you may have joined their ranks.
[ ] Townsfolk: You know Wurtbad and it's people like the back of your hand, and they will be quick to overcome their suspicion of your new, magical aspect and accept you as one of them once more.
[ ] College: You made friends and allies back in Altdorf, and they may be able to help with research and resources, though the road from Wurtbad to Altdorf is long and treacherous.
[-] Peasants: You know the traditions and superstitions of the people of Stirland, how to talk to them without them seeing you as an outsider or a threat. - FREE DUE TO PEASANT ORIGIN
As before, if there's something you would like added, say so and I'll stat it. Because of the moratorium, I'll be leaving this voting stage up for at least a day so that all the time zones have a chance to weigh in.
Unspent shinies will result in very fortunate occurrences in the first few years; overspent shinies will result in the opposite. Protip: think long and hard before you give the GM free reign to apply a critglitch wherever he pleases with a clean conscience.
Also, looking at everything, "Sleeper Agent" Grey Wizard is actually the default setting--because the Grey Wizards are expected to keep their eyes open for internal and magical shenanigans going on in their territory and report them to the college as needed.
[ ] A More Mundane Debt: You are deep in debt to the Colleges of Magic for your education. They will expect you to start repaying it soon. You don't want to find out what they do to collect on outstanding student loans. Can be taken up to three times for +1 shiny each.
To be honest, this is basically normal, the Colleges of Magic charge so fucking much for the education that you'll still be paying it right up until you're a Wizard Lord. One of these fits our background because we came from nothing.
And... That's basically it, because holy shit the other flaws are just awful. Arcane Marks for Shadowmancers in particular are pretty nasty, the only one we might actually want is the Mark of Ulgu, and that's obviously just one of several.
Beyond that, I guess the Wisdom's Asp could work if we at least spec so it doesn't murder us in our sleep at some point.
I'd like good Connections for sure though, at least with the Townsfolk methinks, if someone can shake out lots of Shinies without making us a dead wizard walking, then Colleges can't hurt too.
As for specialties. I like the flavor behind "Home", as well as encouraging us to mostly run a counter-espionage build. I liked the idea of being a Smol Wizard, but that it's compared with Halflings and Dwarfs is... Well, something else. That's not smol anymore, that's tiny, considering they're like, three to four feet tall tops.
Being smol rather than smolis a physical description, not covered by traits, so you don't need to spend a shiny on it. Stirlanders are a naturally short people anyway.
One level of the debt will almost entirely eat up your wages for being the Spymaster for quite a few years. Levels beyond that will require you to find... alternate revenue streams.
Yeah, that works then. One level of Debt to represent being a Peasant taken in for Wizard Training (Because the Colleges of Magic are awful that way, and Grey Wizards take their apprentices in early).
So, that's roughly two Shinies that we can burn on things. I Like Home thematically. Then Townsfolk or College, though we can dump Home for the other Connection, but I'd rather not.
Ulgu has pretty shitty Arcane Marks in general. Unremarkable in particular is awful for someone in an Official Position, so I'm deeply reluctant to dig into that.
Hmm, a bit of research. The Wisdom's Asp isn't actually a physical thing, so it shouldn't be able to try and strangle us in our bed.
First of all, a very interesting premise for a quest!
Second, I am very sorry that I didn't catch in time the char-gen on the previous votes, I just knew people would go for a cliché such as a female wizard.
Third, my votes:
[X] Verena: Goddess of Justice and Learning, husband of Morr.
[X] Sound: You can create any noise but speech from anywhere within line of sight - though the greater the distance, the trickier it is to pull off.
[X] Security: You can enchant locks so they cannot be picked for a week, and set magical tripwires that alert you if they are crossed.
[X] Eye of the Beholder: You can change something's appearance to make it look either worthless or valuable for several hours.
[X] Shadowcloak: Makes you harder to detect for several minutes.
[X] A More Mundane Debt
[X] Eidetic Memory: Unless severely distracted, you are able to memorize anything at a glance and recall it in perfect detail later. +1 Scholarship
[X] Townsfolk: You know Wurtbad and it's people like the back of your hand, and they will be quick to overcome their suspicion of your new, magical aspect and accept you as one of them once more.
I think these options give us valuable tools for the "trade", and would lend itself well to the more subtle "cloak-and-dagger" business.
You know that, and I know that, but a Grey Wizard who's being haunted by some sort of minor chaos entity might not, and might be entirely too proud to admit to herself that she's having nightmares about the thing lurking in the mirror.
+4 Spymaster Stat looks like a very attractive bit of mundane utility, but how much is it contextually? What is the standard human range on attributes in this game, and how much do normal Spymasters need to qualify for the position?
(Insofar as there ever is a "normal" spymaster, I suppose.)
+4 Spymaster Stat looks like a very attractive bit of mundane utility, but how much is it contextually? What is the standard human range on attributes in this game, and how much do normal Spymasters need to qualify for the position?
(Insofar as there ever is a "normal" spymaster, I suppose.)
"Short" is a misnomer. Based on the description, you could pass as a dwarf.
And Dwarfs in WHF maybe come up to an average human's waist.
Like, as nice as +4 Intrigue might not be, being an eternal loli is unacceptable. Not to mention arguably crosses the line to being a mutant. if you're not one.
Anyway, with the revelation that the Wisdom's Asp isn't actually going to strangle us in our sleep randomly, I'm more interested about grabbing it. Because basically having the proverbial monster living under our bed is interesting characterization, and would go a long way towards justifying the build I'm going to present--one that's effectively the Counter-Espionage Expert. All that time trying to figure out how to make the creepy snake just go away may have failed so far, but against more mundane threats, it makes you something to be feared.
Anyway, I'm thinking Mundane Debt, Snakehunted for Flaws, then Home, Brave, and Townsfolk. Then we leave one Shiny for in-game stuff.
[] Plan Morrish Mole
[ ] Morr: God of Death, wife of Verena.
[ ] Combat: You can wrap magic around yourself to act as armour, and around a weapon to enchant it to deal damage to magical creatures.
[ ] Sound: You can create any noise but speech from anywhere within line of sight - though the greater the distance, the trickier it is to pull off.
[ ] Shadowcloak: Makes you harder to detect for several minutes.
[ ] Shadowsteed: A mystical and supernaturally fast horse is summoned that will carry you or one you designate until dismounted or dawn the next day.
[ ] A More Mundane Debt: You are deep in debt to the Colleges of Magic for your education. They will expect you to start repaying it soon. You don't want to find out what they do to collect on outstanding student loans. Can be taken up to three times for +1 shiny each. x3
[ ] Enchanter: You have a talent for taming the winds of Ulgu and trapping them within objects. You can create very minor magical trinkets, and have a bonus to learning the more advanced forms of enchantment.
[ ] Strong: A very straightforward advantage. +4 martial
[ ] Eidetic Memory: Unless severely distracted, you are able to memorize anything at a glance and recall it in perfect detail later. +1 Scholarship
[ ] Priesthood: Before the gift of magic was found within you, you were considering induction into the ranks of the Priesthood of Morr. The local priests remember you, and you remember the rites and prayers.
[-] Peasants: You know the traditions and superstitions of the people of Stirland, how to talk to them without them seeing you as an outsider or a threat. - FREE DUE TO PEASANT ORIGIN
*grumbles about never being able to play a knight of Morr in a quest*
anyway this is what I have so far
I'm choosing the priesthood since they have access to dreamers that can see the future and that could help us immensely and again we are in vampire country 90% of the time we will have to deal with the undead/necromancers
[X] Intrigue: The Spymaster is the master of soft power in the realm, responsible for hiding the Elector Count's secrets and uncovering those of everyone else. Gives you a great deal of leeway in how you go about things, but also makes you a target for everyone trying to get away with skulduggery in the province, and being anything short of omniscient is often considered a failing by those that don't have to do the job.
[X] Vainglory: The role of advisor is prestigious, certainly, but hardly glorious - unless you go above and beyond the call of duty, and sometimes above and beyond what was asked of you, and sometimes even above and beyond sanity and rationality.
Bonuses to large, revolutionary, or otherwise impressive projects or achivements; maluses to more mundane assignments.
Seems like a consensus to me. A peasant girl of Stirland turned Grey Wizard. Let's move on to the most intricate and finicky part of character creation.
Faith, choose one:
[ ] Sigmar: God of Mankind, father of the Empire.
[ ] Ulric: God of Winter and Wolves, younger brother of Taal. Ulrican and Sigmarite worship vies for primacy in the Empire.
[ ] Taal: God of the Wilds, husband of Rhya.
[ ] Rhya: Goddess of Agriculture and Birth, wife of Taal.
[ ] Manann: God of the Sea, son of Taal and Rhya. Not very useful inland.
[ ] Morr: God of Death, wife of Verena.
[ ] Verena: Goddess of Justice and Learning, husband of Morr.
[ ] Myrmidia: Goddess of Warfare and Strategy, rarely worshipped in the Empire due to primacy of Ulric and Sigmar. Daughter of Morr and Verena.
[ ] Shallya: Goddess of Mercy and Healing, daughter of Morr and Verena.
[ ] Many: All gods of the Empire have their place, and you call on them as needed.
[ ] None: Well, not actually none. You go to church often enough to keep people off your back and know a prayer or two, and in a tight spot you'll probably call on one or two. Maybe at some point you'll find a god that will resonate with you.
[ ] No, really, none: Well, if you insist. Atheism is usually not looked upon kindly in the Empire, but Grey Wizards have a long track record of keeping out of religion.
[ ] Ranald: Trickster God of luck, fortune, and thieves. Barely tolerated by polite society.
[ ] Khaine: God of Blood, Battle and Murder, believed by some to be the brother of Morr. Khaine cults sometimes crop up among soldiers and mercenaries, and though made infamous by the worship of the Dark Elves, the High and Wood Elves also pay homage to him. It's the sort of thing best kept to oneself.
Tempted to take Ranald(who does work for a spymaster), provided we keep the practice to ourselves. Barring that, a Many or Morr works.
Petty Magics, choose one:
[ ] Light: You can either cause items to glow, or create independent lights that move based on your desire, though you lose control of them once they're out of line of sight.
[ ] Sound: You can create any noise but speech from anywhere within line of sight - though the greater the distance, the trickier it is to pull off.
Sound I think, is more useful for us as a spymaster. A couple of well timed noises is more useful than lights.
Lesser Magics, choose one:
[ ] Combat: You can wrap magic around yourself to act as armour, and around a weapon to enchant it to deal damage to magical creatures.
[ ] Quash: You can magically silence someone at a distance for a handful of seconds, and attempt to dispel magic within touching distance.
[ ] Security: You can enchant locks so they cannot be picked for a week, and set magical tripwires that alert you if they are crossed.
Security fits our role, but Combat is too important in the setting I think, especially against spoopy shit.
Shadow Magic, choose two:
[ ] Bewilder: A target, if lacking the mental fortitude to shrug off the effects, will have their mind clouded and will act unpredictably.
[ ] Doppelganger: You take on the appearance of a specific humanoid creature for around half an hour, though not their voice.
[ ] Eye of the Beholder: You can change something's appearance to make it look either worthless or valuable for several hours.
[ ] Mindhole: You attempt to mentally overpower your target, who must be reasonably close. If successful, they will forget everything they know of you.
[ ] Mutable Visage: You can make a target you are touching (or yourself) noticeably more or less attractive for several hours.
[ ] Shadowcloak: Makes you harder to detect for several minutes.
[ ] Shadowsteed: A mystical and supernaturally fast horse is summoned that will carry you or one you designate until dismounted or dawn the next day.
Personal inclination is Mindhole and Shadowcloak for a spymaster. Just too amazing.
You spent all your shinies in the previous stage of character creation; as it would break my heart if I went to all the trouble to write all the below and you didn't choose to take anything, I am awarding one (1) bonus shiny.
You can also earn extra shinies by taking on additional burdens. Keep in mind that these are all major problems to have - try not to go too crazy. Because of the importance of balancing these, the rest of the options in this post will be voted on in Plan format, and there will be a six hour moratorium on voting. If there's anything special that's not on here that you really want, ask and I'll either stat it or say why not.
[ ] Very Divided Loyalties: Go back to the first post and pick another motivation for +3 shinies.
[ ] Snakehunted: Attracted by miscast Shadowmancy, a Wisdom's Asp has been pursuing you for as long as you can remember, and until defeated (can it be defeated?) it will continue to grin back at you through mirrors and try to sneak into your bed at night to squeeze the life from you. +2 shinies
[ ] Perpetual Apprentice: You have already reached the peak of your magical potential, and will never learn more spells or attain greater magical power than you currently have. +2 shinies
[ ] Hunted Witch: For reasons unknown to you, the local witch hunters are itching for any excuse to purge you. Better win them over or get some powerful allies quickly. +2 shinies
[ ] Ranald's Debt: You can go up to three shinies in debt, but each will turn a failure into a critical glitch at a time most amusing to the Trickster God.
[ ] A More Mundane Debt: You are deep in debt to the Colleges of Magic for your education. They will expect you to start repaying it soon. You don't want to find out what they do to collect on outstanding student loans. Can be taken up to three times for +1 shiny each.
[ ] Arcane Mark: A past fumble with shadow magic has left you permanently changed. Will be rolled randomly; results vary in severity but almost all will leave normal people uneasy around you. +1 shiny, can only be taken once
I'd just take one level of Mundane Debt, or two if we opt to spend our time establishing an embezzlement source early on. More than that seems unwise, though I'm willing to gamble on one 'humorous' botch...probably not many people would.
With your shinies restocked, each of them can be traded in for one item from the following categories:
[ ] Home: As soon as you returned to Stirland, you felt the omnipresent mists rush into your soul and revitalize you. This is the land of shadows, and you are a mage of shadows. Bonus to magic within Stirland itself, penalties to magic outside of it.
[ ] Apothecary: You have the equipment and the training to brew potions and identify useful ingredients, though you will have to experiment or research to find what you can do with local sources.
[ ] Power Mist: Showing a shocking amount of hubris, during your apprenticeship you managed to get your hands on a restricted book and tried to construct a Power Stone. Though you didn't even get close and knocked yourself out for weeks, you did somehow manage to grab and wrestles a strand of Ulgu back on itself until a mist formed, though you passed out soon after. Perhaps this 'power mist' could be contained and investigated for useful properties? And you do remember the rest of the steps, if you're ever arrogant enough to try the whole process again.
[ ] Ritualist: You know the basics of ritual magic, and if given a few months to a year to research, may be able to figure out how to enact large-scale changes to a significant area. Whether those changes are the ones you originally envisioned is entirely up to the whims of the circuitous and contradictory logic of ritual magic.
[ ] Enchanter: You have a talent for taming the winds of Ulgu and trapping them within objects. You can create very minor magical trinkets, and have a bonus to learning the more advanced forms of enchantment.
Not sure on Home, a spymaster needs to work in a variety of areas, but Ritualist, Power Mist and Enchanter all seem promising.
If I were to pick two, it'd be Ritualist(very useful for a state advisor) and Power Mist(personal curiosity)
[ ] Tall: You stand a head above most, giving you an edge in combat and a little bit of extra respect from everyone that has to lean backwards to look you in the eye. +2 martial, bonus to relations with anyone that respects size, bonus to intimidation attempts
[ ] Short: Not just a little shorter than most, but significantly so, comparable to a child, a halfling or a dwarf. Being overlooked is infuriating, but often useful. -2 martial, +4 intrigue, bonus to halfling and dwarf relations but malus to leading humans and other tall creatures.
[ ] Strong: A very straightforward advantage. +4 martial
[ ] Animal Kinship: You have a gift for getting along with and training animals. Regular animals, that is; it'd take a lot of work and luck to apply the knack to, say, hippogryphs. +1 Diplomacy
[ ] Brave: You can withstand terrors that make others flee. +1 martial
[ ] Eidetic Memory: Unless severely distracted, you are able to memorize anything at a glance and recall it in perfect detail later. +1 Scholarship
[ ] Loyal: You're no less beholden to what drives you, but you've convinced yourself it's not actually a division of loyalties, and if forced, you can explain why with the ring of belief. Perhaps a more accurate name would be 'self-deception'. +1 Piety
[ ] Organized: Through habit or obsession, you keep everything neat, tidy, and in it's place. +1 Stewardship
[ ] Polyglot: You easily pick up new languages. +1 Diplomacy
[ ] Quick: You're naturally brighter than the average person. +1 to all stats, though no more nebulous advantages like the other mental traits
[ ] Supernumerate: You can crunch numbers with ease, making bookkeeping and trigonometry a snap.
[ ] Superstitious: You know a hundred different superstitions for averting bad luck and keeping the evil eye off you. Maybe some of them work. +1 Faith
[ ] Touched by Death: In your youth in Stirland, you lost loved ones to the attacks of the undead. As an adult, the resulting fear has been reforged into hatred. +1 Martial
[ ] Priesthood: Before the gift of magic was found within you, you were considering induction into the ranks of the Priesthood of Morr. The local priests remember you, and you remember the rites and prayers.
[ ] Knights: Though it is hard to read affection in someone covered in black metal who has taken an oath of silence, they have it for you. If life had gone differently, you may have joined their ranks.
[ ] Townsfolk: You know Wurtbad and it's people like the back of your hand, and they will be quick to overcome their suspicion of your new, magical aspect and accept you as one of them once more.
[ ] College: You made friends and allies back in Altdorf, and they may be able to help with research and resources, though the road from Wurtbad to Altdorf is long and treacherous.
[-] Peasants: You know the traditions and superstitions of the people of Stirland, how to talk to them without them seeing you as an outsider or a threat. - FREE DUE TO PEASANT ORIGIN
College seems pretty useful for international connections.
So proto-vote:
[ ] Ranald: Trickster God of luck, fortune, and thieves. Barely tolerated by polite society.
[ ] Sound: You can create any noise but speech from anywhere within line of sight - though the greater the distance, the trickier it is to pull off.
[ ] Combat: You can wrap magic around yourself to act as armour, and around a weapon to enchant it to deal damage to magical creatures.
[ ] Mindhole: You attempt to mentally overpower your target, who must be reasonably close. If successful, they will forget everything they know of you.
[ ] Shadowcloak: Makes you harder to detect for several minutes.
[ ] Plan Poor College Student
-[ ] A More Mundane Debt
-[ ] Snakehunted
-[ ] Ritualist
-[ ] Power Mist
-[ ] College
-[ ] Townsfolk
It's warhammer, we're all gonna die anyway, plan: maximum risk maximum reward!
- [x] Ranald: Trickster God of luck, fortune, and thieves. Barely tolerated by polite society.
Petty Magics:
- [x] Sound: You can create any noise but speech from anywhere within line of sight - though the greater the distance, the trickier it is to pull off.
Lesser Magics:
- [x] Security: You can enchant locks so they cannot be picked for a week, and set magical tripwires that alert you if they are crossed.
Shadow Magic
- [x] Mindhole: You attempt to mentally overpower your target, who must be reasonably close. If successful, they will forget everything they know of you.
- [x] Doppelganger: You take on the appearance of a specific humanoid creature for around half an hour, though not their voice.
+, +14 (15)
- [x] Very Divided Loyalties: Go back to the first post and pick another motivation for +3 shinies.
- [x] Inspiration: To you, this position is merely a stepping stone towards a pet project that consumes you.
One inspired super-project of dubious utility and questionable safety with bonuses to working towards it when given official permission; minor maluses to all other projects as you neglect them in favour of tinkering with your passion. Completing a super-project will give you peace for a few years until a new one occurs to you. - i wanted this anyway, as crazy sorcerer sounds interesting to me.
- [x] Hunted Witch: For reasons unknown to you, the local witch hunters are itching for any excuse to purge you. Better win them over or get some powerful allies quickly. +2 shinies - i mean we are a jade wizard...they will never like us period, might as well get some points out of it.
- [x] Ranald's Debt: You can go up to three shinies in debt, but each will turn a failure into a critical glitch at a time most amusing to the Trickster God. X3
- [x] A More Mundane Debt: You are deep in debt to the Colleges of Magic for your education. They will expect you to start repaying it soon. You don't want to find out what they do to collect on outstanding student loans. Can be taken up to three times for +1 shiny each. X3
- [x] Arcane Mark: A past fumble with shadow magic has left you permanently changed. Will be rolled randomly; results vary in severity but almost all will leave normal people uneasy around you. +1 shiny, can only be taken once
- [x] Snakehunted: Attracted by miscast Shadowmancy, a Wisdom's Asp has been pursuing you for as long as you can remember, and until defeated (can it be defeated?) it will continue to grin back at you through mirrors and try to sneak into your bed at night to squeeze the life from you. +2 shinies
-, -15
- [x] Apothecary: You have the equipment and the training to brew potions and identify useful ingredients, though you will have to experiment or research to find what you can do with local sources.
- [x] Power Mist: Showing a shocking amount of hubris, during your apprenticeship you managed to get your hands on a restricted book and tried to construct a Power Stone. Though you didn't even get close and knocked yourself out for weeks, you did somehow manage to grab and wrestles a strand of Ulgu back on itself until a mist formed, though you passed out soon after. Perhaps this 'power mist' could be contained and investigated for useful properties? And you do remember the rest of the steps, if you're ever arrogant enough to try the whole process again.
- [x] Ritualist: You know the basics of ritual magic, and if given a few months to a year to research, may be able to figure out how to enact large-scale changes to a significant area. Whether those changes are the ones you originally envisioned is entirely up to the whims of the circuitous and contradictory logic of ritual magic.
- [x] Enchanter: You have a talent for taming the winds of Ulgu and trapping them within objects. You can create very minor magical trinkets, and have a bonus to learning the more advanced forms of enchantment.
- [x] Extremely Short: Not just a little shorter than most, but significantly so, comparable to a child, a halfling or a dwarf. Being overlooked is infuriating, but often useful. -2 martial, +4 intrigue, bonus to halfling and dwarf relations but malus to leading humans and other tall creatures.
- [x] Strong: A very straightforward advantage. +4 martial
- [x] Organized: Through habit or obsession, you keep everything neat, tidy, and in it's place. +1 Stewardship
- [x] Polyglot: You easily pick up new languages. +1 Diplomacy
- [x] Eidetic Memory: Unless severely distracted, you are able to memorize anything at a glance and recall it in perfect detail later. +1 Scholarship
- [x] Quick: You're naturally brighter than the average person. +1 to all stats, though no more nebulous advantages like the other mental traits
- [X] Animal Kinship: You have a gift for getting along with and training animals. Regular animals, that is; it'd take a lot of work and luck to apply the knack to, say, hippogryphs. +1 Diplomacy
- [X] Brave: You can withstand terrors that make others flee. +1 martial
- [x] Superstitious: You know a hundred different superstitions for averting bad luck and keeping the evil eye off you. Maybe some of them work. +1 Faith
- [x] Townsfolk: You know Wurtbad and it's people like the back of your hand, and they will be quick to overcome their suspicion of your new, magical aspect and accept you as one of them once more.
- [X] College: You made friends and allies back in Altdorf, and they may be able to help with research and resources, though the road from Wurtbad to Altdorf is long and treacherous.
"Short" is a misnomer. Based on the description, you could pass as a dwarf.
And Dwarfs in WHF maybe come up to an average human's waist.
Like, as nice as +4 Intrigue might not be, being an eternal loli is unacceptable. Not to mention arguably crosses the line to being a mutant. if you're not one.
Anyway, with the revelation that the Wisdom's Asp isn't actually going to strangle us in our sleep randomly, I'm more interested about grabbing it. Because basically having the proverbial monster living under our bed is interesting characterization, and would go a long way towards justifying the build I'm going to present--one that's effectively the Counter-Espionage Expert. All that time trying to figure out how to make the creepy snake just go away may have failed so far, but against more mundane threats, it makes you something to be feared.
Anyway, I'm thinking Mundane Debt, Snakehunted for Flaws, then Home, Brave, and Townsfolk. Then we leave one Shiny for in-game stuff.
i'm personally going for maximum risk maximum reward, but i agree that you can also combo the snakehunted with the security magic...as well as try to dominate the target if we give up on simply capturing it.