Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open

[X] Stewardship: The Steward is responsible for taxes and the economy, giving you direct access not only to your own budget but to all incoming wealth as well. A heady position, but also one that attracts a lot of blame when things go poorly, and a lot of expectations to be able to wave a wand and make money appear.

[X] Nepotism: You have a large family,many of whom are eager for prestigious and well-paying jobs. You do this for them because you love them, of course. Actually getting some peace and quiet at home is just a side-benefit.
Reliable source of very loyal candidates for key roles; malus to all rolls if these positions are not found on a regular basis. A very prestigious position might buy you a few years, or you could fill sundry middle management positions every year.
[X] Learning: The most nebulous of all the roles, this role is usually filled based on the Elector Count's desires and prejudices. The realm of madmen and geniuses, wizards and witch hunters, all seeking new ways to build and to destroy. May result in you having incredible amounts of leeway, or may result in you being forced to pursue whatever flight of fancy captures your lord's attention, and if it's a terrible idea you'll get the blame for it.

[X] Inspiration: To you, this position is merely a stepping stone towards a pet project that consumes you.
Character Creation - Part 2
Vote closed.

  1. [X] Intrigue: The Spymaster is the master of soft power in the realm, responsible for hiding the Elector Count's secrets and uncovering those of everyone else. Gives you a great deal of leeway in how you go about things, but also makes you a target for everyone trying to get away with skulduggery in the province, and being anything short of omniscient is often considered a failing by those that don't have to do the job.
    Number of voters: 10
    veekie, bryanfran36, wingstrike96, lavanderjasmine, Skycrafterf, Azurath, Hannz, butchock,Troglodyte, EVA-Saiyajin
    Number of voters: 9
    veekie, bryanfran36, wingstrike96, lavanderjasmine, Skycrafterf, Azurath, Drucchi, EVA-Saiyajin, Kingofbooks
  3. [X] Sleeper Agent: Perhaps you did not quite attain the position; perhaps it was thrust unto you, and perhaps those that did the thrusting have attached several strings to the position.
    Number of voters: 6
    veekie, bryanfran36, wingstrike96, lavanderjasmine, Skycrafterf, Azurath

You are the Spymaster of Stirland, and you aren't entirely sure who it is you owe that to. But you do know they won't let you forget it.

As the Spymaster of Stirland, your job will involve quite a bit of keeping a wary eye on Sylvania. Whether the local Witch Hunters of the province will start off answering to you, to the Faith advisor, or only to themselves, will depend on your Background and on whoever the Faith advisor ends up being. There will doubtless also the usual mish-mash of spying on neighbours, unruly nobles, and unhappy peasants.

Here you will select your life prior to achieving your current office. This stage and the next involve a form of chargen currency I've called, for my own amusement, shinies. These can be spent in the next stage of character development on traits, special resources, unique items, skilled followers, and other bits and bobs, mostly based on the background you select in this stage. Any shinies remaining unspent after that will carry over into the game and can be spent on powerful strokes of good luck in the first few turns.


Birth - will affect how people treat you.

[ ] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[ ] Burgher: Coming from a comfortably well-off family, you attract neither scorn nor respect from the noble classes.
[ ] Petty Noble: Though your family can no longer boast of land or wealth, your blood demands respect. -1 shinies
[ ] Minor Noble: Your family is of noble blood and landed, and as such you wield power in your own right. -2 shinies

Province of Birth - will affect your appearance and options available to you in the next step of chargen.

[ ] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[ ] Averland: A wide-open land of rivers and cattle.
[ ] Hochland: Small, densely-forested province of able hunters.
[ ] Middenland: Homeland of the Cult of Ulric, a largely uncivilized land of fierce fighters.
[ ] Nordland: Home of the Imperial Navy and the sea god Manann, Nordlanders are a hardy and loyal people.
[ ] Ostermark: An odd experiment in democracy, Ostermark lacks a single ruler, filled with largely self-sufficient townships and farming villages.
[ ] Ostland: A grim and terrifying land, dominated by the Forest of Shadows.
[ ] Reikland: The noble capital of the Empire, home to the Emperor, the Colleges of Magic, and the Reiksguard.
[ ] Talabecland: A large, thriving province built on commerce, Talabecland dominates the Empire's internal trade routes.
[ ] Wissenland: Famous for the Imperial Gunnery School of Nuln, Wissenland is a productive land of industry and technology.
[ ] Rootless: You either travelled too much to build up contacts, or lost them somewhere along the way. +1 shinies

Gender - no mechanical effects, some cultural ones.

[ ] Male
[ ] Female

Background - will dictate your base stats. By default they will be the total of 3d6. You will reroll the lowest for a particular stat for each + you have in it, and reroll the highest for each -. Traits picked in the next step of char creation will increase or lower these scores by a set amount. Your background will also heavily effect the options available to you.

[ ] Innkeeper: Not the most typical of precursors to being a spymaster, but the ability to keep track of comings and goings and make sure nobody's going to start breaking the furniture while just looking like you're placidly cleaning a glass is a useful skill to have.
+Diplomacy, +Stewardship, -Learning

[ ] Bounty Hunter: They give you a name, you return with a head. All the steps between those two stages have honed your skills to a razor's edge.
+Martial, +Intrigue, +Diplomacy, -Learning, -Stewardship

[ ] Criminal: You started with thievery, moved up to blackmail, and reached the pinnacle of your career ruling the criminal underworld of a major city. Being master of whispers for an entire province is a logical upgrade.
+Intrigue, +Stewardship, -Faith

[ ] Exciseman: The most hated citizens in the Empire. To do your job, you had to be sneaky. To survive your job, you had to be tough. But it didn't win you any friends.
+Intrigue, +Martial, -Diplomacy

[ ] Road Warden: Your public role was to keep the roads clear and deliver important messages along them. Your secret role was to read and pass on the information in those letters. Trickier than it sounds, to read and memorize a letter at a full gallop while watching out for threats from the woods.
+Learning, +Martial, -Stewardship

[ ] Knight of Morr: You spent many years under the vow of silence of the Knights of Morr. You have a great deal of experience with combatting the undead, but your other skills have eroded.
+Martial +Faith -Diplomacy

[ ] Priest of Morr: Your battles were not physical, but spiritual. You safeguarded the souls of the dead, and now you have expanded the battlefield in your war.
+Faith +Stewardship -Intrigue

[ ] Rat Catcher: You fought the secret war under the cities of the Empire against the ratman menace. A filthy but necessary job, what you lack in refinement you make up for in the ability to win a fight in a pitch-black tunnel with a small but fierce dog as your only ally.
+Martial +Intrigue -Learning

[ ] Witch Hunter: You sought out witches, heretics and mutants wherever they hid. A very polarizing role, but a necessary one.
+Faith +Intrigue +Martial -Learning -Stewardship

[ ] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.
-4 shinies, +Magic

[ ] Amethyst Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Shyish, the purple magic of death. Anywhere but Stirland, an Amethyst Wizard as a spymaster would be a terrifying prospect and a sign that the Elector Count has gone seriously around the bend, but in Stirland it is... still terrifying, but understandable.
-4 shinies, +Magic

Magic is absolutely a valid and interesting choice, but I do feel the need to warn you that the voting did pick Sleeper Agent, and the sort of person with enough heft to get a wizard reassigned according to their desires is going to be a much bigger deal than, say, someone pulling the strings of a rat catcher.

If there's a background you feel is an appropriate precursor to being a Spymaster that isn't listed here, post it and if I agree, I'll stat it and add it to the list.
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[X] Plan No Vamps or Ghoulies allowed
[X] Minor Noble: Your family is of noble blood and landed, and as such you wield power in your own right. -2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Male
[X] Knight of Morr: You spent many years under the vow of silence of the Knights of Morr. You have a great deal of experience with combatting the undead, but your other skills have eroded.
+Martial +Faith -Diplomacy

no matter what I want this not only are we in vampire country and undead country we also can have ties to the temple of Morr which is really needed in Stirland

Also because knights of Morr are cool
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[X] Martial: The Marshal is in charge of military matters, second in command to the Elector Count themselves. It is a position of great power, but also one of danger and responsibility - though it can be lead just as well from the back as from the front. And in times of danger, where better to be than surrounded by armed and loyal men?
[X] Zealotry: The Empire is a land of many faiths - the Sigmarites and the Ulricans primarily, but countless others as well. You, of course, know that only one of them is true, and will work to eliminate all false faiths.
Bonuses to working to further your faith; maluses to working with people outside of it.
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.

What better background for a spymaster than a Grey Wizard? Turn invisible, craft illusions, befuddle minds, and have a chance to notice when the other guy is trying the same.
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.

Fairly certain we are working for someone with anti-Mor sympathies. If you choose religion, you might just die to the one you are actually working for.
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.
Magic is absolutely a valid and interesting choice, but I do feel the need to warn you that the voting did pick Sleeper Agent, and the sort of person with enough heft to get a wizard reassigned according to their desires is going to be a much bigger deal than, say, someone pulling the strings of a rat catcher.
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Ostermark: An odd experiment in democracy, Ostermark lacks a single ruler, filled with largely self-sufficient townships and farming villages.
[X] Male
[X] Criminal: You started with thievery, moved up to blackmail, and reached the pinnacle of your career ruling the criminal underworld of a major city. Being master of whispers for an entire province is a logical upgrade.
+Intrigue, +Stewardship, -Faith
Magic is absolutely a valid and interesting choice, but I do feel the need to warn you that the voting did pick Sleeper Agent, and the sort of person with enough heft to get a wizard reassigned according to their desires is going to be a much bigger deal than, say, someone pulling the strings of a rat catcher.

Oh don't try to hide it we all know its the damn halflings those greedy bastards want all of Stirland for themselves :mad:
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Witch Hunter: You sought out witches, heretics and mutants wherever they hid. A very polarizing role, but a necessary one.

Witch Hunters are a integral line of defense against the fanged menace just on our doorstep. If we start as a Witch Hunter, we save our shinies for future rewards and we have a MUCH higher chance of being in control of witch hunters at game start.
[ ] Wissenland: Famous for the Imperial Gunnery School of Nuln, Wissenland is a productive land of industry and technology.
As a spy master, this is the only option that might actually be a better choice than coming from Stirland.

Consider, they have the best technology in the Empire. If we want to save ourself a shiny to use elsewhere this is actually a pretty decent choice, as it should mean we have connections in Wissenland which we can use to hopefully sneak out shipment's of weapons for the use of our men and/or new tech that we can have reverse engineered.

It could be helpful is all I'm saying. It's not quite as good as being local and already tied into the city we have to safeguard, but it might be worth having an extra shiny.
[X] Male
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.

The combo of Sleeper Agent and Grey Wizard sounds very interesting :)
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This stage and the next involve a form of chargen currency I've called, for my own amusement, shinies. These can be spent in the next stage of character development on traits, special resources, unique items, skilled followers, and other bits and bobs, mostly based on the background you select in this stage.


Province of Birth - will affect your appearance and options available to you in the next step of chargen.


[ ] Rootless: You either travelled too much to build up contacts, or lost them somewhere along the way. +1 shinies

So, would picking Rootless let us have a choice next turn to have contacts everywhere we've traveled to instead? Presumably expensive, but still.
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Ostermark: An odd experiment in democracy, Ostermark lacks a single ruler, filled with largely self-sufficient townships and farming villages.
[X] Male
[X] Criminal: You started with thievery, moved up to blackmail, and reached the pinnacle of your career ruling the criminal underworld of a major city. Being master of whispers for an entire province is a logical upgrade.
+Intrigue, +Stewardship, -Faith
So, would picking Rootless let us have a choice next turn to have contacts everywhere we've traveled to instead? Presumably expensive, but still.

No, rootless means giving up the opportunity to have contacts in exchange for a shiny. If you want contacts in multiple provinces, you'll have to pick one now and build the others up as you go - either convincing your Elector Count that it would be helpful to do so, or doing so at the expense of neglecting your 'official' task.
[X] Female
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.
[X] Female
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.


"Aren't wizards supposed to be old and shady men? Not smol peasant girls with big hats?"

" T_T Don't cheat me of my dreammmmms"
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[X] Male
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.
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Voting is open