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"Very concerning," the Emperor says thoughtfully as the explanation comes to a close. "This would be a disaster for the Colleges if it became widely known - and, I firmly believe, for the Empire. If any had 'graduated' or weren't present, and if they decide to pick up where their slain teacher left off..." He sighs. "Dear, who can we shake loose?"

So how much of what Mathilde just did becoming known? A major purpose of our actions was to advertise K8P, so having too much of this wrapped up with secrecy tape is a kick in the teeth for our actual job. Perils of being a thankless Grey Magister while also a public representative.

The Elector Counts knowing would definitely be nice.
Guests of the library seeing The Skull spin around to find Mathilde nestled in its jaws curled up with a glass of brandy and a good book?
A swiveling chair. In a library or meeting room.

Well, that changed my mind about whether the chair option is acceptable or not. A chair in which you can dramatically turn around to face the people who just entered... How can you not pick something as spy-movie (or associated movie genre (or videogame, because I can picture Resident Evil fitting too)) as that??

Though, I really did like the idea of keeping it back in order to use it for something as metal as Burning Shadows... Though on the other hand, we have no idea if/when we'd ever get to use that tower, and so if it'd ever be mentioned in text. Whereas a chair can be often used and thus you can easily find a way to mention it in text.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.

[X] Loremaster: Expert on weaving
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So how much of what Mathilde just did becoming known? A major purpose of our actions was to advertise K8P, so having too much of this wrapped up with secrecy tape is a kick in the teeth for our actual job. Perils of being a thankless Grey Magister while also a public representative.

The Elector Counts knowing would definitely be nice.
Well everybody knows something got the Emperor kicked up about Sylvania. That's what the common dude in Altdorf and Nuln knows.

The important people, in this case the emperor, found out about it and I don't think he's going to be shy about answering questions.
Diplomacy: 6 - He prefers to leave the talking to others, though he can leap into a thunder denunciation when in the mood.
Stewardship: 4 - He knows to keep money coming in so he can keep spending it. That's about it.
Intrigue: 8 - His paranoia and knowledge of the enemies of the Empire only go part of the way to make up for the fact that he's as subtle as a brick.
how the hell did this man uncover the conspiracy blackmailing us?
Oh come on. That's such a collosal cop out that doesn't change the actual facts. We're currently skating by on such a technicality that we'd be executed anyways and we had other methods to remove the Liber Mortis from play, that doesn't change the fact it's a breach of trust we knowingly went into. We read the Liber Mortis because we considered the breach in trust and the price of discovery worth the information and our ability to do good with it. Full Stop. Trying to argue that there's a difference just because we haven't cast a single spell is cowardice. We betrayed the standards Imperial Wizards are meant to be held to because we thought it was worth it to do our job. That's okay. Trying to ignore that fact by hiding on technicality when every single time Boney has acknowledged it he's also said no one would defend it or acknowledge it.
Mmmh, you'd think that, but it is important. Here's why: We think so. We think there's a difference, a line we haven't crossed yet. Legally we're going to be burned, but mentally we've only looked at it, not touched it yet.

The decision to actually go and use Dhar with the understanding that anybody seeing us do it will annihilate our entire existence as a human in good standing with the forces of Order is a massive leap over that line, even though physically it's only the difference between whether or not we try out the one spell we read the book for, which is pretty much only useful for making other Dhar users shut up.

Or, in short, it's not that it'll change our legal status in any way, because anybody seeing us with the book will do basically the same thing, but it means that the thread is 'willing to dabble', and the mental processes of the thread and Mathilde are one and the same. It's another step the thread would make on the path to living in a volcano for the free hot bath water and just carrying a bunch of skulls on our clothes because otherwise we might need to leave them behind and they'll get lost and become a problem again.
how the hell did this man uncover the conspiracy blackmailing us?
Persistent rolling every turn and ties with an organization basically made to ferret out this sort of trouble, I'd wager.
Vlad alone? I assume you mean of the Von Carsteins and not the vampires period?

Also, I know what to do with the Protector coin face. Basically we become the James Bond of Grey order (i.e. a meh spy, but an excellent secret agent/assassin that blows up everything once we get there) while wearing it. This makes us the most well known grey wizard (not necessarily the best, just the most famous among the populous) making both enemies and allies think that all grey order wizards act like us, and so provide more cover to the ones trying to be sneaky.
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The fact that it's illegal is enough, that's not a law we should break for anything less than cancelling an apocalypse.

Eh... the laws also screw with our buddy Ranald and are generally written by people like Roswita.

The Empire's treatment of its magic users is the worst of basically any good or even order aligned faction - which coupled with all the other rot clearly seen at the top basically makes respect for the law a detriment.

Yes. This isn't a legal technicality, it's a spell-typing, the same way our spells are Ulgu. We get Lore of Dhar XP for casting this thing, so it is black magic.

This on the other hand seems like a far better reason to eschew using Dhar.

You can hopefully circumvent the mindset by using another Wind as tongs, combining the Second Secret with the secret of Dhar manipulation using a Wind
But that's really difficult, trying to seize control of an opponents spell enough to exert control and unravel it is hard enough considering the spell is made of metaphysical evil, but now imagine trying to unravel a rope but you aren't allowed to physically touch it, and it hates you

I was mainly thinking about how to best disable Skaven war machinery since that's the only immediate threat Mathilde doesn't have large bonuses to countering.

So how much of what Mathilde just did becoming known? A major purpose of our actions was to advertise K8P, so having too much of this wrapped up with secrecy tape is a kick in the teeth for our actual job. Perils of being a thankless Grey Magister while also a public representative.

At least the heads of each Order and most of the important wizards will know.

Other people probably won't know the exact details... but Mathilde's frequent flights around Stirland probably aren't going to go unnoticed.
Mmmh, you'd think that, but it is important. Here's why: We think so. We think there's a difference, a line we haven't crossed yet. Legally we're going to be burned, but mentally we've only looked at it, not touched it yet.

The decision to actually go and use Dhar with the understanding that anybody seeing us do it will annihilate our entire existence as a human in good standing with the forces of Order is a massive leap over that line, even though physically it's only the difference between whether or not we try out the one spell we read the book for, which is pretty much only useful for making other Dhar users shut up.

Or, in short, it's not that it'll change our legal status in any way, because anybody seeing us with the book will do basically the same thing, but it means that the thread is 'willing to dabble', and the mental processes of the thread and Mathilde are one and the same. It's another step the thread would make on the path to living in a volcano for the free hot bath water and just carrying a bunch of skulls on our clothes because otherwise we might need to leave them behind and they'll get lost and become a problem again.
I reiterate because you're focused on the wrong part of my arguments:
Edit: I'm done arguing this- I don't give a shit about using Dhar without immense pressure and need for it specifically. What I care about is a refusal to acknowledge the extent of our existing transgressions and use that as an excuse to hide it. We don't need to be Darth Mathilde to have wronged others, regardless of our reasons.
I still think it's reprehensible to hide behind that alone. It has nothing to do with actually using Dhar and everything to do with acknowledging why reading the Liber Mortis is so transgressive. That people who have made no mistake but trusting us will catch the backlash of our decision. That our Master, so proud of us will be tarred by his association. It's not about the Articles. And it's not about being able to save face among the Dwarfs if we do get found out. At least it shouldn't be, not to me.
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You know, if we really want to make a long time difference for the empire, that Great Deed is exactly the kind of thing that would let us recruit Dwarven aid to reverse engineer the Steam Tanks.
Okay, let me put it this way.

I'm not trying to suggest we're not dancing that razor's edge and that we're liable to get fucked for being cheeky enough to dance on that razor's edge on the first place.

What I'm trying to say is that "Just because we're wearing cleats so we don't slide down the slippery slope doesn't mean that we should start working our way down the mountain of damnation just because we're doing it on our own power instead of gravity's cold embrace"

AKA: Dhar, not even once
"I should have guessed," he says with a smile, "I've heard good things from the Dwarves. This is my dear wife, the Empress Consort Heidi Haupt-Anderssen."

You're not able to bask in the news you've become known to the Emperor himself, as you've suddenly realized where you've seen this woman before. "A pleasure to meet you!" says the woman who was once known as Countess Gabriella von Bundebad brightly, closing the gap between you before you can react and taking your hands in hers. "I'm sure we've so much in common!" And hidden by her hands, she folds one finger over another in the sign of the Gambler, and with a tiny sliver of divine attention that leaves you feeling giddy, an always-familiar presence gives confirmation.

"The pleasure is mine, your Majesties," you say faintly.

As you try to wrap your head around the magnitude of the plot Ranald appears to have expended his divine bounty upon, Dragomas and Algard explain the situation: a Vampire that has decided to share his knowledge freely instead of jealously hoarding it, and how it would have continued to go completely undetected if it not for fortune delivering the right Magister to the right spot at the right time - and the Empress gives you a cheeky, conspiratorial smile at fortune.
Forty years ago, in the year 2430, the Elector Count of Stirland and Emperor of the Empire of Man, Dieter IV, brought the Empire to the brink of ruin, culminating in selling Marienburg it's independence and ending in his being deposed. With the former Emperor and his accursed family, the Unfähiger, retreating to Talabecland to consolidate power there, rule of Stirland passed uncontested to the ill-fated Haupt-Anderssen dynasty. Though seemingly sober and worthy rulers, they appeared cursed with ill fortune, rule of the province passing from hand to hand as apparent natural causes took one ruler after another. Finally, at the end of the year 2469, the last Haupt-Anderssen held the title - the eighth of his line to do so.
Ranald worshiper, huh? She might actually be a lost Haupt-Anderssen.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
[X] Check in on the Gong Farmers and the Niter Factory.
[X] Check in on your fief in Stirland.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Belegar

I'm glad we now have these social turns because we'd never get to doing any of these otherwise.
Here's a funny thought: making a Slayer dwarf into an immortal vampire

Clearly Mathilde becoming a Slayer is the first step on the road to becoming a Lahmian Vampire.... and beginning an eternal secret Virgil of protecting humanity and Dawi alike from the forces of Chaos, Greenskins and Skavens. :rofl2:

A floating swiveling chair.

It'd be hilariously awesome if the chair could only float within the confines of our Sanctum ontop Karag Nar, and only within the confines of our Sanctum. To make it float outside would require knowledge of Slaan magics, something Mathilde most definitely won't be getting her hands on in the foreseeable future. The advanced, twenty turns of "aesthetic" investment in-version chair might well make Mathilde very difficult to fight within her Sanctum, but won't help Mathilde in her missions outside her Sanctum at all. But it does mean that Mathilde's chances against a Clan Eshin Master Assassin trying to come for Mathilde within her sanctum goes from a potentially quest-ending near-hopeless boss battle, to a competitive fight.

Actually, why bother with a staff, to begin with, come to think of it? Mathilde should go full Dwarf and craft herself a Throne to fight atop on. :cool:Just like the Dwarven High King and Slaan Priests.

Long Term Project Post Snake Juice and Theurgy: Craft a Throne of Power.

Dwarven Infection intensifies.

Seriously speaking, I'm hoping for Sanctum upgrades that would improve the security of Mathilde in the sanctum, and improve Mathilde's readiness to receive visitors, unlike poor Alkaline. I'm sure that upon reflecting upon the manner of Alhazard's death, Mathilde might well have the idea in her head that she eventually needs to start adding private defenses to her sanctum, just in case.
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You know, we're not getting too much mileage out of our fief at the moment aside from income from 35 gc/turn. What if we offered to the colleges to house battle wizards and their handlers there while they campaign in Sylvania? They have to have some sort of downtime. A sort of Mage Hostel/Hotel of sorts? It might be a good way to gain rep and money from the colleges. Further improvements to the estate along those lines might also reap some unusual benefits as well.
I'm not trying to suggest we're not dancing that razor's edge and that we're liable to get fucked for being cheeky enough to dance on that razor's edge on the first place.

What I'm trying to say is that "Just because we're wearing cleats so we don't slide down the slippery slope doesn't mean that we should start working our way down the mountain of damnation just because we're doing it on our own power instead of gravity's cold embrace"

AKA: Dhar, not even once
What the hell, I responded once- I'll respond again briefly. At the end of the day, it's about the fact that we are solely on this mountain face by our own choices. That's fair. We chose to do so because we thought the experience would be a net positive despite the risk. But that doesn't change the fact that if we fall, here or a dozen meters down- all the people connected to our line are going to start being dragged with us. A bunch of people of no particular crime are going to be paying for ours to one extent or another if we go tumbling down. So it stands to reason we have two additional obligations as a result of reading- to ensure we never fall to the best of our ability, and to try and get the utmost benefit out of our reading. I don't want it to be about Mathilde, or at least solely her stance on the matter because these potential choices will never just affect Mathilde.

Ultimately, I don't want Mathilde to be any more eager about using Dhar than you do- but I want her to consider the issue beyond her opinion on the matter. If our choices are destined to make Papa Regimand sad and disappointed then let's at least focus on making sure the outcome makes that consequence worth it.

Edit: I suppose I should thank everyone who argued with me. It's helped me articulate and put a point to my thoughts on the Dhar matter. Sorry I got so animated about it.
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You know, we're not getting too much mileage out of our fief at the moment aside from income from 35 gc/turn. What if we offered to the colleges to house battle wizards and their handlers there while they campaign in Sylvania? They have to have some sort of downtime. A sort of Mage Hostel/Hotel of sorts? It might be a good way to gain rep and money from the colleges. Further improvements to the estate along those lines might also reap some unusual benefits as well.
I think that might make the people around our fief just the tad bit jumpy, not to mention the inhabitants of it. Battle wizards have the bad tendency to explode. Not that it couldn't work mind you just would take a bit more diplomacy then I think Mathilde is capable of
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You know, we're not getting too much mileage out of our fief at the moment aside from income from 35 gc/turn. What if we offered to the colleges to house battle wizards and their handlers there while they campaign in Sylvania? They have to have some sort of downtime. A sort of Mage Hostel/Hotel of sorts? It might be a good way to gain rep and money from the colleges. Further improvements to the estate along those lines might also reap some unusual benefits as well.
Fort Redemption is closer, and better furnished, and more secure. so I don't see it like much of a good reason to inflict Battle Wizards onto our peeps.
Okay I have lurked for years and years. But I had to sign up for this quest. first off I have really enjoyed the adventures of mathilde. but I signed up because I am afraid if I don't engage in the thread the story will go in a direction I cannot enjoy.

Just to be clear I am a very shy person. that does not mean I don't care. I am very worried when I hear that the discussions in the thread affect the way mathilde behaves. I know that I am not very good at discussing things and I am very awkward in general. I don't want to feel forced to engage even though it makes me anxious.

Some posters say things like. "I think most agree with" etc.. others are just loud. I dont want our PC to use dhar ever. no practicing, nothing. So I feel a small minority of LOUD people are influencing the PC just because they are LOUD not because that's where most of us want to go.

I know I cannot argue with some people. I don't want to argue with a metaphorical brick wall just so the story does not go their way. What I am trying to say @BoneyM is just because I am quiet does not mean I am not invested. Just because people don't want to argue does not make them less committed.
Did Vlad have an uncommon resistance to Necromancy and warpstone and vampiric sheer age social effects or something? Possibly the ring, or being one of the first vampires? One that ended up being shared with the one he was closest to, Isabella, due to sheer proximity?

IIRC Vlad as one of the Original Nehekharan Vampires actually became a vampire by a different route than most/all others. Neferata turned herself...somehow, but her first-gen buddies like Vlad/Vashanesh she turned by means of some kind of potion or elixir. However the second generation and later are done by ritual. So the answer is probably "one of the first" with a side-order of "most people turned into vampires have been standing next to a Dhar-user for awhile and their brains were already kinda rotted".
It's not about the Articles. And it's not about being able to save face among the Dwarfs if we do get found out. At least it shouldn't be, not to me.
It's not about that to me either. The only one who will meaningfully know is Mathilde. Having read the Liber Mortis, we've already crossed the line everybody else would care about. This is entirely a matter of Self-justification.

But Self-Justification is our corruption bar, because it's the one that actively hits the thread. It's the difference between everybody telling ourselves we never actually used Dhar, and us going 'yeah, but we've never done bad things with it'.

The same way the thread doesn't like Sigmar, and so we got the trait, the thread self-justifies, and so Mathilde changes the way she thinks. It's the difference, if she is discovered, between her saying 'I'm sorry' very tearfully, and her going 'you don't understand!', and then flipping the switch to unleash the necro-crocodiles that breath laser skulls (Omegahugger will have convinced us to add them for laughs; we never expected them to come up again).
You know, we're not getting too much mileage out of our fief at the moment aside from income from 35 gc/turn.
It's a potted cactus fief. It's not meant to be a big economic thing, it's there to sustain itself while we check in once a decade and make sure everybody is living happily on their own, so that we can be a noble. We've already dumped basically a fortune on improving their lot; they're probably some of the best treated commoners in the Empire, on a case by case basis.
I know I cannot argue with some people. I don't want to argue with a metaphorical brick wall just so the story does not go their way. What I am trying to say @BoneyM is just because I am quiet does not mean I am not invested. Just because people don't want to argue does not make them less committed.
Perhaps, but if you are quiet they can't know how you feel. Taking the step to speak up if you're against it is important.
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