Yeah, he probably never really felt tempted by power for power's sake, and was thoroughly surprised when people would murder him to keep the power to themselves.
Things would have worked out better for him and for Stirland as a whole if he'd just turned himself into a vampire or something.
Backstabs don't work on vampires, at least not with weak noodly necromancer arms.
On the topic of the vote:
[ ] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the greenskins.
[ ] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the Skaven.
The only problem with setting it on the Greenskins is that we won't have Seija and Esbern to course correct and have to trust old conversations, once we arrive at whatever Peak we sent them to. It's easier to see talking-We as not-food, you know?
I'm most inclined to send it after the Skaven, who really do need to stay at infighting for a good, long time.
[ ] [UNDUMGI] Oswald Oswaldson, Imperial veteran
[ ] [UNDUMGI] Francesco Caravello, Tilean ex-merchant
[ ] [UNDUMGI] Soizic, Bretonnian Questing Knight
All of these sound great. I'm leaning slightly towards Francesco, just for the obsession with trade, but then also Oswald Armstrong. The Knight Errant is less exciting for me, although she's probably the most personally powerful. I do appreciate that we voted to hand over the torc to our pick, which is a natural way of saying 'This one is Grey Wizard-endorsed! Vote for her!'
[ ] [ARMOUR] It should be worn by the first Ironbreaker of the reborn Karak Eight Peaks
This feels like how you nudge along a regular Dwarf into a Hero Unit.
[ ] [LIBRARY] Skaven, as close to Esoteric as we can manage, in both Dwarf and Imperial. Dwarflore on Warpstone at least up to Antiquarian. College lore on Daemons is tempting, maybe just 2 Favor for Antiquarian?