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Still looking for some better wording for the Grey option:
-[] Greys: EIC spy network access to Grey intelligence assets

Where the goal is "make the EIC spy network more broadly useful than its current incarnation."
Given that "buy me some spy networks" was explicitly in the wheelhouse of the Gold College, and that spying is the Grey Colleges whole thing? Perhaps just something like:
-[] Greys: Mathilde and Hochlander access to Grey intelligence assets
-[] Greys: Bespoke spy network

With this being so much in the Greys Idiom, I don't think we have to attach it to our already built infrastructure, is my point. The EIC network can just become another part of Mathilde's network, rather than its entirety.
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I would be okay with this version of the armour request. Still wouldn't be my first choice, but I don't have any actual objection to it.
I have to ask, but what do you think the consequences for the thread will be after the first time we end in a fight whitout the armor that makes this choice worthy it ? Because I expect a paranoid salt mine.
I have to ask, but what do you think the consequences for the thread will be after the first time we end in a fight whitout the armor that makes this choice worthy it ? Because I expect a paranoid salt mine.
I think that the range of enemies where the armour will make the difference between death and survival is narrow enough that we're unlikely to thread that particular needle in a random encounter, and that if we do then it sucks, but oh well.

Also, as a general rule? Appealing to salt is not a good look to have for your argument, because it kind of implies (whether you mean it or not) that you intend to be part of that salt.
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I have to ask, but what do you think the consequences for the thread will be after the first time we end in a fight whitout the armor that makes this choice worthy it ? Because I expect a paranoid salt mine.

Generally speaking, the thread is better behaved than that.

But I do agree that it will feel... Unsatisfying if we end up in a situation where we needed the armour, but didn't have it because either ourselves or Mathilde or Boney didn't plan on us needing it.

It also creates extra bookkeeping—oh do we have the armour? No? Can we get it? Etc etc.

I'd rather just have the armour straight up than have it on some weird lending scheme. It's not like Boney is going to be simulating what the other people who could wear the armour would be doing.
Jesus that's a lot of messages to read through

[] A flying Ship
[] A flying tower

This is what I'll go for then unless someone else has an interesting idea
One thing I would say regarding "military aid" is that, well, we can generally get that already. Like, there are a lot of extremely pressing issues all the time, and we are liable to want something for a similarly valid reason.

We can get Wizard aid already, in the form of battlemages. This could go beyond that, and let us far more easily bring battle altars and the like, and of course have lots of help with the preparation of the campaign which can be pretty useful in some cases and game-changing in others.

Like, think of the theoretical campaign to retake -say- the Marcher Fortress. If we didn't have this Boon we could go up to the Elector Count, convince him to bring his army, and then we'd possibly get a few Wizards from the Colleges. Maybe a few of each College if we're really lucky or the EC makes use of his influence. Either way, they would be in a supporting role with knights, priests, levies etc leading the charge in an otherwise mostly conventional attack. Against an incredibly cursed fortress full of Daemons. Ouch. Sure, they'd have artillery too, but past a certain level artillery (at least with the Empire's technological base) can only do so much.

Imagine now that we use this boon. We'd be getting just about anything the Colleges could bring. Powerful rituals? Sure. Battle Altars? You got it. Huge choruses of Light Wizards? You can bet on it. That's in addition to everything else the Elector Count could bring, of course. The Daemons wouldn't be very happy if their welcome party to reality was a barrage of battle magic or cataclysm spells from every Wind.

Same for other Nexuses. The Blood Fane? A nightmare to reach, it's a Beastmen holy site located in the middle of the Forest of Shadows. A lot of Wizards bringing their most potent spells and equipment would do a lot. That Nechrarch's tower? It would be a lot less painful if instead of just a few Wizards we had dozens of them and maybe a Battle Altar or four. And so on...
I'm in favor of either Tenure or Bank Until Next Chapter.

I initially liked the idea of getting an exemption to the Vow of Poverty that'd be attached to the EIC shareholder position, because it's a change in the rules that doesn't tie up college/Empire resources like many of the other ideas, but I decided that loosening regulations when a megacorp is involved is a bad precedent to set.

I like Tenure because a) less book keeping, b) it's the closest option I can see to The Reward Is Headpats, and c) it's not like breaking the Dwarf Favor system made us stop doing things for dwarves.

I can't decide between the other ideas people have had, and would favor different ones depending on what we'll do after moving on from the Waystone Project.
Given that "buy me some spy networks" was explicitly in the wheelhouse of the Gold College, and that spying is the Grey Colleges whole thing? Perhaps just something like:
-[] Greys: Mathilde and Hochlander access to Grey intelligence assets
-[] Greys: Bespoke spy network

With this being so much in the Greys Idiom, I don't think we have to attach it to our already built infrastructure, is my point. The EIC network can just become another part of Mathilde's network, rather than its entirety.

I mean, we are a Lady Magister of the Grey Order. Even when we were just a Magister I assumed we had access to Grey intelligence assets.
Given that "buy me some spy networks" was explicitly in the wheelhouse of the Gold College, and that spying is the Grey Colleges whole thing? Perhaps just something like:
-[] Greys: Mathilde and Hochlander access to Grey intelligence assets
-[] Greys: Bespoke spy network

With this being so much in the Greys Idiom, I don't think we have to attach it to our already built infrastructure, is my point.
I'd like any intelligence assets we acquire to be managed via our EIC half-action, is the thing. So it needs to fold into the org chart under the Hochlander. I don't want something we have to make special requests of.
I think something akin to an Ulgu altar that is small enough to be portable or making our hat or something the equivalent of an Infinity Gauntlet where the gems are boatloads of bound spells. Something that substantially improves our ability to utilize/display magic, we keep getting hindered in training and learning more from our myriad responsibilities and it's bugged me for a long time.

Greater capabilities will inevitably trade into getting more favors too, for those who want things related to just improving the empire or organizations or the world. But it's much more fun and cool.

We're never going to stop serving the Empire ideally and fighting the good fight but personal gains are just, really satisfying and enjoyable.
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Lots of solid options but, I'm leaning towards the airship as being the least situational. Being able to bring more of what we have wherever we might need it is always helpful, it's cool as fuck, opens the door for spontaneous adventure to be even easier, and it doesn't render our penthouse obsolete.
I'd like any intelligence assets we acquire to be managed via our EIC half-action, is the thing. So it needs to fold into the org chart under the Hochlander. I don't want something we have to make special requests of.
I was imagining it as a passive source of intrigue and information. The only requests I remember ever making of our network was setup and expansion, which I didn't think would be necessary with a bespoke network built by the Grey college, and investigating something random in specific, which I thought the half action could still do. Perhaps I was wrong.
If we're going to go with the flying base thing, I'd much prefer if it was work that could then be built upon in the future rather than being an irreplicable masterpiece. Maybe done with the cooperation of the dwarves, too, since we know they used to have airships and the ability to make lifting-gas, and there's a whole thing with Thunderbarges in the later materials? Dunno how plausible that would be.

Basically I'd feel better if our airship was, like, the Gundam-esque Super Prototype of something that could be built more regularly 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 years down the road, rather than being a 1 of 1 masterpiece meant to compete with Fozzrik or whatever.

@Boney , would something along those lines be possible? "Cooperate with the dwarves on creating the plans for a flying ship type that can, in theory, be regularly produced - plus dibs on a prototype of a larger ship when such is built?"

Or something similar but without the dwarf cooperation, if it would be a sticking point.
To be fair, from my understanding of warhammer fantasy canon, which I think is pretty good :V, flying towers are a solved issue. The problem is not "flying towers cannot be consistantly replicated/built" so much as "flying towers are not mass producable/not worth mass producing"
Personally I'm in favor of the armor or breaking the college favor bank. Removing CF limits lets us get lots of cool gadgets, and the armor is the coolest gadget we could possibly acquire lol
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I was imagining it as a passive source of intrigue and information. The only requests I remember ever making of our network was setup and expansion, which I didn't think would be necessary with a bespoke network built by the Grey college, and investigating something random in specific, which I thought the Hochlander could still do. Perhaps I was wrong.
We've used it as a direct infiltration asset twice to get information on a specific thing we were interested in. The Hochlander had to handle one of them because we had no real EIC presence in the area. We'd use it more if it had more presence in the areas we were interested in; as it is, the active intel aspect has been kind of gathering dust.
We can get Wizard aid already, in the form of battlemages. This could go beyond that, and let us far more easily bring battle altars and the like, and of course have lots of help with the preparation of the campaign which can be pretty useful in some cases and game-changing in others.
Why would the forces that Mathilde can muster only consist of battle mages? If we are talking to the Elector Count of Talabecland and we've convinced him that the Marcher Fortress is important enough to recover, why wouldn't we be bringing battle altars? We're not going to retake the Marcher Fortress, because it is literally the worst. But the point is there. It'd take more favor trading, but I think we can assume the Colleges of Magic aren't so incompetent that they would make it entirely unreasonable to for Mathilde rally a battle altar to campaign.

I'm also not confident that Mathilde would be the one in charge of mustering the forces together. Similar to how Mathilde isn't responsible for paying for the construction the waystones. It seems like that we would be convincing the Elector Counts that the task is worthwhile, and potentially assist with the reclamation force that they muster. I wouldn't be surprised if we could help rally forces, but we're not going to need to spend the Orb deed to get the proper military response.
Still looking for some better wording for the Grey option:
-[] Greys: EIC spy network access to Grey intelligence assets

Where the goal is "make the EIC spy network more broadly useful than its current incarnation."
Why not ask for experts? Instead of asking the Greys to plug the EIC into existing networks (and honestly, with how the Greys operate, I'm dubious there is a single Grey spy network that can be added on to), ask for vetted operatives, and trusted experts to increase the capabilities and training of the current network.
By WOB, if the tower is 2, then a blimp like ship will be about 6, and a ship that sets down between flying will be 20. No more detail than that, because it's partly vibes.
I don't think it's "a ship that sets down" more like "any transportation that does need to land and take of is generally faster because it's giving up range and endurance for speed.
I really like the flying tower/ship idea, but there is one potential snag. In the past Boney has said that items enchanted with flight spells would be susceptible to being dispelled by enemies, and I would prefer to not have a base with such a glaring weakness. I assume there will be ways to mitigate that, but I don't know if that vulnerability can be fully patched out.
Why not ask for experts? Instead of asking the Greys to plug the EIC into existing networks (and honestly, with how the Greys operate, I'm dubious there is a single Grey spy network that can be added on to), ask for vetted operatives, and trusted experts to increase the capabilities and training of the current network.
We've could have done that ourselves ages ago but the thread is unwilling to go for it. Hell we could have send feelers into nordland and middenland to learn more about the current problems but people decided that wasn't important enough we need to make a trade route for charcoal.
Chat shit by fast, is there a post or two that lays out the airship thing in detail?
Other than the vague speed estimates, It will need crew and won't allow us to travel outside the old world in normal turns.

I was really trying to think of a positive thing to go at the end there so i wouldn't sound like I was knocking it. I promise I won't be mad if the ship wins guys it's really very cool
Other than the vague speed estimates, It will need crew and won't allow us to travel outside the old world in normal turns.

I was really trying to think of a positive thing to go at the end there so i wouldn't sound like I was knocking it. I promise I won't be mad if the ship wins guys
It can get a gyro carriage landing platform, is another positive.

Edit: it also has a range of yes.
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