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If he did get a Chaos-i-gram, it probably said we were a candidate whilst also informing him of his own candidacy. I wonder what they claimed Mathilde's motivation for taking the world's shittiest job was? We're pretty happy with where we are in life.
"Her? She'd never embrace Chaos!"

"Wouldn't she? Tell me, does Mathilde Weber seek glory? Does she meddle in others' lives for their own good? Does she steer the fates of cities and countries, mortals and immortals? Is she ever frustrated that she doesn't have more with which to accomplish her great and noble ends? Contemplate these questions, and then tell me again that the Four have nothing to offer her."
[X]: spinning Lyre
[X]: fiddle
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Kas was absolutely lovely. Always love to get more non-binary rep when we can.

[X] Portativ
as far as who would want it and having to evict the local inhabitants you are of course correct. But consider this, near everyone is trying to get the Asrai to the table and make them stop going on a rampage every spring.
"Hey instead of sending that warhost at us, why don't you throw yourself into reclaiming an ancient holy site?" All of a sudden they need to be able to conserve their strength to get there and negotiate (I don't see them being ok with it being owned by Greenskins) to get there. Then if they succeed they have to be able to support a outpost there in a hostile forest. That requires support.
If they don't succeed all of a sudden they have to negotiate to get help on reclaiming it, again bringing them to the table. It's an issue that is not immediately solvable or one that should be focused on at this point, but it is an option. One more arrow for the quiver as it were.

The issue with that is is assumes Orion is thinking rationally when he rides in the Wild Hunt, that he can choose to fight the Goblins over holy sites and not murder whatever peasant offended the trees most recently. I do not think he can. Same goes with a lot of the reasons why the Asrai are assholes, because the elves have too much fey in them and/or the fey have too much Dhar.
The idea of bringing Bretonnian help to reclaim the Forest of Gloom nexus or other nexuses has been floated before. If The Lady is confirmed to be a daughter then maybe we could ask Her servants to do a little detour and reclaim one of Her father's ancient holy sites.
I don't think we should invade without Wood Elf support of some kind. We're not going to be able to hold ground there otherwise, and it'll just get lost to goblins again.
Having relatively recently reread some of that, I'm pretty sure the dwarves are explicitly fine with reverse-engineering skaven technology. With the chaos dwarves, maybe they'd be upset because their knowledge is extremely obviously and directly taken from the Karaz Ankor, even if they can't reasonably try to claim it'd be infringing on guild secrets to steal it from them?

I'm pretty sure the Chaos Dwarves independently invented their firearm and ballistic missile technology, and they lost contact with the Karaz Ankor well before the later invented gunpowder, and the Chaos Dwarves consider the mountain dwarves to be backwards and stagnant compared to their industrial progression.

The Chaos Dwarves may even had firearms first.
The issue with that is is assumes Orion is thinking rationally when he rides in the Wild Hunt, that he can choose to fight the Goblins over holy sites and not murder whatever peasant offended the trees most recently. I do not think he can. Same goes with a lot of the reasons why the Asrai are assholes, because the elves have too much fey in them and/or the fey have too much Dhar.

To the first point yeah, if we want to get sticky about it he doesn't think rationally, that doesn't mean he can't be influenced. Ariel could direct him somewhat, his followers are influenced by his rage about the damage to tree's, what could be more damaging that them stealing an entire forest?

To the second on the too much dhar thing, isn't that what the waystones are about? Getting rid of it and seeing as the only true "dump" seems to be either the Dawi or the Asur, both of whom the Asrai have... strong feelings about. It's a delicate balance of politics, ancient history, modern wrongs and an attempt to put it right.

Queen Ariel has spent years fighting Morghur who is now chained to Karag Dum. Orion by all accounts is more of the warmaster than ruler of the Asrai. Ariel will be invested in it and honestly that would be enough for most Asrai.

At this point it's less about immediacy and more the knowledge that we know where the site is (which I have to assume the Asrai don't) is a potent bargaining chip.
"Her? She'd never embrace Chaos!"

"Wouldn't she? Tell me, does Mathilde Weber seek glory? Does she meddle in others' lives for their own good? Does she steer the fates of cities and countries, mortals and immortals? Is she ever frustrated that she doesn't have more with which to accomplish her great and noble ends? Contemplate these questions, and then tell me again that the Four have nothing to offer her."
I was going to say that that's a pretty crappy argument, but given the quality of temptation bird boy brought out for us you're probably on the money.
I was going to say that that's a pretty crappy argument, but given the quality of temptation bird boy brought out for us you're probably on the money.
Tbh its very easy to ignore temptation when the consensus of 600 minds inside you didn't all think that the source of that temptation is a band of absolute nonces.

She did nearly drink from the cup, so they can be pretty good at compulsion when they want to be.
Wood Elves live in forests.
Wood Elves live in relatively small areas of forest. Most of it is defensive and staging ground that they cede in case of too much trouble. This is true for both Athel Loren and Laurelorn. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have so many problems with beastmen in their native forests, much less ones they are somehow supposed to occupy.
I think it's interesting how the people of Karak Vlag can be simultaneously completely unashamed of having done what they need to do to survive and also utterly shamed by having done what they need to do to survive.

If someone else calls them on it, they are unashamed and defiant. When forced to answer to themselves, they want to think about it as little as possible.
[X] Spinning Lyre
[X] Portativ
[X] Bagpipes

I really like the idea of incorporating magical awareness (even if it's extremely rudimentary) into rural folk knowledge/tradition by marrying extremely simple magically-attuned instruments into village life. It also shows initiative from the Colleges (not from the top, but from two Lords Magister is a big deal) towards using magical knowledge to better safeguard the people of the Empire from magical dangers.

Also, what a freaking teaser for that forest hellwar. Not just a forest war, but playing two races against each other once more, for the strategic prize of a waystone nexus and ancient divine mysteries, along with potential goodwill from Ranald for liberating that?

Always nice to see Karak Vlag getting back onto its feet and finding its place back in the world. This was one hell of an opportunity, and I'll bet it's quite reassuring to them that their refounding of their Runesmithing clan will coincide with the refounding of such a clan in a place as storied and prestigious as Karak Eight Peaks. With two major karaks now needing to build a new runesmithing institution from almost scratch, hopefully there's enough of a kick in the butt of the broader Cult of Thungni to train a lot more apprentices and meet the needs of the Karaz Ankor.

Part of me was hoping Mathilde would point out that Karak Vlag's actions were fully justified from the standpoint of doing their utmost to try to make the books they'd be entrusted with would be returned to the Fire Spire rather than being lost to the Aethyr forever, but I suppose making the argument that Mathilde, representing the Colleges, were the closest thing left to claimants for the books and could personally assure them that stuff like dogears and writing in the margins were not even slightly bothersome.
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If you put in enough time, effort, and perhaps the assistance of someone as knowledgeable about Beastmen as you are about Greenskins, you could probably keep the flames stoked for long enough to exterminate one side and greatly weaken the other, but that would be a far greater investment of time and effort than you've slated for the task at hand.

I wonder if Egrimm knows anything about beastmen. He didn't say anything when we bumped into Cor Dum, but he is an experienced wizard. He must have run into them a few times, right?

Alternatively, Regimand has a bit of experience with beastmen, maybe he could help.
I think it's interesting how the people of Karak Vlag can be simultaneously completely unashamed of having done what they need to do to survive and also utterly shamed by having done what they need to do to survive.

If someone else calls them on it, they are unashamed and defiant. When forced to answer to themselves, they want to think about it as little as possible.
... Honestly I've done that before. Outside recriminations can feel unfair when there's a distinct feeling they haven't weighed any of the shit you've thought about when judging yourself harshly.
They live in Athel Loren.

Just because you clear out the Forest of Gloom doesn't mean they're going to move in.
Wood Elves live in relatively small areas of forest. Most of it is defensive and staging ground that they cede in case of too much trouble. This is true for both Athel Loren and Laurelorn. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have so many problems with beastmen in their native forests, much less ones they are somehow supposed to occupy.
My point wasn't that we should go ask Asrai or Eonir to come help out with the Forest of Gloom, it was that any sort of invasion without them is pointless. Since neither group cares about reclaiming a holy place of Loec in the Forest of Gloom, we cannot convince them to help out, and thus any invasion plans are pointless.
I am starting to feel like Mathilde views Randal as a weird sort of war god at this point. The sort of war god you pray to before going on a raid for loot.

Do any of the other order war gods cover that territory? Or is it free real estate so long as Randal can take it from Khorne.
Pirates sometimes pray to Stromfels, right? That's kinda close.

If you ignore the lack of boats, or the fact that bandits almost certainly pray to Ranald.
I wonder if Egrimm knows anything about beastmen. He didn't say anything when we bumped into Cor Dum, but he is an experienced wizard. He must have run into them a few times, right?

Not necessarily. The bread and butter of the Light Order is Daemons, and they don't even have a formal specialization for dealing with Beastmen. The Ambers are the ones who would have the most expertise at opposing Beastmen, followed by the Jades and Brights.
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