True, but there's a deeper context that would be likewise restricted to a few experts: the title of Thane was once entirely restricted to the Dwarven equivalent of nobility, because once the Karaz Ankor was mighty enough that any battle they were involved in was one they chose in advance to get involved in and were always able to properly set up the chain of command, and the leaders for a given force would be the ones that led those Dwarves in peacetime. The modern reality that anyone in the chain of command can be elevated to Thane if necessary, and they will retain the title permanently unless they fuck it up, is an admission that unplanned battles are now enough of a fact of life that Dwarven society can't afford to turn down any battle-tested leader. Even a human that got thrust into the position by the Air Bud rule.
To bring the Air Bud rule full circle, we should look into how we can get Wolf a separate Thane-ship for himself.