Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
This all just supports the original claim that Mathilde's library won't be seen by 99.99% of the Empire, so thanks?
Yes, but I'm telling that because of logistic, average level of education and various levels of access, "not been seen by 99% of population" can pretty much be a standard for any library of Old World.

And it's technically K8P's library with huge volume of dwarf literature. I don't think that others dwarf libraries as welcoming as our. But it's just my thoughts.
Pffft, Krakatoa?
Krakatoa's 1883 eruption was 'merely' a 200 megaton explosion
You want a big boom?
Mount Tombara's 1815 eruption was about 30,000 megatons
Any supervolcano (Yellowstone, Taupō, Altiplano-Puna) is classified as such by having had at least one eruption that reached an 8 on the scale, ten times the power of a 7.

And our estimates for Yellowstone last time put it at 900,000 megatons, so almost a Teraton.
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Thinking more about the fire spire rebuild and the way there's sort of an alliance of magical colleges that could be developed in the long term. K8P, Altdorf, Fire Spires, Marienburg's academy all seem like they could be brought into an invisible college sort of arrangement eventually. Maybe even some of the Tilean masters or the fey enchantress's tower?

That should catch pretty much all the human talent north of nehekara, and give them a local school for their education, and rivals to compete against.

My bet is that K8P well become a teaching school eventually, simply because we have mono-wind environments available and not all the locals are going to want to swear to the empire. I can see maybe one master for each wind training one apprentice at a time, due to space constraints? It would be enough for the local armies to have a few wizard units in the future, at least. Ulrikadrin, Karag Nar, Mad Dog Pass and the local border princes can't produce more than one or two talents a year, right?
Thinking more about the fire spire rebuild and the way there's sort of an alliance of magical colleges that could be developed in the long term. K8P, Altdorf, Fire Spires, Marienburg's academy all seem like they could be brought into an invisible college sort of arrangement eventually. Maybe even some of the Tilean masters or the fey enchantress's tower?

That should catch pretty much all the human talent north of nehekara, and give them a local school for their education, and rivals to compete against.

My bet is that K8P well become a teaching school eventually, simply because we have mono-wind environments available and not all the locals are going to want to swear to the empire. I can see maybe one master for each wind training one apprentice at a time, due to space constraints? It would be enough for the local armies to have a few wizard units in the future, at least. Ulrikadrin, Karag Nar, Mad Dog Pass and the local border princes can't produce more than one or two talents a year, right?

I hate to keep bringing this up, but when I asked if we could trade Elementalist books to the Hags, an allied tradition Boney was pretty firm in that the Colleges would not like it. And this is lore the Colleges can't even use. I do not think magical lore transfers happen without some major diplomatic concessions and the problem with Kislev is it is quite poor. What could it possibility offer the Empire for insight into Color magic, much less Marienburg?
My bet is that K8P well become a teaching school eventually, simply because we have mono-wind environments available and not all the locals are going to want to swear to the empire. I can see maybe one master for each wind training one apprentice at a time, due to space constraints? It would be enough for the local armies to have a few wizard units in the future, at least. Ulrikadrin, Karag Nar, Mad Dog Pass and the local border princes can't produce more than one or two talents a year, right?

I find that unlikely primarily because small mono-wind towers are greatly suboptimal compared to a college campus, and Mathilde is loyal to the colleges and would not accept a sub-standard solution that weakens the colleges, when just sending someone to Altdorf is right there as a solution. We'd need a lot more investment into mono-wind environments to get a proper teaching environment set up. And while we could probably do it if needed, it seems like it would mostly end up as wasted effort so long as the colleges exist. K8P is not situated such that it draws from a large population of recruits, given its location on the fringes of the friendly parts of the known world. Only circumstance I can see where K8P teaches on a large scale is if the Colleges end up outlawed again.
Speaking of the potential of the Colleges ever being outlawed. I think that just got a lot less likely with the stones. Everyone wants them, not just for themselves, but because they know that in aggregate that is what is keeping reality real and not Chaos-flavored. Well the Colleges are a major source of manpower for a lot of components. The Eonir will not be able to keep up with the demand for all the magical components which means that Kislev and even the Karaz Ankor would have a stake in the Colleges not being outlawed. If we are talking Dieter-scale bullshit again I could imagine a world where the High King sends an urgent diplomatic missive in the wake of the dissolution of a vital guild, the kind of diplomatic missive that is one refusal away from a throng getting sent

Mariemburg I think would have insights in how magic and the winds work at the sea which is something I think Boney has commented the Colleges do not have a good grasp on

Not denying that, just pointing out that they too would likely ask for a price, likely an even heavier one.
Thinking more about the fire spire rebuild and the way there's sort of an alliance of magical colleges that could be developed in the long term. K8P, Altdorf, Fire Spires, Marienburg's academy all seem like they could be brought into an invisible college sort of arrangement eventually. Maybe even some of the Tilean masters or the fey enchantress's tower?

That should catch pretty much all the human talent north of nehekara, and give them a local school for their education, and rivals to compete against.

My bet is that K8P well become a teaching school eventually, simply because we have mono-wind environments available and not all the locals are going to want to swear to the empire. I can see maybe one master for each wind training one apprentice at a time, due to space constraints? It would be enough for the local armies to have a few wizard units in the future, at least. Ulrikadrin, Karag Nar, Mad Dog Pass and the local border princes can't produce more than one or two talents a year, right?
I don't think a rebuilt firespire is on the table. The ice witches don't want the competition and so push against it. And these days, male wizards can just go to the Empire, so there's a lack of free, trained wizards around. The nearest ones would be in Tilea, and get a side eye from everyone they cross getting up there.

If there will be a Firespire in the future, I would guess it would be a branch of the Colleges. That would be interesting politically, but not impossible.

I like the idea of an international magic organization, but i think Tilea and Estalia would require local academies. Though training would probably still happen in Altdorf because they have much, much better infrastructure.
AC only works because electricity is weird and allows you to cheat by transporting nothing and just slightly wiggling all the components of the 'flow' around. The approach is thus useless in other context.
The approach may or may not be useless depending on how magic behaves. The idea that there's some way to trade off between 'smoothness' of flow and ??? of flow is most applicable to electricity, but it's at least worth asking whether magic can do that.

The answer is "no" but the question is reasonable.

I remember learning how big and scary nuclear bombs were and then I did some research for different quest and I was utterly terrified that water like in say Mariana trench could just choke the strongest weapon we ever devised in it's crib. Who knew lot of water trumped splitting the fucking atom. Nature is scary yo.
Well, if you detonate a fusion bomb under water at 1100 atmospheres' pressure, it still works assuming none of the components are crushed by pressure (i.e. if you wrap it in a strong deep sea submersible pressure hull). It's just that all the energy that would be spread across many many cubic kilometers of the atmosphere if the thing went off in the air is instead going to be concentrated on a much smaller amount of high pressure seawater.

You get one hell of a powerful depth charge from the point of view of anything nearby... It's not really some kind of radically different outcome from what you get on land. Yes, the Earth doesn't get knocked out of its orbit, the land doesn't fall into the sea or vice versa, et cetera, et cetera, but none of that happens on land or on the sea. The only big difference is that the blast propagates farther through air than through seawater, because, well, of course it does.
You miss my point, which was that motives and intentions don't actually matter here - building mottes-and-baileys and things to improve the local economy like Mathilde did are in fact still for the benefit of the common people even if the noble who ordered them built did so out of selfish reasons, because he was afraid a rival noble would attack them or whatever. Materially speaking, that's not all that different for the people living within.
I'd even argue that from the perspective of the people that are her subjects, she's not actually that great.

Sure, she did send some sheep over there and once asked some dwarfs to Look for ore, but that's it. Her only other accomplishment is not taking away all of the money they made on their own.

She is literally a distant overlord to these people who's only contact is coming over, taking their money and leaving some odd trinkets she doesn't need.

Sure, she could have been worse, im not debating that, but lets not fool ourselfs into beliving she is some once-in-a-millenium saint.

And that's if we hold her to the standard of some minor noble and not the financial and political powerhouse that she actually is. She routinely spends enough money for community changing projects on getting new books.

Her fiefdom is such an after thought, that of it were attacked by beastmen and completly whipped out (not a hard think to do with their current level of security) we would probably only notice if we came over to collect the money that has acumualted or maybe one of our friends will notice and inform us, but i dont think the people we are directly responsible for even have a way to contact us directly or indirectly in the case of danger
She is literally a distant overlord to these people who's only contact is coming over, taking their money and leaving some odd trinkets she doesn't need.

IIRC, she actually doesn't take their money at all (her money comes from her EIC investments), she has them reinvest the money she would take into infrastructure stuff instead. Which puts her way above most feudal overlords. She could certainly do more, I guess, but I think the people there are pretty happy being left the hell alone.
but i dont think the people we are directly responsible for even have a way to contact us directly or indirectly in the case of danger
Directly, no, indirectly, yes, but I'd imagine that if there was actual danger it'd be more up to the Stirlandian Watch/Army to handle than Mathilde.
It's been seven years since you last paid a visit to your fief. Part of you frets at this, but the reason this land was chosen for you is that it can take care of itself while you're taking care of the rest of the Empire. Besides, it's not like you've abandoned them entirely, as you left them with instructions to contact you via the EIC if anything was amiss and left the EIC instructions to keep you informed of any significant dangers in the area.

IIRC, she actually doesn't take their money at all (her money comes from her EIC investments), she has them reinvest the money she would take into infrastructure stuff instead. Which puts her way above most feudal overlords. She could certainly do more, I guess, but I think the people there are pretty happy being left the hell alone.
The last time we visited on Turn 38, we voted to take around half of the money that had piled up.
IIRC, she actually doesn't take their money at all (her money comes from her EIC investments), she has them reinvest the money she would take into infrastructure stuff instead. Which puts her way above most feudal overlords. She could certainly do more, I guess, but I think the people there are pretty happy being left the hell alone.
No, EIC revenue doesn't get sent to the Fief

The Fief generates it's own income, presumably from taxing its sheep economy
Edit: Oh, forgot about the flint mine
Which gets stored by Rolf since Mathilde isn't personally there to collect it

Then once in a blue moon Mathilde shows up again to check on things, rubber stamp investments that Rolf puts forth, and sometimes take half of the money with her to stop it from causing problems from over accumulating
The Weber Estate

The lands of Dame Weber, Knight of Stirland, are a series of rolling limestone hills suitable for herding sheep and goats and not much else. The locals are a hardy and independent lot. It is being overseen by a steward in your absence.

Estate Coffers: 418 crowns as of the beginning of 2489
Estate Profits: 50 crowns / turn
Pending Expenses: 50 crowns for Jade Wizard, 1 crown per sheep per year for East Westerlander breeding project (20-100 estimated)

I don't think the peasants there really have much of an opinion about Mathilde at all really
Positive or negative
"We're technically ruled by a Wizard" is like, trivia more than anything

Things are managed relatively decently, and Mathilde gave the go ahead for Rolf to invest the coffers back into the Fief, so they've got decent enough walls to keep the odd zombie out and good access to clean water and whatnot
But those are going to be attributed to Rolf's stewardship more than Mathilde giving the greenlight
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Every time I'm reminded of Rolf I remember that the guy named his kid after us. And it's like, we did literally nothing to deserve it, don't know him like that, and he's probably just trying to curry favor with the boss, or really bad at names.

But it is kind of sweet.
You miss my point, which was that motives and intentions don't actually matter here - building mottes-and-baileys and things to improve the local economy like Mathilde did are in fact still for the benefit of the common people even if the noble who ordered them built did so out of selfish reasons, because he was afraid a rival noble would attack them or whatever. Materially speaking, that's not all that different for the people living within.
My point is that motives and intentions very much do matter here because that's what the whole waystone placement question is about. If we put it in New Town or River Gate, we'll be telling the people who matter "the primary purpose of these things is to increase your land and wealth". If we put it in Old Town, we'll be telling the people who matter "the primary purpose of these things is to make life for your oppressed subjects easier". Nobles don't give a crap about their subjects beyond extracting wealth from them, so the former argument far more directly appeals to them than the latter, even if healthier and happier subjects do make more money.

(There's also the fact that some nobles prefer a less productive but weaker and more compliant populace, but that's a separate matter.)

Both placements materially help commoners and nobles, but the message of New Town is more overtly pro-noble.
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This reminds me of something;
Sure, she did send some sheep over there and once asked some dwarfs to Look for ore, but that's it. Her only other accomplishment is not taking away all of the money they made on their own.

Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Aside from sending sheep and having dwarves look for ore what did Mathilde do for the fief huh?
Member 2: Built a road?
Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Okay that is true but aside from sending sheep and having dwarves look for ore and build a road what did Mathilde do for the fief?
Member 3: Build a Shrine to Ranald?
Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Okay that is true but aside from sending sheep, having dwarves look for ore, build a road and build a shrine to Ranald what did Mathilde do for the fief?
Member 2: Brought Blacksmithing tools and the Blacksmith?
Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Okay that is true but aside from sending sheep, having dwarves look for ore, build a road, build a shrine to Ranald and Blacksmith what did Mathilde do for the fief?
Member 3: nothing?
Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Nothing that is right!
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If we put it in Old Town, we'll be telling the people who matter "the primary purpose of these things is to make life for your oppressed subjects easier".
Just to clarify, your contention here is that the 'common' people, i.e. the vast majority of the global population and the people who will be living alongside the Waystones on a day to day basis, don't matter and shouldn't factor into this decision making process because they "enjoy evil and ignorance too much" to care about the effects the Waystones will have, correct?
This reminds me of something;

Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Aside from sending sheep and having dwarves look for ore what did Mathilde do for the fief huh?
Member 2: Built a road?
Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Okay that is true but aside from sending sheep and having dwarves look for ore and build a road what did Mathilde do for the fief?
Member 3: Build a Shrine to Ranald?
Sheep Fief Liberation FrontLeader: Okay that is true but aside from sending sheep, having dwarves look for ore, build a road and build a shrine to Ranald what did Mathilde do for the fief?
Member 2: Brought Blacksmithing tools and the Blacksmith?
Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Okay that is true but aside from sending sheep, having dwarves look for ore, build a road, build a shrine to Ranald and Blacksmith what did Mathilde do for the fief?
Member 3: nothing?
Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Nothing that is right!
Member 4: Brought peace to Stirland?
Sheep Fief Liberation Front Leader: Oh, 'peace to Stirland' - SHUT UP!