You have to remeber that the rulling class of the Empire is a martial class and it's two main responsiblies are defensing their territory and being able to raise armies if their feudal lord demands it. Mathilde is failing both.Directly, no, indirectly, yes, but I'd imagine that if there was actual danger it'd be more up to the Stirlandian Watch/Army to handle than Mathilde.
Sure, she has a lot more value to the empire the way things stand now, but purely in regards to her responabilities as a noble, she is failing
The Stirland guard could help if worse comes to worse, but thats not their job and that's not what their meant to do. The whole system depends on the local garrisons or millitas defeating threats to minor to move the guard into action and to buy time for enough of them to arrive if the threat is big enough
Pre-Industrial logistics simply make it impossible for one centralised fighting forces to defense huge amounts of land without working with Hand in Hand with the locals
That's why the elector counts and the nobility are allowed to exist, they gain political autonomy in exchange for providing, first of all, martial might
It's working so far, because again, Mathilde is not a normal noble and there are people close enough that will probably lend a hand to gain her favor, but lets say it as it is
Dame Mathilde Weber has neglected her responsiblies as a noble of the realm to her emperor, to her feudal lord, but most importantly her people
She isn't some shinning light upon the hill, as some are trying to make her Out to be, she's just a shitty ruler in a way that most people here dont think about, so she gets a pass for it
Also, @ReImagined thanks for finding the meantion of her taking the money, i was pretty sure inremebered it correctly, but that belief quickly evaporated when Deadman meantioned that she didnt do it.