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I think the Greys who get the most attention are the apprentices and journeymen/women. As the Bursar said, you don't get the rank of Magister unless they trust you; at that point, I imagine attention amounts to the occasional glance your way, accompanied by significantly more pointed glances if you're either not doing much or obviously suspicious stuff starts happening around you.
I did say indirectly. The Colleges know that Mathilde runs a trade company, manages a library, has an Apprentice, and also that she spends enough time on the Waystone Project that the other Colleges haven't presented any complaints to them. How much time she has for personal actions is unknown but still pretty limited.

That's enough to think "well she interacts with so many other people that it's not worth actually directly observing her'.
How would that help? Mathilde is a veteran spy. Whatever concerning shit she would like to hide, she would hide. Like, if she'd have some evil magic books, she'd make sure to read them in private. Or if she was conducting experiments that press right against the line of the articles and the rights of the gods themselves. Or going around and assassinating important figures. How would any of the above prevent her from doing so, or help detect it? Because, y'know, it didn't and doesn't.
How would that help? Mathilde is a veteran spy. Whatever concerning shit she would like to hide, she would hide. Like, if she'd have some evil magic books, she'd make sure to read them in private. Or if she was conducting experiments that press right against the line of the articles and the rights of the gods themselves. Or going around and assassinating important figures. How would any of the above prevent her from doing so, or help detect it? Because, y'know, it didn't and doesn't.
I think I'm just gonna concede the point and move on because I don't feel confident in my capacity to put what it's my head in words.
If we're just planning to set off the matrix immediately, can't a lot of the complexity be removed in favor of just forming the spell inside of him normally rather than suspending it? Cut down the casting time. As the person who reverse engineered the matrix, I imagine mathilde actually did that a few times in the process as she worked her way up.

The assassination of a head of state is not the best time to be experimenting with new casting methods.
The real question is if there is any long corridors with a bunch of different doors in the palace. Can't have a proper scooby do chase scene without that.
Say we go to KaK or Kislev city, where it the EIC going to hear about that?

From Karak Eightpeaks gossip mostly- it's not like our pilot doesn't have a bunch of family and friends in a place where almost all human commerce is EIC sold or shipped. The thing about a spy network run through merchants is that we too are visible to them.

Plus my bet is that the hochlander has taken some steps of his own. He's the grey wizard we pay the least attention to, while at the same time he's close enough to be taken as our representative by half the empire. So he's in that perfect 'won't see' blindspot that grey wizards love so much, he's got a firm grip on exactly how powerful she is, and he knows that the rest of the college basically just trusts her. If he's got any sense of personal responsibility, he's going to continue to vet his employer.

Oh, and I bet he knows more about our experiments than we probably realize, since he'd get our requisitions lists.

Basically I'm assuming a LOT of contact and conversation with and between NPCs off screen, especially the ones that aren't plot relevant but still present.

I think the Greys who get the most attention are the apprentices and journeymen/women. As the Bursar said, you don't get the rank of Magister unless they trust you; at that point, I imagine attention amounts to the occasional glance your way, accompanied by significantly more pointed glances if you're either not doing much or obviously suspicious stuff starts happening around you.

Apprentices definitely. Journeymen less so, I'd bet: too much random distance between them for a few magisters to run a circuit, too much work for their old masters to shadow them.

Mathilde said something about remembering the sorts of questions she saw on her magister test from her senior apprentice days, didn't she? I bet the compare/contrast between the two sets of answers is most of what they've got.

Well, we are pretending to be an incompetent Lahmian assassin, so miscasting whilst experimenting with a spell whilst lying under the Tzar's bed would be in character.

I mean, makes as much sense as some of the other plans. (No shade to nighttime heart attack, this time. It's significantly better than some of the earlier iterations.)
From Karak Eightpeaks gossip mostly- it's not like our pilot doesn't have a bunch of family and friends in a place where almost all human commerce is EIC sold or shipped. The thing about a spy network run through merchants is that we too are visible to them.

Plus my bet is that the hochlander has taken some steps of his own. He's the grey wizard we pay the least attention to, while at the same time he's close enough to be taken as our representative by half the empire. So he's in that perfect 'won't see' blindspot that grey wizards love so much, he's got a firm grip on exactly how powerful she is, and he knows that the rest of the college basically just trusts her. If he's got any sense of personal responsibility, he's going to continue to vet his employer.

Oh, and I bet he knows more about our experiments than we probably realize, since he'd get our requisitions lists.

Basically I'm assuming a LOT of contact and conversation with and between NPCs off screen, especially the ones that aren't plot relevant but still present.
I really doubt it, or the way you're framing it is overblown. Like, if anyone is a perfect spy, it's Johan or Max. Or Eike. She doesn't spent much if any time with the Hochlander. I'm not saying that he completely ignores her. If she started asking for Warpstone, he'd definitely notice. And if something else raised suspicions (like, Mathilde buying from a merchant that turned out to be corrupt), he follow up. But he's also got a spy network to run, and that'll take more time than he has. Also, why the hell would he be more trustworthy than Mathilde?

Like, the Grey College is made up of people like Mathilde. Nosy, clever and eternally second-guessing, but also in a permanent state of AP Hell. We spent a fair few APs checking on Johan and Ergrimm, and Noctilus to a lesser degree. But at some point we decided that they were probably trustworthy, and stopped doing that. Because there's other things to do.

This comes up every now and then. The answer remains the same. If Boney says that Mathilde is trusted, and that the Greys can't and don't stalk their own members, unless they've got serious evidence that it's necessary? Maybe that should be taken to mean they don't do that.
In fact, the Grey College stalks on none of its members whatsoever-yet due to the paranoia of your average Grey Wizard, they all believe they are under 24/7 surveillance and thus abide by the articles strictly.
This comes up every now and then. The answer remains the same. If Boney says that Mathilde is trusted, and that the Greys can't and don't stalk their own members, unless they've got serious evidence that it's necessary? Maybe that should be taken to mean they don't do that.

Ok, but I stated my assumptions:

If he's got any sense of personal responsibility, he's going to continue to vet his employer.


Basically I'm assuming a LOT of contact and conversation with and between NPCs off screen, especially the ones that aren't plot relevant but still present.

And I'm speculating who *personally* in the grey order would have means and motive to keep an eye on her. The fact that she *is* trusted by the grey order at large is what turns out into a personal motivation.

But most of all, I was just responding to [edit: your] burnnote's point:
The Greys don't have enough people to waste them on watching their own without very good reason.

To point out that there's already someone there, for free, so it's not like there's a manpower constraint that's holding the grey order back.
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To be fair, that actually happened for the Skull River investigation.
Yeah, and he probably made note of it, and in the process of researching did a quick check that it was a legitimate request and that Mathilde had a legitimate reason. She did, so he checkmarked that. Now, if there kept being instances where she had a legitimate reason, he'd probably eventually write a memo about it to the Grey College to make sure they're aware of it.
I'm speculating who *personally* in the grey order would have means and motive to keep an eye on her. The fact that she *is* trusted by the grey order at large is what turns out into a personal motivation.
Thing is, I disagree both that the Hochlander would have the means do anything but the most surface-level and least helpful, and also that he has the motive to consider it anything but a tertiary priority, if that. Partly because he's not really well positioned, but also because he's busy. He wouldn't engage in willful blindness, but it's just not going to be a matter he concerns himself with either.
Thing is, I disagree both that the Hochlander would have the means do anything but the most surface-level and least helpful, and also that he has the motive to consider it anything but a tertiary priority, if that. Partly because he's not really well positioned, but also because he's busy. He wouldn't engage in willful blindness, but it's just not going to be a matter he concerns himself with either.

I'm going to take that as an acknowledgement of his being there and being able then?
[X] Nighttime Visit With Style
[X] Nighttime Visit

I know this is likely pointless since voting has slowed down and a bunch of people seem inexplicably set on massively increasing the risk of things getting messed up just for a tertiary stretch goal (of making it look extra Lahmian), but I guess I'll put this out there anyway. At least he won't suffer much.
The general idea is that the amount of work it takes to be in position for a betrayal does more good for the Empire than the betrayal will do bad. If any secretly traitorous Wizard did spend decades setting up a long con betrayal, then it means they spent decades doing good for the Empire. Then when the betrayal comes - and by 'when' I mean 'if' because the comforts and privileges of being a senior and well-respected Lord Magister can be a lot more tempting than the ephemeral promises of whichever power is promising - the Colleges shrug, deploy enough Battle Wizards to either obliterate the traitor or force them to flee off the edge of the map, and then fix the damage and go on with their lives.
Being the Everchosen isn't very tempting when you have to give up the creature comforts of home. Imagine. Giving up silk sheets or gods forbid, access to BOOK
The general idea is that the amount of work it takes to be in position for a betrayal does more good for the Empire than the betrayal will do bad. If any secretly traitorous Wizard did spend decades setting up a long con betrayal, then it means they spent decades doing good for the Empire. Then when the betrayal comes - and by 'when' I mean 'if' because the comforts and privileges of being a senior and well-respected Lord Magister can be a lot more tempting than the ephemeral promises of whichever power is promising - the Colleges shrug, deploy enough Battle Wizards to either obliterate the traitor or force them to flee off the edge of the map, and then fix the damage and go on with their lives.
I imagine they probably feel a lot more comfortable taking that attitude in a world where Egrimm hasn't become the by-word for 'Black Magister'.

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