Asking for no reward in the hope that it'll lead to closer ties just seems silly to me. I don't think it's going to actually give us all that much more favour (in the non-mechanical sense) than asking for a fair payment, because that's not really how people actually work.
More than that, why do we want closer ties with Boris, personally? Presumably so he'll look favourably on future requests we have for him? We have requests we'd like to make right now, and a blank cheque to make them; ask for something that doesn't seriously disadvantage Kislev, get the things we actually want, and rely on our general prosocial inclinations to bind us further together anyway, if required.
Seriously, people are saying they want to turn down payment so he'll like us more - assuming that actually succeeds, before now I'd not heard a peep about trying to get in good with Boris. Why is this now suddenly a priority?