Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The thought occurs that we have discovered important safe storage information about AV
-note to Thorek and future users of AV never ever use a third of a gallon or more at once
It's good practice not to do that anyway, but this wasn't a storage issue. This was a 'compressing* the AV from every direction except warp-wards results in it jetting into and through the fabric of reality and subsequently creating a pocket dimension scaled to it's aethyr-volume'. So yeah, it wouldn't exactly happen spontaneously to the multiple gallons of AV we've stored up over the past however many years.

*compressing it with the same amount of will-force that if applied to Wind would sublimate it from it's ethereal state to a solid object.
Speaking of Kragg, does anyone think it likely that he might already know something about what happened? He is the greatest living Runelord, and helped build our towers, so if something weird happened there, there's a chance he has a "Mathilde Alarm", and it might be ringing very loudly right now.

And if he doesn't, well, he also has Bok, and we don't know it's full capabilities, but it probably has some form of anti-demon detection ability or something? So that might have spent the last five minutes going "Bok. Demonic interference detected. Contact the nearest Archmage/Runelord as soon as possible. Bok."
I'd guess against it. Kragg's immensely capable, but sensing magical phenomena isn't his area of expertise. Bok... maybe? I'd guess against it, though; the room of calamity is pretty well shielded, and if it did detect an intrusion it's questionable if it'd actually be able to pass the information on in a useful manner as opposed to just telling people to seek shelter.
If Bok can sense a demonic presence not even in a liminal realm but on the other side of a liminal realm, in a room magically isolated from the rest of the world, above the mountain itself, and probably several Karaks away, I will be extremely impressed.
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In Karag Mhonar, an ancient construct had reached a pre-set limit on how many warnings it would give to any given civilian and returned to its long vigil over a problem it could sense but could not combat. It nods once in satisfaction, a gesture taught to it millennia ago, and then reviews an internal list of priorities.
It was able to sense the reactivation of the Karak Waystones, at least, so it's able to detect some things at that distance. On that note, I hope that Runesmith Crag has made some progress :V
They just let him have it, and nobody ever brings it up again or thinks it's suspicious.
I can almost see what they were shooting for here, even as I rebel against it because I am sick of the tropes it runs with.

Also haha really holy fuck nobody thought to be suspicious of the dude who stole an evil magic skull? Really? In Warhammer, in the most anti-magic human faction?
Hmm... Would learning the grey battle magics that use dimensions (i.e pit of shades and penumbral pendulum) be potentially useful when studying the scar of the liminal realm entrance?

We could use the knowledge about how those realms close after the spell is over to assess when/of the damage will heal.

All Roads Lead to... Matorca? Part 2
All Roads Lead to... Matorca?
Part 2 (

The silk clothier is happy enough to do business with you, at least at first. As personalized work would take time, you're initially directed to robes in the Cathayan style intermixed with vests of a local cut, each stylized to bear the symbol of a particular favored deity. Ranald's symbols are absent for obvious reasons, and Egrimm is annoyed to learn that Sigmar's mark is only available as special order after an incident with some Norscan merchants repurposing the twin-tailed comet as a symbol of the Plotter. It's when Johann asks about the Ancestor Gods that things turn sour, though, as the clothier explains with a remarkably brittle smile that Barak Varr has more than enough silk to mark with the runes of the Ancestor Gods, if they were so inclined, and that the people of Matorca have been taught over the centuries that there's no business success in trying to compete with Barak Varr.

Pressing for further details reveals that most merchants that make the trip to the Black Sea wind up going to Barak Varr rather than a Border Prince port, so the only trade by sea that any of the ports get come from the sorts who wouldn't be welcome to trade in Barak Varr, such as the aforementioned Norscan merchants. This is further complicated by Barak Varr's navy not considering those sorts to be welcome in the Black Sea in general, meaning that what little trade Matorca gets is either by land or by river. With that context, it's actually surprising that the silk business does as well as it appears to be doing, and you say as much.

You manage to get four sashes suited to serve as belts, at prices that aren't extortionate.

It's at this point you ask about the "Cathayan" embroidery on the tabard of the man you soon learn to be a guard captain who'd come to Matorca with the Princess's father, and that the writing had been copied from a random tablet she'd memorized in passing when a caravan came through. It raised questions about the nature of the caravan, but as much as you wish to investigate further you can't think of a way to do so. Thanking the clothier for her time, the four of you make your way toward the evening banquet.


The party proves more populated than you would've expected, within local business owners in silk robes mingling with mercenaries in silk vests. Amidst such company, a quartet of Imperial Wizards are a major disruption in the normal flow of conversation, and once your interest in the waystone is expressed you're quickly directed toward a red-haired young man wearing spectacles and a gray silk robe. His robe has more Queekish text on it, and that it has the word for "apprentice" sets you at alert, particularly since the mercenary captain's tabard had said "big-round dung pile."

"Hello? Ah, wow! Wizards! Professional ones, too. A pleasure to meet you all." The boy reaches out to shake hands, and you let Johann take the lead while you watch for hidden spellcraft in the gesture. Thankfully, there isn't so much as a mote of Dhar surrounding him, although his aura is obscured in such a way that you can tell he's hiding something. You'll still shake his hand when your turn comes around, though. "Well, I hope it's a pleasure, at least. Name's Dominik von Dunkel, apprentice to Matorca's court sorcerer. The Maestro doesn't attend the banquets, if you're here for him."

"Lord Magister Egrimm van Horstmann of the Light Order." You allow yourself a smirk at Dominik's flabberghasted reaction to the title. You'd planned things on the way over, and Egrimm had agreed that it was probably best that he do most of the talking since he was at the least risk of running afoul the local hostility toward all things dwarf. You'd be hesitant to take him for granted, but he seemed eager for the opportunity. "Our priority here is actually assessing the state of the local waystone."

"Ah... and you want me to show you the way to the stone. That's actually a bit politically complicated."

Egrimm smiles indulgently at that. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I've dealt with worse."

"Well, I'm not supposed to let anyone near it without permission from either the Maestro, who's already there, or from Princess Capella. She's technically still under a regency, though, because of how her father got removed, and I don't know which of her regents would be best to speak to on the matter. Don't want to get the regents mixed up, do I?"

You nod. It won't be necessary to investigate- You perk up as you push out the compulsion, suddenly intensely curious. "How did her father get removed?"

"Ah, well, it was before I was born... Have any of you heard of Khypris? Self-styled empire that held most of the territory upriver from us?" The four of you all shake your heads, and Dominik waves a hand dismissively. "It fell back in the early 70s, by Verena's calendar. Which uses the same year as your calendar, if I remember right. Yeah? Well, the reason it fell was because of some plague cult led by an actual daemon. Some locals to Khypris managed to beat the daemon and some of the cultists, but enough came to Matorca looking to regroup and recover that Commander Espiatorio couldn't hide that he was basically their puppet. Memory of the Black Death got the Lichtenberg Legion up in arms, the fighting drew in a band of greenskin mercenaries who'd been passing through, and..."

The boy paused, the excitement that had been building as the story progressed suddenly vanishing. "Well, suffice to say, Princess Capella didn't have any surviving family after we were done with the Pestilent Brotherhood."

He goes on the start explaining how the regency system thwarts efforts at conquest, but your mind latches onto the name of the cult. With all the Queekish you've seen in town, it can't be a coincidence that the cult has the same name as the coalition of the thrall clans of Clan Pestilens. Combine that with your knowledge of the Skaven civil war, and you can't help but suspect that the locals wound up fighting alongside the Clans loyal to Skavenblight during the described coup. It'd certainly explain the cultural influence. It won't be yes it will. "Dominik?"

"-wind up overruled. No pun intended. I'm sorry, yes, Miss... I didn't get your name?"

"Lord Magister Mathilde Weber of the Grey Order."

"...Oh." Where Egrimm's title inspired surprise, you seem to evoke dread from the apprentice. If you've got name recognition out here, it's likely from Karak Eight Peaks. You resist the temptation to visually sweep the banquet hall for signs of Clan Eshin observers. A part of you had been dreading that the Maestro might be a Grey Seer, but now with Clan Eshin's presence being likely you have to consider the possibility of another one of their sorcerers. It'd help explain how Dominik was able to conceal his aura, if he was somehow wrangling lessons from Clan Eshin. "What did you want to ask?"

"You mentioned that you didn't know which regent to ask about seeing the waystone?"


"Would it be safe to assume that the wrong regent would know who the right regent would be?"

Dominik blinked, then frowned as he actually thought about the question for a second. "I guess?"

Egrimm didn't need anywhere near as long to figure out where you were going with this. "So, where's the nearest regent?"

Dominik looks toward you, presumably in the vain hope that you had something else in mind. Instead, you just smile politely. "If nothing else, it'd be good to learn more about the powers behind the throne here in Matorca."
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These two updates have been very stressful reading.

[X] [BELEGAR] Daemon and weakening
[X] [COLLEGE] Everchosen and Greater Daemon

It wasn't even a miscast, if I read it right. The Tower was insulated too well from the stabilizing influence of reality. It's an impressive accidental achievement in preparedness and ignorance, to be proud of and embarrassed by. I hope our first words to Algard are, "You're going to want a bigger orb for this one."
(...also a sneaky setup for when we finally drop an Orb of Sorcery in front of him...)

Only thing I don't care to mention the recruitment pitch, because it was insulting and annoying more than anything. Compliment our hat, then extend a crummy stressful job offer? At least Slaanesh was smart enough to go with visions of huge libraries and Panormia's legs, and that wasn't even trying to be subtle.

I'm curious to see if Kragg ends up demolishing our tower and putting up some kind of obsidian antimagic monolith in its place. I'd probably be upset, except that it would be totally awesome.
We had better not lose our White Tower. That thing is gangbusters for our magical R&D: in addition to the Room of Calamity on the top floor (where we were doing the powerstone experiment), it has the Room of Utter Neutrality (+20 to investigation of magical phenomena!) and the Room of Serenity (CF!). Losing it would suck.
Actually no, Mathilde has bisected two different contenders, so this is correct too. You know, it makes sense why she's in the running.
Cut demons into pieces, this is my last first resort
You gotta figure, if we take Goosie at his word, then it was Alric and Alberic that were set up to square off, only for Mathilde to come in and gank the both of them.
If (and this is a big if) Egrimm really was a candidate, I have to wonder whether he would have faced off with Alric before Mathilde hired him and helped promote him.

Edit: If so, we're either in round 2 or the rules really are loose.
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Im not keeping up with the thread and its subjects, but there is one piece of info that I think the Funny Bird Man gave succinctly. Nurgle is the only chaos bloc who's champion hasn't been intercepted, and sits in the key position to take the title. The Vileist wins, by doing nothing, like a champ.
Im not keeping up with the thread and its subjects, but there is one piece of info that I think the Funny Bird Man gave succinctly. Nurgle is the only chaos bloc who's champion hasn't been intercepted, and sits in the key position to take the title. The Vileist wins, by doing nothing, like a champ.
The real question is, Tamurkhan, Festus, or one of the End Times ones?
I'm going to try and throw out a few guesses as to what the "???" is. Note that these are only guesses, and I'm just bouncing ideas around.

  • Increased chance of mutation when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery
  • Increased chance of miscast when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery
  • Surrounded by multicolour flames when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery
  • Receive visions/messages from Tzeentch when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery
  • Chance of upgrading to a stronger skill when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery
  • Chance to attract Tzeentchian demons when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery
  • Create a magical beacon when spellcasting in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery
-Chance to have her hat stolen in the presence of Tzeentchian sorcery. 🤠
Now, what actions can the Grey College take based on the knowledge that a daemon reached into Mathilde's mind. We know that their ability to check for daemonic influence is limited to knowing if someone is possessed or a shapeshifted daemon. Mathilde has also already been taught what they know about resisting chaos. They're already taking the maximum level of precautions they can possibly take against Chaos, given what their job is.
But thee point isn't just that we encountered a Greater Daemon, it's that we think we can't handle the consequences of doing so and need to escalate the matter to the Grey College for them to take further action.
So, I have realized we have different interpretations of what the option for mentioning the Greater Daemon to the College involves.
-You think it is Mathilde saying "I don't trust myself to deal with temptation".
-I think it's Mathilde saying "I have confirmation that a Greater Daemon is targeting me, and so communications and such need enhanced scrutiny to ensure they aren't tampered with". Because I do not agree with your presumption that the College is taking the maximul level of precautions they can take.

@Boney - which of us is closer to what the vote means?
Im not keeping up with the thread and its subjects, but there is one piece of info that I think the Funny Bird Man gave succinctly. Nurgle is the only chaos bloc who's champion hasn't been intercepted, and sits in the key position to take the title. The Vileist wins, by doing nothing, like a champ.
Actually, back up a step- I imagine you're going with Alberich as Slaanesh and Egrimm for Tzeentch, so are you suggesting Drycha was a Khorne candidate? (A Khorndidate, if you will)
She told Belegar about the possession by Mork, despite all the problems that could cause, back when she knew him a lot less.

She told Ranald about the possibility of using AV to fingerprint gods, even though it cut off a promising line of research.

She told Helga about the debt and chose to pay it back in full even though it left her with very little money.

She told Belegar again about the Waystone knowledge she got up north knowing it could further exacerbate a divide in the Karaz Ankor.

And back near the beginning, she told Abelhelm about accidentally knocking someone out with a magic dart.

Mathilde is a weirdly honest person for her wind, profession, and god- and it usually works out for her.

(Only just got the chance to respond to this. Probably won't be making any further responses, because this argument mostly seems to have degraded into people just saying the same things over and over again with increasing frustration.)

She embezzled.

She kept and read the Liber Mortis without telling anyone.

She stole a niter factory from Stirland.

She allowed a Ranaldite conwoman to become Empress.

She let the EIC subvert Belegar's Undumgi viceroy without telling any Dwarf.

She went into Drakenhof with the goal of getting more illegal books and successfully did so.
If I'm remembering correctly, the Chaos Gods monkeying with communication between the regular Gods and their faithful is the backstory of both Archaon and the Affair of the False Grail.
I never quite managed to discern what Archaon lore is from the End Times (and thus next to worthless) and what is from older sources.
I never quite managed to discern what Archaon lore is from the End Times (and thus next to worthless) and what is from older sources.
I believe the main source is the Archaon novel, which was published around the same time the End Times were kicking off, but I'm not sure it was directly related.
Im not keeping up with the thread and its subjects, but there is one piece of info that I think the Funny Bird Man gave succinctly. Nurgle is the only chaos bloc who's champion hasn't been intercepted, and sits in the key position to take the title. The Vileist wins, by doing nothing, like a champ.

Eh, I'm sure every god has more than one candidate in the running.

The turnover rate is pretty gruesome for one. Alric, Egrimm and Drycha were probably potential candidates for Tzeentch, which is in part why he got so interested in Mathilde. She clowned on them, which means she's a superior candidate.

As for Nurgle, yeah, pretty much. The Evermammoth is still out there, in the ever-shifting wastes, its rotting carcass patiently enduring the changing of seasons, its Dhar-infested soul indistinguishable from the curdled air permeating its surroundings, its very presence enough to turn a mere mortal into a walking colony of ravenous microorganisms of all kinds.

It is said, it is written. It is inevitable the Evermammoth is still there. Lurking. Waiting. Winning.