Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Revise

[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Kasmir
[X] Eike
[X] Karak Vlag
[X] Karaz-a-Karak
[X] Skull River Ambush
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To be fair the wood controlled by the main forest gods of the empire in talabecland is much less hostile. The provinces with the most hostile woods are all sigmarite or Morrite majority states. With the ulrican states standing between the two extremes.
That is true, but even that forest has some very unpleasant areas. The Barren Hills are dead and full of Beastmen, curtousy of Moonclaw's meteor and his efforts, and there is a portal to the Marcher Fortress in one section. I wouldn't place the blame on humans for it though. I don't think you can predict stuff like Slaanesh stealing your shit or a Warpstone meteor hitting one of your hills.
[X] Revise

[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Karak Vlag
[X] Kasmir
[X] Eike
[X] Thorek
[X] Karaz-a-Karak
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The inherent assumption that Hashut is a Chaos God is the sort of debate starter you learn not to throw around in academia unless you've got a bunch of time to kill.
"Hashut and the Horned Rat are the same being, Hashut's industry brings ruin to the world in it's greed."

How long would the argument that starts go for do you think?
[Writing the book on Windsoak Mushrooms, Learning: 6+29+7(Library: Sevir)+5(Library: Chemistry)=46.]
Hold the phone! Chemistry?!? Mathilde tried to write a recipe book using chemistry books as reference? The low roll here isn't bad luck. No, it's karma. For however similar chemistry and baking might be, no chemistry textbook is ever going to teach you how to bake a pie.

But it's ok. We can fix this. Mathilde may not cook, at all, but she lives in K8P, a major trade center and multi-cultural community. She has a library partnership with the Mootland Genealogical Library. Panoramia... *checks memory* has probably improved her pie-making skills since last time we saw her bake on-screen. Probably. Point is, next [Purchase] vote, Mathilde needs to buy books on cooking. Possibly all of the books on cooking. Though there's probably some limit to how many books on one subject we can get in one turn...
Panoramia... *checks memory* has probably improved her pie-making skills since last time we saw her bake on-screen.
Panoramia looked like she knew what she was doing. It was just that the baking was being done by Titus, who was drunk as hell, Mathilde, who didn't know what the implements she was using were called, and Panoramia, who was half nervous Mathilde was plotting to kill her. I think she's pretty fine, albeit not exactly a gourmet level chef.
[X] Revise
This is needed to make our noob-helper project more easily accessible.

[X] Thorek
See what inroads Thorek has made with the Major Houses of Tor Lithanel.
Thorek is a fascinating character, and I remember Mathilde meddling to smoothe his initial entrance. How is he faring when confronted with an elf translator?

[ ] Okri
An amazing option, but it is probably too early for it.

Foreign Relations
[X] Sylvania
Meet this would-be Markgraf Nyklaus for yourself.
What kind of man would choose to rule Sylvania? I want to know !

[X] Wissenland
What have the Skaven been up to?

[X] Karak Vlag
I will always vote for more Vlag. Culture clash ahoy!

Friends Abroad
[X] Kasmir
I want to learn more about the Council of Manhorak.
[X] Eike
Hold some sort of celebration for her upcoming graduation out of Junior Apprentice.

[X] Brief the Emperor
Having mapped the network and identified weaknesses, we need to tell him about it.
And "here is a non-urgent problem that couls make the whole Empire uninhabitable, don't worry we are solving it" sounds fun.

[ ] Gold College
See what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
We should take this the turn wee speak to Okri.

[X] Skull River Ambush
Look into the investigation of the mining of the Skull River, and any consequences of it.
[X] Revise
Beyond the practical considerations I don't want our collaboration with Panoramia to suck
[X] Magister Tochter Grunfeld
[X] Kasmir
[X] Eike
[X] Gold College
[X] Gretel
"Hashut and the Horned Rat are the same being, Hashut's industry brings ruin to the world in it's greed."

How long would the argument that starts go for do you think?
Nah, nah. The Great Horned Rat is Malal with the serial numbers filed off to avoid a lawsuit. It's why Skaven society runs on spite and infighting.
You know, part of me thinks we should have gone with 'through the air' transfer when it comes to the Waystones, because that's what Cathay seem to be doing.

But on the other hand, that's a bit meta-gamey, no one else in the project should know what the Cathay wizards are doing.
You know, part of me thinks we should have gone with 'through the air' transfer when it comes to the Waystones, because that's what Cathay seem to be doing.

But on the other hand, that's a bit meta-gamey, no one else in the project should know what the Cathay wizards are doing.
I'm pretty sure what they're doing is Geomantic in nature. Their abilities seem to be largely restricted to Cathay specifically, and it involves physical locations (Celestial Lake, Celestial Compass etc.).

Yes they use Celestial Observatories to transfer their energy to the Celestial Compass, but it should be noted that Azyr is "Stone" to the Cathayans, so there is that.
Hold the phone! Chemistry?!? Mathilde tried to write a recipe book using chemistry books as reference? The low roll here isn't bad luck. No, it's karma. For however similar chemistry and baking might be, no chemistry textbook is ever going to teach you how to bake a pie.

But it's ok. We can fix this. Mathilde may not cook, at all, but she lives in K8P, a major trade center and multi-cultural community. She has a library partnership with the Mootland Genealogical Library. Panoramia... *checks memory* has probably improved her pie-making skills since last time we saw her bake on-screen. Probably. Point is, next [Purchase] vote, Mathilde needs to buy books on cooking. Possibly all of the books on cooking. Though there's probably some limit to how many books on one subject we can get in one turn...
I can imagine worse things to fill our library with than cooking books. The locals would probably appreciate them, at least.
Hold the phone! Chemistry?!? Mathilde tried to write a recipe book using chemistry books as reference? The low roll here isn't bad luck. No, it's karma. For however similar chemistry and baking might be, no chemistry textbook is ever going to teach you how to bake a pie.

But it's ok. We can fix this. Mathilde may not cook, at all, but she lives in K8P, a major trade center and multi-cultural community. She has a library partnership with the Mootland Genealogical Library. Panoramia... *checks memory* has probably improved her pie-making skills since last time we saw her bake on-screen. Probably. Point is, next [Purchase] vote, Mathilde needs to buy books on cooking. Possibly all of the books on cooking. Though there's probably some limit to how many books on one subject we can get in one turn...
I can imagine worse things to fill our library with than cooking books. The locals would probably appreciate them, at least.
I believe the current timetable for getting the Quinsberry books is "when it's ready", but maybe Mathilde can tell the halflings that the cooking books in particular need to be here sometime in the next six months? If we tell the Halflings of K8P we used chemistry books to substitute for cooking books they might just send an emergency expedition to the Moot.
Not-Plan Get Cookbook
[ ] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr booksellers: Cooking, two other topics.
[ ] [PURCHASE] Books on cooking: Extensive and Esoteric Halfling (250gc), Extensive and Esoteric Bretonnian (250gc)

If I'm understanding the option correctly, each topic from the Barak Varr booksellers gets us all the Imperial and Dwarven books on a topic. For a topic we don't have Imperial or Dwarven books on, that's enough books for a +10 bonus. Add to that out-of-pocket purchases of both Bretonnian and Halfling cooking books for a massive +20 bonus. (Of all the topics Halflings might have unique books on outside the Imperial catalogue, I'd think cooking is almost certain to be one of them.)

Yes, it's expensive. But cooking and cookbooks are likely to be a popular topic in the local community in a way that most scholarship wouldn't. Certainly Panoramia would appreciate an entire library section dedicated to cooking. And a +20 bonus is high enough that even if Mathilde rolls totally bogus again, she'll still be able to make a decent enough book. (And atone for her sins.)

The only thing this doesn't get is Eonir books. I'm not sure if Mathilde can purchase those out of pocket or not. If she can't, I don't think it's worth waiting a second turn just to get another +5 of books. Even if the Eonir are more likely to cook with magical ingredients than most. And the other alternative is worse:

Not-Plan Maximum Over-Cookbook
[ ] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Cooking, one other topic
[ ] [PURCHASE] Books on cooking: Extensive and Esoteric Imperial, Dwarven, Halfling, and Bretonnian (1000gc)

Here, we'd get the maximum possible +25 of cookbooks. But we'd also get one less other book topic, and we'd spend 1,000gc out of pocket. We might not even have 1,000gc next turn, depending on who the Worst Slayer is. I don't recommend this Not-Plan, and only put it here for demonstration.

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