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Of course, things aren't that simple. A recent quote on the loading screens of Total War Warhammer 3 says that there is a legend that the Moon Empress isn't actually a Dragon, and that she's an alien from Mannisleb who assumed the form of a Dragon and got together with Xen Yang. Which would make the Cathayan Dragon Siblings half-Dragon, half-something else. A shapeshifting something else. Wild.
What if: The Moon empress is to Mannslieb what Moonclaw is to Morrslieb
All i am hearing is that Sokka transmigrated into different world, was born a dragon, and his girlfriend is still Moon.
The moon is kind of associated with shapeshifting, werewolves traditionally change at a specific moment of the lunar cycle. Having a shapeshifting moon-spirit would make sense.
There actually are werecreatures in Warhammer Fantasy, though they're not talked about much. Most are caused by Chaos mutations and are found among the Norscans (probably because they perceive werecreatures as blessed by their gods, rather than abominations to be killed), but there are the apocryphal Children of Ulric, who draw their power from a different source.
Did the Gambler ever come up in any of the rolls? I don't recall seeing it, but I guess technically there might be something else in the Book Mining trip to roll for.

Taking stock of what's left in this turn. I think mostly the educational/academic stuff?

Receive training: On the Education of Apprentices (100gc)
Receive training: Powerstone creation methods (100gc)
EIC: Investigate what trade goods the Eonir might be willing to import from the Empire.
SERENITY: Write a book: Windsoak Mushrooms (2/2)
Did the Gambler ever come up in any of the rolls? I don't recall seeing it, but I guess technically there might be something else in the Book Mining trip to roll for.

Taking stock of what's left in this turn. I think mostly the educational/academic stuff?

Receive training: On the Education of Apprentices (100gc)
Receive training: Powerstone creation methods (100gc)
EIC: Investigate what trade goods the Eonir might be willing to import from the Empire.
SERENITY: Write a book: Windsoak Mushrooms (2/2)
I very much appreciate the reminder, thank you.

Kinda excited for the power stone creation class and the "how to not fuck up in front of your new egg." (Can't even call her a duckling yet. Eike is an egg.)
Did the Gambler ever come up in any of the rolls? I don't recall seeing it, but I guess technically there might be something else in the Book Mining trip to roll for.

We didn't see it's effect on screen directly, but I suspect it modified the tables for what foes we faced and what treasures we could potentially find. We were also able to recruit Goendul because she detected Ranald's influence.
We didn't see it's effect on screen directly, but I suspect it modified the tables for what foes we faced and what treasures we could potentially find. We were also able to recruit Goendul because she detected Ranald's influence.
If you are correct, I need this to doylistally be: "the gambler shifted the 'What wizard responds' table to include "6 = LM"; where previously "6 = High-end Magister"", or else the grey stuff starts dripping out of my ear again. :/

Edit: Wild guessing, but maybe there was a d100 "number of rolls on the loot table" and we got a +20 to that.
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My logic is simple: one day the weavers will finally figure out how to use We-silk, at which point we will use several dwarven favours to make sure we get literally the first silken sheets from it. The Dwarves will be absolutely confused and have no idea what's going on. Anything else would forsake our powerful bond with the We and also kill a running gag without enough payoff.
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If you are correct, I need this to doylistally be: "the gambler shifted the 'What wizard responds' table to include "6 = LM"; where previously "6 = High-end Magister"", or else the grey stuff starts dripping out of my ear again. :/

Edit: Wild guessing, but maybe there was a d100 "number of rolls on the loot table" and we got a +20 to that.
I mean, the gambler can have pure narrative effects too when applicable.

It's basically two divine minor miracles per turn, and while those can be simple flat support actions, nothings stopping Ranald from getting creative.
[X] [Sheets] No

My logic is simple: one day the weavers will finally figure out how to use We-silk, at which point we will use several dwarven favours to make sure we get literally the first silken sheets from it. Anything else would forsake our powerful bond with the We and also kill a running gag without enough payoff.
I think that Mathilde will have already set things up in the background that she will get the first sheets.

I also feel it likely that she will have set things up that she will also get the first set of sheets that come out good, after the weavers are more practiced, and will toss the older ones to the EIC for resale.

I also also deem it likely that she will have placed a 'floating queue point'[1] in that order list, so that when the weavers are very well practiced, and Mathilde decided to spend the time making new robes, she will be at the top of the list already.

[1] As in, Mathilde is at the front of the queue, but repeatedly lets the person just behind her get their order first until the weavers are sufficiently practiced.
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Silk sheets are a great meme, but the thing I'm really looking forward to is silk robes. Not just for Mathilde either, but for the more successful members of the Colleges as a whole.
If you are correct, I need this to doylistally be: "the gambler shifted the 'What wizard responds' table to include "6 = LM"; where previously "6 = High-end Magister"", or else the grey stuff starts dripping out of my ear again. :/
There is precedent for this sort of thing. When Mathilde studied the coin Mathilde noted that the Gambler's intervention intervene:
You look around the bare room for any indication that anything has changed, but as far as you can tell everything is as it was. But the power of the Coin as it is currently set is to tip the odds at a key moment, so surely it must have done something. Though come to think of it, you did entreat its aid for the task of examining itself. And you suppose it is rather lucky that you just so happened to be watching it as it activated. Is that what it did? Intervene so that when it did intervene, it would be when you were watching?

You're starting to develop a headache. You suppose this sort of recursiveness is what you get when you turn an artefact against itself.
But while that may be it, I think there's a much more obvious candidate for the Gambler's influence: the fact that we just happened to show up when the Strigoi ghoul king wasn't home. That was a pretty big lucky break.
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