Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Good morning, gang, I had a dream that Boney locked the vote after only sixteen hours and I was staring at the screen wondering if my perception of time had been fundamentally altered or if I should raise my hand and be like "uh, what about the standard 24-hour voting period?"

In related news, it's possible that I am a little too neurotic.
@Boney This is a question that recently came to mind. As an Australian, if you had the opportunity to implement Australia into the Warhammer World, how would you do it?
@Boney This is a question that recently came to mind. As an Australian, if you had the opportunity to implement Australia into the Warhammer World, how would you do it?

The Australia I'm familiar with is an entirely modern creation. At the equivalent timeframe of the setting my ancestors were in Wales, and most of my historical knowledge is in European history. So without any link to the people that were inhabiting Australia then, and with not very much knowledge of them, I don't feel like I'd be capable of creating any depiction that I'd be happy to put my name to.
The Australia I'm familiar with is an entirely modern creation. At the equivalent timeframe of the setting my ancestors were in Wales, and most of my historical knowledge is in European history. So without any link to the people that were inhabiting Australia then, and with not very much knowledge of them, I don't feel like I'd be capable of creating any depiction that I'd be happy to put my name to.
That is very understandable.
All cultures in Warhammer are inspired from the same time period?

Edit: So is Warhammer from the prompt "What if we lived in a smaller world?" Then they picked what few cultures they were able to?
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The mention of Wales made me think of something @Boney are there any books in the Library of Mornings that mention Albion? I know you said that Mathilde thinks it is a legend (and rightfully so, only a few human explorers of the Old World ever made it past the mists), but the library is elven and dating back to their Golden Age. That has probably the best odds of a historical account of Albion outside the Tower of Hoeth, or the Witch King's personal book collection... still not very good odds I think, but I thought I'd ask anyway on the off chance there's an Albion section, however scant, in there
I came across this piece of art from u/Dizconect on Reddit, and I couldn't help but share it. In an alternate universe where Mathilde doesn't come across any Ice Witches in her trip to Kislev, this would have likely been her reaction.
The mention of Wales made me think of something @Boney are there any books in the Library of Mornings that mention Albion? I know you said that Mathilde thinks it is a legend (and rightfully so, only a few human explorers of the Old World ever made it past the mists), but the library is elven and dating back to their Golden Age. That has probably the best odds of a historical account of Albion outside the Tower of Hoeth, or the Witch King's personal book collection... still not very good odds I think, but I thought I'd ask anyway on the off chance there's an Albion section, however scant, in there

There are ancient maps that one could find Albion on if they were driven by metaknowledge, but to in-universe eyes Albion vanishing when it did is just one geographical mutilation among a great many that occurred during the Great Catastrophe.
The Australia I'm familiar with is an entirely modern creation. At the equivalent timeframe of the setting my ancestors were in Wales, and most of my historical knowledge is in European history. So without any link to the people that were inhabiting Australia then, and with not very much knowledge of them, I don't feel like I'd be capable of creating any depiction that I'd be happy to put my name to.
Making it a Dark Elf or Chaos Dwarf outpost would probably be the best solution if, like, Total War just really needed to include and fill it for some reason.
Gambesons were quite common as standalone armor for the common troops. Metal armor is expensive, the common grunt couldnt possibly pay for one.
Theres some evidence (passages in several contemporary books) that indicate at least standalone gambesons were glued together. Or something to the same effect. Problem is we dont know how and with what exactly. The text mostly go like and then do it and assume you know how to. For those who want to know more, Tods workshop on youtube made a video about it and cites at least one medieval english source.
Also to expand on the Just Cloth can try it yourself. Just glue three pieces of paper together into a 3 ply layer and try to cut through them or stab through it with a knife.

Its far from reliable but it'd certainly cut down on injury enough to be worth the effort.
Well then, finished rereading the entirety of the thread a second time, that was fun, especially when you realize the multitude of possibilities that could have happened if things did not turn out the way they did.

Also about the current discussion of us attempting to do a parley with the Asrai and what made us different from when we entered the Expedition to Karag Dum are multiple. Before the expedition even occurred Mathilde talked with the Shaman of the Dolgan and potentially others a lot of a potential expedition towards there. Two, unlike what the Asrai did, when we entered the location, we did not antagonize the locals by actively attacking them and their tribe continuously throughout the journey which did not reduce the possibility of trade and parley further. Along with that we were not going to stay in their area specifically but going through which reduces the chances of hostility from locals as they have the option to avoid conflict and do not have to attack the giant expedition going through. Furthermore we were not hiding our presence and sneaking but instead going through quickly and loudly with a big group which both give them warning to stay clear and deterred raiders from attacking us.
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I've been in a Vermintide mood lately, so I've been thinking of writing some stuff for them. I already did something with Bardin after all.

There are probably people who are more knowledgable than me about the exact circumstances of the Ubersreik Five's circumstances, but I think that at this point in DL, this might be a rough approximation of where they are:

Bardin Goreksson. Ironbreaker in the employ of one of the newer Holds, I think Karak Norn is what I put it as. Okri has been mentioned in quest and he's coming to K8P, even if Okri isn't as legendary as he would have become in canon. I assume Bardin's sticking around in Karak Norn, but I'm actually hoping that Okri likes K8P enough that his family moves over. I think he'd be a hilarious addition to any cast of characters.

Kerillian. Her name currently isn't Kerillian. She's Glade Lord Araloth's cousin and I know that she gets along better than with Dryads than she does with her fellow Elves. She's probably working as a Waywatcher in Talsyn.

Sienna Fuegonosas. I think that at this point, Sienna has probably left Estalia for being a "Witch". I'm not sure if she's been picked up by Old Rambler yet, but I think there is potential to play around with Rambler and Sienna. Rambler is a Grey Wizard who taught Sienna the basics of magic, and there are some implications of an abusive relationship that led to Sienna burning him alive for. If she's been picked up by Rambler, then she isn't actually part of the Colleges. I think the implication is that he was teaching her outside the College's bounds. I don't see how else a Grey Wizard would be teaching an Aqshy mage. She's probably one of the characters I'd love to have interact with Mathilde at some point the most, but she hasn't really worked her way up the ranks yet. Not that she was ever positively viewed by the Colleges.

Markus Kruber. I'm going to guess he's already left his family farm to join the Grunberg militia. Either that or he's way too young for that. He becomes a Sergeant on 2511 IC, and I don't know how many years you serve before you're typically promoted. Kruber is a bit of an edge case though, since he was kicked out of Reikland because his superior didn't like him. He was probably kept in the bottom rung for longer than usual.

Victor Saltzpyre. I calculated his age a while ago, and he's actually about the same age as Eike I think. I believe he's already been picked up as the apprentice of a Witch Hunter Captain by this point. I thought of writing the adventures of a teenage Saltzpyre in Sylvania but I've been struggling to visualise a teenage Saltzpyre.

Olesya Pimenova. I'm very sure she's one of Algard's Hands. She's probably doing something and working under the radar. I think it would be funny if Regimand knows her.

Franz Lohner. He's probably still a mercenary in the Grudgebringers mercenary company. I'm pretty sure Boney isn't going to be implementing any of the plot points of the Dark Omen video games like the Dread King and Hand of Nagash, but I assume the guy is still going around kicking ass and taking names.

Any corrections?
Thats kind of the point tho, Australia existed and had human habitation before Great Britain got its hand all over it. When comparing it to timesetting of Malus the "australia" was not yet colonized.

True. You do have the Southern Wastes of Chaos which could be the reason for TTL!Australia for it terrible and strange wild life and an rich spiritual people. (For better, or for worst.) Still could have some remnants of both High Elf and Dwarf stronghold there as well.
Warhammer Australia feels to me like it could be a mix of Albion and the Darklands. Any native humans would probably have their own magical traditions unique to them. A constant battle with dangerous wildlife, various colonists ala Lustria, and the most fearsome threat of all, emu beastmen.
So we just got some more Warhammer: Old World news. Just the usual stuff but we now have an official map for Grand Cathy (or at least the western section) that isn't the distorted Total War version
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It's not just a map that they're publishing.

They're literally including Cathay as a playable faction in Warhammer: The Old World:

"Cathay will also be coming to the tabletop in the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World. And now, there's a map. "

This is honestly hilarious. The name for the setting is so confusing now. Cathay isn't even in the Old World! Might as well rename the whole thing. I guess they realised since they already made the setting for Total Warhammer they might as well capitalise off it and implement it in The Old World, even if it makes no sense that the name of the setting is the Old World at this point.

Honestly, I prefer it. I always thought the name was dumb. Why limit yourself to just the Old World. That's where all the focus in Warhammer has ever gone to.
There are ancient maps that one could find Albion on if they were driven by metaknowledge, but to in-universe eyes Albion vanishing when it did is just one geographical mutilation among a great many that occurred during the Great Catastrophe.

I own at least two books about locations that have appeared on historical, IRL maps but don't actually exist in reality.

I reckon cartographers in the Warhammer world have a similar problem.

Fun fact: some early explorers thought that California was an island, and this got printed as such on a lot of maps at the time.
It's not just a map that they're publishing.

They're literally including Cathay as a playable faction in Warhammer: The Old World:

"Cathay will also be coming to the tabletop in the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World. And now, there's a map. "

This is honestly hilarious. The name for the setting is so confusing now. Cathay isn't even in the Old World! Might as well rename the whole thing. I guess they realised since they already made the setting for Total Warhammer they might as well capitalise off it and implement it in The Old World, even if it makes no sense that the name of the setting is the Old World at this point.

Honestly, I prefer it. I always thought the name was dumb. Why limit yourself to just the Old World. That's where all the focus in Warhammer has ever gone to.
I think it's the Old World because it is less of a mouthful than Warhammer: the world that was
It's not just a map that they're publishing.

They're literally including Cathay as a playable faction in Warhammer: The Old World:

"Cathay will also be coming to the tabletop in the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World. And now, there's a map. "

This is honestly hilarious. The name for the setting is so confusing now. Cathay isn't even in the Old World! Might as well rename the whole thing. I guess they realised since they already made the setting for Total Warhammer they might as well capitalise off it and implement it in The Old World, even if it makes no sense that the name of the setting is the Old World at this point.

Honestly, I prefer it. I always thought the name was dumb. Why limit yourself to just the Old World. That's where all the focus in Warhammer has ever gone to.
I mean, I'm glad for the confirmation but I figured that'd be the case from the start.

Like, GW showed off a bunch of concept art for Cathay with The Old World branding around when their first WH trailer dropped.
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