Handrich doing miracles on credit, with interest. Damn. Mmmh, does he give better credit to the ones he likes? how much is a fire ball? Can one pay in installments?
Edit: how angry will Handrich be if I refinance his loan?
All these and more can be answered for 59.99! And if you buy in the next hour you will get the exclusive "Handrich and you! How to bribe your God." for free!
Handrich destroys people he dislikes, like this guy who bragged about how he's better than Handrich:
"When asked about the secret to his success, he replied with a wink: "Why, my wit, my intelligence, and, of course, my charm! I would outwit old Handrich Himself if given half a chance." The next day, his servants found him greatly changed. His eyes were unsure, his hair white, his jaw slack. Although he never talked of what happened, rumours spread that Handrich had indeed given Schillerstein chance to outwit him, and Schillerstein had failed. The once-successful merchant died a pauper ten years later—an unrecognisable madman, street-preaching against the dangers of a loose tongue. "
Maybe he's also the type to grant better deals to ones he likes, but there is a spell where you beg Handrich to delay the payment of your debts if you pay 10% of your debt at the time. Doing so extends for one week, but if you fail to pay the debt doubles and you're cursed. I also don't think you can keep casting it. He doesn't really give fireballs, just... financial stuff.
The one I just told you about is "Time is Money". The others include "Gilded Tongue" which boosts your haggle, "Word of Mouth" which forces anyone who's had past dealings with you in 24 yards to speak well of their past deals even if they were horrible for 10 minutes per your magic characteristic, "Eye for Profit" which boosts your ability to evaluate commodities, "Bought Loyalty" which makes it so that when you make a transaction the person you made a deal with finds it incredibly hard to break the deal and suffers penalties if they do, and "Burgher Acquisition" where you beg Handrich so that you can find a local merchant to trade with.
A lot of the costs of the spell are paying Handrich a percentage of your transaction with a minimum cost set, such as 20% of the transactions completed (Bought Loyalty), 10% of all transactions completed at minimum 5 gc (Burgher Acquisition), or 10% of all transactions completed, minimum 10 gc. There is 10% of your debt for Time is Money, and 5 gc for Word of Mouth.
All of this being said, it's genuinely amazing to me that this is an actual quote from Warhammer Fantasy WFRP 2E Tome of Salvation page 120:
"Our cult has brought nothing but fortune and goodwill to the people. Through Handrich's blessing the money that we bring in trickles down to the people in need. Why, it's the perfect system!" —Johann Meyers, Landlord and Cultist of Handrich