"It's a very lucrative colony," he says almost defensively, "even discounting the trade in gold and jade. There are many herbs and spices only known to grow there that are in great demand in the Old World, and the utility of having a friendly harbour in the New World cannot be overstated. But the challenges are significant. Port Reaver and Skeggi, of course, as well as the pirates of the Vampire Coast. And the local inhabitants, lizards larger than men wielding spears and clubs that are still formidable despite being made of stone. Communicating with them seems to be extremely difficult, while offending them seems extremely easy. The garrison is understaffed and there's next to no static defences." He seems to perk up. "All that said, it seems to be a very attractive destination to the more adventurous sort of Wizard."
"How so?"
"Strange magics, strange creatures, strange plants, strange cities. The Elves seem to believe that whoever built those cities are older than even they, though I suppose they must have fallen to those lizards. If you're interested in it as a College-endorsed study, you'd have a very free hand to investigate the secrets of the New World. We'd also be able to offer you a crewed Wolfship, both to transport you there and to protect the harbour against raiders. Any prizes it seizes would be split between yourself and the treasury, as there's no Admiral of the New World to claim a share."