Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
'Chaos Wastes' is largely considered a matter of perspective. There are citizens of the Empire who would consider Praag the Chaos Wastes, Tileans who would consider Nordland the Chaos Wastes, and Arabyans who would consider Tilea the Chaos Wastes. If you mean as far north as the Expedition went, it probably would be the only one since Asavar Kul in the Old World, but that'd be more because nobody bothers. You have to either march through Kurgan steppe or sail to the far side of Norsca to reach it and there's really nothing there worth the trip. But Naggaroth does have watch towers further north than Mathilde travelled, and of course Karag Dum was a part of the Karaz Ankor until Asavar Kul, and the Norse Dwarves had fortresses further north than Karag Dum.

Pardon the potentially silly question, but is the latitude of the Chaos Wastes (in the sense that Egrimm meant when he said, "I'm going to write a very strongly worded refutation to the 'Chaos Wastes is a relative term' theory as soon as I get back to Altdorf. It couldn't have been any more clearly demarcated if it had a checkpoint.") fixed across the world? Or does it wax (and theoretically wane) with Chaos' influence on the world/where warpstone dust gets to/etc?
Pardon the potentially silly question, but is the latitude of the Chaos Wastes (in the sense that Egrimm meant when he said, "I'm going to write a very strongly worded refutation to the 'Chaos Wastes is a relative term' theory as soon as I get back to Altdorf. It couldn't have been any more clearly demarcated if it had a checkpoint.") fixed across the world? Or does it wax (and theoretically wane) with Chaos' influence on the world/where warpstone dust gets to/etc?

The latitude would vary based on how hard whatever it is at the north pole is spitting out everything that it's spitting out, and how hard the atmosphere of the world is pushing back. Which means there's a whole lot of unknowns in that equation, but yes, it would be variable, and could be at a different latitude in different parts of the world.
150 miles is a bit much by one day by Shadowsteed, but Regimand didn't use the same route as the courier, he used Smoke and Mirrors to hop the river and go along Ostland's much more direct North Talabec Road to Strüdel, hopped back across the river at Küsel, and shaved fifty miles off the route and got to Talabheim in time to meet Mathilde for lunch on day four.
Nice detail!
Regimand shows again why he is (was) the Master. :V
"Let's see you Dämmerlicht-reit like this.
Still got it!"
Regimand is extremely competent and comfortable at his current level of responsibility and doesn't seek anything higher than that, and the Grey Order isn't stupid enough to turn an extremely good Magister into a sulky and uncooperative Lord Magister.
(I know this got superceeded/expanded on, but I can't resist)-
Plus he's totally going to fully-retire for real, real soon, any decade now... :)
One roll for which province he's in, a second for what he's doing, and a third for which town or city he ended up being in.
I do hope Regimand is enjoying his two-months-a-year semiretirement.
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I'm now imagening Regimand with cargo shorts, a shirt loud enough to be interesting for the brights and a sun hat doing touristy stuff while accidentally preventing crime.
Very much the city trips. He likes to see the sights and enjoy the regional specialities
Huh. I recall a few passages where Mathilde has enjoyed sampling the specialities of town's she passed through, and- if she took holidays (Working Elfcation, seven years and counting) - she'd probably be a city girl too.
Thinking about it, Mathilde would be the Magister you go to if you need to do anything with the dwarves or need advice on necromancers and orc shamans. Maybe the rats but more for the language then fighting. (other Magister did probably more direct fighting then us, especially in rat build tunnels instead of dwarf holds.)
Not just in the Colleges.
Mathilde is a knowledgeable reference for the Chancellor of the Seal on the Karaz Ankor, and the one of primary persons the Elector Count of Wissenland was directed to seek out on his Skaven problem.
If you meant Dum... well, uh, "go back to Dum in order to recruit Runesmiths for the Waystone Project" is certainly a thing we could try to do. I'm not convinced it's a better use of our time than the irons we've already got in the fire, or for that matter than poking ourselves in the eye with a stick.
Setting aside the advisability of trying this, just imagine the success state.

Mathilde: Hey good news, I brought back another contributor to the project.
Thorek: Oh?
*Karag Dum Runemaster kickflips into the room on a skateboard made out of a mutated beastman*
Runemaster: 'Sup, nerds.
1: First Created by the Elfs over the top of an older system of unknown make, later added to by the dwarfs, and expanded by early human cultures. (and the Enoir at some point)

and possibly Lornalim trees of the Enoir
Eonir seems persistently mispelled.

Also as for Dhar...if the Waystones rely on Wind repulsion to work, they'd definitely need to drop everything and deal with the Dhar immediately, because Dhar attracts all winds. The question goes back
Trouble in Talabheim, Part 2
[*] Favour to Mira


"Favour trading with the Light Order for the Waystone Project," you explain. "They've got the largest libraries, good relations with the Witch Hunters, and they were Teclis' favourites. Plus I have reason to believe they've inherited some relevant information from their pre-Teclisean roots. So I went all in to bring in Lord Magister Egrimm van Horstmann and Lady Magister Elrisse." All completely true, but you're leaving out that you could fulfill the letter of your agreement now and the spirit of it with a bit of light surveillance, leading him towards the conclusion that you promised more than simply information.

[Does Regimand help? Roll: 78-10(busy)-20(college politics)+100(wants to spend time with Mathilde)=148.]

Regimand exhales. "I don't like that you're swimming in these waters, but that's because part of me still sees my Apprentice of twenty years ago, not the Lady Magister in front of me. I trust you to know what you're doing." He drums his fingers on the table as he thinks. "Bek can wait. I'll tap my local contacts and see what I can find out. Usual rendezvous rotation?" You nod. "See you tomorrow."


Regimand has tailored today's disguise to Alys, and today she is meeting with a plain-looking and middle-aged clerk with ink-stained fingers and an unfortunate taste in hats. "Found them," he says as soon as Cloak Activity forms around the two of you. "The current head of the family and the members in his favour are holed up with Alric in Bad Dankerode, on the external southeastern flank of the Taalbaston."

You rack your memory. "The spa town? They're holed up in a spa?"

"Not as stupid an idea as it first seems. The waters are believed to come from the same source as Crater Lake, and would therefore be sacred to Taal. A spa full of holy water would be a good spot for a confrontation with Chaos. And it being on the outside of the Taalbaston means it has the usual fortifications that the settlements inside lack, and means it'd see less interference from local authorities."

"I suppose he doesn't want to share any of the credit. What about the rest of the family?"

"A hunting lodge in the Crater Marsh, near Sumpfrand. Again, holy water, and presumably a fair few weapons. Clear sightlines, difficult to sneak up on. Not the stupidest of plans, I suppose."

"Not holed up in the Unfähiger manor?"

"They call it Krieglitz Manor, they try to distance themselves from the Unfähiger name these days. And no, that's where all the previous murders happened. They might be hoping that whatever is doing it is stuck there. If it was a Spectre that might work, but I doubt it'd help much."

"So the Manor's just sitting empty?"

"Sealed tight, nobody wants to be murder number six. Thinking about breaking in and inspecting the murder sites?"

"Might be worth doing." Part of you was thinking about breaking in for less salubrious reasons. The Unfähigers bled the Empire white during the reign of Dieter IV, and part of you is tempted to put some of that wealth towards more worthy causes. To banish temptation for the moment, you look back at your notes. "Are you seeing a pattern in who the murderer is targeting?"

"Apart from all being members of the family, nothing I can see. Might be random, might be opportunistic."

"I don't see anything either. So I'd guess Alric isn't protecting the most likely next victim, simply the most influential one."

"Seems that way." He grins at you. "Now, Apprentice," he says in his teaching voice. "If you were the one investigating this, what would you do?"

That's the question, isn't it?

There are eight weeks until the next murder. You are currently planning what to do for the next three weeks. Each of the below actions will take one week, so you have three actions. Voting will be in plan format.

Your implied objective: Limit or prevent Alric getting credit for saving the Unfähigers.
Your actual objective: Ensure this matter is resolved without revealing the Empress is not a Haupt-Anderssen.

[ ] Bring in the Empress
She will bring with her a lot of influence, a lot of skill, a lot of attention, and a lot of questions. But she has quite the vested interest in seeing this wrapped up quietly.
[ ] Bring in Lord Magister Egrimm
[ ] Bring in Lady Magister Elrisse
[ ] Bring in Egrimm and Elrisse
What better way to counter a Light Wizard than with one or two of your own? But they do know what you actually promised to Mira, and things could get awkward if they mention it to Regimand.
[ ] Renegotiate with Mira
If you're going to have to interfere with Alric anyway, you might as well see what Mira is willing to offer for you to do so, and clear the way to bring in your own Light Wizards.
[ ] Bring in someone else: specify who
You have all sorts of allies, contacts, and favours that you might call upon.

[ ] Approach Alric directly
Working with him means splitting the credit, which would partly fulfil your implied objective and let you be on hand to perform your actual objective. But while refusing your assistance would put him in an uncomfortable position should he fail, it does mean he'd know you're involved, and he may work against you.
[ ] Interrogate the spa Unfahigers
Break in, interrogate, Mindhole, leave. Risky and difficult under Alric's nose, but they'd have the most information.
[ ] Approach the hunting lodge Unfahigers
They've been left to dry by Alric and the head of the family. If you offer help, they're all but certain to take it.
[ ] Interrogate the hunting lodge Unfahigers
Break in, interrogate, Mindhole, leave. They have no protection against the likes of you, and may know something useful.
[ ] Investigate Krieglitz Manor
Investigate the sites of the five brutal murders of members of the Unfähiger dynasty.
[ ] Plunder Krieglitz Manor
It's unstaffed and unguarded, protected only by locked doors, boarded windows, and a sinister reputation. Who knows what riches the Unfähigers squirreled away during their time in power?

[ ] Research: Alberich's life
For all the time you spent cleaning up the mess he made, you never learned much about Alberich as a person. Find out what sort of ruler he was, and that might give you insight into whatever he is now.
[ ] Research: Alberich's fate
Abelhelm would have had what happened to the last Haupt-Anderssen looked into. Someone has that report. Maybe Roswita, maybe the Witch Hunters, maybe the Cult of Sigmar. Find it.
[ ] Research: Alberich's form
Alberich would not have been unchanged from a trip to and return from the Chaos realm. Research what changes may have occurred to him that may help you locate him.
[ ] Research: Chaotic Vengeance
This would be far from the first time someone's sold themselves to the Dark Gods for vengeance, and the Dark Gods tend to act in patterns. Research earlier examples of the same phenomenon.
[ ] Research: Murder Rituals
Eight quiet murders in one family in forty years. Eight brutal murders in one family in forty months. This smacks of some sort of ritual. Go digging through every resource you can find for what this might be about, and what might happen if it goes uninterrupted.
[ ] Research: Underworld Turbulence
'A fair bit of activity from that lot lately' is not really actionable. See if anyone knows exactly what's got the Chaos cults of the Empire in a tizzy lately.

[ ] Other: write in

- There will be a four hour moratorium. Voting will be in plan format.
- The sections are separated only for legibility, you can take any combination of actions from any section.
- If timing is particularly important, specify the order of what is done first/second/third in the plan. Otherwise I'll put it in what I judge to be the most advantageous order.
- If the sixth murder occurs on schedule, there will be three weeks until the seventh, then four until the time Alberich disappeared.
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Your actual objective: Ensure this matter is resolved without revealing the Empress is not a Haupt-Anderssen.

[ ] Bring in the Empress
She will bring with her a lot of influence, a lot of skill, a lot of attention, and a lot of questions. But she has quite the vested interest in seeing this wrapped up quietly.
Emphasis mine here, which is why I'm massively against this option.
[ ] Interrogate the hunting lodge Unfahigers
[ ] Research: Alberich's fate
[ ] Research: Murder Rituals

I feel like these three give us a pretty solid spread of promising leads to tap into and see what turns up, while also not tipping our hand too much one way or the other.


With Regimand around, is there any way for Mathilde to get word to Heidi about this situation without actually asking for her involvement?

It should fall within both Heidi and Mathilde's covers for Mathilde to send off a message, right? The narrative would be something like:

Mathilde is a Grey Wizard definitely uninvolved in any conspiracies who happened to look into this case as a favour to Mira - and wouldn't you know, there's some big spooky thing going around eating the Haupt-Andersons! As it happens, Mathilde is good friends with the definitely a Haupt-Anderson empress. Mathilde sends off a message to her while she investigates.

Heidi won't be able to actually *act* on this information openly as Empress without attracting undue attention, since all eyes are on her, but she likely has some ways of having things happen surreptitiously - and if nothing else she'll be forewarned and able to start getting her ducks in a row.
Regimand isn't neglected. He's a busy and successful man and he's proud as punch that his former Apprentice is even more busy and even more successful, and if he died with things left there he wouldn't regret a thing. But given an opportunity to spend time with Mathilde without sacrificing the good of the Empire, he's taken it.



With Regimand around, is there any way for Mathilde to get word to Heidi about this situation without actually asking for her involvement?

It should fall within both Heidi and Mathilde's covers for Mathilde to send off a message, right? The narrative would be something like:

Mathilde is a Grey Wizard definitely uninvolved in any conspiracies who happened to look into this case as a favour to Mira - and wouldn't you know, there's some big spooky thing going around eating the Haupt-Andersons! As it happens, Mathilde is good friends with the definitely a Haupt-Anderson empress. Mathilde sends off a message to her while she investigates.

Heidi won't be able to actually *act* on this information openly as Empress without attracting undue attention, since all eyes are on her, but she likely has some ways of having things happen surreptitiously - and if nothing else she'll be forewarned and able to start getting her ducks in a row.

Tipping Heidi off without leashing her to Mathilde seems like it would end up with those 'having things happen surreptitiously' being Alric coming down with a case of natural causes.

Damn it, that +100 is comfy and all, but it also feels like a death flag.

I don't do death flags.
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