Thorek is going to try, and probably succeed, anyway.
We are just giving him a tool to do it more efficiently, and hopefully with less fallout in the long run.
Thorek is neither stupid or suicidal, he does not want to destroy the guild, only change it to better serve Karaz Ankor.
Not really, he's noted as being a political animal. He's going to change it in a way he thinks is better. Which includes multiple Slayer Runelords. This is obviously bad. I don't understand how people can say it's not.
OK so let's take as a given that some runelords, or at least runesmiths will go slayer, if I may ask a heretical question,
so what?
*pause for horror and outrage at the very notion*
Seriously though we know the art of forging runes is dying, the dwarfs now know less than their fathers who know less than their grandfathers and so on and so on until the Time of Woe. Thorek is not wrong you know, they are hoarding runes onto their own destruction and the loss of the very art they are trying to champion. If no reform is made the Runesmiths' guild will wither and die eventually to be supplanted by the engineers. If some of the current crop of wanabe Kraggs have to commit culturally sanctioned suicide for reform to happen it is still better than the status quo.
If runelords go slayer because of Thoreks ideals and ambitions, then quite frankly I don't want them anywhere near the waystones. In order for a runelord to feel enough shame that the only option for redemption is ritual suicide, then that means they are either lazy, incompetent, corrupt or all three, and whilst I strongly disagree with ritual suicide as a method of redemption, any such runelord that removes themselves from the guild will only benefit the culture of the Karas Ankor in the long run.
Thorek is not stupid. He is an intelligent dwarf highly aware of the type of people he will be dealing with, and how far he can push them before they break. He aims to make the Guild stronger than it was, not slaughter it.
Also, Zhufbar has a reputation as engineers, not runesmiths. You might be thinking of Barak Var, who were the compromise candidates for the founding of Karak Eight Peaks' runesmiths guild and potential overseers of the Waystone project had we chosen to base it in K8P.
If the Runelords die without passing on their knowledge, the knowledge is lost as surely as if they all go Slayer at once. At least Thorek's way, Runesmithing might recover instead of dying out entirely.
Look, these all run together and seem to say the same thing: It's Thorek or the Runelords not sharing. But those are not the only options at all. The optimal solution isn't getting more runelords to die without passing on their secrets in the hope that new ones will be better about it, it's to get the Runelords not passing their secrets to pass them on, not
lose even their knowledge as well.
This should be obvious. The best thing for the Karaz Ankor and the Empire and Everyone of the Good Guyz isn't dead Runelords, it's runelords with apprentices passing on their stuff.
If your answer to "How do we preserve the secrets of our ancestors" is kill the current generation so the nex one is better, your solution is terrible. Like, the High King just changed his opinion. Consider that.
Why isn't Thorek trying to convince them to pass on their secrets /find worthy apprentices, instead of contributing to the problem by killing what little Runelore is left? We should be trying to preserve Runes, not get those that carry them killed. This should be obvious.
This is a stupid, Grudge Dwarf solution. Don't help him.
And that's being charitable and not calling it an assassination attempt on his competition.
Remember, he is the rare politically savvy dawi.
The right solution is to convince them they are wrong, if not about the lost Karag, then about passing on the Runes. Turning them Slayer just makes the Runelore forever lost. That's only a victory for Thorek as he removes competition and makes himself and his students more prominent and indispensable.
That's not good for anyone, or the Waystones. Hell, by doing this
we're removing the very people that may be hoarding said Waystone knowledge instead of trying to get it to work for us.