For what it's worth, there is a really good potential candidate that we are sort of connected to: Roswita's witchhunter retainer, Lucas von Salkalten. If he's wiling to deal with magic, but at least Roswita has softened, so he might have too.And would that someone else be of any use to Mathilde? We did pay 1000 Gold for the thing, I would rather not see it ride off in to the sunset on the shoulder of a random knight if we can help it.
And if he's missing the right arm, of course (@Codex's super useful entry doesn't say, also thanks to Codex because getting the name was so much easier this way, I didn't even have to bother picklepikkl). I think the right arm is the left arm, and not the right arm, but we don't know if he's missing the right arm (which is to say, the left arm) or the right arm. Or I could be remembering wrong, and the right arm isn't the left arm, and in fact the right arm is the right arm, though then we still don't know if Lucas is missing the right arm, and if that's the right arm. Right?
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