Our Oskana doesn't let anyone lay with her! Other griffons are honored when she lays with them!

Nice to see the shift in her thoughts over time this interlude! Would be nice if over time there was more focused and organized Imperial Griffon system, making little packs/prides of griffons through Empire kinda like is starting with the Winter Wolves.
If Oskana and Magnus's griffon (whose name I can't recall atm) are scheduled to mate again I wonder if he'll challenge her or just flop on his side and submit. :rofl:
Heh, you guys think the Amber wizards were giving Magus live commentary? I mean I'd be surprised if they weren't taking notes for future Griffon mating patterns.

If Oskana and Magnus's griffon (whose name I can't recall atm) are scheduled to mate again I wonder if he'll challenge her or just flop on his side and submit. :rofl:
Almost certainly the former. All part of the dance I suppose for Griffins. Really question is if Octane would get to meet his siblings too.

Also you guys think other Electors have been trying to get in the Griffon raising action during all this? Would honestly hope they are. One beeding pair does not a dynastic line make. Plus its just take way too many actions if we have to collect new eggs for the next few generations to get a decent population going.
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I'd hope they do, but Canon doesn't seem to suggest they are very effective at it most of the time. We definitely need more breeding pairs though, because as is, this is the last generation that'd really be safe to breed.
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I'd hope they do, but Canon doesn't seem to suggest they are very effective at it most of the time. We definitely need more breeding pairs though, because as is, this is the last generation that'd really be safe to breed.
its not impossible as the elves are cable of doing it but I suspect its very hard , the first issue you run into is cost meaning only the highest nobles in the empire can afford the up keep of a griffon , the next issue is handling and care but the amber collage sorts that one out and the final and possibly biggest issue is commitment griffons are highly intelligent and communal creatures the nobles who intend to ride them into battle have to be willing to commit to bonding with them an extremely time intensive endeavor as you can't just have a griffon shoved in the stable forgotten when you don't need it
Right, we clearly need to hire an Amber to work with Oskana. Her intelligence has been criminally underutilized.
I'm sure that the two trainers we got interact with her a lot as well, they just naturally focus on her son since still developing.

On another note, a little funny how while Magnus does take Sigismund out to fly and fight its not nearly as much as Oskana does with Freddy and family. Makes sense really since while I'm sure Magnus would love to be out flying more and hunting down enemies of Empire he does need to run it too, and we know that means literal tons of paperwork and diplomactic meetings.

Basically Sigismund is the noble prince who has to stay by his father and go out only when needed while Oskana is the warrior princess who spends most of her time actively fighting if she can help it.

Seems like even the best trainers and even magical/holy upgrades have to concede to pure experience sometimes.:D
Oskana is a thing!
...Part of me seriously wonders what would happen if we got an Amber in the family and thus could afford to have someone speak with/for Oskana& the Griffons regularly.
And another part of me reeeeaaally wants to see how the Hollenzern ladies would react to the tale of Oskana's mating. I...Imagine the Hollenzern men would be less amused.

The stink in the air rose from many of the two legs,
...Is this what I think it is?
I'm...half-surprised half-thinking I need to see Griffons in media more often because I'm likely not doing them justice in my head. Oskana I tend to imagine as being vaguely the same size as a big horse, for example.
All the special attention and training and Sigismund still lost. She didn't even start the fight, too. She's learned well from her parents.
That's on the Front Page, yeh?

As for his gryphon which others have asked after: The white-as-Hysh and male Sigismund is doing fine, and has been personally tended to by the Patriarch, Matriarch, and Patriarch of the Jade College, Amber College, and Light College respectively to ensure the best possible growth and strengthening while being repeatedly subject to anti-Chaos enchantment. The Supreme Patriarch, Volans, is even thinking of making something specific for said Gryphon. As it is, Sigismund follows Magnus everywhere, and as he hatched his immediately the gryphon is actually older than Oskana. Old enough to be trained - and has been quite well - and old enough to be ridden. Which he is. Everywhere. Magnus loves it. Also, the Emperor has the Grand Theogonist and both of the Arch Lectors bless Sigismund with all the best of their prayers and earnest abilities on a regular basis, as well asked the Ar-Ulric to put his own blessings on Sigismund. Really, Magnus sort of followed his own path of becoming The Pious and finding earnest approval from all the major Gods of the Empire from Manaan to Morr. Then he had master-rune worked gromril in the form of armor put on him.

Because he is Emperor Magnus the Pious, and goddamn does he love gryphons. This one especially. And unlike the North of the Empire the South has recovered near completely from its own troubles and damages, so Nuln and his estates were able to make use of such money while he used his own not-inconsiderable influence to work for the benefit of Sigismund.

...Is this what I think it is?
Apparently. She can sense magic. Not too surprising, mind, given the nature of her species.

She was led inward, many 'armor-clad' guarding her towards a towering roost and nest which dwarfed her own. This did not please her. It was an affront to her pride that her own nest was smaller and less elaborate.
Would it fill her with pride, to know of the resilience of her nest-makers who survive, return, and rebuild, and that's why it's not better, because they keep getting ground to dirt and have to start over?

Or would she consider it a sign of weakness to lose the nest over and over again?
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Oskana is a thing!
...Part of me seriously wonders what would happen if we got an Amber in the family and thus could afford to have someone speak with/for Oskana& the Griffons regularly.
And another part of me reeeeaaally wants to see how the Hollenzern ladies would react to the tale of Oskana's mating. I...Imagine the Hollenzern men would be less amused.


...Is this what I think it is?
I'm...half-surprised half-thinking I need to see Griffons in media more often because I'm likely not doing them justice in my head. Oskana I tend to imagine as being vaguely the same size as a big horse, for example.
Griffon has a relative size chart in the picture slideshow at the bottom. They are, rather significantly, bigger than horses.
[X] Yes: This is a chance to salve the wounds that Natasha takes every time you go out to battle. To ease her mind is worth much.
[X] Subsoil: The middle tier, truly strong emotions might pass through the bond, as well as a vague sense of direction but no real scale of distance. A method of some Saphery mothers started in the era before Malekith to keep watch on more unruly children.
Names were exchanged, as were accomplishments. Her beak could not grin, but she squawked and chirped in superior amusement as the lesser was firmly established. She had hunted with her pack every year, every season, by both father and lesser packmates. She had ripped and torn apart enormous creatures, things that were too strong to even properly be considered prey, the furred and horned ones especially. Had this one done the same? No. He could not, the other gryphon declared reproachfully, he was too important to risk frivolously. He had fought, yes. Hunted, yes. Battled, yes. But not at all like her, not so eagerly.

This, of course, irritated her.

Risk? Frivolous?


She takes after her dad alright.
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Kinda makes me wonder what Sigismund's POV is like and how he is handling the raising of his son and or daughter. Like said Oskana isn't dumb and has learned a lot over the years, but like her son Sigismund has gotten the best trainers since young so likely has an easier time understand things quickly.

Also, I imagine he has a really special magical/holy bond with Magnus since almost certain he was directly blessed by Sigmar before his hatching followed by other magical empowerments.
Kinda makes me wonder what Sigismund's POV is like and how he is handling the raising of his son and or daughter. Like said Oskana isn't dumb and has learned a lot over the years, but like her son Sigismund has gotten the best trainers since young so likely has an easier time understand things quickly.

Also, I imagine he has a really special magical/holy bond with Magnus since almost certain he was directly blessed by Sigmar before his hatching followed by other magical empowerments.

Magnus also doesn't have any legitimate children, which makes Sigismund an 'only child' in a sense (Oskana is Freddy's only gryphon 'child', but she knows he has human offspring who are also part of her pack under Frederick). He's probably a bit of an entitled little shit. :p
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