I don't know, Dwarfs live longer then humans. Maybe they're not drinking enough alcohol?
don't tell them that they will take affront and form a life long grudge against you that will only end when they bury a hatchet in your head and burn all of your family, friends, and property to make sure your gone.
Is there anything we can do for the Bull Knights? Have they replenished yet? Maybe we can recommend some dwarf smiths to give them higher quality gear?

I havent seen much of the knights lately.
Is there anything we can do for the Bull Knights? Have they replenished yet? Maybe we can recommend some dwarf smiths to give them higher quality gear?

I havent seen much of the knights lately.
we don't control the bull knights. They are rebuilding themselves using their own money from their own sources.
Kislevite Haglore.

Female only AFAIK.

It is female only, yes. Much like there are other Arcane or Divine Marks, there are Marks of the Hag Witch and Marks of the Ice Witch. Then there are the Ice Hags, which are my own sorta thing which do not exist at all in the Realm of the Ice Queen text.

The immortality mark in question is the very rare Long-Lived result, gained only on an 81-90 roll, and can be gained thrice. The first time, it extends your natural lifespan to 150 years, the second, 400, and the third, forever. It does not, however, keep you looking young. While the magic of the hags can make it so that their apparent age doesn't affect them much in terms of strength/toughness, it can make them pretty gruesome. Balding/black teeth, thick yellow nails, grey sagging skin, etc.

Again, it's rare, but not unknown. There are some very old ladies out there in the Oblast. Very old. The Hags have been around since before the Gospodars even showed up, they're an Ungol tradition. Possibly older.
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I wonder if we could get bear cavalry for the Army of the Forest. Not polar bears, but oversized brown bears or something.
Wasn't talking about armor, was talking about armed. Actual blades along the sides of the head rather than elk horn, paw-spikes for increasing damage while charging/smacking around something while on hind legs. The ice horn on the third image is good, could be bigger though. Protecting the eyes is good too.