Wow. Only one update in and the villain's already having a breakdown. Press the attack Freddy!
Nah, that's what they want.

That said, we really need to start bringing an army. Or maybe not. I mean, we've had great success with a small elite unit each time so far.....

Fredrick may be many things, but the biggest is the most annoying son of a bitch you'd ever see on any battlefield.

The fucker just won't die.

It'd drive a daemon to drink.
"I've survived more apocalypses than you've had chest colds."
Nicol Bolas, Magic: the Gathering

Rather fitting.
"No, no, no! This can't be happening. Putrillix will mock me, Affligan and Cankis will never help me again, not even Sepsitis! Affirmilax would never let this happen! And Epidemius...No!" It shrieks,

One of nurgles more mundanely messed up themes is that of the abusive father and unhealthy family dynamics. which explains why this guy is kidna wreck. He's playing the part of an abused neglected son seeing his chance for fathers love go south. As to why he's worried enofgh to fall into that role, I suspect freddie has something of a reputation for runining things among demons.
Yeah seeing what our wife is doing to the Dryads and Fae portions of the enemy force really validates my opinion that we made the right choice, since if we bring Winter to this battlefield that would seriously cut down on the enemy forces.

Plus it would be oh so perfect if the Ulric worshiping cavalry arrives just as winter sets in.
One of nurgles more mundanely messed up themes is that of the abusive father and unhealthy family dynamics. which explains why this guy is kidna wreck. He's playing the part of an abused neglected son seeing his chance for fathers love go south. As to why he's worried enofgh to fall into that role, I suspect freddie has something of a reputation for runining things among demons.

I thought papa nurgle was pretty benevolent. The irony being that the most psychologically repulsive chaos god is also the most kind.

I always got the impression that in his own mind he was doting and kind. Its just that mentally he is astronomically out of touch with reality. His point of view being that living is needless suffering, and he is going to do what is best for you, whether you're willing or not.

Then like a nice responsible adult SHOULD, he stuffs you with terrifying grimdark space plagues, and everyone lives happily ever after.
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I thought papa nurgle was pretty benevolent. The irony being that the most psychologically repulsive chaos god is also the most kind.

I always got the impression that in his own mind he was doting and kind. Its just that mentally he is astronomically out of touch with reality. His point of view being that living is needless suffering, and he is going to do what is best for you, whether your willing or not.

Then like a nice responsible adult SHOULD, he stuffs you with terrifying grimdark space plagues, and everyone live happily ever after.
Always had this impression too.
The apprentice who is younger than us has a higher Martial...why are we counted as one of the most proficient fighters in the world again?

Personal chosen apprentice of Tyrion or not.
The apprentice who is younger than us has a higher Martial...why are we counted as one of the most proficient fighters in the world again?

Personal chosen apprentice of Tyrion or not.

That second bit.

Being Tyrion's squire means you can solo most of the planet in 1v1.

Recall that Tyrion tested her a few years back by having her kill the Druuchi Dreadlord whose Black Ark Alarielle sunk.

Dreadlord's are among the world's best combatants as well, and Tyrion figured his squire could handle it.
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I thought papa nurgle was pretty benevolent. The irony being that the most psychologically repulsive chaos god is also the most kind.

I always got the impression that in his own mind he was doting and kind. Its just that mentally he is astronomically out of touch with reality. His point of view being that living is needless suffering, and he is going to do what is best for you, whether you're willing or not.

Then like a nice responsible adult SHOULD, he stuffs you with terrifying grimdark space plagues, and everyone lives happily ever after.

What do you call a father who insist he loves you while they ignore your needs and opinion as well as gleefully hurting you supposedly for your own good?
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Natasha seems to be wrecking any fey. That's good. Her being at the pinnacle means she can do hugely influential stuff. Hopefully without magic shitting all over her, but you take what you can get.
"She'd only just begun to leave when we entered the forest," you answer, rubbing at your chin. "She loves a fight. Convincing her to come in here is another thing altogether."
Freddy, Freddy, Freddy.

This is Nordland.
All Sunweaver has to do is name drop Nurgle and she will be ready to literally fight just for the opportunity.
"I am the Decayer of Souls! The Rotting Baron! One of the Seven Proctors of Pestilence!" Maladus bellows. "You cannot stop me! You cannot stop Nurgle! The Pinnacle will be ours, and with it all of Nordland will become part of Grandfather's Garden! And I will become the Maggot King! "

We need to give serious thought to borrowing that Daemon killing sword from Ortrud as we keep running into these fucker and maybe if we're known to permakill them when they fuck with us they'll leave us alone. It isn't like they could have more of a bone to pick with us.
What do you call a father who insist he loves you while they ignore your needs and opinion as well as gleefully hurting you supposedly for your own good?
Followers of Nurgle(at least in Fantasy, not sure about 40k) actually genuinely appreciate their illnesses. In that sense, Nurgle doesn't ignore the opinion of his children, he simply changes it.
Do normal parents not try to teach their children social norms, mores and family traditions?

As for their needs? Nurgle might not fix your hunger by giving you food, but he does make sure you're no longer hungry... by removing the need to eat altogether.
Nurgle's children "need" normal things the way regular kids need candy. And he instead gives his kids toys(plagues) before telling them to go outside and play with(infect) their friends(victims).

Sure, some potential kids also refuse to sign the adoption papers and refuse to go into the unmarked white van to chloroform/morphine the pain away, but those naughty children are blatantly rejecting his solution. And they aren't his children yet anyway.