You know how it is--you pay a hefty sum of gold to your false accusers so that you can get a chance to prove your innocence (after being the biggest non-dwarf hero of the dawi since Sigmar), you then prove your innocence, but you have to suffer anyway because your false accusers are still butthurt that they didn't succeed in fucking you over, and then you get absolutely nothing in return for all of your trouble...and in the process of proving your innocence, you have to let the dwarf master engineers examine all of your hard work and advanced, hard-won tech.
Ther's now precedent that humans can join the Engineers Guild. It might never come up again for centuries, but whomever has to handle it is going to be mightily confused.
False? We knowingly and willingly got Helga to spread Dwarven secrets for our school despite knowing that was against the rules of the guild, and OOC at least we knew this was likely going to happen at one point. So we did commit what we were accused of.

We got away with it and with no real penalty, benefits even, because of our deeds and prestige but it doesn't change the fact we were totally guilty.
It's been a minute since I read the Conclave, but wasn't the real reason that grudge was filed was because a couple of engineers in the guild had a bone to pick with Valma, and thus wanted to damage her most obvious legacy in Ostland's School? The grudge may have been valid, but the motive for said grudge was not, as was shown by the punishments being as lenient as possible and said engineers (or a couple of them) becoming slayers soon thereafter. That whole affair was complicated, with both sides having legitimate grievances.
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It's been a minute since I read the Conclave, but wasn't the real reason that grudge was filed was because a couple of engineers in the guild had a bone to pick with Valma, and thus wanted to damage her most obvious legacy in Ostland's School? The grudge may have been valid, but the motive for said grudge was not, as was shown by the punishments being as lenient as possible and said engineers (or a couple of them) becoming slayers soon thereafter. That whole affair was complicated, with both sides having legitimate grievances.
Not quite that viewpoint. There were a couple of dwarf engineers pressing for the Grudge against the Engineers of Osland, and most involved in the incident implied that it was personal business against Valma. However, the basis for the Grudge was very real, the consequences only became the good outcome it was because of a few good rolls and the entire Karak Ungor campaign becoming the entire Karak Ungor campaign. In addition, the whole school of dwarven engineers had effectively declared Grudge on Valma's legacy aka Ostland's Engineers.

The motive for the grudge wasn't purely to disgrace Valma, it was to uphold dwarf tradition, and put this matter to rest so it won't happen again.

Saying the true core reason the Grudge was thrown at Freddy is because of a few dwarfs angry at Valma, is like saying that Freddy could steal/borrow/request any dwarf tech he wants with no consequence if he goes through a dwarven slayer engineer.
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It's been a minute since I read the Conclave, but wasn't the real reason that grudge was filed was because a couple of engineers in the guild had a bone to pick with Valma, and thus wanted to damage her most obvious legacy in Ostland's School? The grudge may have been valid, but the motive for said grudge was not, as was shown by the punishments being as lenient as possible and said engineers (or a couple of them) becoming slayers soon thereafter. That whole affair was complicated, with both sides having legitimate grievances.
The grudge was valid but blown out of proportion by dwarves who felt that this was perfectly proportionate. They hated Valma yes, but its actually thanks to the prompt reparations and their inflating it that we got off lightly.

Different people have different reaction thresholds
Eh, at least we took the punishment and settled that grudge with perhaps the better outcome.

Just got to prove the alcohol engine worth now and we can do Sven a solid one.
You know how it is--you pay a hefty sum of gold to your false accusers so that you can get a chance to prove your innocence (after being the biggest non-dwarf hero of the dawi since Sigmar), you then prove your innocence, but you have to suffer anyway because your false accusers are still butthurt that they didn't succeed in fucking you over, and then you get absolutely nothing in return for all of your trouble...and in the process of proving your innocence, you have to let the dwarf master engineers examine all of your hard work and advanced, hard-won tech.

On the plus side, we have officially been part of the Dwarf Engineering Guild.
Not quite that viewpoint. There were a couple of dwarf engineers pressing for the Grudge against the Engineers of Osland, and most involved in the incident implied that it was personal business against Valma. However, the basis for the Grudge was very real, the consequences only became the good outcome it was because of a few good rolls and the entire Karak Ungor campaign becoming the entire Karak Ungor campaign. In addition, the whole school of dwarven engineers had effectively declared Grudge on Valma's legacy aka Ostland's Engineers.

The motive for the grudge wasn't purely to disgrace Valma, it was to uphold dwarf tradition, and put this matter to rest so it won't happen again.

Saying the true core reason the Grudge was thrown at Freddy is because of a few dwarfs angry at Valma, is like saying that Freddy could steal/borrow/request any dwarf tech he wants with no consequence if he goes through a dwarven slayer engineer.
The grudge was valid but blown out of proportion by dwarves who felt that this was perfectly proportionate. They hated Valma yes, but its actually thanks to the prompt reparations and their inflating it that we got off lightly.

Different people have different reaction thresholds
For the record, I never meant to imply that the grudge wasn't a legitimate one. No real disagreements otherwise.
Turn 34 Rumor Mill
GM Note: Q/C/C? Let me know!
Old World Rumor Mill
Bretonnian Embassy Opens In Nuln: A notable diplomatic accomplishment has seen the Emperor – with the aid of the Elector Countess of Wissenland – to open a formal Bretonnian Embassy near the Imperial Palace. The place will be staffed by a number of volunteer knights of incorruptible nature and impeccable honor, as well as an ambassador personally appointed by the King of Bretonnia. It is one thing to send the diplomats back and forth over the border, it is entirely another to have a permanent fixed point through which diplomatic concerns may be brought up to the Emperor with greater speed and cooperation. It is the hope this will facilitate a barrier to the previous battles between our nations in the past, and foster greater cooperation and general relations instead. A Damsel of the Lady of the Lake, a priestess of that odd Goddess, will also be present, a shrine created in the name of the deity being placed within the embassy proper. The Ambassador himself is Baron Mathieu Vestar, apparently a well-accomplished paladin of Bretonnia hailing from Bastonne. Apparently he and the Emperor have already become good acquaintances over the past few months.

Reiksmarshal Rises: The new Reiksmarshal of the Empire has been chosen. In the past, it has more than once been a position held by the Grandmaster of the Reiksguard Knights, of Reikland. But not always. The position itself was founded in the distant past, before that Order was even founded. A war leader and champion of the Emperor against his foes, they are meant to not only be a peerless duelist but also a most capable war leader. This has been found in none other than the Champion of Talabecland, the Duke Aloysis Fuerbach. Brother to Duke Krugar Fuerbach, heir presumptive of the province, and son of the eldest living Elector Count in the Empire – Adolf Fuerbach. Of course, this was a bold move to dispatch his younger brother, but it seems that the heir is merely preparing to reinforce the political prominence of his family due to the reportedly ill health of his father. Indeed, while Duke Aloysis was battering his way through a great number of men, being tested in strategic war games, and more, Count Fuerbach was growing less and less active in the courts of his province. It is rumored that, even now, Count Fuerbach – normally considered one of the most vital and hale men in the Empire – has been confined to his castle, possibly even on hospice bedrest! But Duke Aloysis, now Reiksmarshal Aloysis, seems more than willing to head up the task. He has already been deployed leading the Imperial Foot to bring a number of greenskins and beastmen in Wissenland to task, reportedly performing with aplomb with his new troops.

Trade Tunnel Repairs Begin: The vital river route which travels beneath the earth between Wissenland and Tilea has begun reconstruction, as much out of financial necessity than anything else. Despite the immense costs involved, the Countess of Wissenland has come to an agreement with the merchants of Miragliano to work from both ends to repair the historic and vital River of Echoes. Over a hundred miles of the river remains unblemished, but there are nevertheless enormous portions which are now covered in crumbled stone and shale. The Tileans, the actual owners of the tunnel itself, have put their immense wealth to use while hiring out those willing to partake in the brutal conditions of tunnel clearing. Apparently the pay is great, because many die without receiving an actual paycheck.

Campaign Over Company: Another outbreak of the flux has occurred in Altdorf, and primary leadership of the increasingly ineffective Clean Water company has once again shifted hands. Since its inception, the Company itself has been used less for its supposed intended purpose and instead as a political tool amongst the various guilds of Altdorf. Unfortunately, this has meant that the company has been mired in a political and financial quagmire, while the citizens of Altdorf continue to suffer from the collapsed sewage system. It is rumored, however, that a number of volunteer Jade Wizards have been working to provide clean and usable water to the citizenry, working in close association with the Cult of Shallya to provide aid. Such is the desperation – dozens dead from dehydration or sickness brought about from using unclean water – that there are people actually accepting said aid!

Duke Returns…And Dies?: Duke Melmon, of Quennelles, is said to have emerged from the forests this year in Bretonnia. At least, a man claiming to be the Duke was. He aged within hours, and died the day after his emergence. His armor and weapons, all bearing an archaic symbol of the castle smith who supposedly served him all those generations ago. The time warping powers of Athel Loren are subject to much rumor and myth, and this has only increased them. Unfortunately, the Duke did not make it to any true castle of a Bretonnian noble, and instead was laid to rest by a number of peasants whose village he made his last steps. Reportedly, his remains have been hefted up into a reliquary by a number of grail pilgrims and taken away off into the night before anyone of true noble blood could come to investigate.

The New Sword Of Justice: There has been much said of Evangeline Hertwig, as of late. Far more than has been said of in the past. A grieving betrothed to a knight, daughter of Ortrud Hertwig, the Iron Woman of Ostermark, Evangeline Hertwig disappeared from Imperial society more than half a decade ago to join the dwarfs within the mountains on a scholastic venture. A depressed poet and artist, with little of her mother's own acclaimed martial capabilities. Supposedly, to write of the campaign within Karak Ungor – a tale supposedly legendary now amongst all the dawi. One that dwarfs throughout the Empire toast to even now, and heartily so! But it was assumed that she was dead, or worse, for little to no communication with the Empire was received for some time. But apparently this was untrue! Rumors speak of private correspondence with her mother, and of many battles beneath the mountains themselves! The latter of which were proven more than true, as she arrived in Nuln at the very tail end of this year to battle her way through a number of champions sent from the rest of the Empire, themselves survivors of a grueling selection process. Her skill is absolutely undeniable after said tournament, not to mention her apparent regular sparring and training alongside the mighty kings of the mountains for many years.

Sea Of Claws Report 2338: There were far fewer Norscans in the waters this year. Unfortunately, they were replaced by, of all things, greenskins and beasts! Crude and barely functioning as their ships were, a full dozen of what could be called ships began to trundle about the waters of the Sea of Claws, repeatedly coming to blows with ships from Nordland and Ostland, before finally being caught and destroyed by ships from Kislev. But the year was not done, and a variety of strange beasts filled the waters this year, attacking fishing ships and coastal settlements alike. There were enormous reptile creatures that were furred and whiskered, slobbering tentacle monsters with beady red eyes that lashed their way onto shore, and many more horrible things. It is known that the Sea of Claws occasionally is a holder of such things, close to the lands of Norsca, blasted by evil as they are. But there certainly were a lot this year! Overall Order Success This Year, Ostland Success. New Raiding Pressure Introduced To Sea of Claws: Greenskins!

Kislev Rumor Mill

Dolgan Come South With Fury: Apparently, the Dolgan do not appreciate the Tzarina's beneficence being offered to those who willingly cast off the Dark Gods in favor of a far better pantheon. Rather than risk their vile Gods losing out on the souls of so many, than Kislev being as strengthened as it will be once integration is successful, the Dolgan rode south this year. Many forget that they are a nation unto their own within the Kurgan. Few should, after this. Tens of thousands of Dolgan, ferried south on a desperate chance that Kislev would take them in, all at the head of a leader known as Sevar, a near Chieftain or Tzar himself amongst the Dolgan who follow him. A potential great boon to the nation, and yet there are many, many more Dolgan who came south in a vast rush this year. Whether to remove the stain on their honor for allowing so many of their own number to escape to the south, or simply to kill because the Dark Gods wish them to, it doesn't matter. The Grand Army of Kislev marshaled to defeat the Dolgan, and were, surprisingly, joined by a number of Dolgan themselves! A good thing, to prove they are willing to fight for their chosen home. They were led not just by the Tzarina and her Royal Aide, but by her children too. Blood was spilt across the snows and ice in great number, at one point an entire channel was created of blood spilled, freezing over, and having more spilled atop it. The War of Crimson Ice, it is being called, as the battles stretched on and on, flanks, feints, pincers, and more being performed by enormous columns of troops on both sides. In the end, the Tzarina was victorious, of course. In one on one combat, the Tzarina slew the Chieftain leading the Dolgan south, while Alexandra Snowblood saw to his elite personal guard. When the fighting was over, it was the Icewings who ensured that a bare handful of Dolgan survived the war's end, fleeing north. The Ungols saw to the rest. Those who came south? Are of Kislev now. And no one has a claim to them now but the Tzarina herself. And the Gods of Kislev, of course.

Mass Dolgan Conversions: Many a new temple and shrine have been built recently, the better for proper worship by the Dolgan to the Kislevite Pantheon. But after the servants of the Dark Gods were so definitively defeated by the Widow's Chosen? In open combat? Attendance and conversion have skyrocketed. Many matrons and matriarchs have come to the temples, widows themselves after the relentless combat in the dark north where the Kurgan reside. Some were even personally inducted by the Tzarina herself after the War of Crimson Ice's end. Many Dolgan were very impressed by the priests of Tor and Ursun, pledging themselves to the Gods of Thunder and Bears. Still others saw the flames of Dazh as their true calling. Perhaps the outright, undeniable, victory of Kislev over the servants of the Dark Gods, witnessed by the Dolgan riding along with the Tzarina in violent combat helped truly convince these new converts.

City Expansions Progress Apace: The brutal, unforgiving, absolutely relentless pace set by the Tzarina's agents have borne fruit, albeit fruit watered with the blood and bones of slaves. Constant rotating shifts of workers, day and night, every week, every month, powered by the power of the lash and soldiers brutally cutting down any resisting, rebelling, or escaping prisoners and putting them right back to work. Stone and gravel and mortar paste was built up, preserved, and built upon again regardless of the weather. But in turn the work continues, and quite successfully as well! Roads, wells, buildings for basic military purposes, while leaving plenty of spaces behind for the citizenry to claim and build up themselves. Oh, and of course, the temples that have been put in place for them to worship properly. The walls are already beginning to rise, many feet thick and a great many feet tall! Huzzah!

Karaz Ankor Rumor Mill

Baragor Forced To Return Home: Rising greenskin raids above and skaven incursions below have demanded that, just as with many other throngs, Baragor and the mighty throng of Karak Kadrin have been forced to head back home despite clear desires to remain. The noble High King would never demand a King to abandon his home, and so Baragor has gone. Though he is a youth compared to many other kings, his deeds in Karak Ungor have proven his might and ability many times over. Even now, rumors speak as to the unrelenting pace he sets before his throng to try and purge all of these resurgent threats so that he may return. Unfortunately, given current ranger estimates, not even the son of the Last Slayer King can do such a deed barring Grimnir himself aiding them. A notable number of Ostermark manlings have come to his aid, sent by the honorable Ortrud Hertwig, and led by her heir. The Ostermark knights are of appreciable aid, but our enemies are numerous. Without the regular pruning due to the throng being so far away from home, they have only multiplied.

Everpeak Produces More Dawi And War Machines: The varied marriages spent across the Great Throng – though with every year it seems to be more and more simply the Throng of the Everpeak – have born many new dwarf children! In terms of census, after careful record checking, it has been proven that more dawi were born this year across the Karaz Ankor than there has been in quite some time! In addition, the High King has authorized even more cannons to be built. Compared to the past, he has struck upon a possibly controversial tact this year and authorized the construction of a number of new flame cannons. Regular cannons are one thing. Organ guns are going a bit further, but have been well tested for a good few centuries now. But now he desires flame cannons, whose furious blasts of fire might provide aid in cordoning off entire sections of battle. Unfortunately, it seems that this may be the last round of such construction, as the vital bottleneck of engineers with the knowledge to effectively wield such artillery bumps up against how many war machines are currently in use. Instead, he has chosen to put resources and time into bomb production, with the hope that the gyrobombers would be able to make use of a great many of the devices across multiple runs should the Karak fall under assault.

Vengeance For King Yorrin: In a daring raid, the King of Karak Izor sought vengeance upon the skaven warlord responsible for the death of his father. King Gorrin, aided by King Belegar and supplemented by the manling complement of Evangeline Hertwig, plunged west through the Underway. The skaven lair of Fester Pike was successfully located by the dwarf rangers of Izor, and battle shortly ensued. While success was gained, it was at a grim cost indeed. In slaying the skaven warlord responsible for his father's death, King Gorrin was felled as well, leaving his son Kazran less than half a decade old as the new King. Vengeance was sought, and gloriously taken, but many longbeards feel that the task of assaulting one of the oldest of skaven lairs should have been a concentrated effort by many holds, rather than one so hastily undertaken by but one. Even with the aid of Clan Angrund, a massive number of Karak Izor's throng was lost, many to death, others to injury. Ravaged as it was, the now dead King Gorrin was returned to his hold to be placed in death next to his father's tomb. Queen-Widow Nedva has declared a period of mourning while taking up the mantle of regency over the hold. The gates of the hold have been barred from within during this period of mourning. Alas, as many grudges were struck out in the avenging of King Yorrin's death? Almost as many more have been written anew within the Izor Book of Grudges. But so long as one more grudge is struck out than was gained, then this is a victory. And so it is! Unfortunately, the much savaged Throng of the karak will not be rejoining the Great Throng at Everpeak. So too, has Evangeline Hertwig departed the mountains, her duties calling her home to the Empire. It will, of course, take time for her to complete her chronicle, though the first volumes have already propagated and are well received. Her friend and fellow dwarf friend Regina Leitdorf has returned, however, having escorted Evangeline to the manling city of Nuln. Alas, she has done so alone, but determined to aid the dwarfs as best she can. At the moment, this has taken the place of her joining the Ironbreakers in defending the Deeps of the Everpeak from the yearly skaven and greenskin invasions which rock them.
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Given the last two rumor mills, It seems like the situation in Kislev is starting to decisively turn in Kattarin's favor. Otherwise, a fairly quiet year.
Sea Of Claws Report 2338: There were far fewer Norscans in the waters this year. Unfortunately, they were replaced by, of all things, greenskins and beasts! Crude and barely functioning as their ships were, a full dozen ork ships began to trundle about the waters of the Sea of Claws, repeatedly coming to blows with ships from Nordland and Ostland, before finally being caught and destroyed by ships from Kislev. But the year was not done, and a variety of strange beasts filled the waters this year, attacking fishing ships and coastal settlements alike. There were enormous reptile creatures that were furred and whiskered, slobbering tentacle monsters with beady red eyes that lashed their way onto shore, and many more horrible things. It is known that the Sea of Claws occasionally is a holder of such things, close to the lands of Norsca, blasted by evil as they are. But there certainly were a lot this year! Overall Order Success This Year, Ostland Success. New Raiding Pressure Introduced To Sea of Claws: Greenskins!
This is disturbing. Where are the Greenskins coming from? Did Bluddflagg manage to set up shop somewhere instead of dying against the Dark Elves?

Also, furred & whiskered reptile creatures makes me think Clan Moulder was trying something. And the need to send 'some steel' lest 'stone and steel break' with the weakening of the Great Throng has me worried.
Kattarin is doing well. As I said before, each year (hopefully a couple decades at least) with her at the helm, leads Kislev more and more towards being a stable, respectable power in its own right, rather than a glorified meatshield.
Magnus is currently very busy being said heir to have ever really thought about being Reiksmarshal. Besides, we got other stuff on our plate.
Yeah, but it should be a descision we should make. Not be told something important was happening and we had no idea. That is dangerously isolated. Also unrealistic. With this level of of isolation the empire would never work.
Great if the Dark Elves and Norscans weren't enough now we have Ork Pirates to deal with, what next are the Sartosa Pirates/Arabian Corsairx gonna join in? Maybe some Vampire Pirates as well?

Though I suppose if we continue to increase our navel trade routes such a thing would make sense.
Great if the Dark Elves and Norscans weren't enough now we have Ork Pirates to deal with, what next are the Sartosa Pirates/Arabian Corsairx gonna join in? Maybe some Vampire Pirates as well?

Though I suppose if we continue to increase our navel trade routes such a thing would make sense.
No even worse.

... Halfling pirates!

Or a very angry Slann in a rowboat but that would be actually terrifying so it's not as funny.
well now there are orcs in the sea of claw. But still now its the 3 human navys vs Norscan vs Druchii vs Greenskin. so we still have the upper hand
Great if the Dark Elves and Norscans weren't enough now we have Ork Pirates to deal with, what next are the Sartosa Pirates/Arabian Corsairx gonna join in? Maybe some Vampire Pirates as well?

Though I suppose if we continue to increase our navel trade routes such a thing would make sense.
No even worse.

... Halfling pirates!

Or a very angry Slann in a rowboat but that would be actually terrifying so it's not as funny.
Hm, Orks, Arabian Corsairs, Sartosa Pirates, Dark Elves, and possibly Beastmen by sea, with the potential for Orks, Beastmen, Skaven, and maybe Chaos by land, even if the Dolgen got a bloody nose here. Technically 9 separate forces. Sounds like a worst-case scenario to me. Some of those might be shuffled around, since the Skaven do possess a navy of sorts based on those old Dwarf RM posts, but it's probably that 9 forces is the worst-case scenario.

Speaking of Dwarves, can we pull what Natasha did and send troops to help out the Dwarves by raising an army wholesale and sending them to be commanded by Magnus of whoever?
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