Starfleet Academy - Steering Meeting
As you did four years ago, you travel to meet Certunn Guk, who still holds the post of Starfleet Academy Commandant, and his staff. It is time for the four-yearly Steering Meeting. In addition to yourself, Rear Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen of the Explorer Corps, plus Captain Tomas Meyer, his Director of Personnel, and Seruk from Starfleet Personnel Command. Officials from the Federation, the Board of Trustees, and many other put in an appearance. Certunn Guk has naturally lost none of his argumentativeness, as likely to lose that as to have a limb spontaneously fall off. So instead you spend most of your attention watching the cadets, as the Graduating Class of '09 prepare to move out into their careers as Starfleet officers. Amarkians are now much more common than the last time you were here, present in numbers in all the pathways, not just emulating Commander Leaniss. Betazoids are also present, and causing all manner of problem with their unique abilities that people with higher paygrades than your own were dealing with throughout the Federation. But Rigellians, Indorians, Risans, Gaeni, Caldonians, and many others are also present.
You even spy the distinctive antenna of Apiata workers, the girls who for whatever reason did not imprint strongly on a Queen. They are almost all in the enlisted or technician tracks. Customarily, the Apiata use very few officers in the sense you would know them, and all of them Queens of one stripe or another. But it is still good to see them here, knowing that they can have a fulfilling life, and not be regarded as castoffs or defective. Here, in Starfleet, you can be whatever you make of yourself. The stars are no barrier, but rather the gateway into unlocking your own potential.
The main purpose of your meeting was to change the quotas of the different types of cadet, to better suit the needs of Starfleet. With a certain intake of qualified candidates, you could open up more spaces in some programs, less in others.
Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 32.65 Officer, 41.05 Enlisted, 24.95 Techs
Explorer Corps: 3.5 Officer, 5.60 Enlisted, 7.25 Techs
Starfleet Academy:
Officers (O): 8.35pts (+1.75 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 9.45pts (+1.70 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 11.65pts (+2.00 Explorer Corps)
[ ][ACADEMY] No Change
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Officers (9.35/8.95/11.15)
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Enlisted (7.85/10.45/11.15)
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Techs (9.35/8.95/12.65)
[ ][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift up to 1 pt any Crew type
[ ][EXPLORER] No Change
[ ][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift up to .25 to any Crew type
With a slew of different promotions, some of the billets you had previously selected have been reopened. Commodore Uhura is now Rear Admiral Uhura, and has moved back to San Francisco. This leaves you in need of a commander for the Cardassian Border Zone. Rear Admiral Seruk at Starfleet Personnel has, as always, found a shortlist of candidates for you.
[ ][CBZ] Captain Jessica Rivers
Human Female, 46
Current Posting: Commander, USS Yukikaze
An aggressive but also a perceptive one, with a great sense for danger. Survival hull tests take place with a +1 modifier.
* If not selected will be promoted to Commodore and assigned to Sol Sector as planned
[ ][CBZ] Commodore T'Lorel
Vulcan Female, 76
Current Posting: Director of Operations, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Patient, insightful, with a bizarre penchant for finding situations where the only rational course of action involves nadions hitting planets. +1 to any roll that would involve Relationship changes with a Cardassian frontier power.
[ ][CBZ] Commodore Hurgok Sagek
Tellarite Male, 60
Current Posting: Operations Officer, Starfleet Tactical Field Command
A tough and canny battle commander. +5% to Fleet Battle combat for battles under his command.