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Eddie Leslie: "Corollary: They're out to get you."Remember the motto of our reclusive neighbors: It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you!
Eddie Leslie: "Corollary: They're out to get you."Remember the motto of our reclusive neighbors: It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you!
I don't understand. Why can't the Enterprise fly back to Federation space? Especially as informing Starfleet Command that the Explorer codes are compromised seems pretty damn important to me.With the recent commencement of hostilities between the Harmony and the Federation, and based on intelligence provided by Abeshta and a contact of his, we are unable to successfully return to Federation space at this time.
something about changing there orders and stuff might clue them that we are clue`d into them.I don't understand. Why can't the Enterprise fly back to Federation space? Especially as informing Starfleet Command that the Explorer codes are compromised seems pretty damn important to me.
They're cut off behind the lines.I don't understand. Why can't the Enterprise fly back to Federation space? Especially as informing Starfleet Command that the Explorer codes are compromised seems pretty damn important to me.
Hard to conceptualize lines in space. With that third dimension and stuff.
Easy enough to change the terminology- but the imagery is useful.Hard to conceptualize lines in space. With that third dimension and stuff.
You'd probably be pretty frustrated if we had no ability to detect large, non-cloaked capital ships coming into our space, or to track such ships as they revved up the engines and tried to sprint back out of our space.I know, but sensor coverage of thousands of square-lightyears is a lot.
I know, but sensor coverage of thousands of square-lightyears is a lot.
Yes HoH Strike Corvettes were originally described as using microtorps, but in the ship designer that is an actual part that is Apiata only. As in, by WoG (SWB) HoH Strike Corvettes use normal torps presumably for balance reasons.Archer was vaporized by over one hundred and eighty microtorpedoes
Wow, almost lost the Enterprise... one less (hopefully) Singer defector at the right place and time and boom. This be very scary.
Ugh, such a deep penetration of our command and communication is really, really bad. I thought that we kept them out better than this. I choose to believe that they burned a bunch of assets for this chance.
Ok, I am confused. A Singer can download itself into a chip in someones head? I know that Singer function as avatars for, well, the real Singers, but I thought that required extensive cybernetics and possibly were just puppets for a Singer on a mainframe somewhere? And where did we put the immensely dangerous digital intelligence anyway. Oh right Enterprise is an Amby which was designed in the old ship designed with a backup computer core, airgap that and it should work.
Lastly, this bothers me:
Yes HoH Strike Corvettes were originally described as using microtorps, but in the ship designer that is an actual part that is Apiata only. As in, by WoG (SWB) HoH Strike Corvettes use normal torps presumably for balance reasons.
So which is it? Consistency would be nice.
For the same reason the questbase of a quest wouldn't be happy if the QM said in the middle of the quest 'sorry, I rolled a 1 on the encounter table, you are all dead, quest ended.'Presumably the QMs are afraid the Thread will riot again if they just say 'You know that time the Borg Cube nanite-ed Earth? That, but for the whole Sol sector.' and just tell us we've lost.
To be clear: Abeshta used Rence to enable his escape (launching the probe carrying him in a computer core), and brought Rence along to prevent retaliation against the guy, and because he was a patient of some personal significance to Abeshta.Ok, I am confused. A Singer can download itself into a chip in someones head?
Fun fact: If my Old Soul, New Daughter omakes got canonized (I'm a bit hazy on that at this time), the Enterprise-C's backup computer core is the original NCC-1701 Enterprise's bridge computer core from Kirk's first five year mission.Ok, I am confused. A Singer can download itself into a chip in someones head? I know that Singer function as avatars for, well, the real Singers, but I thought that required extensive cybernetics and possibly were just puppets for a Singer on a mainframe somewhere? And where did we put the immensely dangerous digital intelligence anyway. Oh right Enterprise is an Amby which was designed in the old ship designed with a backup computer core, airgap that and it should work.
I doubt they burned anything of significance for this, and they've always got more assets.
The real question is if we can procure enough therapists to help acclimate them all to a universe in which their control over others has been effectively neutralized.In unrelated musings, we could hypothetically produce and sustain, oh, a million firegapped, probe-computer-sizeprison cells, no problem, right
Well, contain an active Singer intellect - just because this Abeshta is willing to cram themselves in a probe computer for the duration of their escape/infiltration shenanigans doesn't mean that it's enough to considered comfortable/humane for longer or indefinite lengths of habitation (such as if not having room for more Singers might be the equivalent of solitary confinement for humans).Well, that puts a lower bound on the amount of computing power required to reasonably comfortably contain a Singer intellect.
Allocating starships to an operation is always significant; the more ships, personnel (and one-shot intelligence assets) they direct against the UFP, the less they have to spare for dealing with any other challenges they face.
Romulan cloaks, for example.
The real question is if we can procure enough therapists to help acclimate them all to a universe in which their control over others has been effectively neutralized.HolodeckGod-game addiction is no joke.