Team Plasma Grunt
[Synthesized Voice]: Well met, Starfleet vessel! I am Twirler, of the Dreamer Collective Explorer Corps.
Omg, this is the best thing ever. I love it.
[Synthesized Voice]: Well met, Starfleet vessel! I am Twirler, of the Dreamer Collective Explorer Corps.
What is it with that part of space and killbots?
It keeps happening!
There are no words that could possibly describe how happy this makes me.Another explorer, perfect! I thought that's what you'd be when I saw an Ambassador class, but I wasn't sure! Let's explore together!
[Dr. Mecar] Captain. Aqil. Don't feel this was your fault. Your program had detected the kill switch I had placed in the robots. I had to act before it could.
[Aqil] Kill switch?!
Well, ironically, we were the best people to consult. So good, we blew up the actual purpose of the project.
Of course. And now the Ittick-Ka feel more justified enslaving others, one of their slaves tried to kill them when the opportunity for freedom presented itself.[Dr. Mecar] I cannot. This is setting things right. How many have the Ittick-Ka killed, enslaved? How many lives lost? Was I supposed to give them the tools to assuage their conscience, so they could deign to free us, let their leaders go unpunished for their crimes? No. My robots would have been in every household, every supermarket, maybe even every police precinct. The scales could have been balanced.
Of course. And now the Ittick-Ka feel more justified enslaving others, one of their slaves tried to kill them when the opportunity for freedom presented itself.
Thanks Mecar. You've undone all our progress abolishing slavery in the Ittick-Ka polity, people who would've otherwise been free men are now doomed to a life of slavery because freedom is out of the question. I have half a mind to demand that we take him back to the Ittick-Ka to be executed, small minded bastard. Vengeance is great and all, but vengeance is unsustainable physically and emotionally and causes a lot of collateral damage - thus vengeance is undesirable.
To him, it might've been worth it. If he has nothing left to loose and he already feels empty, then he'll simply be back in the same position as where he started - nothing comes from nothing, and nothing can become less then "nothing".I believe it's been noted that it feels great initially, but after a while you're just empty.
"…the Typhon expanse, the first Federation vessel to chart this unexplored region of space". Cause and Effect has got to be one of my favorite episodes.behind Romulan space. We will be the first Federation vessel to explore that region
That seems an eminently reasonable precaution.Our new course through the Dreamer Corridor and around the Breen will cost us at least a quarter in travel time, but after what happened to Courageous I don't think it's worth the risk.
Interesting.We've adjusted our own course to meet them, and slowed down to warp 5.
Go Dreamers! Very cool of themSome of the dreamer towns have put together an "explorer corps" inspired by ours,
Yeah, can't really blame them on this this case I can see why they might not have thought it necessary.
Uh oh.
Nice! I always love intel updates.The level of paranoia is ... certainly something to behold. But we have him aboard and are resuming our patrol course.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"Take care of the baby." His entire bridge crew echoed from behind him.
Yeah look kid I'm sure we'd be willing to help but that's contingent on no mind control."It's really simple," the creature said, "Basically, I'm Baby. And you and your Federation are my new Papa."
Alls well that ends well I suppose. Just another reminder that there's a lot of powerful stuff out there.
Oh. Right. That's happening.
I'm deeply suspicious that we're going to find the solution palatable.They have informed us they are developing a potential solution to the slaving crisis
I was expecting sapient robots we would have to fight for but ok this is better.Essentially, they want to replace slaves with robots that can function as effective servants, but lack the full range of cognitive abilities you would expect of a sophont.
Ahhh shit. And there we go.One of the eggshell-white robots stands in her place, before crouching down and plunging a scalpel again and again into her back.
Yeah, I'd imagine.
That went quite badly.
Second House at it again huh? Delightful.Second House will just be haunting all of our nightmares as a natural consequence of this fiasco
Fun doot, thanks Leila and Shark and IW.
Dreamer Rangers, Dreamer Explorer Corps... love it! What's next?
Dreamer... FDS? Dreamer Science Council? Dreamer Aerocommandos? Dreamer Warp Lifesaving Club?
Urgh what happened to abolitionist movement is a huge blow which I harshly blame the crew for failing to catch this.
At least have a mind to include a kill switch before instead of acting after it starting killing large amount of people including VIPS.
At least have a mind to include a kill switch before instead of acting after it starting killing large amount of people including VIPS.
well i think i read somewhere that those brains are about as powerful as our ships supercomputers so the image of a dreamer mentat is a somewhat scary thought.
Literally stabbing them in the back! You're supposed to use technological advancements to bring kinky fantasies to life, not fascist myths!Him'fal'tun collapses. One of the eggshell-white robots stands in her place, before crouching down and plunging a scalpel again and again into her back.