2325 - EOY
End of Year Report Card - 2325

Starting Resources
3774 Bulk Resources
2667 Special Resources
317 Political Will
(531.5 Research Points)

Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 40.9 Officer, 67.67 Enlisted, 58.57 Technician
Explorer Corps: 15.07 Officer, 10.24 Enlisted, 8.49 Technician

Spent During the Year
3500 Bulk Resources
2565 Special Resources
574 Political Will
(458 Research Points)

Standard Starfleet: 4 Officer, 4 Enlisted, 3 Technician
Explorer Corps: 0 Officer, 0 Enlisted, 0 Technician

Career Casualties
Standard Starfleet: 64 Officer, 74 Enlisted, 65 Technician
Explorer Corps: 15 Officer, 20 Enlisted, 19 Technician

Total Starfleet Ship Losses
5 Excelsior, 1 Renaissance, 2 Constitution, 2 Constellation, 2 Centaur, 5 Miranda (1 Miranda presumed lost but later recovered), 1 Oberth, 1 Hospital Ship, 1 Prospector, 3 Cargo Ship, 2 Runabouts

Total Other Allied Non-Auxiliary Ship Losses in Starfleet-led operations and incidents
1 Constellation-A, 1 Miranda, 3 Orah, 3 Stinger, 1 Patroller-A

Gained During the Year

Council Objectives met: +100 Political Will
Misek, Ur'razzi affiliation: +0.3 OET each
New admiralty bonuses: +0.05 OET per affiliate from Nkumba, +2.5% OET from McCoy

Ships Damaged
USS Sitar, Renaissance, NCC-1621
USS Ajetha, Constellation-A, NCC-1819
USS Salnas, Excelsior-A, NCC-2009

Ships Laid Down
Ambassador, NCC-3917
Ambassador, NCC-3918

Comet, NCC-5102
Comet, NCC-5103
Comet, NCC-5104
Comet, NCC-5105
Comet, NCC-5106
Comet, NCC-5107
Comet, NCC-5108
Comet, NCC-5109
Comet, NCC-5110
Comet, NCC-5111
Comet, NCC-5112
Comet, NCC-5113
Comet, NCC-5114
Comet, NCC-5115
Comet, NCC-5116
Comet, NCC-5117
Comet, NCC-5118
Comet, NCC-5119
Comet, NCC-5120
Comet, NCC-5121

Renaissance-A, NCC-2642
Renaissance-A, NCC-2643

Cargo Ship, NCC-3747

Refit, USS Sh'Raan, Centaur-B, NCC-2111
Refit, USS Yravas, Centaur-B, NCC-2113
Refit, USS Sevaijen, Centaur-B, NCC-2113

Refit, USS Radlawxa, Patrol Cruiser-A, NCC-2501
Refit, USS Antanixx, Patrol Cruiser-A, NCC-2503

Refit, USS Epiphany, Envoy, NCC-2603
Refit, USS Sitar, Envoy, NCC-2612
Refit, USS Chalice, Envoy, NCC-2614
Refit, USS Reformation, Envoy, NCC-2625
Refit, USS Renewal, Envoy, NCC-2631

Refit, USS Phinda, Renaissance-A, NCC-2610
Refit, USS Concord, Renaissance-A, NCC-2627
Refit, USS Zh'Mai, Renaissance-A, NCC-2630

Ships Crewed
Ambassador-class heavy explorer, NCC-3909 - EC
USS Apollo, Ambassador-class explorer, NCC-3910
USS Star of Andor, Ambassador-class explorer, NCC-3912
Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4133
Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4144
Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4145

Ship Commissioned
USS Friendship, Ambassador-class heavy explorer, NCC-3903
USS Kumari, Ambassador-class heavy explorer, NCC-3904
USS Huascar, Ambassador-class heavy explorer, NCC-3905
USS Sappho, Ambassador-class heavy explorer, NCC-3906
USS Curiosity, Ambassador-class heavy explorer, NCC-3907
USS Polaris, Ambassador-class explorer, NCC-3908

USS Comet, Comet-class frigate, NCC-5101

USS Henri Coandă, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4125
USS T'Laan, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4126
USS Qian Xuesen, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4127
USS Lessim ch'Vassov, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4128
USS Marie Curie, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4129
USS Sosok, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4130
USS Menand, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4131
USS Pagaan Jul, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4132
USS Katherine Johnson, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4114
USS kap Laagh, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4115
USS T'Les, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4116
USS Imazzrriazz, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4121
USS Uram-Komnol, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4122
USS Shh'hra, Kepler-class frigate, NCC-4123

USS Respite, Comfort-class Hospital Ship, NCC-3507
USS Counsel, Comfort-class Hospital Ship, NCC-3508
USS Cradle, Hospital Ship, NCC-752

Starfleet Colony Ship, NCC-908
Starfleet Passenger Ship, NCC-5201
Starfleet Super-Freighter, NCC-3624
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3626
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3627
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3742

USS Forge, Engineering Ship, NCC-853
USS Mountain, Engineering Ship, NCC-854

Ships Federalised
Thalisar the Last, Excelsior-A, NCC-2020

BDS Chalice, Renaissance, NCC-2614
VCS Sitar, Renaissance, NCC-2621

BDS Rixx, Patrol Cruiser-A, NCC-2502

BDS Radlawxa, Patrol Cruiser, NCC-2501
BDS Antanixx, Patrol Cruiser, NCC-2503

UES Jupiter, Constellation-A, NCC-1813
UES Luna, Constellation-A, NCC-1814
VCS D'Kyr, Constellation-A, NCC-1815
VCS Tal'Kir, Constellation-A, NCC-1816
Shakalash, Constellation-A, NCC-1818
Ajetha, Constellation-A, NCC-1819
TSS G'Buqoff, Constellation-A, NCC-1821

TSS Duroc, Miranda-A, NCC-1911
TSS Nugruch, Miranda-A, NCC-1912
TSS Degbaxis, Miranda-A, NCC-1913
Kelanrae, Miranda-A, NCC-1917

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
BR/yr: 2120 - 0 + 35 = 2155
SR/yr: 1860 - 0 + 40 = 1900
PP/yr: 194 - 0 + 72.5 + 106 = 372.5
BR: 3774 - 10 - 110 - 3380 + 140 + 2155 = 2569
SR: 2667 - 65 - 2500 + 110 + 1900 = 2172
PP: 317 - 574 + 100 + 72.8 (rp) + 422 + 372.5 = 710.3

2,569 Bulk Resources
2,172 Special Resources
710 Political Will

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
O/yr: 38.5 - 0 + 5.1 (Fed) + 0.5 + 0.65 + 1.15 = 45.9
E/yr: 51.9 - 0 + 6.4 (Fed) + 0.5 + 0.65 + 2.12 = 61.57
T/yr: 47.03 - 0 + 6.71 (Fed) + 0.5 + 0.65 + 1.59 = 56.48
O: 40.9 - 16 - 4 + 45.9 = 70.8 - (Fed) (39/2=19.5) = 47.3
E: 67.67 - 11 - 4 + 61.57 = 114.24 - (Fed) (55/2=27.5) = 86.74
T: 58.57 - 30 - 3 + 56.48 = 82.05 - (Fed) (34/2=17) = 65.05

Explorer Corps:
O(EC)/yr: 6.91 - 0 + 0.37 = 7.28
E(EC)/yr: 6.69 - 0.0 + 0.25 = 6.94
T(EC)/yr: 5.92 - 0.0 + 0.21 = 6.13
O(EC): 15.07 - 7 + 0 + 7.28 = 15.35
E(EC): 10.24 - 7 + 0 + 6.94 = 10.18
T(EC): 8.49 - 6 + 0 + 5.92 = 8.41

Standard Starfleet: 47.3 Officer, 86.74 Enlisted, 65.05 Technician
Explorer Corps: 16.35 Officer, 11.18 Enlisted, 9.41 Technician
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Numbers going up! Yay!

We will want to do something about our EC income though, it is grossly unbalanced for new designer explorer crew costs.
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me personally just a fan of anything that lets up keep or get more personnel.
ships can be repaired or rebuild, crew however take a long time too train.

also i know its not general SF SOP but would pumping out lots of runabout sqw or something be a thing? asking for a friend!
we can never have enough Starships. But something is bothering me about the Comet wave. Wasn't it supposed to be 22? For some reason I keep thinking that its supposed to be 22 Comets in the wave.
Honestly, I liked that ending to Royal. It was actually kind of funny that both sides agreed that Gorn space was turning into a shitshow that no one really wanted to be there for so they just noped out.

I'm also amused that people are annoyed that rolls are going against us. At some point it seems like some people started thinking that these task forces were impossible to fail and that the rolls were just to see how well they succeeded.
2326.Q1 - To Boldly Go...
From: Vice Admiral T'Lorel, Commander, Starfleet Explorer Corps
To: Admiral Patricia Chen, Starfleet, Commanding

Subject: Explorer Corps Panel of Captains

Hello Admiral,

In these trying times, maintaining our commitment to the Explorer Corps is important, as a manifestation of the core values of Starfleet. Your continued support for EC Command is appreciated.

The USS Voshov has completed a successful Five Year Mission, while the USS Ambassador and USS Enterprise are both in their final year. Captain Zhang has elected to reject a second five year mission, but Captains Volanen and Rurliss have both requested to continue with the Explorer Corps. In addition to these ships, one additional ship, NCC-3909, will be entering the Explorer Corps in 2326.Q3.

New to the Explorer Corps Panel of Captains this year is Hofra R'Cyo, who saved Kelowna from a dangerously powerful alien cybernetic entity of hostile intent from far across the stars.

Captain Zesh sh'Rannax

Andorian shen, 51
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Thejal
SPICE: S2 P2 I3 C2 E3 (note that spice scores greater than 2 add to event resolution stats where relevant)
Captain sh'Rannax has braved all manner of hostile environments in her time with the Valiant and the Thejal.
[Bug Hunt]: Re-roll failed encounters with strange creatures.
[Away Team Expert]: +2 to all away team rolls

Captain Sorek

Vulcan Male, 67
Current Assignment: Lecturer, Starfleet Academy
SPICE: S2 P4 I3 C2 E3
A stolid captain with a disciplined reputation, Sorek is also an adept tactician.
[According to Protocol]: +2 to Surprise Encounters
[Space Tactician]: Reroll failed space combat rolls

Captain Gregor Mannigan

Human Male, 46
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Frontier
SPICE: S2 P3 I3 C2 E2
Captain Mannigan loves craft beers and visiting cities by riding around on his fixed-gear bicycle. When he's not watching spaceball with the boys (and girls, because he's #feminist and it's 2326) he's reading Jonathan Franzen or working on getting a microbrewery set up in Cargo Bay 3. Manbuns mandatory, even for the girls.
[I've Got a Bad Feeling About This]: Reduced crew casualties taken from failed events
[Never Intimidated]: Reroll failed hostile threat event rolls

Captain Arthur Acheson

Human Male, 49
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Emancipation
SPICE: S2 P3 I2 C2 E3
A captain who lives by the motto "Be Prepared", Captain Acheson is part of a family that has served Starfleet for generations.
[Always Prepared]: Reroll failed Surprise Encounters
[Tradition of Service]: +1 C

Captain Tersu Lakun

Agender Caldonian, 49
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Hawking
SPICE: S4 P3 I2 C2 E2
An officer of few words, Tersu Lakun has extensive scientific training and a surprising knack for diplomacy.
[Patient Investigator]: Reroll failed events involving careful investigation.
[Learned from Straak]: +15 BR/SR from resource gains.

Captain Zolani Volanen

(may not be chosen for USS Voshov or NCC-3909)
Orion Female, 47
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Ambassador
SPICE: S5 P2 I3 C2 E4
The first Orion on the Explorer Corps Panel of Captains, Captain Volanen has made a successful first contact with the Pakleds and expanded our knowledge of history.
[I have some PhDs]: +1 S
[My Thesis was on this!]: Reroll failures on events featuring ruins, archaeology, or the past

Captain Iliae Rurliss

Amarki female, 43
Current Assignment: CO, USS Voshov
SPICE: S2 P4 I5 C2 E4
A captain who thrives in difficult situations, Iliae Rurliss returns from an impressive five-year mission circumnavigating the Ashalla Pact, saving the universe along the way.
[Cool in a Crisis]: Reroll the first failed Hard event each year; +2 on this reroll.
[Cardassian Literature from an Alternate Future]: +1 on events involving the Ashalla Pact

Captain Hofra R'Cyo

Caitian male, 43
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Excalibur
SPICE: S3 P2 I3 C2 E2
The bravest of all Starfleet captains, if only because he feels the most fear. A surprisingly hands-on Captain, R'Cyo has dealt face to face with many opponents over the years, and though in a few cases he has been forced to resort to violence, in most cases he has been able to resolve matters with words alone.
[Prepared-y Cat]: Reduced crew casualties from all events.
[Face-to-Face]: +1 P
[Savior of Kelowna]: +2 on events involving the Tauni

[ ][FYM1] USS Voshov Captain
[ ][FYM2] NCC-3909 Captain
[ ][FYM3] USS Enterprise Captain
[ ][FYM4] USS Ambassador Captain

Note that if you wish to remove Voshov from the Explorer Corps, vote [ ][FYM1] No Captain.

[ ][AMBY] Select a name for NCC-3909, the Explorer Corps-crewed Ambassador class heavy explorer commissioning in 2326.Q3.
[ ][AMBY] Allow the Tellarites to name NCC-3909, as she was a Tellarite-built ship. (Gain +5 pp)
(Making a suitably Tellarite name can also give the +5pp)
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[x][AMBY] Allow the Tellarites to name NCC-3909, as she was a Tellarite-built ship. (Gain +5 pp)
only thing i know i am sure about.

who is the boss on what ship i`m not at all sure about.
I'm thinking Rurliss and R'cyo for the unclaimed ships (presumably we retire Voshov, she's had a good run), but not sure who should get Enterprise.
3500 Bulk Resources
2565 Special Resources
Holy hell that's a lot of duranium.
It is wiki UPDATE time.
It is wiki UPDATE time.

Not sure about the captain vote yet, but I have no objections to letting the Tellarites name the ship, we'd probably give it a Tellarite name anyways.

[x][AMBY] Allow the Tellarites to name NCC-3909, as she was a Tellarite-built ship. (Gain +5 pp)
(Making a suitably Tellarite name can also give the +5pp)
We could switch Captain Zolani Volanen over to Enterprise. Just have to saddle her with an entire change of crew for the sake of symbolism or whatever. Eh.
The bravest of all Starfleet captains, if only because he feels the most fear.


Ah... Saving Kelowna may or may not have also saved the entire Quadrant. We can't really know. But I think that's worthy of a ship, yeah?
Does anyone remember if we intended to retire Voshov this year? It is a Veteran Excelsior-A, so its stats are still comparable to our Green Ambassadors.
[X][FYM1] No Captain.

It's time to get the Excelsiors out of the EC. We have plenty of new Ambassadors in build that can use the crew.

So on other topics....

[X][FYM2] Captain Gregor Mannigan

...he's got a cool beard, okay! And I'll be interested to see what he makes of the culture of a whole brand new ship.

[X][FYM3] Captain Arthur Acheson

This one is the Enterprise.... my head says we should move Rurliss here, but my heart sees "tradition of service" and all of that and I want to put the legacy guy on the legacy ship and see what he makes of it. His stats are decent too. But if you don't like this choice, go with your head and absolutely put Captain Iliae Rurliss on the Enterprise.

[X][FYM4] Captain Hofra R'Cyo

Put our Diplo-Cat on our Diplo-ship. Besides, he's a favorite of at least one of the GMs so why not?

[X][AMBY] Allow the Tellarites to name NCC-3909, as she was a Tellarite-built ship. (Gain +5 pp)
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