So the Pakleds in TBG aren't the cousins of the Breen, given the chance to grow to their full potential by Captain Archer and "Dr." Phlox horribly misunderstanding both evolution and the point of the Prime Directive?
Finally the Ambassadors are moving, the more we meet, the more in Federation bind them.
Say I wonder can post dominion war Federation build Dyson Sphere or its too far off?
They're not stupid.
You don't build a Dyson Sphere by being stupid. You certainly don't keep one if you're stupid.
Just consider them to be differently abled.

I think it is a matter of their language using simple/literal words and a lack of attention or interest in certain things than them being unintelligent.

Their lack of interest can be explained by being a genuine lack of interest rather than a lack of understand due to lack of intelligence while their simple language could just be a linguistic thing.
I am very intrigued about how this re-interpretation of the Pakleds will go. Initial, low-information, wild-man guessing: Pakled society advanced like Idiocracy? An intelligent few advanced the society and technology and carry the rest of the civilization through automation sheer redundant engineering?

I am patient. I will wait. For more.
I'm hoping this doesn't go the Idiocracy route and have them be degenerate descendants of the dyson shell's builders.

EDIT: ninja'd on the Idiocracy front.

I think it is a matter of their language using simple/literal words and a lack of attention or interest in certain things than them being unintelligent.

Their lack of interest can be explained by being a genuine lack of interest rather than a lack of understand due to lack of intelligence while their simple language could just be a linguistic thing.

In the original TNG episode they really were morons. As in, they needed to kidnap someone to get their ship running, and they were fooled by some red mist.

I'd guess they were a screwed up uplift or created species, but we already have the Hishimeri filling that role.
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Maybe Pakleds grow in intelligence constantly throughout their entire life. The Pakleds we usually see then are babies according to their species.
My guess is that this is a case of hedonic collapse. They ruled their time, found all the science, built a Dyson sphere and moved inside.

Years go by, no need for science, that's done, no need for industry, etc, they moved into their holodecks and basically never left.

The species changed, over the years, into one optimized for enjoyment and smugness.
Maybe those Pakleds are exiles for crimes long ago that they forgotten their origin compare to the one she met.
[First Contact Made with the Pakleds. This event will conclude next quarter]
Fascinating! And they seem much less stupid than the TNG version, they just sound dumb as hell.
I think we fixed it in a future that never happened?
Yup, that sounds like a Zara thing to do! Good to have her back exploring.
We have located an M-Cass in the 99-Firefly system.
Good work!
I have elected to name this planet V'Ten, in recognition the man who commanded Huascar into the battle of 45 Gabriel. A battle where he gave his life.
Man, this feels very emotional, though disguised in a very Vulcan manner. Feels very right.
Our survey of the RTV-3800 system has indeed located enough Duranium to equip the entire silent order.
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Captain Zolani Volanen slides out of the swirling vortex of light into a two foot drop to the ground beneath her. She lands on her back with a pained "oof" into an awkward assemblage of dust, loose equipment, and limbs.

Volanen looks up at the ceiling above her, appreciating the soft lighting and pastel colours as she works to slowly catch her breath.

"You are Champion!"

Volanen tilts her head down towards the voice, and finds herself still too exhausted to react one way or another, especially in the absence of no immediate threat.

"YOU are Champion!"

Volanen lets out a pained wheeze as she slides her elbows back to push herself into a more upright position, "Ah, yes, I suppose I am." The Starfleet captain unsteadily rises to her feet as she studies the aliens in front of her.

There are a few dozen of them, large, round, and pale-faced, with a sparse head of hair and facial ridges that almost look like a triangle cut over the centre of their faces.

"We are Pakled! We are Smart." says one, smiling at her expectantly.


"Do I just… speak into it?"

"We are Smart. You are not."

"Turned out they had some kind of legend about the one who spoke. Even. More. Broken. Up. Than. Them. So as soon as the captain hailed their ship and started talking to him they all ran away screaming off the bridge. Me and Galloway plugged the dislodged cables back in, shut down their transport inhibitor remotely, and beamed off."

This is not how most first contacts usually proceed.

"A most hearty and loquacious hello my female fellow of distant origin."

Volen looks up with a start, as a shadow falls over her.

"Ah, hello," Volenen grabs her communicator pin and trowel and straightens up, finding herself face to face with another Pakled, as she pins her communicator back on and tucks the trowel into her belt, "I am Captain Zolani Volanen of the Federation Starship Ambassador. I greet you in the name of friendship and scientific curiosity."

"Such industrious wordery, truly splendiferous, you are very eloquent my female fellow of distant origin," the Pakled smiles as if suddenly in on a joke, "Zolani Volanen, most excellent to make your knowledgeableness Captain." his smile expands to a toothy grin, "I am Lets, scholar and linguist of the ancient ways."

"Oh, yes, hello," Volanen tries to find something to do with her hands and ends up placing one on her hip as she looks at Pakled named Lets, "You seem much better spoken than your compatriots."

The Pakled laughs a hearty laugh, "Ah, you are not Smart, they have an intellect of a most expansive and cunning variety." he shrugs, "However, they are often found to be lacking in attention to unimportant matters."

"Like their ship not going?"

"A Dyson Sphere…" she breathes in amazement, placing her hands upon the glass, eyes wide to take everything in.

"Welcome to Pakled Home. We built this. We are Smart, Female fellow of distant origin. I have contacted your Fast ship. They will come upon us, and you will all gaze upon our light, and you will wonder and marvel at the elongated years of our history. At the achievements of the Smart."

[First Contact Made with the Pakleds. This event will conclude next quarter]

"Well all I can say is, if the main bunch of 'em is like this, then the ones we ran into must have been their version of the Golgafrinchan Ark."

Captain's Log, Stardate 24055.3, USS Courageous, Captain Zara Ka'Athnon
(Excelsior-A, Ked Paddah sector)

is in Ked Paddah space!

We're here to make friends, do science, an' boldly go! And I'm ready to do all three with all my heart!

When the Ked Paddah joined the Federation they turned over their local navigation data, including the location of a large number of anomalies and navigational hazard beacons that they had placed over the years.

Since then Starfleet Command has been sorting through the pile and made three categories: places that need investigation right now, places where we aren't yet ready to investigate, and places we really really aren't yet ready to investigate.

Thankfully Courageous was passing nearby so I volunteered to take us by to investigate a couple of the second category.

"Aaaand that was the day I mastered the difficult art of Ked Peddah scream-yodeling."

We're picking up what looks like Omicron radiation, which would mean that there is some kind of matter/anti-matter reaction going on inside the accretion disc!

We simply have to science harder!

The trick is to do it from as far away from the accretion disc as possible!


This is not an easy thing to grasp and long story short we blew it up trying to investigate further, so that's now a dead end.


[Eyes cross, collapses]

In addition to above, the rings also contain Tngonium and Kryptonite, rare members of the elemental table's hypersonic section.

In addition to being extremely aesthetically pleasing, the rings are also easily mined for their resources.
@AKuz , you enjoy your technobabble word generator process very much, I hope?


Captain's Log, Stardate 24102.5, USS Friendship, Captain Nalae Veraniss
(Ambassador, Imelak Border Zone)

The voidic smell of open space, and the presence of the open frontier afore us is intoxicating. This is where legends are made and great lays written!
Leslie, reawakened:

"Oh, Noshabkeming save us, a Corps captain who mixes metaphors and wants to breathe vacuum..."

Cpt. Petrova:

"Hold still and let me apply the de-groucher hypospray, sir."

Captain's Log, Stardate 24077.7, USS Enterprise, Captain Jennifer Zhang
(Ambassador, Sei-Ferie Space)

is now temporarily serving with Commander Asina's mercenary band, Fortune's Hammer, as a subcontractor of sorts.

"Oooh I get to be a contractor!"

"Oooh I get to be a contractor!"

"Welcome to the Sisterhood of Ships-For-Hire.
Never renege on a contract (but read the small print carefully and don't forget the break clauses), never betray your employer (but check their credentials closely), and never compromise your principles (hmph ...unless of course you make them pay extremely handsomely).

May the sum of your earnings and your honour always remain in credit."
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"Welcome to the Sisterhood of Ships-For-Hire.
Never renege on a contract (but check the small print carefully), never betray your employer (but check their credentials closely), and never compromise your honour (hmph ...unless of course you make them pay extremely handsomely).

May the sum of your earnings and your honour always remain in credit."

[smiles, pulls out very yellowed piece of paper]

"Actually, been a charter member since 1814. Ran gunpowder to General Jackson for the Battle of New Orleans. Henry Shreve was a sweetie."
Figures the dumb ones would have a Dyson Sphere. It's been noted that once you actually have the tech to make one it's beyond inefficient to do so unless you intend a younger race to use it.

How much you wanna bet they've been using less than 1% of their DS because they either forgot how to maintain it and have to migrate whenever they outstrip the self-repair, or they simply never saw the point in ALL THE LIVING SPACE being filled with quadrillions of potentially productive members of society.

Like, if we assume we're dealing with an Earth-like distance from their Sol-like Sun we'd be dealing with 2.8×1017 sq km (1.1×1017 sq mi) which is roughly 550 million times Earth's own surface area.

Let's see, 7 billion humans, rounded down to 5 to account for any increased resource concerns these guys might have, per Earth area, multiplied by 550 million, 2.75*10^18 people. Of course, that's a lot of waste heat to deal with, but I think a quintillion is entirely achievable, and even if their genius ratio was literally one in a billion, that's still an average of a trillion geniuses, which might be more than the Federation. Man, can you imagine a race like that ascending to the level of Q or even the Organians?

Of course, this leaves the question of where they got the building material. The Sol system is unusually planet-dense, since most stars don't have more than three or four apiece, and getting an 8-20 cm thick shell would require completely deconstructing them including the gas giant cores, though a Stellar Bellows could do a lot to mitigate this over a few generations. Even with the 10% soft cap on efficiency, that's a thousand rings producing 16.2 quintillion kilograms of material per day, or 5.913 sextillion per year. More than enough to make a dent in a planet or two over a decade, and therefore contribute to a Dyson Sphere.

Unless, of course, it's not a Shell-Sphere. In which case, ignore me.
"Ah, you are not Smart, they have an intellect of a most expansive and cunning variety." he shrugs, "However, they are often found to be lacking in attention to unimportant matters."

ok, so i'm pretty sure smart means something more specific than we use it for. also, they are likely not as dumb as they look, since the one who talks like he's not an idiot is a language expert, they likely just have an odd language. This guy just knows how to talk primitive so he's easier to understand. Though I bet they have weird minds by everyone elses standards.