Grand Yard of Vaitauxeuax
Innumerable tons of metal, water and glass. Vast, behemoth skeletons of ships moored to berths smithed of darkest steel, which shines like a mirror struck by brightest light, in intricate patterns, mathematically carved to perfection, to yield the most working space possible with the least effort, themselves extending from smaller, habitable stations. An anthive's worth of activity moves between and within each platform, taking exact measurement of the ships as they are molded into forms both foul and fair to the eyes of observers, whichever their species. Some are fully familiar shapes and crafts, clearly simply the contracted work for any of the states lacking the ability or desire to build their own such crafts such as the Hishmeri. Some are clearly Uaquuo ships, for their own purposes.
And some are unknown to the powers of the Alpha Quadrant, these ships-- for though assembled at the hands of the Uaquuo, they are not designed by the Grand Host, nor to their specifications-- instead they come from rimwards space, species unknown to the Alpha Quadrant and the Great Powers within. Warships, merchant vessels, scientific boats-- if there is payment, in either physical resources or technical knowledge gained, the Uaquuo will build it, at this Yard-- grand and nestled in their space. Many pains have been taken in ensuring its security, layers of protection which cannot be broken but by blood and ship and tears-- and much of them at that. The cost of taking the yard would be much too great for any power, short perhaps of the Federation and the other, similar powers-- and that butcher's bill, even for they, painful. Better to leave them be and reap the rewards in knowledge, even for the brutes, tyrants, and murderers which infest space like a cancer grown and left uncut.
Beyond filling the coffers of state with more wealth, the yard serves a secondary purpose-- many are the species that the Grand Host knows which the other states of the Alpha Quadrant do not, and vice versa. In the recreation facilities, amenable to both air and water breathers, many species mingle, trading ideas and knowledge indirectly-- hither a grand frog-man clad all in blue, thither a thing of fishlike scales, blood the color of cotton candy and a angler's lure upon their forehead-- or at least, such has been whispered of. They live together as well in harmony there, forced by the authorities who seek peace-- a few dozen dormitories there are, evenly split between aquatic and airbreathing species. Further, too, for those states extremely rimward, it acts as their window towards the Core, the Great Powers there and the intellectual developments there.
Whomever they serve, visitors to the station are on their best behavior-- the Uaquuo have no patience for the petty arguments of others, not in such a delicate place. Offenders of the law and disturbers of the peace are swiftly removed, perhaps even banned. Only the finest diplomats and ambassadors are sent, in hopes of ensuring favorable contracts with the shipbuilders and access to their facilities. Losing them would be...annoying.
Contacts with the powers far Rimward has allowed the Host to act as the door and bouncer alike for material contact between Rim and Core-- and they have grown wealthy and to some extent, influential off of it. Rare resources make their path through it in both directions, as does technical knowledge, and too sophont resources-- intellectual refugees from tyranny oft do make their way, as well, to the host, hearing of it from visitors to the Great Yard. It is a beacon, a lighthouse, drawing visitors both near and far to it, a gravitational pull inescapable to those seeking its treasures-- that meeting point between the north and the south.
There are rumors, as well, of a great ship under construction by one of those unknown powers-- those of the rim speak of a Commonwealth shaping, in secret, a vessel fit for vengeance on the harmony which menaces them; those of the Core speak of grand designs by a confederation seeking to show their unity and ambitions in the face of the other Great Powers. None knows the secrets of these rumors-- mayhaps it is all simply lies, the fevered dreams of those who see the alien and imagine that it must be wicked and secretive. Perhaps it is truth, in which case the Uaquuo are certainly making a tidy sum in resources or knowledge building. Whatever the case, the Grand Host confirms or denies nothing-- simply continues to grow wealthy off the back of such transactions.
@Leila Hann Does this fit what you wanted?
(Sorry it isn't longer, in the middle of finals so writing well and long is literally killing me)