To illustrate the issues inherent to the current system, I put together a "task force update" if anyone wants to continue the discussion.
Task Force Dark Demon
Commodore Steven Rodgers
I have begun work in helping reforming Alberta's economy, landing in its capital of Edmonton. Primarily based in oil and gas, the province has seen an economic downturn that is driving suspicions of Federal government. I have met with the Premier and had productive discussions, but as always my crews are the best equipped for making connections with local community leaders.
The USS Barack H Obama reached out to local diners at a truckstop Denny's in an attempt to learn the impacts of the downturn on Edmonton Small Business. While they initially struggled to make connections with a cast of colorful and salty characters, Captain Venmo eventually swayed the patrons to her side, and had a productive discussion on economic diversification and fine dining.
Captain Kirk on the USS Zumwalt meanwhile found himself in a tricky situation when he visited a local military base. Which, I should add, due to a quirk of Albertan law, is technically a commissioned vessel, though it seems funny to consider it so from the deck of my vessel. It seems that due to the downturn, more Albertans are joining up with their nation's armed forces. However, the Navy personnel share thier 'ship' with Army personnel, which has lead to tensions between the two. A misplaced comment from one of Captain Kirk's officers lead to a brawl between the two sides. However, the Captain managed to rally both sides to come together by reminding them he was an American and thus worse than all of them. Hey, what works, works.
Less exciting, but no less important, was the string of trade conferences. The USS Freedom worked together with the USS Lake Champlain to mediate a trade conference between Edmonton and another major Albertan colony, Red Deer. They helped both sides realize that the high costs of foodstuffs could be solved by opening a new Costco in Ponoka that could service both communities and some of the colonists in small settlements nearby. The Lake Champlain provided engineering personnel to help set up the facility.
The USS Virginia and the USS Independence hosted a conference themselves, hoping to use our United States trade knowledge to help Albertans see a better economy than one reliant on resource extraction. Captain Brooks, a New Yorker, cited the arrival of Amazon and suggested Edmonton could do more to encourage such investments. All sides came away with a better and deeper understanding of what could be accomplished.
One conference was less successful. The USS Detroit, along with Jared Kushner, attempted to host a climate change conference that was soon swarmed by protestors, who have been riled by local nationalist groups who believe that such efforts will only undermine the economy of Alberta. While Kushner made an impassioned speech in favor of stopping a looming threat, the protestors refused to listen and he was drowned out, and the crew of the Detroit were forced to flee.
However, extremely positive progress has been made on a very difficult file. The USS Coronado and the USS Milwaukee mediated a trade conference between the Albertan and British Columbian governments, over the construction of an oil pipeline through British Columbian territory. The issue has been highly contentious, with both sides assuming bad faith of the other, and pundits spelling utter catastrophe in the even the project does or does not materialize. The local government paralyzed by the intransigent rhetoric being delivered by both sides, it was up to the men and woman of the United States Navy to resolve the issue. After several days of negotiations, we helped both sides realize that Alberta needs to be able to sell some of its oil, and that British Columbia has incredible natural beauty that should not be trammelled, and that the pipeline would almost be a last gasp of a consumer-driven oil and gas economy that would soon see a large portion of consumption eliminated. Smiles all around.
Meanwhile, the large oil Demon that is tormenting the citizens of Calgary continues to rage out of control.
Oil and Gas Based Economy +85 progress, now [Oil and Gas Based Economy 105/300]
Task Force Dark Demon
Mission: Resolve Oil and Gas Based Economy tag on Alberta
Jared Kushner: Reroll the first diplomatic failure
State Department Team 5: +2 on first diplomatic mission
SEAL Team 6: Enables Raid events
Annapolis Military College Team: Double progress on combat checks
USS Barack H Obama
USS Wasp
USS Zumwalt
USS Lake Champlain
HMS Lancaster
USS Virginia
USS Independence
USS Freedom
USS Detroit
USS Coronado
USS Milwaukee
Alberta Tags:
[An Oil Demon is Eating Calgary V 0/100]
[An Oil Demon is Eating Calgary IV 0/100]
[An Oil Demon is Eating Calgary III 0/100]
[An Oil Demon is Eating Calgary II 0/100]
[An Oil Demon is Eating Calgary I 10/100]
[I Wanna Be UnAmerican 0/100]
[Oil and Gas Based Economy 105/300]
[Actually Part of Another Country 0/500]
It's imagining how a Task Force might look in the real world and using that to illustrate how that's problematic from certain perspectives; that is, a group of powerful vessels rocking up and saying "hey, don't mind us, we're just here to solve all the problems your society has... whether you agree that they need solving or not."
It's imagining how a Task Force might look in the real world and using that to illustrate how that's problematic from certain perspectives; that is, a group of powerful vessels rocking up and saying "hey, don't mind us, we're just here to solve all the problems your society has... whether you agree that they need solving or not."
Yeah, I sorta agree, problem is how to use a system that is both simple to keep track of and to account.
Mind, TFs could have a negative effect on the locals if, for instance, they are too large or completely uninvited.
the TFs should be more of a result of the diplomatic Service arranging for some sort of cooperation agreement, in most cases.
I could see distant stars being solved by the use of an engineering ship and her escorts, for instance, as is tech sharing, but at some point we need to worry about how much the added complexity impacts on the game, both possitive and negative
Usually, I let people notice (or fail to notice) all my SUBTLE JOKES but this is for free:
Alberta is a landlocked province
The US Navy, with no mention of the state department except as an attachment, is helping a major economic restructuring
The fact they're 1/3 of the way to COMPLETELY REARRANGING THE ECONOMY in ONE QUARTER and the biggest narrative milestone is "we had a good conversation with BC "
Conversely, the fact one of the most contentious issues in Canadian politics right now is resolved (maybe?) and you get +20 for it, whoo hoo
The fact that there's a horrible 'oil demon' eating an entire city but the TF is strictly focusing on economic issues
The fact Alberta is part of another country but that's a resolvable tag. Manifest Destiny!
"You talked to some Space Truckers. These salt of the earth, Real People net you +15 progress."
The fact a Capital Ship rolled the Truckstop Denny's event and resolved it, while two LCS got the big pipeline win.
Glossing over several legitimately cool events because there's a lot of events to get through, versus CLogging it
The players obviously read a throwaway line about "Chinese involvement in the oil and gas sector" way too hard and included Seal Team 6 on an economic mission
Using US Navy assets to set up a bulk retail store, in a town with like 5 people
This is a deep cut but Calgary already bid for Amazon HQ and got a hard pass, making Captain Brooks' advice nonsensical
Considering current Task Forces in terms of how much "real world sense" they make. From "most sense" to "least sense".
1. Dreamer Task Force - Primarily a scientific mission to develop better communication methods that by its nature must be conducted by starships. Makes all the sense in the world.
2. Task Force Liberty (sorta) - Makes plenty of sense if this is primarily a mission to destroy the rimward slave trade that is selling citizens kidnapped on raids; makes very little sense as an effort to internally reform Hishmeri society and free the Brosmen.
3. Gorn TF / Ittick-ka TF - Sort of makes sense in that we aren't trying to change their society as much as push them to not going to war, but it's still very much gunboat diplomacy.
4. Ur'razzi TF - Really diplomatic work, with the one saving grace being that it involves a lot of Indorian ships and they are the "neighbors" the Ur'razzi among the Federation.
(off the chart)
Task Force Righteous is too much for Starfleet but also way too much to expect from conventional diplomacy. It's a Fool's Hope, shoving an officer with the magic of Kirk's Enterprise still clinging to him at the problem and hoping for an Explorer Corps Miracle.
But some tags definitely seem like ones that you expect at least a small group of ships to work on. Distant Stars for example. Also I can definitely think of ways a Starfleet TF could solve a Slavery tag, but not really one that doesn't violate the Prime Directive, or start a war. It's not as easy as saying it's the fault of the tag system. Unfortunately I don't have a solution to offer.
But some tags definitely seem like ones that you expect at least a small group of ships to work on. Distant Stars for example. Also I can definitely think of ways a Starfleet TF could solve a Slavery tag, but not really one that doesn't violate the Prime Directive, or start a war. It's not as easy as saying it's the fault of the tag system. Unfortunately I don't have a solution to offer.
You are right, though I think the limits should be approximated rather than outright stated (to not make this a numbers game) for instance we should have a needs of the mission and which sort of ships can fill those needs, and maybe an aproximate cap on the TF, at least for the diplomatic forces, though I could see: not having an aggregate C value over X for simplitiss sake or maybe expressed as in excess of X+-y (or simiply use a ballpark number) alternatively number of hulls (or both)
We did some some dissonance on TFs with the HoH oversized diplo-totally not an invasion force- a while back, and there should be some effort to make rules that makes them be unlikely
Realistically, TFs should be Starfleet attachments to FDS missions in many cases. They would do transport, security, science, and intelligence, plus backfilling for ranking FDS envoys when they are for one reason or another taken off the table.
That sounds like a lot of options for TF missions/events that can make more sense contextually.
Another TF that made sense is the now-completed mission to map the Adrazzi Gulf. Very much in Starfleet's wheelhouse.
You are right, though I think the limits should be approximated rather than outright stated (to not make this a numbers game) for instance we should have a needs of the mission and which sort of ships can fill those needs, and maybe an aproximate cap on the TF, at least for the diplomatic forces, though I could see: not having an aggregate C value over X for simplitiss sake or maybe expressed as in excess of X+-y (or simiply use a ballpark number) alternatively number of hulls (or both)
We did some some dissonance on TFs with the HoH oversized diplo-totally not an invasion force- a while back, and there should be some effort to make rules that makes them be unlikely
This is already a solved problem in that the nature of the TF system has been changed so each mission generates Events based on its "mission size" rather than on the number of ships put on it. We are going to be given guidance on how what range of Events we can expect a mission to generate in a quarter and we will therefore be discouraged from putting too many ships on the job for the same reason we don't over-garrison our sectors... because it would be a waste.
I'm not sure you're actually allowed to be a town in Alberta without the 6 for the minimum of a hockey team, but yeah, everything else here is valid.
Including that demon rampaging around Calgary. Totes legit.
On the subject of TFs and attachments, I can also see the FDS asking for specific ship capabilities for attachments to diplomatic pushes (with possible bonuses and PP implications both positive and negative). Also the same for the FDS driven (random) diplomatic missions.
IMO the tags system and the way we interact with them needs tweaking.
Some tags make more sense that they'd be resolved by an emplaced team (based out of an embassy maybe) slowly working away at an issue, or by a research team designing and developing solutions to facilitate communication (or helping us understand how others think), or by an engineering team (and some BR/SR) helping expand a nations stellar footprint.
You could add projects to the Snakepit to buy "Starfleet Cultural/Development/Research Annexe" to append to an embassy to slowly work away at an issue. You could add research projects for Xenopsych teams to help us understand Alien modes of Communication and Thought, or Personal Equipment to help us interact Down Where it's Wetter. We coculd authorise engineering teams with a BR/SR budget to help a species with a Limited Stellar Presence develop.
All of these projects could of course have Starfleet support (either long-term assignments or special missions), but rather than Starfleet taking the lead it becomes about Starfleet supporting another lead group.
Some tags could be changed, Slavery X, could be broken into an external tag representing the taking of slaves from other species, etc. which could be opposed a task force, while cultural or economic tags could represent the other facets of slaving society that are barriers to closer relations with the Federation. Resolving one tag could apply progress to other tags (i.e. if we can't raid for slaves anymore then it pressures the economic system to change).
I have a philosophical question. Why is Ascension so much more appealing to people in-universe than exploring some more forever? With an Observable Universe 15 billion light-years across and a totality of the universe as much as 10^23 times that size, it's not like you're going to run out of new space to explore within the next couple millennia.
Physical entities can keep discovering new things, while energy beings seem to be restricted by each other to the point they can barely even interact with the material world any more. It just doesn't feel like there's any reason to gain godlike power when you aren't going to do all that much with it, as opposed to finding new races to Federation-ate.
Unless, of course, the energy beings are off doing to other galaxies what the Precursors did to the Milky Way, but we don't really see much evidence of that either way.
[X][FED] Briefvoice A – 1 Excelsiors, 2 Renaissance, 1 Betazoid Patrol Cruiser-A, 2 Patrol Betazoid Cruiser, 7 Constellations
[X][RETIRE] None.
[X][BUILD] 2325 Plan A – 3 Centaur-B refits, 2 Patrol Cruiser-A Refits, 6 Renaissance to Envoy refits, 3 Renaissance to Renaissance-A refits, 2 Ambassadors, 2 Renaissance-As, and 20 Comets
Please note that Anti-Horizon border activity in Felis space will be supported by the Horizon Border Zone Sector Fleet rather than by a distinct task force; similarly, the Licori Border Zone Sector Fleet will be responsible for supporting Anti-Horizon activity in Licori space and the Paddah Sector Fleet will support Anti-Horizon activity in Bolian space. You will be asked to select Assets to assign to Missions against Targets.
Some missions will trigger an Event for handling by the HBZ, LBZ, or SBZ as appropriate, and is processed as a priority mission (we roll responders first) for those fleets. These events, unless specifically listed, are ineligible for dual-responders.
In other news, we've rearranged tags into what level of diplomatic relations they block - this is no longer tied to the tag size. All missions now include a degree of difficulty and a recommended maximum number of ships.
Finally, we're testing out a new, complementary approach to resolving certain tags. Some tags are marked 0/n (FDS); these tags can only be resolved by n years of Federation Diplomatic Service work. For every ship or ships with at least 6 P, that many of such tags can be worked on by the FDS. (Choose the tags during the snakepit; only tags for powers with no Distant Stars tags (or with completed Distant Stars tags) can be targeted.). Each year, you'll be able to change the ships on diplomatic duty in the deployment vote, whether to switch out ships or simply because you no longer wish to work on as many tags.
Explorer Corps Assignment (pick one) - No longer available.
Sector Squadron distributions:
[ ] [SQUAD] Submit a Fleet Distribution Plan starting 2325.Q1 just for Sector Squadrons. All ships not specifically attached to a Sector will be divided between Theater Fleets.
FDS Diplomatic Ship Pool:
[ ][FDS] Select ships from the Theater Fleets for long-term operations with the FDS.
Task Force Formation:
[ ][TASK] Task Forces Plan Name
-[ ] 0 points of ships
-[ ] Retain 8 points of ships and one cargo ship (0 pp, thanks to Hand in Hand)
-[ ] Retain 16 points of ships and two cargo ships (20 pp)
-[ ] Retain 24 points of ships and three cargo ships (40 pp)
-[ ] Call up 32 points of ships (120 pp, call up four cargo ships)
-[ ] List of Task Forces
The Federation Council, in consultation with Commodore Chekov, has determined that, due to the Allupii nobility's stubbornness and the entrenched nature of Allupii serfdom, the degree of intrusion required to change their society sufficiently for affiliation would be exceedingly risky for an isolated task force so far from home, and would be essentially supporting regime change.
Fortunately, at this time, the Allupii seem relatively aloof to both the Federation and the Cardassian Union. However, they are increasingly unpopular with the Federation Council.
Task Force Righteous should...
[ ][WOLF] Retask to attempt to negotiate a mutual-defense agreement with the Righteous Allupii Empire, aimed at Cardassia [Difficult Mission, -50pp]
[ ][WOLF] Shift to focus on developing relations, and possibly a defense agreement, with the Dobetian Commonwealth
[ ][WOLF] Return home (If chosen, ships are available for deployment starting Q3)
Initial diplomacy with the Ittick-Ka bore some fruit, but Commodore Chad reports that the power of the Sages borders on the absolute -- any reforms to their society to the end of eliminating their desire to conquer all other species will prove extremely difficult, and to do so would essentially require Starfleet to engage in political subversion. In the meantime, however, resolving tensions with the Gorn, thereby preventing a major interstellar war, may be possible, and may help make the Ittick-Ka more amenable to future diplomacy.
Task Force Chorus should...
[ ][BUG] Shift its mission to preventing a Gorn/Ittick-Ka war.
[ ][BUG] End its mission.
In spite of initial progress towards cracking down on Hishmeri slavery, it is clear that Hishmeri society will not budge, merely because a few ships have been destroyed and some slaves freed. Caitian councillors, and representatives of the Trill government, have expressed concerns that Task Force Liberty will lead the Hishmeri to see their treaty with us as void and resume piracy, with or without the current Perfect. In addition, there are rumors that the Ittick-Ka, major customers of the Hishmeri, are seeking a possible alliance in the face of further Starfleet 'aggression' against the slave trade in the rim.
Task Force Liberty should...
[ ][CAT] Continue to focus on disrupting the rimward slave trade
[ ][CAT] Disband.
Member fleet ship cost: 0.5 points per frigate, 1 point per cruiser, 2 points per capital. Please designate ships that you would like added to Theater Fleets (Otherwise we will)
May not call up more than 25% Of a Member's fleet total.
[Prevent a Gorn-Cardassian Alliance]
- The diplomatic struggle with the Cardassians over the Gorn has been tense, not least due to the efforts of factions among the Gorn themselves. And it is highly important, with the Gorn representing either another front to defend or a strong potential friend.
-Mission: Reduce [Gorn-Cardassian Diplomacy: 258/500] tag to 0, or at least prevent the Cardassians from raising it to 500/500.
-Ships assigned to this Mission will require a sterling presence score to do the bulk of winning over the Gorn. A respectable combat score will also be useful for impressing the Gorn.
-A maximum of 8 ships are being permitted in Gorn space. A similar limit is being imposed on the Ashalla Pact.
-This is an opposed mission.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment - no upfront or maintenance costs for this team for the duration of this mission.
-Other Attachments:
Langa Mbeki: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter
Starfleet Intelligence Infiltration Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: When used with EC panel Captain, enables harder Raid Events.
Yan-Ros Ranger Team: 18pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Enables Raid Events, adds extremely potent assault asset.
Nash & Scott's Consultant Cooperative: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: [CLASSIFIED]
Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first failed diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter (after rerolls).
[Develop better means of communication with the Dreamers]
After USS Courageous was rescued by the Dreamer Collective, these cosmozoa have become of great interest to the FDS. Unfortunately, current methods of communication with the Collective are cumbersome at best.
-Mission: Resolve [Alien modes of Communication and Thought: 129/300] tag on Dreamer Collective.
-Ships assigned to this Mission will require a sterling science score to develop new methods for communicating with the Dreamers. A respectable presence score will also be useful for coordinating work with the Collective. Finally, with the Breen near, and with the Dreamers having intervened against the Breen, a respectable combat score may be useful for protecting the Dreamer Collective.
-About 6 ships are required for this mission, with a total of about 15-20C being recommended.
-This mission is of moderate difficulty.
[Conduct diplomacy with the Ur'razzi]
- The Ur'razzi have a strategic location inside the Straits of Themis; unfortunately, relations started off on a bad foot. The FDS considers courting the Ur'razzi to be of some importance, and requests our help in supporting their efforts.
-Mission: Affiliate Ur'razzi
-Ships assigned to this Mission will require a strong presence score to do the bulk of winning over the Ur'razzi.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment - no upfront or maintenance costs for this team for the duration of this mission
-Other Attachments:
Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
-No more than seven ships are required for this mission.
-This mission is of moderate difficulty, primarily due to ongoing political turmoil at the highest levels of Ur'razzi governance. This turmoil, however, does not appear to be caused by us, so much as endemic to the Ur'razzi political establishment itself.
[Court the Allupii]
- The Righteous Allupii Empire represents a unique opportunity - a strong potential ally against the Ashalla Pact, situated along Cardassia's flank. They will not be easy to court, but a relationship with them could prove valuable.
-Mission: Negotiate an [Anti-Cardassian Mutual Defense Pact] with the Allupii (0/400).
-Ships assigned to this Mission must be capable of extended independent operations. These consist of: Qloathi Torqui Leb Lagans and Arqueniou Leb Hoiathis, Orion Explorers, Apiata Light Queenship and Queenship teams, Starkin Basilicas, and Excelsior-As. High Presence and Combat scores will be very useful, to impress Allupii officers and diplomats alike.
-Do note that this is still expected to be a difficult mission. Even with the planned shift in mission, the Allupii are highly skeptical about the Federation, due to both our great distance from them and our political system.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment - no upfront or maintenance costs for this team for the duration of the mission.
-Required Attachment: Starfleet Engineering Team. (Upfront and maintenance costs must still be paid for this team).
-Other Attachments:
Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types.
Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event
Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter.
Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage.
University of Betazed Contact Team: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the lowest First Contact roll each quarter.
Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter.
-This mission requires 7-9 ships.
[Conduct Diplomacy with the Ittick-Ka]
-Mission: Resolve [Gorn/Ittick-Ka Tensions 135/300], with an eye to preventing a devastating interstellar war and potentially opening doors for future diplomacy.
-Ships assigned to this mission require a high presence score
FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half.
-Note that this is expected to be a difficult mission.
-No more than 8 ships should be required for this mission.
[End The Rimward Slave Trade]
-Mission: Disrupt and ultimately destroy the rimward slave trade dominated by the Hishmeri.
-Ships assigned to this mission require high combat scores.
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter.
Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the lowest space combat roll each quarter.
Shar Ordey: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the lowest diplomatic roll involving anti-slavery efforts each quarter (after rerolls).
Starfleet Intelligence Joint Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events.
-Note that this is expected to be a difficult mission. In spite of early success, the mission of this task force is likely to provoke significant, mounting resistance from the Hishmeri, and possibly even the Ittick-Ka.
-The more ships sent, the more provocative this task force will be to the Hishmeri.
OTHER MISSIONS [Court the Uaquuo]
- The Grand Host of the Uaquuo is a friendly power far rimward. The Uaquuo are curious about the Federation, and are on surprisingly good terms with the Ittick-Ka; developing our relationship with them may prove beneficial to understanding the elusive Ittick-Ka, and is beneficial in its own right.
-Mission: Affiliate Uaquuo.
-This is expected to be a mission of easy to moderate difficulty, unless the Ittick-Ka interfere.
-No more than 7 ships will be required for this task force. These ships should have a strong presence score; a respectable combat score may prove beneficial as well, if the Ittick-Ka take exception to our diplomacy.
[Welcome the Ataami to the interstellar community]
- The Ataami were introduced to the interstellar community in dramatic fashion, with a Hishmeri raid back in 2316. Now, with the Ataami having developed warp technology, elements on the Federation Council seek to help introduce them to interstellar society.
-Mission: Resolve [Stellar Shock: 0/100] tag on Ataami.
-No more than 4 ships will be required for this task force. These ships should have a respectable presence score.
-This is expected to be an easy mission.
[Welcome the Sathuri to the interstellar community]
- The Sathuri are technically still a prewarp society; however, they have begun interstellar travel, and had even settled their first interstellar colony before we met Latakze II heading for their second planned colony. As this colony was intended to be on a planet currently settled by the Andorians, Federation Councillors from Andorian space are particularly interested in ensuring stable relations with the Sathuri.
-Mission: Affiliate Sathuri.
-No more than 4 ships will be required for this task force. These ships should have a respectable presence score.
-This is expected to be an easy mission.
[Deepen relations with the Lamarck]
- The Lamarck have been developing rapidly since their first warp flight was met by the Atuin. In the intervening decade, they have cracked the Warp 4 barrier, acquired a relatively modern starship from the Caldonians, settled their own colony, even uncovered a settlement of lost Lamarck. Risan and Caitian Councillors in particular have requested that we take steps to further relations with the Lamarck.
-Mission: Form an Alliance with the Lamarck.
-No more than 4 ships will be required for this task force. These ships should have a respectable presence score.
-This is expected to be an easy mission.
[Warn the Sei-Farie States About Harmony]
-The independent Sei-Farie states -- Nessic, Thera, and Carth -- are isolated from our local galactic community, separated by the bulk of the Harmony of Horizon. As of such, it is very unlikely they will hear of what we have uncovered unless we go to them. Pacifica, by all Harmony (propaganda) appearances, is a happy, prosperous and free state. If the Theran delegates are to be believed, this is proving persuasive, and Nessic teeters on the edge of membership.
-Mission: Engage in direct diplomacy and intelligence work with the Sei-Farie
-No more than two ships for this mission. One must be an Explorer. These ships should be prepared for any mission, during transit and when in Sei-Farie space.
-Difficulty is unknown at this time, but the long distance from Federation space means it will likely be high.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team, Starfleet Engineering Team, and Starfleet Intelligence Task Force attachments
[Generic: Pick a Tag]
In addition to these missions, feel free to propose any number of your own missions. Pick a tag to work on for each.
If you have other ideas for task forces, please send us a PM or chat on Discord and we'll take it into consideration.
Ashidi: 324/300
Tags before Alliance:
-[Cardassian Threat: 300/300]
Tags before Membership:
-[Too Good To Be True: 75/500]
Tauni: 500/500
Tags before Alliance: -[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]
Tags before Membership:
-[Fool me once...: 82/500]
-[Unreliable Ally: 125/100]
Kadeshi 500/500
Tags before Membership:
-[Missing In Action: N/A]
-[On A Journey Across The Galaxy: N/A]
Outer Space Alliance: 395/500
Tags before Affiliation: -[At War: 443/???]
-[Corps are lying to us: 100/100]
Tags before Alliance: -[Horizon Influence: 282/300]
Tags before Membership:
-[Disunified Homeworld [1/3] (FDS)]
Sydraxians: 333/500
Tags before Affiliation: -[Ashalla Pact: N/A]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
Tags before Membership:
-[Society and Government In Flux: 100/500]
Yrillians 336/500
Tags before Affiliation: -[Cardassian Influence: 100/100]
Tags before Alliance: -[Bigfoot is a Communist Pirate: 300/300]
Tags before Membership:
-[Anarchy at all levels: 6/500]
Bajoran Diaspora: 300/300
Tags before Affiliation: -[Cardassian Agitators: 100/100]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Suspicious of Outsiders: 91/300]
-[Caste System: 0/6 (FDS)]
-[Rule by Vedek: 0/10 (FDS)]
Tags before Membership:
-[Diaspora: N/A]
Dreamer Collective: 195/300
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Cosmozoan Lifeform: 100/100]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Alien modes of Communication and Thought: 129/300]
Gretarians: 134/300 -[Need some space right now: 63/100]
-[Sydraxian Client: N/A]
Tags before Membership:
-[You are all Crazed Militarists! 0/500]
Lamarck: 110/300
Tags before Alliance:
-[Obsolete Technology 10/100]
-[Limited Stellar Ability: 76/300]
Tags before Membership:
-[Unequal Distribution of Wealth: 0/300]
-[No Unified Government: 0/10 (FDS)]
League of Independent Felis Colonies 250/300
Tags before Alliance:
-[Inclined towards Independence 5/300] -[Horizon Influence 179/300]
-[Weak Central Government 0/6 (FDS)]
-[Systematic Wealth Inequality 0/500]
Shanpurr: 188/300
Tags before Alliance:
-[ISC Alliance: 0/300]
Tags before Membership:
-[Interfering with Pre-Warp Societies: 0/9 (FDS)]
Arcadian Empire (Licori) 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Civil War: 0/NA] -[At War: 443/???]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Romulan Influence: 80/100]
-[Slavery: 20/500]
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 23/500]
Tags before Alliance: -[Horizon Influence: 147/300]
Morshadd Commune: NA/NA
-(pending the conclusion of multiparty negotiations, and/or formal recognition of the Commune by the UFP)
Hishmeri Septs: 74/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Rimward Slave Trade: 180/500]
-[Nomadic Raiders: 5/500]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Slave Free or Die Hard: 0/10 (FDS)] (Cannot be worked on until [Rimward Slave Trade] is gone)
Ittick-Ka: 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Distant Stars: 113/100]
-[Gorn/Ittick-ka Tensions: 135/300] (Linked with The Modern Enemy (Ittick-Ka) tag)
-[Rimward Slave Trade: 180/500] (Linked with Hishmeri [Rimward Slave Trade] tag)
-[Authoritarian Hivestate: 0/500]
-[Slaver State: 0/12 (FDS)] (Cannot be worked on until [Rimward Slave Trade] is gone)
Tags before Alliance:
-[Great Power Ambitions N/A]
Sotaw: 93/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Romulan Influence: 0/100]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Located in the Neutral Zone: 0/6 (FDS)]
Bolians: 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Isolationist Government: 53/100]
Gorn Hegemony: 74/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Autocratic Monarchy: 0/500]
-[Secret Police: 0/100]
-[The Ancient Enemy (Orions): 0/100]
-[The Modern Enemy (Ittick-Ka): 135/300] (Linked with Gorn/Ittick-Ka Tensions tag)
Tags before Alliance:
-[Great Power Ambitions: N/A]
Tags before Membership:
-[Dickensian Nightmare: 0/300]
Talarians: 108/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Under Padani Supervision: N/A]
Azsi Popular Democratic Mandate: 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Stellar Shock 71/100] -[Continent of Goo 100/100]
-[Close Call 5/100]
-[No warp tech 10/200]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Obsolete Technology 10/300]
Unbound Gaeni: 79/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[Distant Stars: 0/100]
[Clone Space Pirates: 0/300]
[Slavery: 0/10 (FDS)]
Tags before Alliance:
[Fractured Government: 0/6 (FDS)]
[Survival of the Fittest: 0/500]
Daw: 107/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Ittick-Ka vassals: N/A]
Ur'razzi: 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Off to a Bad Start: 55/100]
-[Aggressive: 35/100]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Obsolete Technology: 31/300]
Righteous Allupii Empire: 100/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Distant Stars: 41/100]
-[Serfdom: 0/5 (FDS)]
-[Deeply Entrenched Feudalism: 0/10 (FDS)]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Weak Central Government I: 0/5 (FDS)]
Tags before Membership:
-[Weak Central Government II: 0/7 (FDS)]
Akley Consortium: 50/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[Distant Stars: 31/100]
[Alien Modes of Thought: 0/100]
Tags before Alliance:
[Diplomatic Minefield: 0/300]
Ataami: 50/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Stellar Shock: 0/100]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Obsolete Technology: 0/150]
-[Limited Stellar Ability: 0/300]
Grand Host (Uaquuo): 75/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[Distant Stars: 60/100]
[It's Better, Down Where it's Wetter: 0/100]
Tarvftroki: 70/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[Distant Stars: 0/100]
[A bit petty: 0/100]
[Mutually Assured Destruction Doctrine: 0/300]
Tags before Alliance:
[Alien Modes of Thought: 0/300]
Sathuri: 55/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[No Warp Tech: 0/100]
Tags before Alliance:
[Disunified Homeworld: 0/6 (FDS)]
[Limited Stellar Ability: 0/300]
Dobetia Commonwealth: 60/100
Tags before Affiliation:
-[Distant Stars: 13/100]
-[Constitutional Work in Progress: 0/1 (FDS)]
Tags before Alliance:
-[Cardassian Threat: 0/300]
Naskants: 50/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[Distant Stars: 0/100]
[Mistrustful of Outsiders: 0/100]
Tags before Alliance:
[Culture of Brute Force: 0/7 (FDS)]
Kingdom of Thera: 50/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[Distant Stars I 0/100]
[Slavery: 0/11 (FDS)]
[Autocracy: 0/12 (FDS)]
Tags before Alliance:
[Militarist 0/300]
Frozen Protectorate: 40/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[Paranoid Recluses I 0/100]
[Paranoid Recluses II 0/100]
Tags before Alliance:
[Some Like It Hot 0/100]
Paragians: 22/100
Tags before Affiliation:
[Distant Stars 8/100]
Tags before Alliance:
[Conservative Dictatorship of the Dead 0/4 (FDS)]
-Starfleet Security Detachment: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Fulfil a Peacekeeper requirement.
-Starfleet Intelligence Joint Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events.
-Starfleet Intelligence Infiltration Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: When used with EC panel Captain, enables harder Raid Events.
-Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types.
-Starfleet Intelligence Analysis Team: 5pp on purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Gain one free analysis point on one power associated with this task force.
-Starfleet Intelligence Task Force: 25pp on purchase, 22pp per year. Effect: Gain three free analysis points, which must be assigned to powers associated with this task force.
-Starfleet Tactical Brass: 10pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers.
-Starfleet Tactical Tiger Team: 5pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Increased experience gain for missions involving C rolls.
-Starfleet Spacelift: 10pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Enables major disaster relief.
-Starfleet Medical Hospital Ship: 10pp on purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed roll involving Medicine each quarter.
-Starfleet Medical Infectious Disease Rapid Response Team: 5pp on purchase, 3pp per year. Effect: +1 to first roll involving plague each quarter.
-Starfleet Engineering Team: 15 pp on purchase, 15 pp per year. Effect: Fulfills an Engineering requirement. +3 on Distant Stars tags each year.
-Lt. Cmdr. Sadd-Har's Cadet Field Training Team: 3pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Increased experience gain for missions involving S rolls.
-Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls
-FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
-University of Betazed Contact Team: 10 rp rp purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the lowest First Contact roll each quarter.
-Rixx Scrutineers: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Re-Roll Presence Tests during criminal investigations.
-Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event
-Caitian Frontier Police: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement
-Yan-Ros Ranger Team: 18pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Enables Raid Events, adds extremely potent assault asset.
-Union Navy Aerocommando Orbital Drop Company: 5pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Away Team Combat roll each quarter. Does not fulfil a Peacekeeper requirement. Enables Raid Events (like Anoxa or Sdranach).
-Orion Nanotechnology Research Union Panel: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Science test involving nanotechnology each quarter.
-Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +5BR or +5SR on the first resource gain each quarter
-All Pyllix Geological Institute Team. 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed mapping roll each quarter.
-Henn-Makad Mineral Engineering Institute Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +2 on the first mapping roll each quarter.
-Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Reroll first failed Reaction test each quarter.
-Vulcan Science Academy Science Team. Cost: 10 rp on Purchase, 5 rp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Science test involving an anomaly each quarter.
-Vulcan Science Academy Archaeology Team: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to lowest roll involving archaeology each quarter (after rerolls)
-Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half.
-Molchenek-Danashad Consulting: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving a capitalist society each quarter
-Nash & Scott's Consultant Cooperative: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: [CLASSIFIED]
-Technocracy Interstellar Ministry Diplomatic Team: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: For every passed Presence event each quarter, add +3 relations to another applicable tag.
-Hallad-Wel Institute Computing Team: 10 rp on purchase, 8 rp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed Science test of this task force each quarter, but at -1 to the roll.
-Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage.
-Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year.
-Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first space combat roll each quarter.
-Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter (after rerolls).
-Ambassador Sarek: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
-Langa Mbeki: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter
-Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter.
-Shar Ordey: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the lowest diplomatic roll involving anti-slavery efforts each quarter (after rerolls).
-Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
-Igata Nikelda: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Increased chance of finding resource colony sites.
-Sam Jones: 10 br on purchase, 10 br per year. Effect: Gain both sr & relations on trade summit missions for this task force.
-Hortance: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Gain 5 pp each quarter that this task force succeeds on all events.
Leaniss Larai - May add one additional member fleet frigate to this task force, separate from other ships called up.
Mica zh'Halron - +1 on Trade Summit event rolls.
Percival Amin - Reroll first failed Diplomacy roll each year.
Christine Chapel - Add one free Hospital Ship attachment.
Pavel Chekov - Nullifies the first 2pts of crew casualties per year, reroll the first failed Away Team Combat each year
Abigail Taggart - Successful Combat tests are worth double progress.
Diego Zaardmani - +1S on Flagship, Re-roll first failed Science check each year
Bazeck - +1D on Flagship
Vol Chad - faster experience gain for ships in the squadron
Huth fop Makpol - Reroll first two failed Diplomacy rolls each year, at -1 to the reroll.
Straak - +15 BR/SR on the first resource gain of each quarter
T'Mina - Reroll the first failed intercept each quarter.
Note that any task force with 12 or more ships requires a Rear Admiral instead of a Commodore; subordinate commodores will be appointed as necessary, each assigned to their own flagship, but will not give out their own bonuses. Note that Rear Admiral bonuses for flagships apply to these subordinate flagships as well. [AVAILABLE REAR ADMIRALS]
Talan th'Zahliss - Successful Science tests are worth double progress
Samhaya Mrr'shan - +1P on flagships, reroll the first failed combat roll each year
Min-Jee Lee - +1 P on flagships
Tomas Meyer - +1H on flagships, reroll first failed diplomacy roll each year
Francis Nkumba - +1P on flagships, reroll the first failed hull test each year
Kimberly Pragur - +1L on flagships, reroll the first failed space combat roll each year