They're not Starfleet model, that's my point. The fuselage is Starfleet-designed, but the internals are completely different.
And even the Starfleet models aren't meant to travel interstellar distances, they're just designed to be capable of it if absolutely necessary.
Capable of it in emergency still makes then overpowered by a factor of hundred to thousand, if not more.
You might as well gut most of the internals.
I do not believe it viable for civilians to use this model of a shuttle, no matter how downgraded. You cant make a sportscar into a city car efficiently, it would be far better to just design a new car instead.
Not to mention that Starfleet has massively different requirements for its craft then a civilian going on a trip to another planet in their system, even without considering the drive.
Warp fields do cause the object to move relative the universe, and frankly it's irrelevant because then everything else gets subjected to becoming a KKV compared to the warp object. Mass at rest impacting mass in motion. We know that this is a problem because navigational deflectors exist and are necessary to protect the ship from encountering objects at both warp and at impulse, which is also an issue with your characterization of how impulse works. (Never mind that ships typically drop out of warp and don't instantly stop in place, but maintain motion.) An additional issue is that impulse does impart kinetic energy, as we see in various episodes where ships execute slingshot maneuvers or crash into each other.
They were not exotic, merely sensitive.
This of course leaves aside the fact that any object with mass which crosses the boundary of enough physics fuckery to move a megaton+ object without actually imparting kinetic energy to it is going to go through very destructive and energetic changes, making the practical result of hitting someone with your warp field more or less the same.
Deflectors actually make it clear that warp drive does not impart kinetic energy, because if it did, no shield would protect you from FTL projectiles. Matter entering the warp bubble
must be a small fraction of C relative to the ship on average, or warp drives wouldn't be viable.
Impulse includes a fusion torch, its not
completely warp field fuckery. Also, ships that lose impulse were often seen coming to a stop more or less, in the TV shows.
Movement is relative, it would be really,
really hard to come out of warp at rest compared to you goal, not to mention usually counterproductive. You want to get there after all. At rest compared to original systems star could mean fractional C at the destination, relative to it.
I dont remember the logs in detain, but I dont remember subspace wakes making mundane materials, even in sensitive configurations, go boom.
Not any more, or much more, then if you made a fusion/AM bomb out of your reactor. Which shows that its the energy source that needs regulation, not warp drive.