Is there a reason you find that more important then focusing on diplomacy? I'd been preferring a focus like 'restore relations with the Hierarchy,' 'get x more affiliates,' or 'get y more full members.' These sorts of goals would hopefully make diplomatic pushes more efficient thru something like giving us a free push each year, making pushes cheaper, or making pushes stronger. Given that many players already want us to be making two to four diplomatic pushes a year this seemed like a good way to play to our strengths.

Because we are Starfleet, not the Federation Diplomatic Corps. Our mission is exploration and defense, and our diplomatic duties are as a supplement to the government, not a replacement for them. If the High Council wants to set a goal for us about diplomacy, they can, but things like membership eventually go to the government that answers to the citizens of the Federation.

If you wanted a political goal, then you could suggest ensuring the fleet had a minimum Presence level, or all ships to have a minimum Presence level for political support of the peaceful mission of Starfleet.
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Because we are Starfleet, not the Federation Diplomatic Corps. Our mission is exploration and defense, and our diplomatic duties are as a supplement to the government, not a replacement for them.
Well, de facto we are responsible for diplomacy. We have to start diplomatic initiatives or our ships have to get lucky and improve the relations to other civilizations, otherwise no advancement happens except the automatic yearly increase for affiliates.
Well, de facto we are responsible for diplomacy. We have to start diplomatic initiatives or our ships have to get lucky and improve the relations to other civilizations, otherwise no advancement happens except the automatic yearly increase for affiliates.

Those "automatic yearly increases" are the high council. The diplomatic pushes are not us, those are us using our institutional credibility to ask them to take more action. Our ships getting lucky are getting called in to support their diplomatic actions half the time.
Well, de facto we are responsible for diplomacy. We have to start diplomatic initiatives or our ships have to get lucky and improve the relations to other civilizations, otherwise no advancement happens except the automatic yearly increase for affiliates.
There's a T3 for yearly diplo rolls with non-affiliates with positive relations. And we're already almost done Xenopsych tier 2.
They literally just updated the lighting engine like a few days ago. Complete overhaul.

Basically two days ago I was running through the tutorial mission on the Vega colony and the orbital strike beams were causing massive blobs of light to tear on the screen reflecting off everything making it completely impossible to see anything
Probably needs some debugging. I haven't played since the new lighting engine either.

Having to make choices and not being able to research everything is the entire point, right? We get to choose what areas of technology we want to be ahead in and what we want to be behind in. If we could research everything it would be pretty boring for research turns.
The flip side of that is that we don't want to be in a situation where we're researching furiously, as hard as we can, frantically recruiting new tech teams... and Starfleet is still stuck using 2320s tech in the TNG era. It needs to be at least feasible for us to keep up with the 'historical' pace of research if we try.

Well, de facto we are responsible for diplomacy. We have to start diplomatic initiatives or our ships have to get lucky and improve the relations to other civilizations, otherwise no advancement happens except the automatic yearly increase for affiliates.
Thing is, that advancement represents the normal level of diplomatic progress. It taking about a generation or so from first contact to Federation membership is hardly unusual, given how many planets we encounter in the TOS and TNG eras that are obviously known to the Federation, but have not joined it.
@OneirosTheWriter under the computer techs, you have

0 / 40 Teraquad Storage Node (Data Storage I) (+2 RP Generated) under 2330's research centers
0 / 60 Teraquad Storage Node (Data Storage I) (+2 RP Generated) under 2340's research centers

slight typo, but though i would point it out
It's worth remembering that two of our original options where diplomacy focused:
There was an interesting turn after that. I was asked what I considered Stafleet's ten-year goal to be. It was a question we had suspected was coming, though. The night before I had ironed out an answer along with Rear Admiral Chen.

[ ] [GOAL] Starfleet would see at least two new species join the Federation by 2311.
[ ] [GOAL] Starfleet would see the replacement of the Excelsior-class enter production by 2311.
[ ] [GOAL] Starfleet would see the replacement of the Constellation-class enter production by 2311.
[ ] [GOAL] Starfleet would facilitate the opening of peace talks with the Romulans by 2311.
[ ] [GOAL] Starfleet will have no fewer than 5 ongoing Five Year Missions by 2311.
[ ] [GOAL] Write in:
This sort of task clearly appears to be an option, even if it's a bit outside our purview. Given that our last focus tripled the ship production capabilities of Starfleet, I'd like to see what a similar devotion of resources does to this great game we're playing with the Cardassians.
Ironic that we kind of did both diplo with out intending, more so the peace with Romulans. On the flip side if we had gone for the two replacement options we would have failed those.
Well, we maybe COULD have done those things if we'd made them priorities. But "we're going to research a new ship" is the sort of thing that only happens on purpose as a direct result of decisions on our part. Whereas "we're going to add new members to the Federation" can happen in the normal course of events, and "make peace with the Romulans" hinged largely on circumstances we don't actually control.

If the biophage crisis hadn't blown up on us, we wouldn't have seen anything like the present lessening of tensions and beginning of cooperation.
There are three levels of diplo, each of which have their pluses and minuses. Level one, moving from knowing a civilization to having them as an affiliate, is one we are solely responsible for. Currently, no actions outside of us, including random Captain's Log events, changes their view of the Federation. I'd like to see at least one or two pushes reserved for these contacts.

Level two, advanced affiliates (300 diplo), provide resources, including annual political will which is near impossible to increase outside of this category. However, these new L2 contacts often create new sectors, and with us setting soft targets of X ships in a sector, even D0 areas develop crew and Starbase requirements. Maybe one or two pushes at this level, preferrably someone not above 250, to avoid jumps like the Caitain had.

The final level, full members, at diplo 500, actually do raise the defense requirement, rather than just create new sectors. However, this provides more BR, SR, Academy students, and a chance for more RP or PP. For this year, if Betazed only needs a D6, we might consider a push on the Caitians, which given the 2-3 quarter delay before ratification, it shouldn't be too bad.
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It's worth remembering that two of our original options where diplomacy focused:

This sort of task clearly appears to be an option, even if it's a bit outside our purview. Given that our last focus tripled the ship production capabilities of Starfleet, I'd like to see what a similar devotion of resources does to this great game we're playing with the Cardassians.

Yes, but while some people want the diplomacy focus I do not. I prefer the shipbuilding focus, and I like the idea of making a new science ship for bold exploration as our big goal. Diplomacy is great for gathering more resources, but that's only from a cold, hard, game mechanics perspective. It does not thrill me the way doing better Science does.

If I am outvoted, I am outvoted, but I will not vote for Diplomacy over Science because that's how other people feel.
Me, I'm actually not liking the direction the hidden shipbuilding details, and rather quickly the research arm, is moving. +1% on Defense might mean an actual +1 to a future build, or it might not, I have no idea. Arcane formula for determining needs and requirements is getting to the point where those outside the firewall only vaguely understand our needs based on the goals of the inner circle, and can't make informed decisions without hours of digging and asking for answers. Diplomacy is easy to understand, there's only a few rules involved, plus knowing there's ship needs once that succeeds.
Me, I'm actually not liking the direction the hidden shipbuilding details, and rather quickly the research arm, is moving. +1% on Defense might mean an actual +1 to a future build, or it might not, I have no idea. Arcane formula for determining needs and requirements is getting to the point where those outside the firewall only vaguely understand our needs based on the goals of the inner circle, and can't make informed decisions without hours of digging and asking for answers. Diplomacy is easy to understand, there's only a few rules involved, plus knowing there's ship needs once that succeeds.
Research priorities from the SDB's perspective:

Lower Power:
Combat (to a lesser extent)

Lower Weight:
Warp Core

Lower Cost:
Warp Core

Higher Reliability:
Warp Core

Basically, anything related to warp cores or hull is what we want. Explorer tech would also be great, considering the Ambassador's upcoming canon introduction.
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Omake - Escape Pods are Relaxing - anon_user
This never should have gone this way, Glinn Ulani Miran thinks, sitting quietly in one of Lorgot's escape pods. If we had been planning this, it never would have gone this way. Typical Central Command fuck-up.

State's sake, just half an hour ago, she'd been planning interrogations of the Enterprise crew! This was supposed to be an easy ambush. Lorgot and Karnack, combined, massed more than their quarry, and packed a lot more firepower. And, of course, the enemy was supposed to be surprised, not setting off a solar flare.

The mission must have been compromised. For all she knows, the traitor (or traitors) could be here in this pod. Probably not, but with little else to do, the Obsidian Order agent figures it'd be good mental exercise to work out who it might be.

"Why are they just leaving us here?" Kaj Macet asks. "Why haven't they shot us or captured us?" Gil, assigned command over a weapons crew. Young, impressionable. Intently studies the Federation in his free time (at least, what we allow a gil access to; he's not clever enough to secure greater access), which sort of explains why he'd had images of Amarki and Andorians hidden in his quarters. That, and a probable taste for exotic blue aliens. Certainly a possible candidate... but as a junior gil, he wouldn't have had access to the plan, nor any means to communicate it.

"Maybe they've detected help arriving?" Prieta Tredgar suggests. Garresh, the one actually running Macet's weapons crew. One of the senior garreshes on - well, off, now - the Lorgot. She could've known. Certainly, if any of the enlisted knew, she'd've known. Ceterian, so suspect origins. Friends in comms, so she could have arranged a message. That said, she's a long-service professional, and as far as Ulani can tell, thoroughly loyal. Which may mean she's simply covered her tracks well.

"Perhaps they're trying to take control of Karnack first," Una Khevet says. Glinn, a mess officer. Has a taste for exotic food, and a stalled-out career. And a mess officer could overhear incautious bridge officers. A strong candidate, to be sure, if perhaps lacking the means to betray Lorgot.

"If she even survived," Geleth Yenhaal says. Gil, an engineer. Only recently a gil again - thirty days ago, she'd been a glinn. Quite unhappy with her new rank. Would have helped with hiding Lorgot's emissions in preparation for the ambush. Knowledge, possible motive. Another candidate, though the timing would've been tight.

"Maybe they want us to be picked up by our crewmates. Maybe this is a message," Kaj suggests.

"And what message would that be?" Prieta asks.

"That, um, that they can beat our best ship?"

That they hold us in contempt. That's the message Enterprise is sending. We don't matter enough for them to take us prisoner, or even bother to destroy us. Chalk it up to Federation arrogance ... but then again, based on today's results, it's justifiable arrogance.

"They don't exactly need us alive to show that," Alkor Rejal says. Gil. Junior comms officer. Has a lot of friends on the ship, including everyone else in this pod. Occasionally fraternized with a crewmate, though that's tapered off recently - most likely, they've broken off whatever relationship they had. Could have picked up the orders ... though if the Central Command had any sense, they'd've been sent in code. Definitely someone to interrogate, when they're recovered - with him as the means, any of the others could have relayed a traitorous message.

So, in true enigma tale style, everyone in this pod is suspect. Including me. I ought to be preparing for my own interrogation, come to think of it. I failed the Union today. And through me, the Order failed Cardassia.

The scene in the Trager's viewscreen is sobering. A cruiser, adrift, dead in space ... and a flock of escape pods, isolated survivors from the cruiser's larger consort. No other signs of the Lorgot - not even a shattered hulk. Penelya Miran had been told what to expect. But it doesn't make it any less of a shock, seeing it in person. Hundreds of fellow Cardassians dead - friends, possibly even family, among them. One of the biggest ships in the Fleet, just ... gone. "Sensors. Any signs of anything else in-system?"

"No, ma'am. No planets, no asteroids, no ships, no satellites, nothing. Just Karnack and the Lorgot's survivors."

"What happened here?" Jil Yarra, Trager's XO, asks.

"Command says navigational accident. That's the official line; that's what's going into the documentation file." Miran looks over at Yarra, briefly - just long enough to let her know they need to talk about this matter. Alone. Yarra acknowledges with a small nod. The gul then looks over to her weapons officer. "Glinn Zarov, take charge of rescue and recovery operations. The bridge is yours."

Miran makes her way to a crawlspace in engineering, followed shortly by her XO. As far as she has been able to tell, there are no recording devices present here - in fact, it'd be difficult to install one that would be able to pick up any usable recordings, given the loud hum of the engine spaces below.

"'Navigational accident?'" Yarra asks, incredulous.

"Of the blue kind. But Command isn't ready to admit that yet, so."

"Ah. I'd've thought they'd be more careful about that."

"You'd think so, wouldn't you? Command clearly doesn't, though. I told them, mass. Use our superior doctrine. Did they listen? Of course not. Why weren't we there, anyway? Why did we turn back for Indoria, instead of joining the fight? Someone doesn't trust me, I think. I have the most experience dealing with her, and it's being ignored."

"Have you considered that that might be related? That they might distrust you because of your experience dealing with her?" Jil means 'her' as in Nash, Penelya realizes. Not as in Enterprise.

"Fair point. It's horsshit, but a fair point, all the same."

"So you're saying if you'd been there -"

"I would have done my duty," Miran snaps. Whatever her misgivings, and she certainly had some about this whole plan, she would have followed orders. She's a loyal soldier of Cardassia.

Isn't she?

She could have fired on Nash, if it had come to it, couldn't she?

"You wouldn't have liked it." Statement, not a question. Yarra knows her CO too well. Dangerously well ... though the fact that she hasn't turned on Miran suggests she likely won't. Or that she's waiting for something more damning.

No, I wouldn't have liked it - I'm a soldier, not a murderer. But I would have done my duty. "Irrelevant." Miran sighs. "I know I'm disliked and distrusted. I know they think I'm soft. But orders are orders. But... They don't seem to realize who we're dealing with."

"Perhaps, at least, this will be a wake-up call."

"Quite a high price to pay for it."

Yarra sighs. Her brother was - had been - an officer on the Lorgot. "Did we even hurt her?"

"We'll have to check Karnack's sensor logs, but certainly not enough to prevent Enterprise from escaping. One would imagine that we must have done some damage... but I can't say for sure. For all I know, she could be completely operational."

"Given the way things have been going, I think we have to assume the worst."

"If so, she no-sold our most powerful ship, and an escorting cruiser. Fuck."

"Alright... so, we're now down a BC, and a Jaldun. Still business as usual?"

"Central Command, in all its wisdom, says yes. For now, at least. Which means we're still alone against her, if she's still out there."

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Second set of responses since I'm less distracted now.

It's worth remembering that two of our original options where diplomacy focused:

This sort of task clearly appears to be an option, even if it's a bit outside our purview. Given that our last focus tripled the ship production capabilities of Starfleet, I'd like to see what a similar devotion of resources does to this great game we're playing with the Cardassians.

Did our last focus triple the ship production capabilities of Starfleet? The only thing concrete I recall it doing was getting an Excelsior's worth of resources. It might have decreased the political will cost of new shipyards, but we never saw what the cost would have been if we had a different ten year ambition.

While I agree that we want four new 1m t berths, I'd prefer to concentrate them at one of these facilities (and thus buy them all at once). This specialization would better justify getting that yard's eventual design bureau a focus in escort design, and leave the other yard open for expansion later. (Also, I'd prefer to get that second yard a focus in cruiser design, so we have two of each, which means trying to get it larger berths than 1m t.)

That does mean devoting 40pp to shipyard expansion this year. (Or I guess 36pp taking our discount into account.) I wouldn't object, but do you think we can afford it? Still, it would be kind of cool to have Andor as a second cruiser-focused port. That could make 40 Eridani A the Science ship shipyard as opposed to general escorts.
As someone who has literally never worked with the spreadsheet- I like the idea of a few players who do fiddle with it acting as our design board, rather than thinking of them as the "inner circle." If you want to know more about ship mechanics, join them; if you don't, don't.

Also, wonderful omake.

I'm beginning to wonder how all the omake bonuses will stack up. I got mine fairly immediately, but a lot of others didn't.
I wonder if it might be easier for our glorious QM overlord if listing the general theme of reward you think would go with an omake so he has that to go on rather than calling for a round up of 10-20 omakes a week :p

And someone could make a spreadsheet. this is sv, after all. we excel in everything...
An analysis of affiliates and "potential member" species based on what we know about their culture. I don't know if there's any possibility that a species that hits 500 relationship will be denied Federation membership, but if there is I'll take a look at the ones that might cause problems.

  • Caitians - Described as "Friendly, social, focus on aesthetics, loyalty.". Technology on par with the Federation and no known cultural barriers to assimilation. Excellent possibility for membership and probably will be members quite soon.
  • Rigellians - Described as "Peaceful, intelligent, mercantile." The last is a concern, though it can probably be channeled into acceptable pursuits. Good possibilities for Federation membership.
  • Orions - Everyone worships money, powerful criminal syndicates, powerful corporations. And that's the Orion Union, the portion of their society considering membership.
  • Risa - Technology 50 years behind that of the Federation, but culturally there would probably be little difficulty in integrating them. Also they are not in contested space. High membership possibility, even if they probably won't contribute much to Starfleet as such.
  • Indorions - Have an "oligarchical world government", which does not sound great. Desired by the Cardassians for their off-world mining colony resources. Technology 50 years behind the Federation. I would not want to push them to Federation membership too fast.
  • Apiata - Military "medium power". Biological imperatives of their species does present a conflict with Federation values, which demands workers have the right to self-determination. We probably want them as strong allies with the Federation, but allowing extra time to work out cultural conflicts might be a good idea.
  • Caldonians - Science guys with a basically democratic system, even if culturally they want their leaders to be scientists. (But that's the choice of the voters.) Technology 30 years behind the Federation. No major obstacles to membership that I can see.
  • Gaeni - Crazy science guys with a real cyberpunk feel to their world. Some cultural conflicts with Federation values. Have had lots of events where their science institutes are always up to suspect business.

My conclusion: Of the affiliates, I would push the Caitians and Rigellians to Federation membership as soon as our shipbuilding program starts bearing fruits and we have more ships for their defense. I think the Caldonians and Risa could be pushed to Federation +300 relationship status as soon as possible and should be candidates for pushes to full membership as soon as we're confident there is available Defense for them. The Apiata should be pushed to +300 status to bring them firmly into Federation orbit, but I would leave them alone for a while after that and allow some years for any potential cultural problems to become apparent. I am in no real hurry to push the Indorions, the Gaeni, or the Orions further towards membership until we hear their cultures have started to change significantly. (Though I make an exception for the Indorians if intelligence reports that the Cardassians are making significant in-roads with them.)

Others Possible Members:
  • Yrillians - Who are these guys? We've encountered them a couple of times, but it's been remarkably nondescript. I couldn't tell you a thing about them other than that they fly spaceships around.
  • Seyek - A multi-species state.... because one species conquered the other and forcibly integrated them. Uhhh... yeah. Not sure these guys are a priority,
  • Dawiar - "a race of heavy-set warriors, who are at a technological level similar to Earth a bit more than one century ago." The first encounter with them, they spent their time trying and failing to destroy the Sarek and attempting to destroy it for the crime of some of their own ships crashing into the Sarek's shields when they tried to intimidate us. They seem like enormous assholes and I wouldn't spend 10pp on diplomacy with them.
  • Kadeshi - Refugees whose home was destroyed by the Biophage. In possession of very attractive replicator technology. Unfortunately, their new home world is also in the Neutral Zone and trying to make them into a Federation Affiliate would likely be taken as an encroachment by the Romulans. As long as the Romulans aren't trying to draw them into their sphere of influence, I think politics says we can't try and draw them into ours.
  • Sotaw - Their world wasn't destroyed, but same story about being in the Neutral Zone.
  • Gretarians - Yappy dog guys who love peace and love to talk. I got no quarrel with them, but... their technology is 150 years behind ours and they just barely got into space. It might be better to give them some breathing room before trying to push the Federation on them.
  • Sydraxians - In an effective state of war with us. A council matter.
Of other possible members, we know nothing about the Yrillians, and there seem to be reasons that all of the others are questionable for Federation membership in the short term. Perhaps not the Seyek, but per @Iron Wolf it sounds like there would be severe issues with Seyek integration.

Overall: I would put pushing the Rigellians, the Caldonians, Risa to membership, and the Apiata to +300 status as high priorities, and if the Caitians haven't come in on their own due to events or yearly rolls, I would push on them starting 2310Q2 after that first order of Centaur-As has rolled off the production line and we have more ships to defend with.

Just a technical note - we don't know where the world the Kadeshi are journeying to is. It's almost certainly not in the neutral zone, though.