If TF Unity doesn't get it done this year, I fear there will be no chances next year.

That's one reason why it's so hard. War is imminent. I figure we have maybe four quarters more, and if Thuir hasn't won by then, he's lost.

GMs: When we said it was a tough task, we meant you needed thirty ships, not twenty. (Shakes head sadly.)
I just had a possibly bad thought. Assuming things play out anything like in DS9 we're going to be integrating the Bajorans eventually.

What happens when their religion comes into contact with the Hoiani. Are we going to have to mediate disputes between two different religions because that sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Even if we don't and everything works out does that also mean that both species are going to be actively sending missionaries to other worlds?

I don't mean to be an alarmist but I can see the situation spiraling out of our control rather quickly if we don't already have a plan. Holy wars have been started for less and those are no joke.
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I just had a possibly bad thought. Assuming things play out anything like in DS9 we're going to be integrating the Bajorans eventually.

What happens when their religion comes into contact with the Hoiani. Are we going to have to mediate disputes between two different religions because that sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Even if we don't and everything works out does that also mean that both species are going to be actively sending missionaries to other worlds?

The Bajorans have no interest in making converts from other species. They believe they have a special and exclusive covenant with the Prophets.
The Bajorans have no interest in making converts from other species. They believe they have a special and exclusive covenant with the Prophets.
Do the Hoiani feel the same way about that because that raises another question about the possibility of missionaries trying to convert the Bajorans.
We haven't seen any attempts to proselytize in all the time we've known them so I don't think that's going to be a problem.

Well, we've run into some Yan-Ros Lakhept followers so they are open to converts from other species, but it doesn't seem to be a big priority for them. They know how to take no for an answer, so if the Bajorans didn't want to be proselytized to they'd just have to ask.
That's not true, the Honiani do proselytize. They don't appear to be rabid about it, though. At least, not in the current incarnation of Lakhept.
Yeah, I'm not saying that the Hoiani will try to force anyone. I'm just worried that the Bajorans might feel like their heritage is being infringed on. Especially after the Cardassian occupation they might take it as an assault on their culture of a different form. You can't deny that having the pressure from another religion or the Federations own aetheistic culture might be seen as a negative.
Yeah, I'm not saying that the Hoiani will try to force anyone. I'm just worried that the Bajorans might feel like their heritage is being infringed on. Especially after the Cardassian occupation they might take it as an assault on their culture of a different form. You can't deny that having the pressure from another religion or the Federations own aetheistic culture might be seen as a negative.

Well, I'm not going to worry too hard about a question so very, very far in the future.
Yeah, a five year mission with a mixed sex crew? Contraceptives are a must.

Not sure if in an implant form though, I think that we can trust our EC crew enough to use protection, those people are supposed to be the least stupid we can find.
There are plenty of mind effecting agents, polywater for example, that could result in unprotected reproduction. Having half the ship get knocked up because they accidentally brought lust spores or some such aboard would not go over well with Starfleet command.

"Yeah... that first time we ran into polywater back in the '66 mission, well. I spent the whole mess stoned out of my mind writing weird limericks and queueing them up to be sent back home, but some of what I hear happened in the rec rooms, uh. Let's just say, trust Jay. He's right."

"The Laio are being pushed into a war by the Licori without all the facts. The fact is that the Licori are not a Federation ally, or even affiliate, and run a government that thinks transparency is a dirty word, heaps misery on its people, and takes no care to preserve the environment. Don't forget forget the reason the Federation and Gaeni intervened in their affairs -- the Arcadian Empire was hiding weapons of mass destruction. The noble who captured our citizens was later deposed due to his regressive and mean policies, and replaced with a dictator only a little better. Twelve of our citizens were sent to a fake trial and now suffer in Licori dungeons. But we're the bad guys, here on Ikeigenoi.
Halkh, reading this line by line:

"Unfair. ...Hm, okay, now that is less unfair. Okay, they've got us on that one. And that one. Aaaand that one. But the part about the trials being fake is merely the basest libel!"

Yeah, I'm hoping that the Council is considering revoking their ally status over this. It's indicative of qualities we absolutely don't want in an allied power.

"Do you mean ourselves, or the Laio? The Laio have never been anything but friends to your Federation; they even helped you against us, in minor ways, though their ships of the time had not a prayer of facing ours in line of battle. Were I a Federation councilman, I would cry shame that Starfleet had not volunteered to investigate the depredations at the root of the present crisis long since. The Laio love you well enough, and deserve better than to be rejected at this hour."

"As for my own species? Earth and Morshadd share no mutual defense accords, no sharing of strategic knowledge or impedimenta... And there is certainly no great respect in Paris for our institutions or our mode of government. If the Federation thinks of the Arcadian Empire as an ally, this is the first I've heard of it."

That sounds way too easy, and easy to figure out too. I'd expect them using some kind of mind affecting technology on key officials to get the Corps to go into piracy. That way no one ever knows it was the Harmony's idea.

"I bet the Harmony can neutralize a man's neurons pretty hard, if they put their minds to it."

If TF Unity doesn't get it done this year, I fear there will be no chances next year.

That's one reason why it's so hard. War is imminent. I figure we have maybe four quarters more, and if Thuir hasn't won by then, he's lost.

GMs: When we said it was a tough task, we meant you needed thirty ships, not twenty. (Shakes head sadly.)
It's possible that sheer volume of ships may let us at least slow the war by presenting enough evidence to get everyone to blink and reconsider.

You're not being paranoid enough. Clearly a Lecarre has replaced the Horizon Intendant and is using mind control to affect the OSA into provoking the Licori so that we will investigate and find the link to the Horizon so that we end up closer to war with them.
If my own darker suspicions are correct, the Harmony of Horizon is the only polity in the galaxy that is well and truly immune to having its senior officials replaced by Lecarre.

Well, that and the Betazoid planetary government, of course.

Oh, you thought the Dreamer Collective was immune?

[points to that one Dreamer over there]

That is actually eight jillion Lecarre operating a giant mockup Dreamer costume.
Yeah, I'm not saying that the Hoiani will try to force anyone. I'm just worried that the Bajorans might feel like their heritage is being infringed on. Especially after the Cardassian occupation they might take it as an assault on their culture of a different form. You can't deny that having the pressure from another religion or the Federations own aetheistic culture might be seen as a negative.
While there are several strong religious reactions against the Federation in DS9, the Bajoran government that we see come out of it is a lot more secular than what was there, and the Honiani would be just one part of many. They're also pretty far away from Bajor.

On the other hand, I could definitely see the Bajorans having a strong negative reaction to Federation secularism after the Cardassian occupation.
Looking at a map, I get why the Tanui and the Ked Peddah are mobilizing.

The most direct path between the combatants goes through either one of their territories, or through an area of Federation research colonies. It would be all too easy for some unexpected incident to happen.

"Yeah... that first time we ran into polywater back in the '66 mission, well. I spent the whole mess stoned out of my mind writing weird limericks and queueing them up to be sent back home, but some of what I hear happened in the rec rooms, uh. Let's just say, trust Jay. He's right."

Halkh, reading this line by line:

"Unfair. ...Hm, okay, now that is less unfair. Okay, they've got us on that one. And that one. Aaaand that one. But the part about the trials being fake is merely the basest libel!"


"Do you mean ourselves, or the Laio? The Laio have never been anything but friends to your Federation; they even helped you against us, in minor ways, though their ships of the time had not a prayer of facing ours in line of battle. Were I a Federation councilman, I would cry shame that Starfleet had not volunteered to investigate the depredations at the root of the present crisis long since. The Laio love you well enough, and deserve better than to be rejected at this hour."

"As for my own species? Earth and Morshadd share no mutual defense accords, no sharing of strategic knowledge or impedimenta... And there is certainly no great respect in Paris for our institutions or our mode of government. If the Federation thinks of the Arcadian Empire as an ally, this is the first I've heard of it."


"I bet the Harmony can neutralize a man's neurons pretty hard, if they put their minds to it."

It's possible that sheer volume of ships may let us at least slow the war by presenting enough evidence to get everyone to blink and reconsider.

If my own darker suspicions are correct, the Harmony of Horizon is the only polity in the galaxy that is well and truly immune to having its senior officials replaced by Lecarre.

Well, that and the Betazoid planetary government, of course.

Oh, you thought the Dreamer Collective was immune?

[points to that one Dreamer over there]

That is actually eight jillion Lecarre operating a giant mockup Dreamer costume.

Nice attempt at distraction, friend.

Point out the possible Leccare(s) and fail to mention the Dreamer SEAMSTRESS that made the costume.

It's obvious! Parts of the Lecarre intelligence apparatus has some form of cooperative system with at least some part of the Seamstress Guild - and don't get me started on Seamstress-Tailor interactions - exponentially more complex with Lecaree in the mix and any of them possibly being rogue elements on the top of that!

We WILL uncover your lies, Federation Media shill!

Starfleet can't keep this hidden forever!

Also, I cannot help but start imagining Halkh training up a special detachment or six of commandos in case the whole dispute somehow comes down to a Beya-War match.

What are the rules on personal force field generators, by the way?