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To be fair, we'll probably always or nearly always be doing something important, and Starfleet's scientific mission isn't inconsequential just because we also have military and diplomatic functions.[X][COUNCIL] Briefvoice 2322
Spending resources on a non-essential morale project (which is all the Argus Array amounts to for the next 4 years) while we're engaged in a diplomatic knife-fight is not a good idea. Let's at least try to practice good governance in fictional form.
Since the Argus telescope array is definitely a subspace instrument of unprecedented sensitivity, I would not be at all surprised if it is the only instrument capable of detecting an extra-galactic transmission. And might do so routinely, even if it's more likely to actually help in the context of stuff happening closer to it.Given the Argus Array explicitly only grants a reroll in one theater of space, expecting it to help a situation in another galaxy is overly optimistic in my opinion. Still it's a cool project and I'd love to build one near the CBZ just to make the spoonies paranoid. Too many other things we need though and with all the member ships we have called up we don't have as much pp to throw around as in the past.
I mean, the Hubble Space Telescope did everything from observing the nearest stars to taking pictures of the farthest depths of the observable universe.