I edited my Post to match Briefvoice's And lets have a Tally to go with it.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Nov 30, 2017 at 6:54 PM, finished with 335 posts and 41 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Nov 30, 2017 at 6:54 PM, finished with 44 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships: Imelak Battle Simulation
    -[X] Starfleet Runabout Squadron (simulates stats similar to Imelak 'Hounds') and STO/Seyek Sunrise Class Ship (pretending to be Imelak 'Breeder' Cap-ship) versus Qloathi/STRO Qalla Leb Tigran-class cruiser and Torch (Starfleet Renaissance cruiser)
    [X][REPORT] Improving the Cardassian Readiness report
    [X][ROLES] No change
    [X][PROFILE] Add a profile: Technology Testing
    -[X] Primary Roles: Technology Testbed, Emergency Response
    -[X] Secondary Roles: Support Response, Survey
    -[X] Requirements: Experimental Parts, Science Labs, S3+ P1+ D2+
    -[X] Currently Filled By: Future One-Off Isolinear Testbed Refit
    [X][CENTAUR] SWB's C4 S4 H2 L4 P4 D5 30/20 2.25yr
    [X][GEN] 2319 Fast Reaction
    [X][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships: Imelak Battle Simulation
    -[X] Starfleet Runabout Squadron (simulates stats similar to Imelak 'Hounds') and STO/Seyek Sunrise Class Ship (pretending to be Imelak 'Breeder' Cap-ship) versus Qloathi/STO Torqui Leb Lagan-class Explorer and Torch (Starfleet Renaissance cruiser)
    [X][WG] USS Emancipation (Renaissance) from SBZ and 1 UE Centaur-A attempt to sneak past Vega Front border, opposed by a TSF Renaissance and a second UE Centaur-A
    [X][REPORT] Romulan Star Empire Readiness Report
    [X][ROLES] Add a role: Technology Testbed - Trials novel technology. Requirements: Experimental Parts, Science Labs, S3+.
    [X][GEN] 2319 Two Year Generalist

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Nov 30, 2017 at 7:04 PM, finished with 45 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships: Imelak Battle Simulation
    -[X] Starfleet Runabout Squadron (simulates stats similar to Imelak 'Hounds') and STO/Seyek Sunrise Class Ship (pretending to be Imelak 'Breeder' Cap-ship) versus Qloathi/STO Torqui Leb Lagan-class Explorer and Torch (Starfleet Renaissance cruiser)
    [X][REPORT] Improving the Cardassian Readiness report
    [X][ROLES] No change
    [X][PROFILE] Add a profile: Technology Testing
    -[X] Primary Roles: Technology Testbed, Emergency Response
    -[X] Secondary Roles: Support Response, Survey
    -[X] Requirements: Experimental Parts, Science Labs, S3+ P1+ D2+
    -[X] Currently Filled By: Future One-Off Isolinear Testbed Refit
    [X][CENTAUR] SWB's C4 S4 H2 L4 P4 D5 30/20 2.25yr
    [X][GEN] 2319 Fast Reaction
    [X][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships: Imelak Battle Simulation
    -[X] Starfleet Runabout Squadron (simulates stats similar to Imelak 'Hounds') and STO/Seyek Sunrise Class Ship (pretending to be Imelak 'Breeder' Cap-ship) versus Qloathi/STRO Qalla Leb Tigran-class cruiser and Torch (Starfleet Renaissance cruiser)
    [X][WG] USS Emancipation (Renaissance) from SBZ and 1 UE Centaur-A attempt to sneak past Vega Front border, opposed by a TSF Renaissance and a second UE Centaur-A
    [X][REPORT] Romulan Star Empire Readiness Report
    [X][ROLES] Add a role: Technology Testbed - Trials novel technology. Requirements: Experimental Parts, Science Labs, S3+.
    [X][GEN] 2319 Two Year Generalist
So here is a link to several frigate designs for people to start looking over. These are SWB's designs. Personally, I think we go with the Fast Reaction ship. Win the skirmish.

Are there any versions with less then 8 crew req? like the D6 Escort from Forgothrax (7 crew)

Here is the comparison of the known proposals. While the fast reaction has the best cost efficiency, I prefer the D6 escorts higher crew efficiency.

[X][GEN] D6 Escort
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Is the crew saving for the D6 design in O, or E/T? If it is O, then maybe. If it is E or T, then (personal opinion) no.

Also, bear in mind, that our most likely competitor is currently pushing out their own fast frigate at the moment -

Kapit Courier Frigate:
C(2-4) S(2-3) H(2-3) L(3-4) P(3-4) D(5-7). 750-825kt, unknown length. Unknown crew.

Assuming worst case scenario (C4 S3 H3 L4 P4 D7)
2319 Gen Frigate : +1C +1S +1L -1D
2319 Gen Frigate 2y/Forgothrax design : +1S +1L -1D
2319 Fast Reaction : +1S +1L +1D

How much difference does one point in D make in Skirmish?
Is the crew saving for the D6 design in O, or E/T? If it is O, then maybe. If it is E or T, then (personal opinion) no.

Also, bear in mind, that our most likely competitor is currently pushing out their own fast frigate at the moment -

Kapit Courier Frigate:
C(2-4) S(2-3) H(2-3) L(3-4) P(3-4) D(5-7). 750-825kt, unknown length. Unknown crew.

Assuming worst case scenario (C4 S3 H3 L4 P4 D7)
2319 Gen Frigate : +1C +1S +1L -1D
2319 Gen Frigate 2y/Forgothrax design : +1S +1L -1D
2319 Fast Reaction : +1S +1L +1D

How much difference does one point in D make in Skirmish?
By default It's a 2d6+D opposed roll. Other races can do things to change their roll like having extra bonuses or rolling different dice (IIRC the Goshawnar had something funky going on).

[X][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships: Imelak Battle Simulation
-[X] Starfleet Runabout Squadron (simulates stats similar to Imelak 'Hounds') and STO/Seyek Sunrise Class Ship (pretending to be Imelak 'Breeder' Cap-ship) versus Qloathi/STO Torqui Leb Lagan-class Explorer and Torch (Starfleet Renaissance cruiser)

[X][REPORT] Improving the Cardassian Readiness report

[X][GEN] 2319 Fast Reaction
Sarqel Treaty Organization Tactical Ops - 2320
Sarqel Treaty Organization Stragetic Ship Development Review, 2320
Presented to the Member World Coodination Division

Sarqel Treaty Organization Overview

Seyek Union
Iridium Kingdom
Republic of Qloath

Partners for Defense
Orion Union

The Sarqel Treaty Organization is a defense pact, formed from the merger of the defense apparatuses of the Conciliation Union and the Republic of Qloath. The organization existed in a lesser form as part of Seyek-Qloathi defense pacts, with the new independence of the Iridium Kingdom and the membership of the Federation, the old structure was given a new update. The STO allows deployment of member fleets across border lines, facilitating more efficient deployment of forces. It also pools military budgets of materiel and personnel, allowing larger projects to be considered.

An additional partner is the Orion Union, in a special 'partners for defense' category. The Orions are largely sharing technology and expertise, as well as servicing a number of logistical and supply chain contracts, while considering closer integration.

Current STO priority is on establishing a new headquarters and major shipyard at Fiiral, taking up significant industrial resources. However, as per Member World Coordination Division directives, they are gearing up production for a large wave of Starbases covering critical systems like Hacitorus and Saritcos. Additional outposts are being considered.

Ship Roles
Filled by:
Sunrise Class
Current Statline: C9 S6 H4 L6 P4 D5
Cost: 250/160/2.4m | 9/5/6 | 4 years
Future Requirements: Replacement should require lower crew costs.

Heavy Explorer
Filled by:
Arqueniou Leb Nin
Current Statline: C7 S5 H4 L5 P4 D5
Cost: 250/170/2411kt | 6/5/5 | 4 years
Future Requirements: Increased statline across the board for similar costs.
Notes: Possibility of using AMBASSADOR-class to fill this role.

Balanced Explorer
Filled by:
Torqui Leb Lagan
Current Statline: C5 S5 H5 L5 P4 D5
Cost: 200/150/1985kt | 5/5/5 | 3 years
Future Requirements: Increased statline across the board for similar costs.

Assault Cruiser
Filled by:
Current Statline: C7 S4 H3 L5 P4 D4
Cost: 150/90/1.5mt | 7/4/4 | 3 years
Future Requirements: Cheaper crew, +1C/S/H/L/D if possible
Notes: Large overlap with the Constrictor suggests if performance improvements cannot be made, retirement is in order.

Vanguard Cruiser
Filled by:
Current Statline: C6 S3 H3 L4 P3 D4
Cost: 130/85/1.25mt | 3/4/3 | 3 years
Future Requirements: Improved science, hull, and shields for similar costs.

Science Vessel/Scout Frigate
Filled by:
Current Statline: C1 S5 H1 L2 P2 D2
Cost: 65/45/635kt | 1/1/5 | 2 years
Future Requirements: Increased scientific capacity.
Notes: The KEPLER class could replace this vessel while also serving as a courier frigate.

Skirmish Frigate
Filled by:
Statline: C3 S3 H2 L4 P1 D6
Cost: 75/60/741kt | 1/2/2 | 2 yr
Future Requirements: None. Vessel is a future study.
Notes: Proposed vessel using Orion technology-sharing.

Combat Frigate
Filled by:
Arquila Leb Hoiathi
Statline: C4 S4 H3 L3 P1 D2
Cost: 80/55/750kt | 1/2/2 | 2 years
Future Requirements:
Alternate competitors include the CENTAUR-B here at 90/60/900kt 1/2/2 or the Combat variant here at 85/60/847 1/2/2. However, pursuing either will require major berth upgrades.

Filled by:
Quital Leb Quitan
Statline: C3 S3 H2 L2 P0 D2
Cost: 45/40/449kt | 1/2/2/ | 2 years
Future Requirements: Improved stats for better costs.
Notes: Low-cost frigate in the event resource constraints matter more than berth space or officers.

Retiring Designs

Qalla Leb Tigran - Obsolete with the Destroyer-Cruiser and Torqui Leb Lagan taking its place. Future Generalist frigate class and Centaur-B also present strong replacement options.

Peacemaker - No longer relevant with access to Arquila Leb Hoiathi and Centaur-Bs.

Soxistin - Design already obsolete.

Harqui Leb Adiquan - Design already obsolete.
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So, save an Officer but only get D6. Going to have to think about it.

Sarqel Treaty Organization Stragetic Ship Development Review, 2320

And I thought we were suffering from a minor case of too many active designs ....

Still, if they adopt the Ambassador, Kepler and Centaur-B designs then it will help cut down on the design variations. They are still going to want a Battleship to mount their special big gun on (Photon Lance, or something like that, wasn't it?)
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Does that mean the D8 Generalist can be built in 2 years with bonuses? The build time is my major gripe with the D8 Generalist.

From last snakepit options:
Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 25% in that system when making either a parallel or serial build, provides Heavy Industry options pre-SoE, 8 turns, 155pp (pick world)

Build time on D8 version is 2.5 years = 10 quarters.
75% of 10 quarters, rounding up, is 8.

So, yes, Sol can build the D8 design in 2 years - as long as the serial or parallel constraint is matched.

In a Total War situation (which is 50% build time, IIRC), Sol can push them out in a single year.
Yeah, this is the problem with merging two fleets. It can probably be reduced to Battleship/Heavy Explorer/Vanguard Cruiser/Generalist/Combat Frigate/Science Ship after a transitional period.

On the other hand, it is nice to have a small number of massive beatsticks to complement a large number of generalist explorers. It's like the 4 Rialas in Amarki service complementing our 20 or so Excelsiors.
Omake - The Academy By The Bay 5 - charysa
~~ The Academy by the Bay 5 ~~
~~ (Cross Cultural Studies) ~~
Excerpt from The Ride of Arqueniou Nin
Adaptation by Shrev ch'Lantri and Taylor Lee
Starfleet Associated Press

Act X, Scene IV, Verses 1-5

STAGEHANDS, at scene change:

Lo come the morning, fires[1] once more are dimmed
The veiled night give away
Resumed the council
Brave men that have survived
Burnt ash, gored ichor, poisoned touch within

SENATORS, while clashing[2]:

Sharp knives now hidden by deadlier words
Echo in council chambers
The chaos within
Mirror the suffering masses
Unheard in the pride of conflicted lords

HERALD, leading procession:

Clarion overture, voices surge resound
Comes speaker Haquita Nin
O Arqueniou!
Stand forth first among equals
Peerless authority, Senate lock unbound

MASKED MAN, emerging from shadow to circuit the room:

Midst praise and relief, spread fear in his wake
False smiles and secret hatred
Thwarted ambitions
Sent hidden orders away
Call for hidden strike, best a martyr make

SENATORS and HERALD, together while genuflecting:

Yet no tampered screen, whispered promise grand
And no danger to his life
Stops Arqueniou
From taking root in council
What last heard from myth: sacred Da-Teplan[3]


1. Fire here refers not to a literal fire but to the colloquial name of a ceremonial display of lighting patterns on the exterior of the Qloathi Senate building, which has been historically used to provide a level of transparency to the public on matters discussed in closed sessions.

2. The Qloathi duelist tradition was once allowed in the Senate chambers. Historians believe that the official practice was banned from politics in part due to the events in this saga. It would take more than a century for the unofficial duels to fall out of favor. However, the hidden practices of assassination used as a political tool still persist to this day.

3. A literal translation would be "Second Grand Conclave", so named after the mythical First Grand Conclave, or "Ur-Teplan", believed to have created the senatorial system of the first republic government formed on Qloathi in the ancient past. However, as the term has become a distinct proper noun in modern colloquial Qloathi speech, it is left untranslated here.


"Draught of honeyed wine, fiery poison spread / Clashing icy cure in veins / Burning agony--Are you listening to me, doc?"

Akesh Momon dropped his voice from the affected pomposity of recitation to normal speech. He stood with arms akimbo and an accusing frown on his face. Unfortunately, the only other person in the small lab didn't even bother to look up from the mass of glowing tubes and bubbling beakers on the table.

"Not at all, cadet," Dr. Iniu Sad-harr said absently. "I'm afraid politics, even the literal, bloody kind, just isn't one of my interests."

As he spoke, he carefully picked up an oyster from a tray next to him with sterilized tongs, and dipped it into a beaker of incandescent teal liquid. The resulting reaction caused a plume of thick white smoke to rise up, which the Gaeni mad scientist ignored with the help of a pair of protective goggles he was wearing.

Momon kept his eyes averted from the poor mollusk as it was retrieved and placed into a bioscanner. He was pretty sure Terran shellfish weren't suppose to come in that shade of green.

"It's not politics," the Qloathi youth tried to explain. "It's art! And classical literature!"

"If you say so," Sad-harr muttered, skepticism obvious in his tone.

"Really! It's like...like…" Momon grasped hard for some kind of equivalence in Gaeni culture, before one finally came to him. "Da-Teplan is like your EquiCon!"

That comparison finally caught the Ganei doctor's attention, enough to finally look up from his experiment and stare bemusedly at the cadet. Though, the effect was somewhat spoiled by the opacity of his goggles.

"What, the EquiCon Cooperative, as in the 'Grandfather of the Technocracy'? How does that make any sense?" Sad-harr waved his tongs to emphasize his words, ignoring the still dripping mollusk in its grip.

"Well, it's known as the 'First Institute'...right?" Momon said, though his voice tapered off into a question. "...The first institution that signed the Global Illumination Initiative, which evolved into the ITG?"

The Gaeni doctor raised an eyebrow, the motion barely visible behind his goggles. "Yes..." he drawled cautiously, not sure if he really wanted to hear the rest of this argument.

"And whose charter was adapted and re-adoped by many modern institutes even a century later," the apparent amateur historian continued more confidently, "long after the original institution blew itself up with its early fissile experimentation."

"Yes," Sad-harr agreed impatiently. "But what does that have to do with--"

"Right!" Momon spoke over him in excitement. "So, it's just like how Da-Teplan, led by 'First Citizen' Arqueniou, formed the roots of the Qloathi Senate that's still in place today."

Sad-harr raised his free hand and rubbed at his temples. "You do realize that you're comparing a person to a corporation?"

"Yes!" Momon waved his arms out for emphasis. "You just need to look at it a little metaphorically!"

"Metaphorically," Sad-harr echoed with a sigh. He mumbled under his breath, "this is why I never bothered with the literary arts."

Then immediately afterwards, he shook his head and spoke up louder to prevent the cadet from attempting further feats of historical analysis.

"Never mind. I'm still not interested. And you still haven't actually explained why you're here, cadet."

"I did--oh, I guess I forgot that." Momon chuckled a bit nervously. "So, I think I mentioned that we--that is, the Theater Club--we're doing a play (sort of the Human version of a ride) based on parts of the Ride of Arqueniou Nin."

"If you're asking me to attend, I'm busy," Sad-harr quickly told him. He waved another oyster at the youth. "Several experiments I'm overseeing, and data to collect, you understand."

"Uh, sure," Momon nodded as he inched back from the glowing mollusk that was being waved far too close for comfort. "But that wasn't what I meant to ask. In a couple of scenes, we need to have people suffering from poisoned wine. Except, the only thing we have that looks close to the ceremonial wine is, well, normal wine. So we have, eh, problems with people sneaking shots of it, and running out just from the practice sessions. Those things aren't easy to get on Terra still, you know?

Sadd-har stared at him, then turned his head to look at the beakers of multi-colored liquids arrayed on his table, then back at the cadet. "So you want..."

Momon shrugged apologetically. "I've been told by a, um, friend that you're the guy to ask if we want something that looks like authentic wine, won't get anyone drunk or actually ill, and tastes, well, horrible."

There was a short pause as the two men stared at one another.

"Let me get this straight," Sadd-har said slowly as he finally put down the tongs and the poor shellfish it held. "You want me to perform experimental testing on the...Qloathi palate?"

The fact that the Gaeni's tone had gone from vague apathy and confusion to restrained excitement made Momon reconsider his request. But at this point, it was probably too late.

"Uh, not--well, not just Qloathi," he corrected quickly, eager to share the suffering he'd probably just gotten himself into. "We have a lot of Humans too! And a few Andorians. Uh, maybe something that would work with any Federation species?"

"Ah, a challenge." This time, the doctor's voice was outright gleeful. "Well then! Of course I will help out the promising cadets of the Academy."

The glare from the ceiling light as reflected from the surface of the Gaeni's goggles looked quite sinister all of a sudden. Momon was already regretting his choice.


Inspired by the recent name vote, and the fact that there are indeed canonical Starfleet ships bearing the name USS Equicon and USS Da-Teplan. I thought they sounded rather Gaeni and Qloathi, respectively. Also, the canon Equicon is itself named after a series of fan conventions, so it's a double reference!

Thought I'd throw these out there for when our first wave of Ambys come out in...a few years.
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Continued Diplomatic Push

Starfleet Intelligence Report

@OneirosTheWriter, shouldn't we be getting quarterly Sydraxian diplo rolls for Q3 and Q4 this year? They've been an affiliate since Q2, and we did buy a diplo push for them in the preceding snakepit this year. (And before the tag system was introduced, we also got quarterly diplo rolls when they were diplo pushed.)

A less conventional solution is also to extend critical industry to world around Apinae in order to reduce the amount of traffic that needs to undertake the journey back to the transit up at Leas Akaam.
This is somewhat outdated - we just voted this past snakepit to duplicate critical infrastructure at Apinae. Does this recommendation still stand?

* Build an outpost at Gamma Canidae V to protect against potential wolf packs.
This is outdated - we already have a starbase beginning construction there this Q2.

* Starfleet Intelligence has a few connections on the ground to Bajor, and would like approval to plan for potential missions to the planet to disrupt the Cardassians in event of war.

* Push the Indorians to scout and fortify systems flanking Lapycorias with outposts and upgraded sensors during the MWCO.
This is outdated - we already voted for this in 2319.Q4 MWCD.

Fiiral - Homeworld of the Fiiral people, second-most important world in Seyek space
Not Seyek space anymore ;)

Imelak Front
Nature: Unknown
Exposure: Ashidi is going to be difficult to defend, and the angle allows for cutting off Rethelia
Logistics Vulnerability: Moderate

Local Member Readiness
Seyek - Recovering from pandemic
Ashidi - Minor power, out of their depth

This has only just recently developed, and thus it is a late addition and we are scrambling to add details. The Imelak are a 'refugee' race, which recently setup camp in subsector -7g, presenting a danger that has deeply alarmed Starfleet tacticians. This is a front that we did not anticipate fighting on, and although the Imelak are still adapting to their new home, their migratory fleet was substantial, and their technology considerable.

Imelak - Imelak Territory, thus far we have very limited details
Shovar - Limited settlement thus far, but almost certainly defended

Ashidi - Homeworld of the Ashidi, they are not cut out to hold a front in a war of this scope.
Saritcos - A mining and research colony sit in this system, both important facilities for the Seyek.
Hassonus - A major world and shipyard of the Seyek
Fiiral - Homeworld of the Fiiral

* Seyek membership - we need to be able to have forces positioned within Seyek space
This is outdated, and apart from the introduction of Shovar, just a copy/paste from the 2318/2319 report section.

In particular:
* "Seyek - Recovering from pandemic" should be replaced by "STO - In the process of navigating a huge upheaval"
* Seyek have already joined as members so the "Seyek membership" suggestion is outdated.

Federation Industry Breakdown

What follows here is pretty freaking nerdy, you are warned:

BTW, I really appreciate the increased details in this report since the 2319 one for the member worlds/nations.

It's nice to see our Federation (Starfleet AND members) infrastructure income is slowly on the rise (primarily from spacelift construction), the merging of the Seyek and Qloathi logistics, and the introduction of the Risa here.

... You know, it's really sad that Risa infrastructure income is higher than that of the Orions.
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There is something to be said for people who just do cool stuff because they want to. Actually quite a bit to be said, when you've got a species as innocent of destructive urges as the Risans.
@OneirosTheWriter , still waiting to know if the D8 Generalist breaks the rules.

Have you checked with the QMs that having no navigational or LR sensors won't have any nasty catches?
Remember the design also has to function outside of fleet scale combat as a general response craft and I can't see that happening without longrange sensors.
Uh, let's wait for SWB to post that version before the QMs decide to use the one lacking sensors.
The designs that lack longrange/navigational sensors contain the science module, which is a big suite of... sensors. That's why I thought they would be acceptable designs. One presumes you do not make a science module without a multi-purpose sensor suite.
[X][WG] A 2v2 with any Ships: Imelak Battle Simulation
-[X] Starfleet Runabout Squadron (simulates stats similar to Imelak 'Hounds') and STO/Seyek Sunrise Class Ship (pretending to be Imelak 'Breeder' Cap-ship) versus Qloathi/STO Torqui Leb Lagan-class Explorer and Torch (Starfleet Renaissance cruiser)

[X][REPORT] Improving the Cardassian Readiness report

[X][GEN] 2319 Fast Reaction
Are there any versions with less then 8 crew req? like the D6 Escort from Forgothrax (7 crew)

Here is the comparison of the known proposals. While the fast reaction has the best cost efficiency, I prefer the D6 escorts higher crew efficiency

How much difference does one point in D make in Skirmish?

It's possible that they have a D7 design. I really doubt it's anywhere near that worst case scenario with maxed stats, though; with Nacelles we're looking at 750kt of internal space and that's not a lot to play with. A CB is technically 900kt with module and nacelles and it's -1D/H +1S in comparison. More advanced frame tech won't compensate for the weight difference. D-stat is weird in that it's easy to get a minimum stat because of mandatory parts (by the time you add Nacelles/fuel/impulse you're at 3-4 usually) but you don't have good ways to increase it much more on smaller ships because you can only put on a small number of the most efficient part, which is onboard industry. Otherwise you're stuck with bigger Nacelles which are expensive or more impulse which is heavy. So they either have a maxed skirmisher with high D and losses in other parts, or this looks something like a CB but not quite as good.

Either way, a D8 design will be much better at skirmishing because skirmish checks aren't a simple opposed check; you benefit in a linear fashion by how much you beat the enemy's roll. The CB is so good we can build bucketloads of them for peacetime use and build a relatively limited quantity of D8s for combat use as well as doing the CB's job, so cost is less of an issue than pure per-ship performance.

Does that mean the D8 Generalist can be built in 2 years with bonuses? The build time is my major gripe with the D8 Generalist.

So, yes, Sol can build the D8 design in 2 years - as long as the serial or parallel constraint is matched.

In a Total War situation (which is 50% build time, IIRC), Sol can push them out in a single year.

6Q per Oneiros is the fastest we can build a frigate period. https://to-boldly-go.github.io/discord-quotes/index.html#/quote_id/385987273679699968

That being said, between HIP, Arsenal of Liberty (-1Q all build times), and the Rapid Frigate/Cruiser/Explorer techs, I suspect that build times are going to shrink dramatically over the next IC decade.
Balanced Explorer
Filled by:
Torqui Leb Lagan
Current Statline: C5 S5 H5 L5 P4 D5
Cost: 200/150/1985kt | 5/5/5 | 3 years
Future Requirements: Increased statline across the board for similar costs.
Did the Torqui Leb Lagan have a recent refit? Your stats have them +1H and +1P over the "official" ones:
Torqui Leb Lagan
C5 S5 H4 L5 P3 D5
1,985,000t mass, 515m length
Period of Service - 2306-Future
5 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 5 Technician
It would be odd to see the older Qloathi explorer be more durable than the newer Arqueniou Leb Nin, especially since that latter was designed "around its status as a clear battlecruiser rather than a strict explorer".

Combat Frigate
Filled by:
Arquila Leb Hoiathi
Statline: C4 S4 H3 L3 P1 D2
Cost: 80/55/750kt | 1/2/2 | 2 years
Future Requirements:
Alternate competitors include the Centaur-B here at 90/60/900kt 1/2/2 or the Combat variant here at 85/60/847 1/2/2. However, pursuing either will require major berth upgrades.
Did the Arquila Leb Hoiathi crew costs get revised? The "official" crew costs are 1/3/4:
Arquila Leb Hoiathi
C4 S4 H3 L3 P1 D2
750,000t mass, 320m length
Period of Service - 2310-Future
1 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician

Filled by:
Quital Leb Quitan
Statline: C3 S3 H2 L2 P0 D2
Cost: 45/40/449kt | 1/2/2/ | 2 years
Future Requirements: Improved stats for better costs.
Notes: Low-cost frigate in the event resource constraints matter more than berth space or officers.
Similarly, did the Quital Leb Quitan crew costs get revised? The "official" crew costs are 1/2/3:
Quital Leb Quitan
C3 S3 H2 L2 P0 D2
449,000t mass, 235m length
Period of Service - 2300-Future
1 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 3 Technician

On a completely off-topic different note, I found this ancient post back on page five. Will that +1 to Presence still apply, or is it a relic of when the quest was still new?

That was changed not long after that post (by in-game year 2306) to be a +1S and +1P for EC ships: Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 176
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So with ship names still on my mind... are we also going to have a follow up vote now to name this new Generalist ship class? Or are we going to get a vote on the name of the prototype ship when it's done, and that ship name will also become the name of the class?

The latter sounds like a nightmare for the IC administrative staff, having to keep referencing it as "that generalist ship" on the paperwork for the next 3 years.
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