For fighting the Cardassians together we'd probably be more likely to get the Klingons. Because 1) the Cardassians are assholes and the Klingons don't like competition in the Space Asshole department, and 2) they're itching for a war with someone.
Fed: "Hey I heard there some nasty dudes running around causing trouble for innocent people, you know, undermining governments and making a hassle of everything."

Klingons: "... uh huh."

Fed: "Violating borders and being underhanded and shooting our agents."

Klingons: "... yep."

Sulu leans in: "I believe they said something about being the best warriors and toughest people in the galaxy, didn't they?"

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Updated the map. Still pretty confused about Beta Corridan 31. On the one hand the fact that the Courageous was sent rimwards and the Sarek to scout out the Sydaxians seems to indicate that the Sarek probably wasn't terrribly much further away. So that's why I put it there for now. On the other hand that would all 4 Explorers were in more or less the same sector sized area last quarter. Maybe someone thought that the Sydraxians had good experiences with a Vulcan captain and the Sarek, but bad experiences with a human captain and that was the reason for setting the assignments that way, despite greater distance?
For fighting the Cardassians together we'd probably be more likely to get the Klingons. Because 1) the Cardassians are assholes and the Klingons don't like competition in the Space Asshole department, and 2) they're itching for a war with someone.

I mean that's fine right up until we decide we no longer want to continue the war, because all of our objectives have been met, but the Klingons want to keep going because they're winning the shit out of this and see no reason to stop.

Then things will take a turn.
As expected even the refit Constellation is at a severe disadvantage in a one on one fight, but it's just as cost effective as the Constitution refit in multi-ship battles (assuming once again a 2:3 trade-off). And if you also factor in refits to existing ships and the lower pp cost it easily beats out the Constitution refit in case of an actual war with major battles. So it's a choice between better skirmishing in a role we don't want our light cruisers to take in the first place and better chances of prevailing in a war, as well as much more easily meeting defense requirements.

What this suggest to me is that we really want both. Refit our current Constellations and keep them on the interior. Have some Consitution-B ships on the border zones where single-ship action is much more likely. In an actual war with multi-ship battles, the Constellations can move up and shine.

I'm thinking we may need to request some more small ship berths in the near future.
Fed: "Hey I heard there some nasty dudes running around causing trouble for innocent people, you know, undermining governments and making a hassle of everything."

Klingons: "... uh huh."

Fed: "Violating borders and being underhanded and shooting our agents."

Klingons: "... yep."

Sulu leans in: "I believe they said something about being the best warriors and toughest people in the galaxy, didn't they?"

"I hear that being dishonorable is their way of life..."
Updated the map. Still pretty confused about Beta Corridan 31. On the one hand the fact that the Courageous was sent rimwards and the Sarek to scout out the Sydaxians seems to indicate that the Sarek probably wasn't terrribly much further away. So that's why I put it there for now. On the other hand that would all 4 Explorers were in more or less the same sector sized area last quarter. Maybe someone thought that the Sydraxians had good experiences with a Vulcan captain and the Sarek, but bad experiences with a human captain and that was the reason for setting the assignments that way, despite greater distance?
Or Straak hacked into the orders to get the rock mapping one.

Either or.
What this suggest to me is that we really want both. Refit our current Constellations and keep them on the interior. Have some Consitution-B ships on the border zones where single-ship action is much more likely. In an actual war with multi-ship battles, the Constellations can move up and shine.

I'm thinking we may need to request some more small ship berths in the near future.

I'd rather save the PP from the Constitution refit and buy a bunch of Excelsiors. We're going to have a bunch of 3mt berths opening up soon and the Excelsior is still our best bet for single ship combat.
What this suggest to me is that we really want both. Refit our current Constellations and keep them on the interior. Have some Consitution-B ships on the border zones where single-ship action is much more likely. In an actual war with multi-ship battles, the Constellations can move up and shine.

I'm thinking we may need to request some more small ship berths in the near future.
Reasonable enough if we can spare the pp. If we get a huge bonus for the Amarki joining or the like we can possibly get both without pushing anything critical out. The Constellation refit first if we can't, because its cost profile better fits our current spare resources and it's the higher priority anyway IMO.
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It would take the Romulans considering the Cardassians a threat to them to get them to consider moving against the Cardassians. Given Klingon-Romulan tensions right now, it would have to be a substantial threat to pull assets off that border.

And finally, it would require a massive improvement in relations to get them to share intelligence and cooperate with us. The Biophage incident is a massive outlier in Romulan foreign relations, and unless a lot of things change they won't be working as closely with us anytime soon.
I don't think we need the Romulans to share intelligence or cooperate. Just sneak around and shoot any Cardassians they see sneaking around.
For fighting the Cardassians together we'd probably be more likely to get the Klingons. Because 1) the Cardassians are assholes and the Klingons don't like competition in the Space Asshole department, and 2) they're itching for a war with someone.

This might be easier. Klingons don't do sneaky nearly as well, but a bunch of Klingons showing up and trying to pick fights might distract the Cardassians from trying to subvert us.
Fed: "Hey I heard there some nasty dudes running around causing trouble for innocent people, you know, undermining governments and making a hassle of everything."

Klingons: "... uh huh."

Fed: "Violating borders and being underhanded and shooting our agents."

Klingons: "... yep."

Sulu leans in: "I believe they said something about being the best warriors and toughest people in the galaxy, didn't they?"


And then Cardassia Prime was a smoking crater. Yet nothing of value was lost.

The End.
[:V] Send samples of the biophage towards Cardassian worlds. Pin the blame on the Romulans.
For fighting the Cardassians together we'd probably be more likely to get the Klingons. Because 1) the Cardassians are assholes and the Klingons don't like competition in the Space Asshole department, and 2) they're itching for a war with someone.

Actually, if we can hold the fort for a couple decades, the Klingon borders should eventually reach Cardassian borders. Canonically I don't think a war happens before the Dominion stuff, but I wouldn't be surprised if Cardassians get distracted by this new threat.

Updated the map. Still pretty confused about Beta Corridan 31.

nit: On the maps from 2306.Q2 onwards, you've accidentally duplicated Athos V in the Romulan neutral territory.
"I hear that being dishonorable is their way of life..."

Somewhere, a Cardassian Gul steeples their fingers, "The Klingons have become predictably enraged. They will fall right into our trap."

"Just as the Dead Sea Scrolls predicted."

"Wait wh--"

And then Cardassia Prime was a smoking crater. Yet nothing of value was lost.

The End.
Too soon. Quite literally.
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Admrl Kahurangi: Guys I'm gonna have to tell you to get good.

SF intel: We're doing our best ma'am!

Kahurangi: Your best is sucking more than an Orion hooker at an orgy.

SF Intel: :cry:

Kahurangi: It's also why I hired you a tutor. *presses intercom* Send them in.

SF Intel: You?!

???: Always lagging behind aren't you.

SF Intel: You son of a-- :mad:

Kahurangi: Enough!

????: Very well I have one condition.

SF Intel: *grumbles*

Kahurangi: Name it.

????: There is an earth term used to refer to someone senior to you. I believe the term is 'Senpai', we will be referred by this term for the length of the tutoring.

SF Intel: Admiral?!

Kahurangi: Done.

SF Intel:.....Please take care of us Senpai.

Tal'Shiar: *smugness intensifies* Good let us begin. :evil:
Or Straak hacked into the orders to get the rock mapping one.

Either or.

"Or perhaps, the extra time spend on diplomatic missions gave Lieutenant T'Minga time to polish her paper on subspace sensor resonances of rare minerals. My suggestion on where to send it was based on the publication being well suited for it, and not on a senior member of the geologic advisory group for exploration command being one of the three most likely people to be selected for peer review."
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[Capt ka'Sharren] I've told you Miran, we have no need of that to support our lifestyles. Really, you should take a trip to Andoria with me some day, see what post-scarcity looks like.
Official Note: Captain ka'Sharren is reminded to stop unilaterally inviting officers of foreign powers with antagonistic positions to Federation Core worlds.
Please restrain yourself to citizens of neutral and friendly nations.

PS - Nash, one of these days they're going to take you up on it, and then what're you going to do? -Sulu
The problem with the refits is that they cost a lot of pp. For the Constellation refit we need to spend 40, while the Constitution refit needs 50. On the other hand, for 20 we can request the resources to build an Excelsior, and soon we will have two more 3 ton berths.

Also, the Amarkians have two 2.5 tons berth and the Caitians have one. I wonder whether we can use those to build Excelsiors.
Anyway, with the Cardassians being waaaay more trigger happy than I expected at this juncture, it looks like our version of the Cardassian War is coming earlier than in canon. Worrying, given the state of our fleet, but we can at least make sure not to make the same mistakes they did in canon.

1. Don't go it alone. We know that the Klingon Empire is getting restless, and it would be just peachy if a Klingon/Cardassian war happened now instead of in sixty years when we have the Dominion waiting to take advantage. When we fight the cardies, invite the Klingons along. The high council will relish a chance to give their hotheads someone to fight, we'll improve our relationship/reputation with them by fighting a war together, and more pragmatic houses will be motivated by plunder (just try and keep them away from our soon-to-be affiliates).

2. Don't fall for any Cardassian bullshit. They won't honor any agreements or treaties in the long run, or even really the short run. They know that we're a peaceful society, and they will take every possible advantage of that. Once its on, it isn't stopping until we've pushed them back into their own preexisting borders. We already suspect that the Cardassian Union depends on the threat of external enemies to keep its people in line, and our coming experiences will probably confirm it; this regime will not and indeed cannot abide a lasting peace, regardless of what it tells us at the time. No Dominion War in this timeline, thank you very much.

3. Be willing to make sacrifices. This is exactly what the Cardassians think we won't do, and will be planning for us to not do. Sure, it'll be painful to lose more people in a protracted conflict - especially in the wake of the Biophage crisis - but the alternative is another war later on, probably at the worst possible moment for us (remember, the Obsidian Order is good). Normally, its nice to have an enemy who will tacitly agree to limit the scope of the conflict. That's a blessing when it happens with people like the Romulans. Unfortunately, the Cardassians are not them.


Ugh. TBH I think we should of had Sulu as intelligence officer. Having effective agents would have been nice to root out Cardassian agents before they become a problem. Sigint can only do so much.

Get some betazoid counterintelligence agents.

The Obsidian Order will wise up to it eventually and start doing memory modification shenanigans on their own agents (which they were canonically doing by the DS9 era), but until then telepathy will likely prove the rock to their scissors.
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Official Note: Captain ka'Sharren is reminded to stop unilaterally inviting officers of foreign powers with antagonistic positions to Federation Core worlds.
Please restrain yourself to citizens of neutral and friendly nations.

PS - Nash, one of these days they're going to take you up on it, and then what're you going to do? -Sulu

Well I imagine she'd take Gul Miran on a whirlwind date, go orbital diving, eat at her favorite restaurant, etc, etc. Possibly end up with compromising photos that would force Gul Miran to seek Federation asylum instead of going home to an Obsidian Order interrogation chamber followed by execution.

Really there are few downsides. The Federation likes to show off its core worlds.
Nice to see the use of diplomatic pushes last snakepit paying off. 40pp in exchange for 30br, +15sr, +5pp, O1/E1/T1, +.25/+.25/+.25 Explorer Corps from Amarkia, barring a wtf in a few hours, and 15br, 15sr, 5rp, 5pp from Caitain, and likely similar amounts from Rigel by the next Snakepit. Looks like Betazed will need to get lucky in order to make 500 by then, though. Hopefully we won't slow down the pushes, although maybe focusing more on getting 300s than 500s is in order.

Edit: Well, slightly lucky. Q1 and the Snakepit itself, with 46 points to go.
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Do the Cardassians even know about the existence of Risa yet? A genuine successful and sustainable pleasure planet?
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