Hmm. +6C, and ~15 L if we estimate each ship as having ~5L each, Torpedos, double S for burnthrough.

[X] Attack Ixaria Orbit
Wow, a literal "I blow up your ship" button from a good distance away by changing physics. That's absurd.

Like, even by Star Trek superscience standards, that's a scary ass superweapon, especially since it doesn't care about shields or anything, and can only be resisted by equal superscience.
I wonder which, if any, of those research station the Licori used are compatible for Federation use.

Like, is Silent Repose considered Cloaking technology?
I'd say we go after the Torpedo station and the scalpel, alternatively we could trash Ixara V, that has both the torpedo defense AND the shipyard, hit the component factory on IXara II and see if we go for the planet or simply trash the orbital ifra and leave
Hmm. +6C, and ~15 L if we estimate each ship as having ~5L each, Torpedos, double S for burnthrough.

We know the stats of their three ships. They have:

AHS Signifier - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 13.33/30, Hull 20.00/20
AHS Foresight - Combat 4.00/5, Shield 0.00/40, Hull 16.02/20
AHS Pierce - Combat 2.00/2, Shield 17.04/20, Hull 10.00/10

But the Foresight is in for Emergency repairs. If we hit the Shipyard first, we might be able to get it before it can go back into service. That means that even enhanced by research stations, they'll only have two frigates at (red indicates RS-enhanced stats):

AHS Signifier - Combat 5, Shield 6, Hull 2
AHS Pierce - Combat 4, Shield 4, Hull 1

We can take them.
Actually, changing my vote.

[X] Attack Further Research Stations (Maximum of 2)
-[X] Attack Iron Hail
-[X] No Second Target

Remember, the Ked Paddah have troop transports standing by. The ultimate goal here is to clear the way for them to launch an invasion. The torpedo defense will prevent them from invading even after we clear the orbit. Might as well take care of it first, so we can attack the orbitals without torpedoes hitting us in the back. The other stations cannot directly deal damage, so they can't impede the troop transports.
Once we eliminate the orbital defences, we ought to be able to hold it against reasonable counter-attacks. Well, long enough that we should be able to do a thorough mine-sweep and clean up the remainder of the research station without excessive danger. In theory, anyway.
[X] Attack Further Research Stations (Maximum of 2)
-[X] Attack Iron Hail
-[X] No Second Target

Sounds reasonable, without Iron Hail AND given that it is close-ish to the system Shipyard, we might be able to slag it?
I'm just waiting for the moment the Licori try to use some fancy super-science superweapon against us, and instead of doing what it's supposed to, it just explodes. Or blows up a Licori colony or two, instead of our ships. Or turns all the mentats on board into newts. Or something.

I mean, the whole reason for this war is that Licori super science isn't just super science, it's also super dangerous and unpredictable.

[X] Attack Ixaria Orbit
Remember, the Ked Paddah have troop transports standing by. The ultimate goal here is to clear the way for them to launch an invasion. The torpedo defense will prevent them from invading even after we clear the orbit. Might as well take care of it first, so we can attack the orbitals without torpedoes hitting us in the back. The other stations cannot directly deal damage, so they can't impede the troop transports.

Wouldn't it be better to clear the orbit first, then go back and do Iron Hail second?
Wouldn't it be better to clear the orbit first, then go back and do Iron Hail second?

Not the way I see it. The defenses around Ixaria Prime cannot reach us while attacking Iron Hail, unless they send their ships out which I think would be a good thing for us. But presumably, the long range torpedoes on Iron Hail can hit us while we're attacking Ixaria Prime. So attacking the planet first means fighting while under torpedo attack, and only then removing the torpedoes.

The risk I'll admit is if the main fleet arrives after taking out Iron Hail, in which case we'll have to retreat. But I think we'd have to retreat if we go after the orbit first and then the fleet shows up, because without being able to occupy the planet we have no staying power.

Basically, there are four scenarios as I see it:

Hit Iron Hail first, fleet does not arrive: Best case scenario, gives us time to secure orbit and then immediately jump to invasion.
Hit Iron Hail first, fleet does arrive: Middling scenario, we take minimal damage, but also inflict minimal damage. Do not accomplish primary mission.
Hit Ixaria Prime first, fleet does not arrive: Good scenario, we secure orbit and can then take out the torpedo defense to prep for invasion, but we took unnecessary damage from torpedoes during the fight.
Hit Ixaria Prime first, fleet does arrive: Middling scenario, we take more damage, but also destroy more critical defenses. Do not accomplish primary mission.
The risk I'll admit is if the main fleet arrives after taking out Iron Hail, in which case we'll have to retreat. But I think we'd have to retreat if we go after the orbit first and then the fleet shows up, because without being able to occupy the planet we have no staying power.

Basically, there are four scenarios as I see it:

Hit Iron Hail first, fleet does not arrive: Best case scenario, gives us time to secure orbit and then immediately jump to invasion.
Hit Iron Hail first, fleet does arrive: Middling scenario, we take minimal damage, but also inflict minimal damage. Do not accomplish primary mission.
Hit Ixaria Prime first, fleet does not arrive: Good scenario, we secure orbit and can then take out the torpedo defense to prep for invasion, but we took unnecessary damage from torpedoes during the fight.
Hit Ixaria Prime first, fleet does arrive: Middling scenario, we take more damage, but also destroy more critical defenses. Do not accomplish primary mission.

Ah see, that's where we differ. I think that if we take main orbit then the Imperial fleet will retreat whether or not Iron Hail has been taken. In other words:

Hit Ixaria Prime first, IMperial fleet can no longer effectively hope to depend system and turns around, we mop up Iron Hail at our leisure.

@OneirosTheWriter can you clarify? If we take Ixaria Prime but not Iron Hail, then will the Imperial Fleet still potentially contest the system? Is taking Iron Hail a precondition for holding the system, or just something that has to be taken care of eventually, but the Imperial Fleet is no longer a real threat?
[X] Attack Ixaria Orbit

Because, yeah, if they're at 2 Frigates with their Cruiser stuck in-berth...
You have a point, and I thought much along the same lines.

But on the other hand, there's that Licori cruiser currently in for emergency repairs... and even if we had to retreat without invading after taking orbit, we'd still have an opportunity to blow up the shipyard before we do. Hmm, do we know how much damage exactly the Iron Hail causes?
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